On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, gerard wrote:
> I wrote a little how to for setting up cyrus IMAP, if you want to check that
> out. http://devslash.org/?topic=cyrus The newer version supports SSL as
> well.
You ARE aware that your tutorial covers the ancient and obsolete Cyrus IMAPd
version 1.5, don't you?
--- Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 12:58:50 -0700 (PDT), James
> Horey wrote:
> > mount: /dev2/root2 is not a valid block device
> > mount: /dev2/root2 is not a valid block device
> > mount: you must specify the filesystem type
> > pivot_root: No such file or direct
Hash: SHA1
I am using Woody with KDE from KDE.org. I tried an experiment , I
removed KDM (didn't like the results) then reinstalled it. Now my box
no longer boots to the KDM Greeter. The failure is due to the
/tmp/.X11-unix directory having the wrong permissio
On Friday 29 Aug 2003 12:02 am, Slava Mikerin wrote:
> hello,
> i am having a problem with locales package
> configuration.
> here is the printout:
> ..
> Setting up locales (2.3.2-4) ...
> Generating locales...
> Leave.alone...cannot open locale definition file
> `Leave': No such file or dir
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Nicos Gollan wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 August 2003 21:50, Frank Hrebabetzky wrote:
> > My computer doesn't switch off upon 'shutdown -h now', so I looked around
> > on the net and found:
> >
> > To switch the power off on shutdown in Linux:
> > - Compile apm into the kernel
> > -
Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I agree. When I was learning C, I was taught to *always* use brackets, even
> when they weren't necessarily, specifically to make it easier to expand:
I've never understood people who are religious about that. It's the
same amount of effort whether yo
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 01:08:56PM -0700, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
> Ron Johnson said on Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:16:22PM -0500:
> > With tight budgets and tight schedules, I've *never* seen a project
> > rewritten.
> Rewriting from scratch is dangerous anyway; you exchange all of the
> bugs you kno
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 07:00:37AM +0200, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> --- Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi?:
> >
> > On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, [iso-8859-1] Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> >
> > > > On the other hand, my 1GHz Athlon plays FPS games well, but sounds
> > > > like a Boeing 737 is parked 2.5m
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:01:07AM -0400, Murray J. Brown wrote:
> First, you can decide whether you really need/want that i2c function and
> choose whether or not to be bothered looking into it further. ;-) If
> so, then make sure all your modules are up to-date by rebuilding the
> whole kernel
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 05:01:05AM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 04:41, Steve Lamb wrote:
> --snip--
> > Yeah, on supported languages. I don't see the point of having a tool to
> > shoehorn the code into one bracket style and another tool to shoehorn it into
> > a diffe
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 03:54:12PM +0100, Peter Nuttall wrote:
> Note: for changing perrmissions, which is what we are doing here, there is a
> faster way from the command line. If any one knows this please post it.
man chmod
Be kind to pigeons
Get my GPG key here: http://pgp.mit.ed
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 07:18:57AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 01:52:42PM +0100, Pigeon wrote:
> > He isn't. He's using [EMAIL PROTECTED] Something at your end is seeing
> > the '@localhost' and rewriting it to your domain name.
> That's not right, either. Sending some
Alan Shutko writes:
> It's the same amount of effort whether you do it when you first write the
> if, or when you add something to it (ie, minimal). The only difference I
> see is that if you _don't_ later add something to the if, you've wasted
> that effort.
The problem with omitting the braces
I receive this from cron about /etc/webmin/status/monitor.pl
sh: - : unrecognized option
Usage: sh [GNU long option] [option] ...
sh [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message. The message
details were:
Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject = Re: That movie
Scanning time = 08/28/2003 20:53:54
Engine/Pattern = 6.640-1001/622
Action taken on message:
The attachment movie0045.pif ma
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 08:08:26 -0500, John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I wrote:
>> It didn't say that the secret had been received, only that
>> debian-devel had been whitelisted. Nost likely, the user did so
>> manually.
> manoj writes:
>> And elected to recieve a message obviously spam a
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Alexander Koch wrote:
> I was using gdm for some time and it worked nicely.
> At some point I was only using xinit and it worked
> and only with xinit I have my umlauts (tricky case,
> long story).
> Now, where do I have to put ssh-agent in my .xinitrc
> or so so that all te
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message. The message
details were:
Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject = Re: Re: My details
Scanning time = 08/28/2003 21:10:56
Engine/Pattern = 6.640-1001/622
Action taken on message:
The attachment movie0045.pi
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Pigeon wrote:
> > > the cpu doesn't make any noise :-) ( sorry couldn't resist )
> It makes LOTS of noise... try listening to an AM radio placed anywhere
> near the PC... it just doesn't make any sound :-)
:-) dont think we were referring to emi noise .. and yeah,
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 08:08:26 -0500, John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
I wrote:
It didn't say that the secret had been received, only that
debian-devel had been whitelisted. Nost likely, the user did so
manoj writes:
And elected to recieve a message obvi
Quoting Joyce, Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Debian-Users,
> Could someone direct me to a step by step guide to setting up a mail sever.
> SMTP,IMAP is required, SSL for both would be preferable but not essential.
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
I downloaded the Knoppix CD. Booting with it gets:
1. It does find everything, but not perfectly, e.g.
the X screen.
2. I have a slowmodem to get onto the internet and for
some reason I had to manually fill in the
/etc/resolve.conf for anything to be found.
Restoring a partit
So I got myself one of these nifty things. It's really nice but it won't
be perfect until I can get Debian on it. The problem is doesn't have a
floppy or cd drive. I did notice it can boot from the network. Would it
be possible to do some kind of TFTP type deal? It's running Win2k now
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
I downloaded the Knoppix CD. Booting with it gets:
1. It does find everything, but not perfectly, e.g.
the X screen.
2. I have a slowmodem to get onto the internet and for
some reason I had to manually fill in the
/etc/resolve.conf for anything to be found.
Forgot to mention
I would suggest using the netselect package. Assuming it is not already
installed, use;
apt-get install netselect
Then run;
netselect-apt stable(or testing or unstable as the case may be).
This will generate a new sources.list file in the directory from which you run
the command. If y
It is said that Galeon uses Gecko, the Mozilla's rendering system. But
the Sid's Galeon couldn't display the fonts nicely. Is there anything
that I should setup on Galeon's preferences? (I didn't see any, though.)
Thanks in advance,
On Thursday 28 August 2003 18:05, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
> John Hasler said on Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 04:16:28PM -0500:
> > Mark Ferlatte writes:
> > > If your company tolerates internal politics, well, you're going to be
> > > in trouble when your competitor, who doesn't tolerate that kind of
> > > cr
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 14:50, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:35:25 +0200
> Francois Bottin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Compare it with SUN's recomendations for Java (but useable also for C):
> > if (cond) {
> > block;
> > } else {
> > block;
> > }
> > In this case I find i
The best solution if you want to use ntfs for windows is probably to create a
small vfat partition to use to transfer files. Linux can read ntfs with no
problems. but write support is experimental and dangerous. So far as Windows
is concerned, I am not aware of any applications which would all
John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The problem with omitting the braces is that people sometimes add something
> to the "block" and forget to add the braces.
Wow. I've worked with some dunderheads, and not even they have done
this. You've really had experience with folks like this?!
Steve Lamb wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 23:52:35 -0600
Jacob Anawalt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Was this code on a Unix system, or did you have one nearby? Did you know
about the indent program at the time? (man indent)
It _seems_ to work for me to convert someone elses sytle (or lack of
apt-get install mozilla-xft
(ttf-freefont will probably help as well)
On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 14:46, Oki DZ wrote:
> Hi,
> It is said that Galeon uses Gecko, the Mozilla's rendering system. But
> the Sid's Galeon couldn't display the fonts nicely. Is there anything
> that I sho
iRATE radio is nearing its 0.2.1 release. Many significant problems have been
solved, so it is thought this release will dramatically increase its popularity.
But we need your help in testing before the release, to discover any remaining
problems before its release.
From http://irat
I am trying to filter some mail as a user using the .procmailrc file in the
home directoty. For instance I want to move incoming email to for example
the folder Debian Users. Does anyone know if there is a good howto or how to
do this?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to change the way mutt displays email. Mutt displays
a bunch of stuff that starts with Envelope-to: and continues
thru X-Spam-Status: to Resent-Bcc:
My use of email is fairly simple minded, and I seldom give
much attention to this stuff unless something in the body
of the message makes me w
Ok, thanks for all the help with the FS question, now i have a new one,
i have an Asus A7V333 board and it has the Promise Chip onboard
PDC20276, i have 2 80gigs hooked up and when it boots it goes into the
fasttrack133 bios where it RAID 0 the two drives, i formatted them in
FAT32 so both win and
--- AnotherLinuxGuy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> Ok, thanks for all the help with the FS question, now i have a new one,
> i have an Asus A7V333 board and it has the Promise Chip onboard
> PDC20276, i have 2 80gigs hooked up and when it boots it goes into the
> fasttrack133 bios where it RAID
* gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-08-28 23:59]:
> I am trying to filter some mail as a user using the .procmailrc file in the
> home directoty. For instance I want to move incoming email to for example
> the folder Debian Users. Does anyone know if there is a good howto or how to
> do this?
Yesterday I was using dselect to update my system (unstable packages). It was
generating the en_US locales when the machine spontaneously rebooted. After
the machine booted back up, debconf's database was corrupt. This prevented
dselect from installing the last few packages, which included ssh.
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:59:58PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I want to change the way mutt displays email. Mutt displays
> a bunch of stuff that starts with Envelope-to: and continues
> thru X-Spam-Status: to Resent-Bcc:
Add this to your muttrc:
ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
* Paul E Condon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-08-29 00:04]:
> I want to change the way mutt displays email. Mutt displays
> a bunch of stuff that starts with Envelope-to: and continues
> thru X-Spam-Status: to Resent-Bcc:
> My use of email is fairly simple minded, and I seldom give
> much attention
Hi all,
firstly please excuse possible line wrap problems and lack of my usual gpg
signature. I'm sending this via squirrel mail for reasons described below.
I'm running sid with a 2.6.0-test2 kernel with devfs. Yesterday I did a
dist-upgrade and then shut down. The devfsd package was _not_ upgra
On Thursday 28 August 2003 07:06 pm, James LeClair wrote:
> Bill wrote:
> > When installing Debian I was asked if I want to use apt-get online or
> > from cdrom. I chose cdrom but now I would like to go on line. Do I have
> > to go through the dbconfig again, or is there another way of doing it. I
Presently Debian Woody ships with KDE 2.2.2. I would like to upgrade it to KDE
3.1, which I believe is available in the unstable Debian. There must be a way
I can get at it with apt-get but at this stage of my experience I don't know
how this is done.
Thank you,
William Bradley
I recently bought a Sony GRT-170 laptop and have been trying to install
Debian on it. I have been successful in getting 2.2.20 (3.0r1) to both boot
and have network (sis900) support. Unfortunately, 2.4 kernels refuse to
work. modprobe sis900 works great, but the network simply does not work
* nori heikkinen
> no, but you might try passing the option 'video=vga16:off' to the
> kernel at boot time ... so instead of just hitting enter to install,
> type:
> linux video=vga16:off
> and see if that fixes it. shot in the dark, but it worked for me on
> my dell inspiron 8000[1].
bob parker wrote:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:13, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
bob parker wrote:
C is easier to learn than shell scripting, the elements at least, much
Perl. I personally find it quicker to code a dirty fix in C than anything
else and would not really consider shell programming for
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 17:29:52 -0500
Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've never understood people who are religious about that. It's the
> same amount of effort whether you do it when you first write the if,
> or when you add something to it (ie, minimal). The only difference I
> see is th
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 07:16:03AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Before MSBlaster & sobig.f made their appearance, the debian- lists
> were responding very quickly.
I seem to recall a lot of people bitching about slow lists before all
that happened.
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 22:45:34 -0700
Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I seem to recall a lot of people bitching about slow lists before all
> that happened.
Yeah, 'round the last MS virus that hit. It was snappy recently.
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 08:54:47AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > You could just sit tight and be patient during the slow times, or you
> > could donate more resources to help combat the crap that wastes the
> > resources SPI already has.
> So, in ot
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 04:15:13PM +0200, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:50:11 +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > While I haven't learned much C yet (I can read it better than I write
> > it), I do have to ask this one: It's possible
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 10:14:14AM -0500, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> Absolutely. In fact, it's probably a good idea to learn C++ without knowing
> C first in that you'll probably be much more comfortable with the style if
> you're not subconsciously viewi
also sprach Mattia Martinello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.08.29.0112 +0200]:
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 -d $PublicIP -j DNAT
> --to $ServerIP
This works?
> This DOESN'T work!
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i ppp0 -d $PublicIP --dport
> 80 -j DNAT --to $ServerIP:80
Colin Watson wrote:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 01:08:56PM -0700, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
Ron Johnson said on Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:16:22PM -0500:
With tight budgets and tight schedules, I've *never* seen a project
Rewriting from scratch is dangerous anyway; you exchange all o
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 12:02:23PM -0500, Michael Heironimus wrote:
> The world jumped off the IBM PC cliff, so we're still dealing with some
> of the design mistakes IBM made the first time around.
And then people discovered they didn't have to jump
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 01:59:57PM -0700, Deryk Barker wrote:
> Nor does it help that the best-selling C book ever is, ahem,
> less-than-superbly-written.
Yeah, the New Testament needs to be reworked seriously (would it get
nicknamed "Book of Mormon?
Joey Hess wrote:
Steve Lamb wrote:
That's just it, I don't like C indenting any more, period. It isn't
"someone else's style" that is the problem, it is the fact that it is the
antithesis of how I've grown to like to code. Lemme put it this way:
if foo
That's bad style unless you
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 04:35:25PM +0200, Francois Bottin wrote:
> Compare it with SUN's recomendations for Java (but useable also for C):
> if (cond) {
> block;
> } else {
> block;
> }
> In this case I find it much better than the GNU Codin
Hi James,
that was it, thanks a bunch!
On Thu, 28 August 2003 15:51:06 -0400, James Strandboge wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 13:11, Alexander Koch wrote:
> > Now, where do I have to put ssh-agent in my .xinitrc
> > exec /usr/bin/gnome-session
> use:
> exec ssh-agent /usr/bin/gnome-ses
Ron Johnson wrote:
Speed is over-rated.
Lets take my MUA, Evolution, for example. It's not processor
intensive. Why couldn't it be written in Python?
Ok, I refrained from the last Evolution comment about "if CLI program X
had menus, I'd drop Evolution", but "It's not processor intensive,"
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:38:56 +0300,
"Melih Evcimen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I want to transform an image in cdr into jpg format. Do you know of
any program that will do it? Thanks a lot
.._many_, 'apropos jpg' or 'man -k jpg' for suggestions
Hi again,
> Hi all,
> firstly please excuse possible line wrap problems and lack of my usual gpg
> signature. I'm sending this via squirrel mail for reasons described below.
Yay, no more web mail.
> I'm running sid with a 2.6.0-test2 ker
Wayne Gemmell wrote:
You seem to be tackling many problems at once.
First get the network printing to work, and then OOo.
Also, from what you wrote below, I assume you use CUPS instead of Samba
for network printing.
Can you use cups to print from a win$ computer?
Ah, that way around. So the pr
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 05:29:52PM -0500, Alan Shutko wrote:
> I've never understood people who are religious about that. It's the
> same amount of effort whether you do it when you first write the if,
> or when you add something to it (ie, minimal).
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:44:13PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> It's called maintainability. Who says *you* are going to be the next
> person to touch the code?
Yeah, but some people also like to ensure their job security, apparently.
My Dell Latitude needs XFree 4.3, but I'm not sure how to get it for
my Woody laptop. Trying:
apt-get install x-window-system=4.3
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
E: Version '4.3' for 'x-window-system' was not found
This is my sources.list:
deb http://ftp.no.debian.org/debi
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:33:55PM -0400, alex wrote:
> Did you install KNOPPIX on your hard drive or did you just run
> it off the CD? It works much better on the hard drive especially
> after you do the apt-get update.
> To install on your hard drive:
> http://www.freenet.org.nz/misc/kno
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 15:11:00 +0900
Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The last line of
> this file must be malformed. I simply commented it out.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 17% cat /etc/devfs/conf.d/alsa
> # device permissions for ALSA sound devices.
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 11:28:05AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> across a "very, very slow" link that is VNC to display it on a "very, very
> very... uh... very slow" laptop. Even with all that inefficiency built into
I'm amazed nobody's come up wit
Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 02:35, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
Browser from Linux account or in VMWare Win98 works? Try both and let us
IE from Win98 works, Mozilla from Debian doesn't.
With these rules, samba couldn't restore the mapped drive I have from
* Jon Haugsand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030829 16:01]:
> My Dell Latitude needs XFree 4.3, but I'm not sure how to get it for
> my Woody laptop. Trying:
> deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free
> deb http://people.debian.org/~mmagallo/packages/xfree86/i386/ ./
> (
* Todd Pytel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030829 16:11]:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 15:11:00 +0900
> Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The last line of
> > this file must be malformed. I simply commented it out.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 17% cat /etc/devfs/conf.d/alsa
> > # device permissions
I installed Woody on a similar raid array. Woody recognised the array and the
setup proceeded normally, even partitioning and formatting. My understanding
is that you would not normally format each disk separately, at least not for
Raid0. I do not have access to the particular machine at the
on Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 12:26:57AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> I'm amazed nobody's come up with x terminals in laptop form factor...
It's a cost versus quantity thing. I've been using an old dell P133
laptop with the hard disc removed as a silent laptop ltsp for a few
months now & it's gre
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 08:06:22PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> Starting up KDE applications outside KDE (often?) requires starting up a
> number of random daemons which are normally running if you use KDE for
> everything.
Better than each program re
William Bradley (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
> Presently Debian Woody ships with KDE 2.2.2. I would like to upgrade
> it to KDE 3.1, which I believe is available in the unstable Debian.
> There must be a way I can get at it with apt-get but at this stage of
> my experience I don't know how
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:10:10PM -0500, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> At 2003-08-28T18:15:09Z, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > SDLC! What a joke!
> OK, I'll bite. Does everyone here honestly hate software engineering? Or
> is it that they haven't
* Nick Hastings
> apt-get install xserver-xfree86
Why did it work to write:
apt-get install x-window-system
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 06:30:13AM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
> Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld wrote:
> >Appending "devfs=mount" as a kernel boot parameter will mount devfs from
> >the
> >start, then you don't have to wait for devfsd to do the mounting.
> >
> >Sincerely
> >Jørgen
> >
> >
> That's what I wa
Dear OpenITx Subscriber,
Per the changes noted below, your message has NOT been distributed to the SAP-R3-Log
group. Instead, you will need to resubmit it to the appropriate individual SAP-R3-Log
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 01:32:07PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 11:06, Alan Shutko wrote:
> > Anders Arnholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So, basically, you don't like Python because your text editor is
> > junk. Fix it or go find a real editor!
> Heck, vim in default mode
I need access to the data provided by a framegrabber in a program (C
or C++). I have two questions about that:
- Does anyone have experience with libbgrab[1]? Is it usable?
Good? I would package it for Debian if it is a good library.
- Does anyone know of other ways to acquire data from t
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:26:11PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:20:07 -0700
> Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Indention isn't magically lost and you're speaking of copies. The problem
> in all those cases lays in the transport or in the person who doesn't know
> w
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 10:41:25AM -0700, Larry wrote:
> Other than generating an entirely new kernel, is there
> a way to get this driver happy with this kernel?
Recompile the module in question against the source you used to get
your kernel.
- --
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 03:05:32PM -0400, AnotherLinuxGuy wrote:
> is fat32/16 the only FS that windows can see and write to the same with
> linux? i want to run a dual boot machine, and have a couple HDs that
> both OSs can write too etc, is a FAT FS
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 07:26:58PM -0400, gerard wrote:
> linux can read FAT32/16, and NTFS. There are also a couple programs that can
> read linux partitions from windows Check out Explore2fs
No writing to NTFS, though.
- --
.''`. Paul Jo
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:55:56PM -0400, Mark Roach wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 09:10, Anders Arnholm wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 06:46:09AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > > Lets take my MUA, Evolution, for example. It's not processor
> > > intensive. Why couldn't it be written in Pyth
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:06:23AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Or the poster doesn't know much about Java. Having used Java, I'd
> say that Java isn't good for small programs/quick hacks.
And what I've seen of the larger stuff in Java, it's horrably
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:47:10AM -0400, David Z Maze wrote:
> Java is garbage-collected
That's not entirely true, or Java would have self-collected before I
hit high school. 8:o)
- --
.''`. Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :' :
`. `'`
Hello Andreas,
oops, that was a typo in the original message. I can only write about 4x,
which one can see from the diagnostics in the original message. Sorry. I'll
check the permissions on the files you mention, but I used k3bsetup which
should have set the rights properly.
--- Weiter
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 06:01:54PM +0200, Thomas Krennwallner wrote:
> For me its clear: use the language you think is good for completing a
> given task. I know you cannot always make this decision but if you have
> the chance, choose carefully ;-)
Hash: SHA1
On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 01:04:51AM +0100, Pigeon wrote:
> Eh? I meant he's sending everything _from_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] sure,
> if he was sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] we wouldn't be having this
> discussion :-)
OK, but I'm not entirely convinced he's
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:39:42PM +0200, Ronnie Tarkas wrote:
> Now, I can't connect to the Debian server, from my WinXP computer,
> via our local network, nor can I access it by FTP.
What have you tried to solve this on your own? That'll give us a
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, gerard wrote:
I wrote a little how to for setting up cyrus IMAP, if you want to check that
out. http://devslash.org/?topic=cyrus The newer version supports SSL as
You ARE aware that your tutorial covers the ancient and obsolete Cyrus
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:46:43PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 15:10:33 +0200
> Anders Arnholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One of the main reasons is that Python leaves a loot of the resolving to
> > runtime, that means that the code actually has to be run before you can
> > s
On 29 Aug 2003, Edward Murrell wrote:
> Try chmod 770 /dev/hdc
> Other than that, try running it as root. One thing you may find useful
> as a side note is the digital CD plugin for XMMS.
> apt-get install xmms-cdread
> It enables reading of CD's so the digital-analog conversion is done on
* Jon Haugsand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030829 18:09]:
> * Nick Hastings
> > apt-get install xserver-xfree86
> Why did it work to write:
> apt-get install x-window-system
Because x-window-system is a meta-package that depends on
x-window-system-core, which is another meta-package which depends o
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 10:41:45 +0200
Anders Arnholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So you don't copy from example web-pages and so on when trying to learn
> about a new feature, area and so on. I do that aloot and thats is the
> biggest problem with Python.
I do and it hasn't caused me any proble
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