On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Pigeon wrote:

> > > the cpu doesn't make any noise :-)  ( sorry couldn't resist )
> It makes LOTS of noise... try listening to an AM radio placed anywhere
> near the PC... it just doesn't make any sound :-)

:-)  dont think we were referring to emi noise ..  and yeah, 
if your cpu makes noise ony our am radio, i'd doubt the validity
of the fcc/ce stamps on the mb and case and ps ..etc etc...
        - you should get any interference w/ radio or tv 

> > >   - sharpen the leading edge of the fan blades
> >
> > Hadn't heard that one.  I'll probably give it a shot.
> Make that the trailing edge... have a look at a pigeon's wing, or a

yes.. make that  "smooth out"  vs sharpen ..
        - take off any of those hairy stings left on the fan
        on the leading and trailing edge ..
        ( lightly spray pledge/wd9 or other lubricates to help smooth the
        ( dents in the plastic fan blades

> Having said that, I have a friend whose 1.2GHz system with 2 hard
> drives all assembled properly by the shop had case temperatures almost
> too hot to touch; since he took the side off and put the hard drives

most pc shops just slapp it together ... with no due care for noise
and airflow ... or interfernce with radio/tv ..  unless its like a 
sealed box from dell/hp/compact/ etc that voids manufacturer warranty
when opened

use a finger and smoke tests near any hot objects... move the air around

        - use saran wrap to see inside the case ( see the smoke/air flow )
        when the cover is off but you can see the air flow as is the cover
        was on

c ya

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