* Paul E Condon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-08-29 00:04]:
> I want to change the way mutt displays email. Mutt displays
> a bunch of stuff that starts with Envelope-to: and continues
> thru X-Spam-Status: to Resent-Bcc:
> My use of email is fairly simple minded, and I seldom give
> much attention to this stuff unless something in the body
> of the message makes me wonder where the message came from.
> So I would like to display this stuff at the end of the
> email, after the body of the message. Can this be done?
> Where do I find directions? What is this kind of reconfiguring
> called? (so that I recognize it in a TOC)
These 'things' are called headers or more precisely mail headers.  To
limit those you desire to see, put entries such as the following in
your ~/.muttrc file:

# ignore everything
ignore *
# view the headers we want to see
unignore from: to: date: cc: subject: reply-to:

This would cause only the To:, From:, cc:, Date: Subject: and Reply-to:
headers to be diplayed.  While viewing the message you can toggle the
visibility of the ignored headers on and off by pressing the 'h' key.

There are some other headers you may want to see all the time, such as

This question would be more appropriate in the mutt-users list.


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