iRATE radio is nearing its 0.2.1 release. Many significant problems have been solved, so it is thought this release will dramatically increase its popularity. But we need your help in testing before the release, to discover any remaining problems before its release.
"iRATE radio is a collaborative filtering client/server mp3 player/downloader. The iRATE server has a large database of music. You rate the tracks and it uses your ratings and other peoples to guess what you'll like. The tracks are downloaded from websites which allow free and legal downloads of their music."
iRATE radio is Free Software under the GNU General Public License.
It is a Java program. Versions for Linux are compiled native with GCJ. There are binary debian packages for i386 Woody, Sarge and Sid at:
Please check for new builds each day until the 0.2.1 release is final. It should only be a few more days.
The native binary for Sarge and Sid doesn't have any non-free dependencies. Because it's "ahead of time" compiled with GCJ, it doesn't need a Java runtime, and it uses SWT/GTK for its GUI. The Woody version requires libmotif which is in non-free.
Other architectures can use the bytecode compiled Java WebStart version. You will need the Java Runtime Environment 1.4 though. I don't think the JRE is available as a Debian package, and I've never tried to install Java 1.4 on a Linux system. I understand what you need to do is run the "javaws" program and enter this URL:
That will download the java package, check its digital signature and run the program.
To report bugs, either mail them directly to me (not the Debian list!) or join the irate-devel mailing list:
Thanks for your help.
Mike -- Michael D. Crawford GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and Consulting [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tomorrow.
"I give you this one rule of conduct. Do what you will, but speak out always. Be shunned, be hated, be ridiculed, be scared, be in doubt, but don't be gagged." -- John J. Chapman, "Make a Bonfire of Your Reputations"
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