On 07/03/2020 07:40, kaye n wrote:
*What happens if, as a test, you select Thunar as your preferred file
manager, and then double-click on the Trash icon?*
It opens!
This confirms that the problem is in spacefm, not Thunar or Xfce. I was
able to reproduce the behaviour you report on a buster
*What happens if, as a test, you select Thunar as your preferred file
manager, and then double-click on the Trash icon?*
It opens!
*I have not tried spacefm. What happens if you try to open Trash directly
with spacefm? spacefm trash:///*
In terminal? This:
*kaye@laptop:~$ spacefm
On Thursday, March 05, 2020 11:29:00 PM mick crane wrote:
> gmail seems to respond to getmail request to delete fetched email by
> changing the tag so that it doesn't show in Inbox or Bin but is still in
> Allmail.
Interesting -- I guess I forgot that in this discussion we have to distinguish
On 2020-03-05 18:13, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Thursday 05 March 2020 12:15:27 Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting kaye n (2020-03-05 18:02:45)
> I'm going to assume that none of you saw or received my email
> earlier, so here it is again.
No, that is not how this mailinglist works.
If you are in d
On 06/03/2020 16:28, kaye n wrote:
I forgot to mention that I've made spacefm the default file manager of my
Double-clicking the trash icon in the desktop screen and then choosing a
file manager to open it results in /home/user being shown, not the trash
directory, regardless if I c
I forgot to mention that I've made spacefm the default file manager of my
Double-clicking the trash icon in the desktop screen and then choosing a
file manager to open it results in /home/user being shown, not the trash
directory, regardless if I choose thunar or spacefm.
Please als
On Thu, 05 Mar, 2020 at 13:13:54 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 05 March 2020 12:15:27 Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting kaye n (2020-03-05 18:02:45)
> >
> > > I'm going to assume that none of you saw or received my email
> > > earlier, so here it is again.
> >
> > No, that is not ho
On 06/03/2020 11:39, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
I tried purging gvfs-backends and was still able to access Trash via
Thunar, so missing this package is not likely to be your issue.
But if I purge gvfs itself, Trash vanishes from Thunar and cannot be
accessed by manually entering the location
On 06/03/2020 11:29, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
What gvfs packages do you have installed? See with:
dpkg -l "gvfs*"
Some gvfs-* packages are optional and one might include the handler for
trash: urls.
apt-get dist-upgrade on sid recently tried to remove gvfs-backends
during the
On 05/03/2020 20:55, kaye n wrote:
Hello Friends!
My system:
Host: laptop
Kernel: 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64
bits: 64
Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
There is a Trash icon on the desktop screen. If I double-click it to open
it so I can view its contents, I get a dialogue
On Thursday, March 05, 2020 01:13:54 PM Gene Heskett wrote:
> off topic, but how many times do we have to tell gmail users they have to
> have 2 accounts, one to send to and one to receive? Otherwise gmail
> thinks the echo from a mailing list is a duplicate and deletes it,
> making the poor user t
On Thursday, March 05, 2020 01:13:54 PM Gene Heskett wrote:
> off topic, but how many times do we have to tell gmail users they have to
> have 2 accounts, one to send to and one to receive? Otherwise gmail
> thinks the echo from a mailing list is a duplicate and deletes it,
> making the poor user t
On Thursday 05 March 2020 12:15:27 Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting kaye n (2020-03-05 18:02:45)
> > I'm going to assume that none of you saw or received my email
> > earlier, so here it is again.
> No, that is not how this mailinglist works.
> If you are in doubt that your message was proc
Quoting kaye n (2020-03-05 18:02:45)
> I'm going to assume that none of you saw or received my email earlier,
> so here it is again.
No, that is not how this mailinglist works.
If you are in doubt that your message was processed, you can check if it
appears in the public archive at https://list
Hello Friends,
I'm going to assume that none of you saw or received my email earlier, so
here it is again.
My system:
Host: laptop
Kernel: 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64
bits: 64
Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
There is a Trash icon on the desktop screen. If I double-cli
Hello Friends!
My system:
Host: laptop
Kernel: 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64
bits: 64
Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
There is a Trash icon on the desktop screen. If I double-click it to open
it so I can view its contents, I get a dialogue box with the title,
*Handler Not
Il giorno dom 20 gen 2019 alle ore 19:10 David Christensen <
dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> ha scritto:
> YW. Let us know what you find out.
The contents of the trash are by default sorted by last change date,
separately for directories and files.
There is no deletion date in the
On 1/20/19 3:10 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote:
Il 19/01/19 20:17, David Christensen ha scritto:
The key item is that Thunar needs to be able to create a '.Trash-UID'
directory in the file system mount point directory. (I believe my
mount point initially had an owner and group of root
Il 19/01/19 20:17, David Christensen ha scritto:
The key item is that Thunar needs to be able to create a '.Trash-UID'
directory in the file system mount point directory. (I believe my mount
point initially had an owner and group of root.root, and Thunar was
Hi, Da
On 1/19/19 9:34 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote:
On my father's desktop (using xfce on "testing"), thunar correctly shows
recently deleted files in the trash using my account but, when my father
tries it with his account, only very old deleted files are visible.
"gio trash
On my father's desktop (using xfce on "testing"), thunar correctly shows
recently deleted files in the trash using my account but, when my father
tries it with his account, only very old deleted files are visible.
"gio trash testfile" works, the homes are o
stem that will be the
> default and are trusting that my boxes will work just fine with the
> one chosen by the developers I'm trying to figure out howto filter
> incoming mails that contains the word "systemd" and deliver them to
> trash.
> I have maildrop as md
t my boxes will work just fine with the one
by the developers I'm trying to figure out howto filter incoming
that contains the word "systemd" and deliver them to trash.
I have maildrop as mda using Maildir.
I use this in my .mailfilter to sort mails from this list
th the one chosen
by the developers I'm trying to figure out howto filter incoming mails
that contains the word "systemd" and deliver them to trash.
I have maildrop as mda using Maildir.
I use this in my .mailfilter to sort mails from this list to a specific
if (/^X-Ma
On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Sharon Kimble
> Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
> auto-empty a trash bin.
> This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
> also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on s
On Jun 8, 2014 3:11 AM, "Sharon Kimble" wrote:
> Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
> auto-empty a trash bin.
> This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
> also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on
On 8/06/2014 6:03 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
> auto-empty a trash bin.
> This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
> also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
Dňa Sun, 08 Jun 2014 09:03:48 +0100 Sharon Kimble
> Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
> auto-empty a trash bin.
I am created this for cca 2 years (sorry, comments in my language). It
takes mount points for block devices, check the Tra
Sharon Kimble writes:
> Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
> auto-empty a trash bin.
> This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
> also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
> me the size of my t
But rmdir doesn't remove "empty" the directory ;).
> [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop
> [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl ~/Desktop
> total 0
> -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun 8 10:34 test
> -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmo
On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 10:40 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> That's strange, since "rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty" seemingly
> shouldn't remove the directory. I wasn't aware about this, so I tested
> it, resp. compared it to "rm -r" [1].
> Perhaps you should post the complete script, the culprit
That's strange, since "rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty" seemingly
shouldn't remove the directory. I wasn't aware about this, so I tested
it, resp. compared it to "rm -r" [1].
Perhaps you should post the complete script, the culprit seems not to be
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ touch ~/
Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
auto-empty a trash bin.
This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
me the size of my trash bin failed as there wasn’t a trash bin to
I can't empty the trash folder.
I see an error message when I do that "File > Empty Trash"
How can I do it manually?
I read the tutorial at
but didn't work
On 11/03/2013 02:30 PM, David Christensen wrote:
I've tried creating a .Trash- directory by hand on the server using
the groupshare UID, but that doesn't fix the problem.
I figured it out -- on the server, create a folder .Trash-UID in the
root directory of the share, set the mo
rmdir /mnt/samba-groupshare/bar/
Using Thunar, I can create, read, and update files and directories, but
when I try to delete either two dialogs pop up:
Dialog 1 -- "File Operation Progress"
Moving files into the trash...
Dialog 2-- no title
Unable to find or cre
Dňa 03.03.2013 23:04 Sharon Kimble wrote / napísal(a):
> I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
> trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
> this case]. This partly works but is very inefficient in that it
> doesn
Hello Sharon
On 03/03/2013 11:04 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
this case].
May be it is not what you need, but I look at package tmpreaper.
Best re
could irreversibly screw up a LOT in no time!
(Remember that there's no such thing as "undelete" on
> ls-l didn't show up any mention of trash/wastebin!
(It's typo, right? (I mean, it's `ls -l`).)
Without saying at least *where* (in what dir) you ran
27; is not installed as its not in the wheezy repos, and when i want
to install it apt-get comes back at me saying "E: Unable to locate package
You give me the commands and i'll run them. ls-l didn't show up any
mention of trash/wastebin!
On 4 March 2013 01
Sharon Kimble wrote:
> Thanks, after repopulating .trash with files suitable for deleting, i was
> able to test it out. And' find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type f -mtime
> +7' did find one file, which i was then able to delete by running the same
> command again with
Thanks, after repopulating .trash with files suitable for deleting, i was
able to test it out. And' find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type f -mtime
+7' did find one file, which i was then able to delete by running the same
command again with '-delete' at the end.
I now see
ou from
deleting files but in that case there should be errors from the
command. Please provide an example.
Start with this:
find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type f -mtime +7
If that prints files then adding the -delete option will delete them.
Honest! :-)
You say it isn't deleting files.
I've done some googling, and got it to work using this line 'rm -rf
/home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/share/Trash/files/*' but this just
blanket-empties the trash can without any care for retaining 7
days worth of files.
On 3 March 2013 23:27, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> Thanks
ins at
zero, and not working.
Maybe I'm going about this from the wrong end?
On 3 March 2013 22:43, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Sharon Kimble wrote:
> > I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
> > trash of all files and directories that are
Sharon Kimble wrote:
> I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
> trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
> this case]. This partly works but is very inefficient in that it
> doesn't delete everything that is availab
I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
this case]. This partly works but is very inefficient in that it
doesn't delete everything that is available to be deleted, just tends
to leave stu
On Sat, 07 Jan 2012 18:17:56 +0200, Maksym Tiurin wrote:
> How I can restore the old behavior when files are deleted in the
> ".Trash-UID" directory at the root of the filesystem?
I never heard of such possibility but sounds like a good one to have :-?
This seems to b
last dist-upgrade digikam move deleted photos to
"~/.local/share/Trash". Moving files to another file system takes a long
How I can restore the old behavior when files are deleted in the
".Trash-UID" directory at the root of the filesystem?
Thank you in advance.
Bob Proulx wrote:
> I always recommend finding big files and truncating them first. You
> can truncate a file using the shell by redirection nothing into it.
> : > largelogfile.log
> Or you can use 'true' as the same thing since ':' is an alias for
> 'true'. So shell programmers always tend t
Bob Proulx wrote:
John Lindsay wrote:
John Lindsay wrote:
I just did a google on my little problem and found this
rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of
available space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free
originally and despite deleting
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in
figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.
On 18/12/11 05:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
I just did a google on my little problem and found this
On 12/18/2011 02:44 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this
find -name '*rash'
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in
figuring I could gain an
John Lindsay wrote:
> John Lindsay wrote:
> > I just did a google on my little problem and found this
> > > rm -fr /home/user/.trash
> > That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of
> > available space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free
Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this
find -name '*rash'
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in
figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.
On 18/12/11 05:2
I just did a google on my little problem and found this
rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of available
space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free originally and despite
deleting some 20G of folder/files, I expected to see 44G of free space
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in trash
and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window with a bar
graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything is still t
Camaleón wrote:
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 08:59:39 -0500, Elmer E. Dow wrote:
Camaleón wrote:
Try to recreate the Trash folder by moving or renaming (do not delete)
these files and restarting Icedove:
~/.mozilla-thunderbird/profile.default/Mail/Local Folders/Trash
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 08:59:39 -0500, Elmer E. Dow wrote:
> Camaleón wrote:
>> Try to recreate the Trash folder by moving or renaming (do not delete)
>> these files and restarting Icedove:
>> ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/profile.default/Mail/Local Folders/Tras
Camaleón wrote:
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:20:55 -0500, Elmer E. Dow wrote:
Icedove's trash icon disappears when I reboot. It reappears only after
doing File -> Empty Trash. This is a recent occurrence.
How do I fix this? I'd like to have the icon visible so I can retrieve a
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:20:55 -0500, Elmer E. Dow wrote:
> Icedove's trash icon disappears when I reboot. It reappears only after
> doing File -> Empty Trash. This is a recent occurrence.
> How do I fix this? I'd like to have the icon visible so I can retrieve a
Icedove's trash icon disappears when I reboot. It reappears only after
doing File -> Empty Trash. This is a recent occurrence.
How do I fix this? I'd like to have the icon visible so I can retrieve a
discarded file if necessary.
I'm using Lenny with FluxBox on an IBM R40
On Friday 16 July 2010 22:25:44 Ron Johnson wrote:
> If you're a typical home desktop user and KMail acts like
> Tbird/Nutscrape/Evo then all of a folder's emails are stored in 1
> mbox file.
By default, KMail doesn't. It uses maildir, and stores each email
On 07/12/2010 08:27 AM, AG wrote:
Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by "emptying"
KMail's trash folder?
I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it's
gone, it's gone. However, ever hopeful, I thought that someone her
Camaleón writes:
> On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:27:25 +0100, AG wrote:
>> Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by "emptying"
>> KMail's trash folder?
>> I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:27:25 +0100, AG wrote:
> Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by "emptying"
> KMail's trash folder?
> I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it's
> gone, it's gone. However, ever
Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by "emptying"
KMail's trash folder?
I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it's
gone, it's gone. However, ever hopeful, I thought that someone here may
have a trick or two up t
Hash: SHA1
Lorenzo Beretta writes:
> Merciadri Luca ha scritto:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Merciadri Luca writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> On my Debian Lenny, I am unabl
Merciadri Luca ha scritto:
Hash: SHA1
Merciadri Luca writes:
On my Debian Lenny, I am unable to empty the trash because of
permission problems. For example, I have a .jar file, and when I
choose to "Empty Trash," I receive:
Hash: SHA1
green writes:
> Merciadri Luca wrote at 2009-10-11 09:31 -0500:
>> Where is the trash folder located in my /home/?
> It might be at: /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files
> Or: /home/user/.Trash
Thanks for all your answer
Hash: SHA1
Merciadri Luca writes:
> Hello,
> On my Debian Lenny, I am unable to empty the trash because of
> permission problems. For example, I have a .jar file, and when I
> choose to "Empty Trash," I receive:
> "Erro
On 20091011_163117, Merciadri Luca wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> On my Debian Lenny, I am unable to empty the trash because of
> permission problems. For example, I have a .jar file, and when I
> choose to "Empty Trash,&
Merciadri Luca wrote at 2009-10-11 09:31 -0500:
> Where is the trash folder located in my /home/?
It might be at: /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files
Or: /home/user/.Trash
Description: Digital signature
Hash: SHA1
On my Debian Lenny, I am unable to empty the trash because of
permission problems. For example, I have a .jar file, and when I
choose to "Empty Trash," I receive:
"Error while deleting.
"/home/merci...4-1131.jar" cann
Am 2008-08-30 19:11:19, schrieb Mark Copper:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 06:49:51PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > How did you create it?
> I created it with mkdir and chmod to 700.
Do you have used:
mkdir -p ~/Maildir/.Trash/{tmp,new,cur}
chmod -R 700 ~/Ma
On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 12:00:42PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 08/30/08 22:53, Mark Copper wrote:
> >Ah, there it is. From Philip Hazel on exim-users:
> > The Trash folder on the file system begins with a period. ie,
> > "Maildir/.Trash"
> Ah, well,
On 08/30/08 22:53, Mark Copper wrote:
Ah, there it is. From Philip Hazel on exim-users:
The Trash folder on the file system begins with a period. ie,
Ah, well, yes. Creating folders in a canonical method (from within
your MUA, or using maildirmake(1), the l
Ah, there it is. From Philip Hazel on exim-users:
The Trash folder on the file system begins with a period. ie,
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 08:00:51PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 08/30/08 19:11, Mark Copper wrote:
> >On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 06:49:51PM
delay expunging the mail on the server. If
I understand correctly, it should simply have been a matter of setting
IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH to "1" in /etc/courier/imapd, and restarting
the daemons. That way, when fetchmail connects and collects and
expunges email, a copy should be writt
like to at least delay expunging the mail on the server. If
> >I understand correctly, it should simply have been a matter of setting
> >IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH to "1" in /etc/courier/imapd, and restarting
> >the daemons. That way, when fetchmail connects and collects
er of setting
IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH to "1" in /etc/courier/imapd, and restarting
the daemons. That way, when fetchmail connects and collects and
expunges email, a copy should be written to the Trash folder, and that
feftchmail collects and expunges email?
copy will be expunged 7 da
to "1" in /etc/courier/imapd, and restarting
the daemons. That way, when fetchmail connects and collects and
expunges email, a copy should be written to the Trash folder, and that
copy will be expunged 7 days later.
Only trouble is my Maildir didn't have a "Trash" directo
Hello All,
I would like to discover why my courier-maildrop doesn't average the
quota of excluded mails from Maildir's users. I suspect that
Courier-Maildrop packed in Debian Etch wasn't compiled with
How could I discover what was the ./configure used by maintainer? I
Hello All,
I would like to discover why my courier-maildrop doesn't average the
quota of excluded mails from Maildir's users. I suspect that
Courier-Maildrop packed in Debian Etch wasn't compiled with --enable-trash.
How could I discover what was the ./configure used by ma
Krzysztof Lubański wrote:
On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 21:50 +0100, andy wrote:
A quick query, albeit not specific really to Debian:
Is there a way to configure all mail that Icedove's junk-filter directs
to the "junk" folder to go directly to the "trash" folder?
On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 21:50 +0100, andy wrote:
> A quick query, albeit not specific really to Debian:
> Is there a way to configure all mail that Icedove's junk-filter directs
> to the "junk" folder to go directly to the "trash" folder?
Hello Debianistas
A quick query, albeit not specific really to Debian:
Is there a way to configure all mail that Icedove's junk-filter directs
to the "junk" folder to go directly to the "trash" folder?
"If they can get you asking the wrong quest
does an advanced trash application exist for kde? I mainly want
something to automatically remove files from trash to prevent it
getting to big.
It nothing like that exists I want to write a small application in Python.
if you have a minute to spend please visit my
I'm setting up more old machines, this time using xfce4. This is a Knoppix
alike distro, running with Debian Testing packages on its core. No sys/user
software is installed from other repositories, just some other stuff.
I cannot find a way to give users a trash bin, xfce4 4.3.9
t store
the deletion date and original location. It works very well!
The only problem I have found is that it will happily re-trash files
that are already in the trash bin. That shouldn't be a problem most
of the time. If you're using it with find (like me), and find runs it
on files a
On 30/12/05, Daniel Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 02:47:29PM +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> > I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> > is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that are older
> &g
On 30/12/05, Adam James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 14:47 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> >
> > I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> > is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that are older
> >
On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 12:09 +, Adam James wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 14:47 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> > is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that ar
On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 13:05 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> On 30/12/05, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 11:41 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> > > On 30/12/05, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > If pe
On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 14:47 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that are older
> than six months.
> Is there any functionality built into cou
On 30/12/05, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 11:41 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> > On 30/12/05, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > If person system: it's *trash*, don't store old stuff in it!
> >
On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 11:41 +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> On 30/12/05, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> > > is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder
On 30/12/05, Daniel Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 02:47:29PM +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> > I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> > is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that are older
> &g
On 30/12/05, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> > is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that are older
> > than six months.
> Is this for a personal system or
On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 02:47:29PM +0800, Chris Purves wrote:
> I am running courier IMAP using maildirs. I would like to know what
> is the best way for removing mail from the trash folder that are older
> than six months.
> Is there any functionality built into courier or
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