On 05/03/2020 20:55, kaye n wrote:
Hello Friends!
My system:
Host: laptop
Kernel: 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64
bits: 64
Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
There is a Trash icon on the desktop screen.  If I double-click it to open
it so I can view its contents, I get a dialogue box with the title,
*Handler Not Found*
The message of the dialogue box  is:
*No network handler is configured for this URL, or no mount command is
set.  Add a handler in Devices|Settings|Protocol Handlers.*
I'm too ignorant right now to figure it out.  I would appreciate it if
anyone could give a step by step instruction.
Thank you very much!

Can you open Trash in Thunar? If not, try opening a Terminal, quit Thunar with Close All Windows (or use "thunar -q" as I am not sure quit works if Thunar is managing your desktop), run "thunar" at the command line, and look for error messages. You might also see error messages in ~/.xsession-errors .

What gvfs packages do you have installed? See with:

dpkg -l "gvfs*"

Some gvfs-* packages are optional and one might include the handler for trash: urls.

apt-get dist-upgrade on sid recently tried to remove gvfs-backends during the python3.8 transition, but you are on buster so should not have been affected, and I do not think gvfs-backends provides the handler for trash: urls.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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