Thank you Bob and Don for the info. I will certainly look into this
sometime this next week and let you know how I make out.
On 18/12/11 06:42 PM, Don Juan wrote:
On 12/18/2011 02:44 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this
find -name '*rash'
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in
figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.
On 18/12/11 05:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
I just did a google on my little problem and found this
rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of
available space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free
originally and despite deleting some 20G of folder/files, I expected
to see 44G of free space available.
On 18/12/11 04:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in
trash and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window
with a bar graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything
is still there. There is some 20G of folders and files that need to
be removed to free up HD space. Any suggestions?
Just checked some files and I as the user have only read only
permission -- I know I should change ownership to read/write --
before I try this -- 'chown ve3sjv /Desktop/Trash' Is that where
Trash resides and is that the correct format?
Have you tried something like bleachbit? just put the setting to only
clear out the user trash then run as root and then clean out the rest?
Just a thought, does not really solve much as to why its not working
now, but maybe will give you back the space you think you should be
getting. I have always been happy using bleachbit to clean up my
personal systems
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