I've done some googling, and got it to work using this line 'rm -rf
/home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/share/Trash/files/*' but this just
blanket-empties the trash can without any care for retaining 7
days worth of files.


On 3 March 2013 23:27, Sharon Kimble <skimbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for this, and I've tried it out but its still not deleting files,
> as I output it to a txt.file which still remain empty.
> There is a programme, ported from ubuntu, called 'autotrash' in the repos.
> And although I've set it up as per its man page, but its output remains at
> zero, and not working.
> Maybe I'm going about this from the wrong end?
> Sharon.
> On 3 March 2013 22:43, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:
>> Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> > I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
>> > trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
>> > this case]. This partly works but is very inefficient in that it
>> > doesn't delete everything that is available to be deleted, just tends
>> > to leave stuff with no apparent reasoning.
>> Very likely you are running into the problem that removing files from
>> the directory causes the directory to be updated.  Because the
>> directory is updated it ceases to be old enough to be aged off.  This
>> leaves them around until they become old enough to be an age candidate
>> again.
>> Let's walk through the problem step by step.
>> > #!/bin/bash
>> Since there are no bash features I suggest using /bin/sh the standard
>> shell.  Others would say "use bash features". :-)  I like standard
>> better.  A preference.
>> > # emptyTrash.sh
>> The use of a .sh on the end is frowned upon.  Sure it is a shell
>> script at this instant.  But you actually have a bash script and so it
>> should be called .bash instead of .sh.  But next week you might want
>> to convert it to a perl script.  Two weeks after that you might want
>> to convert it to a python script.  Or Ruby.  Encoding the language in
>> the extension then gets in the way.  It isn't needed.  If your editor
>> is a smart one, and most are these days, then it doesn't need the
>> extension to know how to syntax highlight it.
>> > for SUBDIR in files info
>> >     do
>> >     echo Lookin\' in Trash/${SUBDIR}...
>> >     find ${HOME}/.local/share/Trash/$SUBDIR  -mtime +${DAYS} -exec rm
>> -vrf {} \; done
>> Running 'find' and 'for' is inconsistent.  The 'find' command can do
>> both.  I would have it do both.
>> The "\;" part is the classic old legacy way of running find's -exec.
>> It runs one argument per command.  That is less efficient than running
>> as many arguments as possible.  The new (ten years old is still new)
>> way to do this and POSIX standard is using "+".  Using "+" will stack
>> as many arguments as possible and is very efficient.
>> Let's start by printing the entries and then work from there.
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -mtime +$DAYS -print
>> Files and directories.  I would like to remove only the files first.
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type f -mtime +$DAYS -print
>> I would like find to remove them itself.  The -delete option was added
>> to GNU find some years ago and is available in all current GNU systems.
>>   # Warning: This fires the -delete option and will delete those files!
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type f -mtime +$DAYS -delete
>> The files are gone.  Directories may be left behind.  I would like to
>> remove the directories as a second pass.
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type d -print
>> Looks good.  Let's remove those too.  But I am likely to avoid looking
>> to see if a directory should be removed and simply try to remove it
>> and deal with the non-empty errors.  These are not files and were only
>> created because the files were put there.  No need to look at mtime on
>> the trash directories.  Just "rmdir" any empty directory.  Using
>> "rmdir" is very safe because it cannot remove files.  The "rmdir" can
>> only remove empty directories making it a quite safe command to simply
>> fling out without looking.  Can only remove directories from the
>> bottom up so turn on -depth.
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} +
>>   ...may have some errors about non-empty directories...
>> Looking better.  But if a directory is not empty the GNU rmdir command
>> has an option specifically for it.  Let's ignore only that case.
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -depth -type d -exec rmdir
>> --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} +
>> And there we have the components for this type of cleanup the way I
>> would do them.  (Others would undoubtedly prefer a different way.
>> There is more than one way to do this.)  And so we are left with these
>> two commands run one after the other to do the full clean up.
>>   #!/bin/sh
>>   # emptyTrash
>>   DAYS=7 #       retain for N days
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -type f -mtime +$DAYS -delete
>>   find $HOME/.local/share/Trash -depth -type d -exec rmdir
>> --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} +
>> Hope that helps.
>> Bob
> --
> A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk/taste/index.html
> efever = http://www.efever.blogspot.com/
> efever = http://sharon04.livejournal.com/
> Debian Wheezy, LXDE 2 LibreOffice
> Registered Linux user 334501

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk/taste/index.html
efever = http://www.efever.blogspot.com/
efever = http://sharon04.livejournal.com/
Debian Wheezy, LXDE 2 LibreOffice
Registered Linux user 334501

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