Re: [Debconf-team] RL orgateam meeting tomorrow

2009-07-16 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 17. Juli 2009, César Gómez Martín wrote: > Remember we have to pay the network cables, I have the bill. Ok, but please lets discuss+do this outside the meeting. Just grab me and we can deal with it. > I will be able to be there on the afternoon. Have to work tomorrow morning > :

Re: [Debconf-team] RL orgateam meeting tomorrow

2009-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Richard, noted (that we should find someone local to track expenses). I will bring it up today. So 11:oo it is. /me suggests outside in front of the entrance, directly turn left when you leave the building. There is shadow there and we can have a short nice meeting. regards & thanks,

Re: [Debconf-team] Visit to the old town of Cáceres

2009-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 17. Juli 2009, César Gómez Martín wrote: > I am talking to the city council and probably I will be able to get a > guide for free, but we need to know when and if we want to visit the > World Heritage Old Town of Cáceres. > BTW, we need to decide this today. I'd suggest wednesday,

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf9-localteam] Volunteer for the laminating device

2009-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Buenas, On Freitag, 17. Juli 2009, César Gómez Martín wrote: > Eva Blanco [CC] volunteers to prepare the identification badges, she > will begin this afternoon. que bien! I've got the pouches and clips, they are stored in the "1st computer room".. regards, Holger signature.asc Descri

Re: [Debconf-team] RL orgateam meeting tomorrow

2009-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
On Freitag, 17. Juli 2009, Damyan Ivanov wrote: > Valession, can you help me with a vector version of the DebConf9 logo? > It seems it is not available in debconf-data SVN. commited to svn:// signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signe

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. we want to have short status meetings after dinner and a bit longer meetings for planning stuff in the morning at 11. 2. the TK servers should arrive today. 3. cabling is done. core switch will arrive today. APs are being prepared too. 4. fil will setup a wiki page how to print. 5. ask

Re: [Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 17. Juli 2009, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > How are we indicating "sleeping at FdS"? I vote for a sleeping dog, if it's > desired to differentiate from "sleeping at MT". LOL, YES! REGARDS^wregards, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-18 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. ffis payment can initiated just by sending a picture of the invoice (send actual invoice later). jimmy should be added as debconf-ffis contact. 2. main server is up. other servers are expected to go up today. wireless should also be done today. printing also works. http://wiki.debconf.o

Re: [Debconf-team] Vertical banner review

2009-07-18 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Samstag, 18. Juli 2009, Margarita Manterola wrote: > > > > The deadline for corrections is this weekend. > I think only sponsors up to silver should be listed. Why? IMO all should be listed, as DebConf wouldnt be possible without the

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. - needs checkings, printing and to be mailed to dc-announce. fil does it. 2. foodtickets are done, we need to discuss the price, before selling them at frontdesk. we will sell tickets for the next day until DEADLINE=when lunch ends. amaya wi

Re: [Debconf-team] Visit to the Old Town of Cáceres

2009-07-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009, César Gómez Martín wrote: > Further details will be given hopefully on Monday. It will also happen on Monday, IIRC, right?! regards, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. __

Re: [Debconf-team] Food tickets for non-sponsored

2009-07-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 20. Juli 2009, César Gómez Martín wrote: > We have to discuss again the discount for those who want to pay for > the whole conference tomorrow morning, because it is not very clear. > It is difficult to calculate the discount now because there are still > people coming during the ne

Re: [Debconf-team] paperbag

2009-07-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 20. Juli 2009, Damyan Ivanov wrote: > We talked (me and Anto) about having the debconf logo on the one side, > and the Debian (unofficial) logo on the other. Is everybody happy with > that? I'm happy with that and would be even happier with the official Debian logo :) regards,

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. printer: should not be moved to frontdesk as it belongs to MT. we can use it, but not bluntly :) 2. someone should print the welcome page and put up it up in the entrance. and mail to dc-announce. andrew will do. 3. raphel is taking care of the food tickets, guillem is taking care of mo

Re: [Debconf-team] Loop Video to use stream DC9

2009-07-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Valessio, On Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009, ValessioBrito wrote: > I create a version with logos sponsors to loop stream: > > > or only logo swirl loop: > >_effects.ogg > > or >

Re: [Debconf-team] Loop Video to use stream DC9

2009-07-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Valessio, On Montag, 20. Juli 2009, Holger Levsen wrote: > downloading them now... can you also provide those as .dv files please? the video looks very cool, but can you please remove all sponsors except platinium, gold + silver?! thanks already! regards, holger signature.

Re: [Debconf-team] debian openday / debconf press release?

2009-07-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hey, On Montag, 20. Juli 2009, martin f krafft wrote: > I checked in a first draft to > svn:data/dc9/press/2009.07.20-PR_Debconf9.txt. It has some figures > that need checking and it would be nice if 1-2 quotes were added to > it. Maybe someone at DebConf can see this through and get back to me >

Re: [Debconf-team] Attending DC9?

2009-07-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Rogério, On Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009, Rogério Brito wrote: > So, I would like to know as soon as possible if I can attend and I > will pay for my stay. You definitly can attend, you can also join us for the meals but I think you wil need to arrange your own accomodation. Unless ro...@dc.o repl

[Debconf-team] orga team meetings

2009-07-21 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. welcome page has been mailed to dc-announce, dam will print it for frontdesk. 2. food tickets are at frontdesk and are being sold. so from now on we could have volunteers to check food tickets at dinner. 3. nametags have been printed, need be punched, beside that they are ready. will b

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-22 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. welcome page, food tickets, banner, nametags are all done. 2. visit of the old town: 3. openday: no cenatic talk. 4. dinner: we need to choose the menu, cek, anto and amaya will do that. 230 people. flamenco music. 5000e need to be tran

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-23 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. food tickets will be controlled with a new algorithm. 2. openday: starting at 9am, thought that talk might or might not happen. 3. room/talk announcers. dam will make a sign. 4. attendee bags. faw and cek will gather volunteers to pack the bags. 5. dinner. money solved with jimmy? 6.

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-24 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 0. streams are up \o/ 1. printer at frontdesk broken, someone spilled beer into the printer :-( we need to buy a new one... we will put away the printer at night now and lock the talk rooms. 2. food tickets are taken care off. franklin is gathering volunteers for this role. they can a

Re: [Debconf-team] Scheduling ad hoc events in the time of the break

2009-07-25 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 24. Juli 2009, Andreas Tille wrote: > So my suggestion would be to rather schedule those events > in the normal talk rooms but stress the fact explicitely that > these are not recorded events. As explained in private mail yesterday: please do not schedule stuff in the breaks in t

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-25 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. we have a temp. printer atm, the broken one will be replaced (by the one who broke it). Sledge is trying to buy toner. 2. fil will write announcemnet about day trip. 3. FdS: wifi will be taken care off today. 4. ganneff will prod dam to make signs to put in the cars, so the security

[Debconf-team] orga meeting notes

2009-07-26 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. printer fixed itself again. 2. fil+anto will write+send announcement about day trip. 3. FdS: wifi is still being worked on. 4. signs for the cars has been made. 5. light for lower talkroom 6. vending machines are empty. we need water for

[Debconf-team] frontdesk unstaffed / volunteers needed

2009-07-28 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, this morning frontdesk wasnt staffed. People tried to print, to register, get name- and foodtickets. Not many people tried to buy wine yet but I actually sold a bottle already... ;-) is empty for today and the coming 2 days - we need

Re: [Debconf-team] Orga meeting minutes

2009-07-29 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Dienstag, 28. Juli 2009, Jonathan McDowell wrote: > * For those people looking for t-shirts who have lost theirs or weren't > in Penta we'll start giving away those we still have that haven't been > picked up tomorrow. we need to reserve some tshirts (how many exactly?) for the sponsor

[Debconf-team] orga meeting minutes

2009-07-29 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, 1. certificates are almost ready, gwolf does them. 2. left-over tshirts will be given to volunteers, foneras too. 3. flamenco tonite at 23:00. 4. visit of the old town also today, 22:30. regards, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-announce] Please return your room keys before you leave DebConf9

2009-08-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Jose, On Montag, 3. August 2009, Damyan Ivanov wrote: > > I am afraid that I forget to return the key of my room, 36-E. To > > where I send a message to tell the key is not lost and to return the > > key? > Thanks for informing us. Unfortunately I have no idea what to do from > here. I am forw

[Debconf-team] Post DebConf9 meeting

2009-09-04 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, Anto will only be in spain for the next seven days, so to have an irc meeting with him, we need to hurry up. I've created a doodle poll to find a suitable meeting dates, please choose your preferences at (next monday, tuesday or wednesday) I haven't start

[Debconf-team] announce: Post DebConf9 meeting

2009-09-07 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 4. September 2009, Holger Levsen wrote: > Anto will only be in spain for the next seven days, so to have an irc > meeting with him, we need to hurry up. I've created a doodle poll to find a > suitable meeting dates, please choose your preferences at >

Re: [Debconf-team] waves!!

2009-10-10 Thread Holger Levsen
Hola Anto, On Samstag, 10. Oktober 2009, Anto Recio wrote: > what do you think if I propose to make Debian Work Sesions in Panama > there is a call of the Panamanian government to fund technology events > for 2010, the deadline is 26th october I think thats a great idea! Call it a MiniDebConf (=

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf11 decision process

2010-01-07 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, thanks Jimmy for bringing this forward! On Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > We need to move toward a decision in the next couple of months. Given the > lack of a single bid that everyone can agree is clearly the best, we will > do the usual process, a long IRC meeting wher

Re: [Debconf-team] Registration proposal

2010-01-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010, Gunnar Wolf wrote: > > That sounds weird in English, but it led me to change it to "No dietary > > restrictions", which sounds fine. Thanks for the inspiration! > "Will code for food, no questions asked" > "Just feed me" � I like those two :) > "Regular" thats

Re: [Debconf-team] Talk selection: session chairs

2010-01-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010, Ana Guerrero wrote: > I want to highlight that a huge part of the schedule is the unofficial > track that is pretty much scheduled between the last 2 weeks before debconf > and a few hours before the event during the conference. Even if it is a bit > crazy for sch

Re: [Debconf-team] Global DebConf meeting Wednesday @ 21:00 UTC

2010-01-24 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, is there a summary of the meeting available somewhere? It's really helpful to have those and to find a volunteer at the beginning of each meeting to write one. Even though meetbot helps in writing summaries, IME those are not a full replacement of hand edited ones, also they are not posted

Re: [Debconf-team] Global team meeting notes, 2010.01.20

2010-01-28 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, thank you Damyan and also Jimmy for the summary and status updates! On Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010, Damyan Ivanov wrote: > dc10: Columbia housing arrangements > * we have two buildings or parts of buildings. The housing contact > is reserving 300 beds for us during conf week, 80 during

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf10

2010-03-11 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Al, On Donnerstag, 4. März 2010, Al Meer, Abdulaziz wrote: > I am interested to attend DebConf for this year and I know it costs $650 > for registration, but If I couldn't make it after I register is it possible > to refund my fees, if I notify you ahead of time? I am worried that I will > have

Re: [Debconf-team] Tracks ---> New Proposition

2010-03-11 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Biella, On Donnerstag, 11. März 2010, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > You can see the current call for contributions here > ( as well as > a glossary of terms ( the glossary still speaks

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf Day / Open DebConf Day / Debian Day / etc

2010-03-15 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 15. März 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > Last meeting we discussed... I'd appreciate if you could send meeting logs/summaries to the list. thanks, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Deb

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf Day / Open DebConf Day / Debian Day / etc

2010-03-15 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 15. März 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > This is a continuation of the earlier e-mail from Micah about the day > trip... I used a different subject just to keep the discussion in > place. Or do you refer to a summary of the whole meeting? Yup. (I was refering to a summary of the whole

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf Day / Open DebConf Day / Debian Day / etc

2010-03-18 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Richard, On Donnerstag, 18. März 2010, Richard Darst wrote: > In some past years, when this was Debian Day and more focused on > getting outside decision-makers and talking about the benefits of free > software to them. This happened (at least sometimes) one of the days > between DebCamp and D

Re: [Debconf-team] DC11 selection press release - getting it sent

2010-03-18 Thread Holger Levsen
Hola, explicitly put press@ in cc:... On Mittwoch, 17. März 2010, Richard Darst wrote: > Hi, > > > > That's the press release from the DC11 selection. We need to send it > soon. > > Jimmy or someone from the selection team. Can you fill out a

[Debconf-team] last meeting, future meeting (Re: Draft for Linux Journal, plenty of space for improvement

2010-05-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 3. Mai 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > Last global meeting: > > >og.html I would have very much appreciated an invitation for that meeting per mail, as well as a summary sent out per mail. Please do so for the

Re: [Debconf-team] last meeting, future meeting (Re: Draft for Linux Journal, plenty of space for improvement

2010-05-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 3. Mai 2010, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > There was a reminder sent to debconf-team the day before: > > That said, we should have gotten it out earlier. yes, please :) > As for the summary, if it is still

Re: [Debconf-team] Next Global Team IRC meeting: May 19th, 20:00 UTC

2010-05-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 3. Mai 2010, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > The next Global Team irc meeting is currently scheduled for Wednesday, > 19th May, 2010 at 20:00 UTC. Please add agenda items to the wiki[0] :-) > In another thread[1] it was mentioned that the 20:00 UTC time for global > meetings is dur

Re: [Debconf-team] Final version of Linux Journal Ad

2010-05-04 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, there is an error in the PDFs: "2001, Bordeaux, France. 2002, Oslo, Norway" 2000+2001 were in bordeaux, 2002 in toronto and 2003 in oslo debconf10 is of course the 11th debconf :-) cheers, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___

Re: [Debconf-team] broken links and unauthenticated content in

2010-05-05 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > Just doing some web site triage on, thanks for that! > 1) the "DebConf resources" link on the front page points to >, which is a 404 Not Found. > Maybe it's supposed t

Re: [Debconf-team] announce about debconf10 call for (monetary) help

2010-05-05 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > We have several sponsorpacks this year, you can see them at: > > there's plenty of material there than can be re-used for an announcement. thats great! but a friendly URL (ht

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-team-commits] r1042 - dc10

2010-05-07 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > Modified: >dc10/sponsors-table > Log: > I made some truly marvelous edit. This margin is too narrow to contain it. > > Ganneff: can you shut this FBI out or at least change it so it doesn't show > the commit logs? IME it is good that these c

Re: [Debconf-team] talks team followup: scheduling and plenaries

2010-05-27 Thread Holger Levsen
Moin, On Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > Is anyone interested in acting as Scheduler? Does anyone with > experience from scheduling past debconfs have advice to offer? do not schedule anything without giving at least 24h "warning" in advance. never. (and to repeat: I'm

Re: [Debconf-team] My thoughts on reconfirmation, fundraising, etc

2010-06-01 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > On IRC, Joerg Jaspert, Safir Secerovic, and Steve McIntyre all seemed to > share my belief that we could raise sufficient funds over the upcoming two > months with sufficient effort and that my proposal was reasonable. I concur. And I have

Re: [Debconf-team] Discussing our budgeting and sponsorship situation

2010-06-01 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 31. Mai 2010, Ana Guerrero wrote: > Some small ideas for cutting money (some of them applied before) in my > personal order of preference: > > * No Sponsored DayTrip. (Althought i am sure this one is already in line) > Done before in Argentina (sponsored partially IIRC) and Edinbur

Re: [Debconf-team] talks team followup: scheduling and plenaries

2010-06-01 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > One potential advantage of having plenary talks might be a better sense > of cohesion for attendees. > > However, we already have the day trip and the formal dinner as events > which i expect will do some of that. And of course, no one

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf10-localteam] Ping wrt to t-shirts, banners, proceedings and other printed matter ...

2010-06-02 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > Probably not all of this year's video team people have that role set, > yet, and I'm not sure whether or not it's the "right way" to identify > them for t-shirt purposes. I'd say so ;) Or in other words: I cannot really think of a down

Re: [Debconf-team] talks team reportback (and block on meeting results)

2010-06-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, thanks for the write-up and your work on talks selections! You seem to be doing a great job! :-) 3 small comments and 1 question below. On Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > 0) we have both "main-room" and "non-main-room" proposals that were > desired to be part of trac

Re: [Debconf-team] Debian Day ( or Open Day if you prefer )

2010-06-04 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 4. Juni 2010, Brian Gupta wrote: > I am a bit confused. Are there two different "Debian Days", one that > overlaps with DebConf and a second that is celebrated internationally on > the same date every year? (Or is that why people are calling the day at > DebConf "Open Day"?) Augus

Re: [Debconf-team] People who signed up for sponsorship too late

2010-06-04 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 4. Juni 2010, Richard Darst wrote: > I only heard comments from maybe 3-4 people. Only one complained > much, and ey said that ey couldn't come without sponsorship (but ey is > only from the far side of connecticut). In his case, checking the log > tables, ey registered on April

Re: [Debconf-team] [talks]: late requests for food/board sponsorship

2010-06-04 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 4. Juni 2010, Brian Gupta wrote: > > What do other talks-team people think? Should we ask for reconsideration > > of these, or is it fine that they don't get it? I think people giving talks should at least get free food, esp. if I read that we asked for submissions after the dead

Re: [Debconf-team] 'Contact me regarding disability accommodation'

2010-06-14 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 11. Juni 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 05:29:16PM +0200, Ana Guerrero wrote: > > We have some people who have marked the "Contact me regarding disability > > accommodation" that should be contacted privately to get a list of their > > needs and taking them

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf10 scheduling is available

2010-06-16 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > I completed the scheduling for DebConf10. You can all hate me for it now > ;) quite the opposite, quite the opposite...! :) > The schedule starts each day at 10:00am, and concludes at 5:30pm or > 6:30pm, depending on the day. Why doe

Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf10 scheduling is available

2010-06-16 Thread Holger Levsen
On Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > If everyone is coming on the day trip, it could be fun to do the photo > at Coney Island. If. I doubt it. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-team mail

Re: [Debconf-team] [food] Summary of food choices

2010-06-22 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010, Richard Darst wrote: > In preparation for the meeting, here is a summary of the various > options we have: I didnt find any information about answers in the meeting summary to the questions in this mail (just that you ate there), so whats the status of all this?

Re: [Debconf-team] [venue] hours for security

2010-06-30 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010, Brian Gupta wrote: > I'm wondering if we want to consider further restricting the 8am-1am > hours during DebCamp, to make the DebConf hacklab 24 hours. We'd need > to shift 5 hours so that would make the DebCamp hacklab hours 8am-8pm. No. :-) > Hmm.. maybe shift

Re: [Debconf-team] is there a need for a global-team meeting?

2010-07-01 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 28. Juni 2010, Brian Gupta wrote: > First, let me apologize for missing the meeting. I mistakenly set aside > 1900EST instead of 1900UTC, and missed the meeting. I won't be making this > mistake again. IIRC I was at a festival in offline land :) > Pros: Brian and Ana summarized t

Re: [Debconf-team] [venue] hours for security

2010-07-02 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 2. Juli 2010, micah anderson wrote: > I think Richard said that he can arrange things special for video-team, > outside of the hacklab closing hours. If that is possible, then it seems > reasonable to do as Brian suggests, would you agree? yes. cheers, Holger signature

Re: [Debconf-team] attendee bursary status

2010-07-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Samstag, 3. Juli 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > Then let ask for 20k and return the extra $9,900 at the end of > DebConf. We have a large group of people and eventualities in > Manhattan during August can cost us a lot of money. Sounds very reasonable to me. Also I support sending out group

Re: [Debconf-team] non-JJ food meeting summary

2010-07-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, just replying to one aspect, cant really comment much on the rest... On Samstag, 3. Juli 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > Other food-related thoughts > === > > If we decide to do coffee breaks, we can go to a nearby place like Absolute > Bagels and get great fresh bagels

Re: [Debconf-team] Adding more logos to talk-room banners?

2010-07-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Samstag, 26. Juni 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > * Sticking with the one logo. We could rearchitect the talk-room banners to > consist much more primarily of the DC10 logo, possibly plus the name of > the talk room or the conference dates/year, and have the words "Platinum > Sponsor" near

Re: [Debconf-team] t-shirt status update [#2]

2010-07-05 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Sonntag, 4. Juli 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > nice work, but at least credative and b1-systems are missing. cheers, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [Debconf-team] preliminary thoughts on Debian funding for DebConf10

2010-07-05 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Stefano, thanks for taking this (and a lot of other matters, btw) seriously! On Montag, 5. Juli 2010, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote: > Unfortunately, there is a background never-answered question, i.e.: "are > DebConf moneys Debian moneys?", but I won't address it here (still, I'd > like to discuss

Re: [Debconf-team] t-shirt status update [#2]

2010-07-06 Thread Holger Levsen
On Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, Valessio Brito wrote: > need vector logo: B1 Systems and Nexenta b1 is in svn. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-team mailing list http://lists.debc

Re: [Debconf-team] day trip options

2010-07-06 Thread Holger Levsen
On Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, Christian PERRIER wrote: > Given the current budget considerations and after reading Zack's mail > which well summarizes my own views on how seriously the money flow > should be taken, I would suggest *not* sponsoring the daytrip at all. > And certainly not the baseball g

Re: [Debconf-team] Fwd: DebConf11 official reconfirmation of the winner

2010-07-07 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Adnan, On Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, Adnan Hodzic wrote: > > Nope, bad call :) As the decision has been taken by the DebConf Team, I > > believe you should ask *them* to provide that letter, not me. Once the > > letter is ready, I'll have no problem in adding my signature to it > > (after having r

Re: [Debconf-team] T-shirt plan - order placed!

2010-07-07 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, do I understand correctly, that no video shirts are being made? regards, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] Changing talks schedule?

2010-07-07 Thread Holger Levsen
On Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > If I understand correctly, the idea is to start talks at 9:30 and reduce > lunch from 2 hours to 1.5 hours. is the eating area and the kitchen big enough to cater us all in 1.5h? how much money does that safe? is it really worth it? sig

Re: [Debconf-team] preliminary thoughts on Debian funding for DebConf10

2010-07-08 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 5. Juli 2010, Holger Levsen wrote: > shall we just create an event for dc10 now? further discussed with Stefano on IRC, now done, Please schedule this during DebConf. I guess other global team members not attending DC10 wo

Re: [Debconf-team] Fwd: DebConf11 official reconfirmation of the winner

2010-07-08 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Adnan, On Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010, Adnan Hodzic wrote: > Here's the document it should look like: great! is it enough if we sign it in NYC? we could even stream the event ;-) cheers, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___

Re: [Debconf-team] Fwd: DebConf11 official reconfirmation of the winner

2010-07-08 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010, Adnan Hodzic wrote: > By this document Debian project/SPI officially confirms that in > candidature of following cities: > Quito, Equator, München, Germany and Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina > City of Banja Luka has won the bid to host the DebConf11 conference,

Re: [Debconf-team] Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th at 19UTC

2010-07-09 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > What are the most important items for the agenda? > not a topic for the meeting (I'd say), but do you have a nametag solution? cheers, Holger signature.asc Description: This is

Re: [Debconf-team] WRL (debit card) phone chat

2010-07-09 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > It would avoid the legal/tax issues, but it still wouldn't solve the > DebConf fiscal responsibility issue of "don't waste DebConf's/Debian's > money on inappropriate expenses." I dont understand. Why would "handed $amount of cash out to

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf10-localteam] Local jobs organization and some questions

2010-07-09 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Biella, just one comment below. In general: thumbs up to organizing volunteers! :-) On Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > 4. Tee-Shirt Sales: Sell tee shirts. > * Past Organizers: how was this (successful) handled in the past? > Did > you do this everyday? Most days?

Re: [Debconf-team] UPDATE we can sponsor 70 % of queue B now, and 100% queue A (proposal inside)

2010-07-09 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, Michael Schultheiss wrote: > > > Is there any reason not to spread the good news immediately? > > > > Because we haven't actually decided this yet. It seems like everyone is > > in favor, but if we don't give people enough time to respond, then > > someone may feel th

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf10-localteam] Debian Day Description

2010-07-11 Thread Holger Levsen
On Sonntag, 11. Juli 2010, micah anderson wrote: > can you do more of these plz, i am serious that we should use them. +1 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-team mailing list h

Re: [Debconf-team] Debian Day announcement, last chance to edit

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > > > We are nearly there. This is to publish on our website and send to > various lists to advertise Debian list. We would like to have this up by > tomorrow so please make any changes soon. I

Re: [Debconf-team] Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th at 19UTC

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, Holger Levsen wrote: > not a topic for the meeting (I'd say), but do you have a nametag solution? ping? I'm asking cause I could bring nametags and a puncher again, but I would need to know today. cheers, Holger signature.asc Descripti

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags holders/puncher (was: Re: Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th at 19UTC)

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, Richard Darst wrote: > We were trying to figure out who had them seems you oversaw two queries from me :) (one here and another one on #-team a few days back. Anyway :) > - how much do the nametags > cost? about 25 cents per nametag > Then we could compare to th

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] About BoF scheduled not on time

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, Richard Darst wrote: > Hm - that's unfortunate. It's a waste to have a room but lock people > out of it just because there are cameras in it. Let's work during the > camp/conf and see what we can do. There will be no shortage of > information saying "don't expect v

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags holders/puncher (was: Re: Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th at 19UTC)

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, micah anderson wrote: > Raphael has been making a design for these, presumably the nametags you > are talking about buying would be the blank ones that we would then > print onto? If so, then it makes sense for you to do bring these and the > tool. Yup. (I believe po

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags holders/puncher (was: Re: Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th at 19UTC)

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, Brian Gupta wrote: > Holger, are we talking about printing name badges on hard plastic > cards that you are going to directly punch, rather than paperstock > cardboard badges that you insert in some sort of clear plastic badge > holder? the latter. you print on norm

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags holders/puncher (was: Re: Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th at 19UTC)

2010-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, Brian Gupta wrote: > IRC best estimates say that since there are 330 reconfirmed people, > that 400 should be enough with some to spare. Being as they aren't > super heavy to carry extra laminates, and the extras can be used next > year, 400 should be about right. I s

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] About BoF scheduled not on time

2010-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen
On Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010, micah anderson wrote: > Its going to have to, and we have already spent far too much time in the > last months discussing this and scheduling things to re-open it > now. This would have been a good argument to bring up over a month ago, > but I'm sorry its too late now t

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags holders/puncher (was: Re: Next global team meeting: Saturday 10th a t 19UTC)

2010-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 12. Juli 2010, Clint Adams wrote: > On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 08:47:35PM +0100, Philip Hands wrote: > > If the local team knows a shop that sells this sort of thing: > does, though I am sure there are > some much closer to the venue. Big chain office suppl

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] About BoF scheduled not on time

2010-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen
On Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010, Don Armstrong wrote: > > also i still dont get whats so hard about scheduling 24h in advance. > There are invariably last-minute meetings, BoFs and discussions. They > certainly should be discouraged and minimized, but there's no way for > the organizers to stop them. [I

[Debconf-team] dc10 blog (was Re: PLEASE CIRCULATE -- Debian Day

2010-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > We finally have a website for Debian Day: yay! > Please circulate to various lists and if you do post to a list, can you > add the information here so that we don't send to any list more than 1x? which reminds me, DebConf has a blog, wh

Re: [Debconf-team] Talk scheduling and eating/venue hours

2010-07-14 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > None has been selected. schultmc was the only person good enough to > voice an opinion (he prefers Z). Of course, i'm assuming that marga > prefers M. (Ana wrote she preferes M.) /me too prefers M, Holger signature.asc Des

Re: [Debconf-team] [Jon 'maddog' Hall] Trip to NYC

2010-07-16 Thread Holger Levsen
On Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010, Pablo Duboue wrote: > > If we are open to allowing this, and have the ability to do so, I would > > support this. > +1 +1 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-team mailing list De

Re: [Debconf-team] Please move Debconf video training to beginning

2010-07-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 19. Juli 2010, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > My understanding was that this was as much a "tour" (e.g. getting people > involved for future years and to replicate v-t's work for other > conferences) as it was a training for this conference. If that slot wont be used for that video e

Re: [Debconf-team] Our Press Release

2010-07-26 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Montag, 26. Juli 2010, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > Here is the current version: > > looks nice+good to me. one thing, but i dont see how to include this: Debian is not about GNU/Linux anymore, Squeeze will ship with a BSD Kernel too, so the

Re: [Debconf-team] please review (signing up for volunteering to help with talks)

2010-07-28 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Biella, On Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2010, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > > > I want to send that out today in a few hours ideally. I will first send > to Debconf announce and discuss and then send to my pool of programmers. > > Are there any mistakes?

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