On Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Given the current budget considerations and after reading Zack's mail
> which well summarizes my own views on how seriously the money flow
> should be taken, I would suggest *not* sponsoring the daytrip at all.
> And certainly not the baseball game, except maybe for people for
> really can't afford it.

be aware, people might yell at you for saying so.

frankly speaking, I'm utterly disgusted by yesterdays meeting. spending 70% of 
the time of the meeting discussing tshirts, yelling about debconf having to 
sponsor a baseball game, while still letting people in the B queue hanging 
regarding their sponsorship. funding the baseball game and or the subway 
tickets for the day trip will cause one eager person working on debian to 
stay at home. well done. 

also i dont get, why neither zacks mail was discussed on the list nor in the 
meeting. instead now the idea is to ask for 6.5k instead of the offered 20k. 
why? WHY?

also, why let queue B wait even longer? 

i also think its stupid to shrink the opening hours of the venue to save a few 
hundred bucks. ask for 7k from debian (or whatever is needed) and we'll have 
a much more relaxed conference.

then, this voting. be it voting about the day trip or meeting time. using 
doodle to find a meeting time technically works well, but again, working to 
get a rough consensus here works better i believe. if we vote for a meeting 
time, NYC localtime will clearly win. 

this voting yesterday about the daytrip was a waste of time, when 20 people 
came together to work on making this conference happen. listening to 
arguments and evaluating their pros and cons is what gets the best result. 
voting lets the idiotic majority win. (the majority will be idiotic, if 
arguments are not brought up or listened too.)

organizing a debian conference with a budget of 250k doesnt work (well), if 
experienced people are not heard, which is what you get if you dont 
communicate properly with each other. which is exactly what has been 

btw, I was also quite disgusted about the dc11 decission meeting. not about 
the result, but the way the decission was "achieved". i never got around to 
write this down in proper words, and I wont now, but yesterdays failure to 
organize this conference together pretty much reminded me of that day.

p.s: debian day status? 

p.p.s.: (even thinking about) counting the votes with devotee is pathetic. 
sorry, but I had to say this.

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