
1. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Welcome - needs checkings, printing 
and to be mailed to dc-announce. fil does it.

2. foodtickets are done, we need to discuss the price, before selling them at 
frontdesk. we will sell tickets for the next day until DEADLINE=when lunch 
ends. amaya will find volunteers to check tickets during food.

cesar will talk to the caterer about food quality and variety.

we will sell food tickets per day for 15e (while we pay 16.5e...9

3. 2x1m banners will include all sponsors. will be printed. 

4. nametags: gunnar, eva, cek + gregor are doing it. 

5. visit of old town on monday, cek will announce it today and add details 
(time, if it costs something) on monday.

6. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Inventory is being made.

7. OpenDay status. 3 talks are still unclear...

8. general schedule is mostly fine. amaya + gwolf check with ana.

9. daytrip. faw will try to take care of accessibility issues.

10. fil + h01ger will write a PR for the wine.

11. FdS: 2 dsl are connected, wlan is prepared. we wont have frontdesk there. 
we need written instructions there, how to get to MT, how to reach us. we 
also want instructions how to get from MT to FdS. on the 23rd+24th we 
probably want a frontdesk there, as that will be the main arrival days there.
amaya will work on that.

12. fil will volunteer people for frontdesk here.

13. t-shirts+attendee bags shall be discussed tomorrow. its unclear whether 
those 572e we paid was right, gwolf+Hydroxide will find out.

14. midnight meeting has been moved to 23oo.


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