
1. we want to have short status meetings after dinner and a bit longer 
meetings for planning stuff in the morning at 11.

2. the TK servers should arrive today.

3. cabling is done. core switch will arrive today. APs are being prepared too.

4. fil will setup a wiki page how to print.

5. ask Hydroxide to track local expensive and put them in budget.

6. we want the guided tour through the old town to happen on monday the 20th. 
Cesar, at which time? :-)

5. eva blanco will do nametags, she can contact Marga (in spanish) to get the 
scripts from last year (to get the data out of penta into pdfs..)
  the nametags should indicate (with icons) accomodation+food status too (a 
sleeping cat for sleeping at MT, some food to indicate "eats at MT")

6. food tickets: amaya will find someone to do the food tickets. Maulkin has a 
perl script to create food tickets. we only want food ticket fors 
non-sponsored people. we need 3 food tickets per day + person, probably best 
to print them on three differently colored papers. we also need volunteers to 
collect the food tickets, amaya will find those.

7. volunteer master / arch angel: Amaya! :-) Be afraid, there will be 
dragons ;-)

8. todays status meeting after dinner.

9. tomorrow morning meeting at 11oo outside the venue entrance.


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