
1. printer: should not be moved to frontdesk as it belongs to MT. we can use 
it, but not bluntly :)

2. someone should print the welcome page and put up it up in the entrance. and 
mail to dc-announce. andrew will do.

3. raphel is taking care of the food tickets, guillem is taking care of money 
at frontdesk. one day 15e. 7 days 100e. (even if that includes the formal 
dinner day.) so 4 days = 60e and 8 days = 115e. 

4. 2x1m banner will be printed today.

5. nametages have been started to print, then run out of ink. laminating 
device is broken, cek will work on that.

6. visit of old town: cek will check+send mail.

7. inventory status is fine. 

8. openday status. gwolf is watching.

9. general schedule. done.

10. daytrip. the village has a cherry museum and other stuff for people not 
wanting/able to do the hiking...

11. wine. PR will be done today.

12. FdS: needs volunteers, see todo page. Amaya will take care that volunteers 
do the jobs..

13. BoF room: Anto needs to talk to the director.

14. fil is buying powerplugs for the hacklabs.

15. table kicker and pingpong table shall be moved out of the rooms. Ganneff 
will do.


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