[computer-go] professional game libraries for pattern harvesting

2006-12-12 Thread Carter Cheng
I noticed a few papers now mention Bayesian learning techniques for mining for patterns and I am curious where does one find libraries for this sort of thing are there some commercially or free game libraries to which the procedures described can be applied. Regards, Carter. _

[computer-go] Some beginner's questions concerning go bots

2008-05-09 Thread Carter Cheng
Hi, I have been lurking around in this group for sometime and recently have become interested in perhaps doing some coding and data gathering for constructing a simple go bot. I have a few basic questions I was wondering if people in the group could help me answer- 1) How typically do UCT bots

Re: [computer-go] Some beginner's questions concerning go bots

2008-05-10 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks everyone for the responses. My go skills are somewhat limited (only 6-7kyu on KGS) so hopefully I am not belaboring the obvious. I have a few followup questions- 1) What mathematically is a seki? I know this is a local draw but can it be determined statically at some point in all cases

Re: [computer-go] Some beginner's questions concerning go bots

2008-05-10 Thread Carter Cheng
Sat, May 10, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Peter Drake > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On May 10, 2008, at 7:01 AM, Carter Cheng wrote: > > > > Thanks everyone for the responses. My go skills are > somewhat limited (only > > 6-7kyu on KGS) so hopefully I am not belaboring the

Re: [computer-go] Some beginner's questions concerning go bots

2008-05-10 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks for the responses. 1) I guess for this seki question I was wondering if it was as easy to define as liveness without seki. The reason I am interested in this is I am curious about absolutely correct scoring functions and whether they currently cope well with advanced seki situations or n

Re: [computer-go] Some beginner's questions concerning go bots

2008-05-12 Thread Carter Cheng
I have looked over the language specification for D and it has alot of nice features however the maturity issue is a big one for me and unless there is a huge gain in productivity I suspect I will stick to C++. Admittedly C++ is not probably not the best language to prototype in and it would be

Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots

2008-05-13 Thread Carter Cheng
I am curious about the eye rule situation since I am at that stage of my implementation of the board/playout code. currently I have only implemented the basic rules of the game so that no illegal moves are possible (no superko rule) but undesirable stuff like filling your own eye spaces still ar

[computer-go] a few more questions

2008-05-13 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks for all the comments so far. Hopefully you don't mind a few more questions. 1) Do UCT bots check for atari and urgency? my understanding was that first generation Mogo did this to some extent IIRC. I am curious if anyone does this it seems like it might be important but so far I cannot

Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots

2008-05-14 Thread Carter Cheng
How do L&D modules generally function? Is this discussed in the literature somewhere? The only open source L&D module I am aware of is the one in GNU-go and I am not certain how good or bad it is since my own playing strength isn't that good. I have found some papers on this topic but most do no

Re: [computer-go] a few more questions

2008-05-14 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks for the help with this. I suspect I will go directly for a heavy playout implementation and avoid writing some of the trickier the light playout code so I probably will be implementing this soon. ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go

Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots

2008-05-14 Thread Carter Cheng
I assume this implies that there arent any open-source basic-UCT bots which utilize the basic eye rule and a simple permute and retry scheme as described by many ppl on the group? When we speak of these sorts of bots playing at about 10kyu I assume what is meant is 10kyu at 9x9 not 19x19. ---

[computer-go] Another beginner question: string management

2008-05-16 Thread Carter Cheng
I am having some difficulties deciding on a string management scheme which copes gracefully with merging groups. A first glance for me this seems like it is quite a slow operation akin to capture. The problem is how to have each stone vertex know which chain record to look up for information. I

Re: [computer-go] Another beginner question: string management

2008-05-16 Thread Carter Cheng
hat greater length to > explain them. If you > find C++ easier to read than Java, by all means use > Lew's code. > > Orego is here (you'll have to download and unpack the > latest .jar): > > http://www.lclark.edu/~drake/Orego.html > > Peter Drake > http

Re: [computer-go] Another beginner question: string management

2008-05-19 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks for the help with this. I actually managed to figure most of the remaining details out on my own. I guess the chain management scheme in Orego and Libego is a bit more efficient than mine due to the lack of pointer initialization/management costs so I elected to modify my code and use the

[computer-go] learning algorithms such as TD(lambda)- state of the art

2008-05-20 Thread Carter Cheng
Hi, I have been leafing through a book "Reinforcement Learning" by Sutton and Barto. The book seems to serve as a decent introductory text to some of the issues which are mentioned in parts of Sylvain Gelly's thesis. The book however, is a decade old and I curious if there are resources which

[computer-go] batch size and impact on strength

2008-05-23 Thread Carter Cheng
I remember seeing this in the archive before but I forget the actual results of the experiment. Does processing simulations in groups of say 5-10 have any impact on the strength of the program? Thanks in advance, Carter. ___ computer-go mail

Re: [computer-go] batch size and impact on strength

2008-05-23 Thread Carter Cheng
computer-go" > Date: Friday, May 23, 2008, 1:47 PM > On May 23, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Magnus Persson > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > Quoting Carter Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > >> I remember seeing this in the archive before but I > fo

Re: [computer-go] batch size and impact on strength

2008-05-24 Thread Carter Cheng
I think I being was a bit unclear here. By UCT I meant the combination of UCT+Simulation. I am just curious why simulation based methods of evaluation are thus far found to be superior (are they on 19x19?) to traditional bots which have a different form of evaluation function for a given positio

Re: [computer-go] batch size and impact on strength

2008-05-24 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks for the reply. 2) learned pattern weights are not learnt through > TD(lambda). RLGO is not > used in mogo. It was used a long time ago. Hand-designed > heuristics are > much more efficient (in particular after heavy > cluster-based tuning of > coefficients). I am not entirely sure what

Re: [computer-go] Computer Olympiad registration reminder: 11 days left

2008-06-08 Thread Carter Cheng
I am actually relatively nearby (Hong Kong) and would like to attend but I may not have a competitive program at this time. Is it possible to attend without a program and machine? Regards, Carter. ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@co

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: [computer-go] Computer Olympiad registration reminder: 11 days left]]

2008-06-10 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks Remi. Are standard accommodations being provided by the site organizers or will we have to for the most part make our own arrangements? I guess I have a few more days to decide whether or not to submit a basic program which most likely will not win any games given how stiff the competitio

Re: [computer-go] Ladders and UCT

2008-06-16 Thread Carter Cheng
I hope you don't mind me chiming in here. I think I asked this question quite recently on the mailing list and the reply I received from Magnus Persson (I hope I am not misquoting him) was that Valkyria adjusts the probability distribution based on a simple ladder readout which is a function whi

[computer-go] Basic question concerning the edges of the board

2009-07-13 Thread Carter Cheng
Hi, I have again been considering trying my hand at implementing a simple go program. The question I have pertains to checking for the edge of the board in capture situations and so on. For a modern CPU (given what limited information I have on this) the extra branches might result in pipeline

Re: [computer-go] Basic question concerning the edges of the board

2009-07-13 Thread Carter Cheng
.  This is enough to have > points off the edge on > all sides and diagonals. > > David > > -Original Message- > From: > computer-go-boun...@computer-go.org [mailto:computer-go- > boun...@computer-go.org] > On Behalf Of Carter Cheng > Sent: Monday, July 13, >

RE: [computer-go] Basic question concerning the edges of the board

2009-07-14 Thread Carter Cheng
o.org > [mailto:computer-go- > > boun...@computer-go.org] > On Behalf Of Carter Cheng > > Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:27 AM > > To: computer-go > > Subject: Re: [computer-go] Basic question concerning > the edges of the > board > > > > >

[computer-go] memory management for search trees(basic question)

2009-07-14 Thread Carter Cheng
This is something I have been curious about since I am somewhat new to writing code in languages which require explicit memory management (as opposed to have some sort of garbage collector do it for you). The question is how do most programs manage memory w.r.t. the search nodes? Is the memory

Re: [computer-go] memory management for search trees(basic question)

2009-07-14 Thread Carter Cheng
; slowdown. > > Another option is to use the Hans Boehm garbage collector, > a library you simple link to in your C programs.    It > will do the automated garbage collection for you - but I > think you will see a slowdown and I think there is a memory > overhead penality for using

Re: [computer-go] memory management for search trees(basic question)

2009-07-14 Thread Carter Cheng
I have a good number of C++ books but strangely though I use to own Meyers' first 2 books I have sort of misplaced them. Perhaps I should get a couple new copies. I will study the Boost Pool source and see what I can glean from it. The only custom allocator design I have on hand in a book is the

[computer-go] gtp which version to implement?

2009-07-15 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks everyone for the help thus far. I have been looking at the GTP protocol page and I am curious which version of the protocol I should try to implement if I want to communicate with the servers. Should I be looking at the GTP 2.0 draft version? Thanks in advance, Carter.

Re: [computer-go] gtp which version to implement?

2009-07-15 Thread Carter Cheng
> Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 2:44 AM > On Wed, 2009-07-15 at 11:24 +0200, > Urban Hafner wrote: > > Carter Cheng wrote: > > > Thanks everyone for the help thus far. I have > been looking at the GTP > > protocol page and I am curious which version of t

Re: [computer-go] gtp which version to implement?

2009-07-16 Thread Carter Cheng
Thanks all for the input. --- On Wed, 7/15/09, Don Dailey wrote: > From: Don Dailey > Subject: Re: [computer-go] gtp which version to implement? > To: "computer-go" > Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 9:39 AM > > > On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:41 AM, > Carte

[computer-go] Erlang and computer go

2009-08-14 Thread Carter Cheng
I have been considering experimenting with Erlang as a means of prototyping certain aspects of a computer go program and I was curious if anyone has tried this already. How does a system like Erlang compare performance wise to writing something in say C/C++ (fastest) or Java? Thanks in advance,

Re: [computer-go] Erlang and computer go

2009-08-14 Thread Carter Cheng
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 22:16, Carter > Cheng > wrote: > > I have been considering experimenting with Erlang as a > means of prototyping certain aspects of a computer go > program and I was curious if anyone has tried this already. > How does a system like Erlang co

[computer-go] representing liberties

2009-08-14 Thread Carter Cheng
I have been having difficulties selecting a good representation for liberty sets for strings of stones. I am curious how other people might be doing this. I suspect that for heavier playouts one would like to know not only the count of the liberties but also where precisely they might be relativ

[computer-go] representing liberties

2009-08-14 Thread Carter Cheng
I have been having difficulties selecting a good representation for liberty sets for strings of stones. I am curious how other people might be doing this. I suspect that for heavier playouts one would like to know not only the count of the liberties but also where precisely they might be relativ

Re: [computer-go] representing liberties

2009-08-14 Thread Carter Cheng
ley > Subject: Re: [computer-go] representing liberties > To: "computer-go" > Date: Friday, August 14, 2009, 2:33 PM > > > On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 5:13 PM, > Carter Cheng > wrote: > > I have been having difficulties selecting a good > representation for libe

Re: [computer-go] representing liberties

2009-08-15 Thread Carter Cheng
es you will need to hit every stone.  > I use a recursive flood fill type of routine to do this.   > I know that some programs keep linked lists of stones - > I'm not sure if that is worth the trouble and extra > space.  Mabye it is.     I think I figured out that you > rarely

Re: [computer-go] representing liberties

2009-08-15 Thread Carter Cheng
How do these link list of liberties and array of liberties variants work? Are they sorted lists/arrays? I considered bitmaps but it seemed in many ways a bit wasteful i.e. in most cases for a given group the bitmap probably is extremely sparse. Also if you are trying to identify individual bit