Thanks for the responses. 1) I guess for this seki question I was wondering if it was as easy to define as liveness without seki. The reason I am interested in this is I am curious about absolutely correct scoring functions and whether they currently cope well with advanced seki situations or not. I have been looking at some of the cases listed on the Sensei's Library. A cursory look seems to indicate that they are very difficult to classify- and any seki classifier might need some knowledge of killing shapes.
2) You are correct Jason I transposed the symbols for some reason I actually meant 3^(n^2) but typed it in backwards. 3) Also thanks for the links. I have taken a look at some of the code. I am not sure I will be writing in Java or D and most likely will be implementing the system in something like C++. I am worried about Java's speed since it's interpreted (which still means a x2 slowdown even with the JIT and Hotspot compilation and selective inlining). D I am just not too familiar with I am wondering what advantages it brings over C++. I am primarily concerned about maturity issues. I am not trying to start a discussion on which language is "better", but those are my initial impressions. I am primarily interested in creating a very basic go bot at this point and use it for primarily data gathering. I have been curious about certain aspects of game searches and how they apply to go and how reinforcement learning works etc. I figure being a complete beginner at this it will take some time before I have any meaningful insights into how everything works to contribute anything. Regards, Carter. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ _______________________________________________ computer-go mailing list