First, yes, AVFoundation is the way to go.
Second, you can use AVCaptureView or AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. II
recommend that you don¹t subclass AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, but rather
embed it in your own custom CALayer. That gives you more freedom of control,
and if you want to do things like cli
It¹s a bug. I filed it a couple of days ago. 22666722 AVCaptureSession
commitConfiguration calls deprecated code.
On 9/13/15 2:00 PM, ""
> Well, AVCaptureView is not very malleable. I needed to use an
> AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, which needed quite a fe
Just don't try binding to an arrayController via representedObject. I've
resorted to using representedObject to establish a local iVar to reference
such an arrayController. That works.
On 1/12/17 1:42 PM, ""
On Jan 11, 2017, at 13:16 , Daryle Walker w
If you are trying to bind to an arrayController via representedObject, I've
never had any luck with that. I've always used representedObject to get a
local reference to the arrayController and bind to that.
On 2/8/17 8:26 PM, ""
> Note that I've also trie
One of my big gripes with the Mac or iOS text system is the lack of a real
super/subscript attribute. I haven¹t tried doing custom attributes. Is it
possible to define and use custom super/subscript attributes which combine
the normal baseline shift attributes with NSExpansionAttributeName to get a
I tried using NSExpansionAttributeName when sending a NSAttributedString to
CoreText, but it didn’t work. Docs say it should be a NSNumber of the log of
the expansion factor. This is confusing because log normally means base 10,
except that in C it is actually ln() (Naperian). Either way, it had no
What has happened to the WWDC app? I even deleted it from my iPad and
re-downloaded it. It doesn¹t work. Crashes and quits when you select
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do not post admin requests or moderator c
Reminds me when I racked my brain trying to figure out how OmniGraffle drew
parallel border lines on Beziers. I tried inset/outset, etc, then slapped my
forehead when I realized that they just stroked it with a wide line, then
again with a narrow line using the background color. Duh!
On 10/20/14
I hope they haven¹t gone to layer backed views for text. If you have a
choice turn that off. We have a teleprompter app which scales formatted text
nicely on Mac, but was found to be unusable on iOS due to layer backing.
On 11/17/14 3:00 PM, ""
> Hi, I ha
In Yosemite, any included viewController is automatically inserted into the
view¹s responder chain. Something is not working right. In many of our
views, we insert controllers (derived from NSResponder) A and B into the
view¹s responder chain. A must come first, then B, so B is inserted first as
Thanks, I¹ll look into that.
It would have been nice if the docs has more explanation of how they are
handling the responder chain for viewControllers. Also, it appears that the
view is now holding a reference to the viewController (when used). However,
it is not public. I wish that would make tha
We have a Mac application that uses CALayers (subclassed) for layered
drawing. Our drawing view uses a drawing delegate for drawing (rendering)
and a Edit delegate for interaction. The latter is in a view controller that
is also inserted into the view¹s responder chain. (Edit Delegate methods are
I totally disagree with that assessment. Selection should NOT be a property
of the object model. I tried that years ago. Bad move. Selection is part of
the ³control² layer of MVC. The view² part displays to the user. The array
of objects is part of the model. You should be iterating the array for
You can stack views and controls however you like. I do it all the time. You
need to pay attention to the list of views, not just the visuals in iB. Just
use an outlet or binding to hide the ones you don¹t want showing. Set the
activity indicator to hide when not active. When you stop animation, un
Apparently so. I have had difficulty dragging things into an open
(non-transient) popover. It just doesn¹t work.
On 5/7/15 1:00 PM, ""
> I am trying to drag a NSTableView row on to a NSView on the same window. But
> the window is a non-key window (made exp
If you are going to use a data hierarchy, then use a data hierarchy. Look
like you are attempting to use a linear array, which won¹t work. You need
arrays of arrays and you bind the tree controller to the root array.
On 6/10/15 10:45 PM, ""
> Hi All, Is t
Ok, I admit to being confused. Seems like what we are missing is the data
model. Your containers must be or at least have an array for storage.
Normally, the NSTreeController reflects this model and has the info provided
to traverse it. In my case, elements are CoreData objects with parent
I¹m having a new problem, in code that¹s been around for awhile, that I¹d
swear was never there before. Text field had a NSNumberFormatter and is
bound to a CGFloat. It is for angle entry and the format is set to show the
degree symbol suffix. A Circular slider is bound to the same value. Text
On 5 Jul 2015, at 6:53 am, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> >
>> > However, if user changes the
>> > displayed value, leaving the degree symbol intact, it says it is invalid >>
>> > throws an exception, essentially ending the program run. This is totally
I would post this in the QC forum, but it seems mainly for users or
creators rather than cocoa programmers.
1. Why is there no API for QCPatchController, at least for setting the file
or composition? This makes it utterly useless for anything but a trivial
2. Why is there no way to sp
IMHO, you are trying to do this the hard way. I did one similar to
that, using views, many years ago using MacApp. (Presented it at MadaCon in
Phoenix.) I wouldn't do it that way again. Just draw everything in one
view. Define a draw-shape object with lists of inputs and outputs (could be
(Crud -- Forgot to change the title again. Sorry about that. -- GA)
IMHO, you are trying to do this the hard way. I did one similar to
that, using views, many years ago using MacApp. (Presented it at MadaCon in
Phoenix.) I wouldn't do it that way again. Just draw everything in one
I saw a few refs to this from from a few years back and I guess it was
problematic. Anything changed? Is there a way to bind a popup or dropdown
to an array of images, other that faking it with images in text? I really
don't want to set an outlet to load it, because that means a whole new
Multi-channels do better than single channel units, but in general GPS
(in open areas) can get you within 10m. Ground reference calibrations (what
you get with the mentioned auxiliary systems) can do better. It also helps
if you happen to have a Cesium time standard attached to your iPhone.
I assume this should be simple, but so far I haven't found the magic
incantation, even after reading the docs, Dudley's book, and some archives.
Problem: Layer called "contentLayer" has sublayers containing layer A,
which is to be transitioned to layer B. (Note: Using GC here.) Controller
it through, I never see this key come through the delegate.
On 11/15/09 8:51 PM, "Matt Neuburg" wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Nov 2009 14:58:31 -0600, Gordon Apple said:
>>I assume this should be simple, but so far I haven't found the magic
>> incantation, even after
enough, but it ain't
happening that way.
On 11/16/09 11:23 AM, "Matt Neuburg" wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:38:04 -0600, Gordon Apple said:
>>What I don't understand, is that, according to the core animation guide,
>> kCATransition seems to be what I wan
Here's the current status. I seem to have everything working, partly
due to you guys. Thanks. However, now having analyzed this thing to death,
I'm filing a bug report.
First a summary of the (extended) problem. The view is layer hosted.
Its layer has a sublayer called "content", which
I haven't followed this whole thread, but my experience is that an NSTimer
(especially a repetitive one) is an easy thing to leak, even in a GC
environment (which I use). To prevent it, you have to make sure you keep a
reference to the timer so that you can actually invalidate it, taking it out
Be aware that it your textView is bound to an NSTextStorage (or
NSAttributedString) elsewhere, that programmatic changes will not be stored
unless someone does a manual edit afterwards. Programmatic changes do not
trigger a KVO to make it update, such as what happens with manual edits. I
How do I get a list of style names for a particular font family for
iPhone/iPad? I can get the full font names and have my own font picker
which shows those. However, that is not what I really want. I want the
secondary list to show the common names, i.e., "Bold", "Italic", etc., like
is shown i
is not consistent. Some even use contractions. If you look at
the font list in Pages on the iPad, it does what I want.
On 4/12/10 4:08 PM, "Eric E. Dolecki" wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:03 PM,
t for changes in the primary column so you can
reload the dependent column.
On 4/12/10 5:15 PM, "Kyle Sluder" wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> Thanks for the response, but that is what I have now and am trying to get
>> away from. I wan
Yes, but no support for actually doing anything useful with CoreText. Can't
comment on eventualities, but let's just say I'm not happy. (Sneezy from
pollen, Sleepy from too much coding, Grumpy about lack of text support, but
definitely not Happy :-)
On 4/14/10 10:10 AM, "Matt Moriarity" wrote
There is a bug in the text system, which I have reported and filed
previously. If you programmatically change the text, the KVO for the
bindings is not triggered and will not update the text storage. If you then
use the keyboard for another edit, it will trigger it and will commit both
If you think that's confusing, wait until you try to use an external monitor
and see what the rotation does to you. So far, I've successfully managed to
counter-rotate the external view's window so my text stays upright, but
getting the view and its contents to scale properly is proving more elusi
So far, I don't see what I need for enabling/disabling undo/redo buttons in
iPhoneOS NSUndoManager. I want to implement an undo button/popover, a la
Pages, for a UITextView. I know I can read canUndo/canRedo, but I need an
active notification when undo status changes in order to enable/disable th
mented it and, much to my
surprise, it worked.
On 5/22/10 8:02 PM, "Fritz Anderson" wrote:
> On 22 May 2010, at 4:30 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> So far, I don't see what I need for enabling/disabling undo/redo buttons in
>> iPhoneOS NSUndoManager. I want
Text will scale just fine by changing the view's bounds (or the transform)
if you are NOT using a layer-backed view. I had to abandon this approach on
the iPad because everything is layer-backed and it just scales pixels.
On 6/10/10 4:04 AM, ""
> On 9 Ju
We're doing our first iPad (simulator only at this time) CoreData project
and having a multitude of problems. We have a sectioned table in one of our
tabs. The CD stack is created in the appDelegate's
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions by using:
self.fetchedResultsController.delegate = self;
This se
Addendum. Sorry -- should have included this.
After the pre-load, I do another performFetch on the frc to make sure it
gets everything in the database. Also, there are no error conditions,
failed attempts, or console messages showing up anywhere.
I have a series of questions about using CoreData (iPad). Although CoreData
is supposedly easy to use, I have found it anything but. It is extremely
finicky and unforgiving. In fact, even with DTS support, I have never been
able to get NSFetchedResultsController to work using a cache. I do have
On 7/18/10 6:14 PM, "Keary Suska" wrote:
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> I have a series of questions about using CoreData (iPad). Although CoreData
>> is supposedly easy to use, I have found it anything but.
> I don't know
On 7/19/10 8:27 AM, "Keary Suska" wrote:
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 8:19 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>>>> My main entity has three references (one-to-one and one-to-many) to
>>>> identical entities defined as class "File" (a managed object). File
preciate the
On 7/31/11 8:15 PM, "Graham Cox" wrote:
> On 01/08/2011, at 6:13 AM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> Anybody who understands
>> basic boolean operator precedence knows this is unnecessary.
> True, but who does? I mean, sure, if ever
I¹m doing the same thing under iOS 4.3.3 with no problems (no private APIs).
Is this liable to break under new OS?
On 8/16/11 11:38 AM, ""
> On 15 Aug 2011, at 9:45 PM, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> > I'm having a problem with a UIAlertView that was worki
There must already be an array for the table, so just iterate the array
every minute or whatever (single repeating timer), compare the times to
[NSDate date} and start or shut down whatever has not been started or shut
down. Much easier than trying to manage timers.
On 9/29/11 8:06 PM, "cocoa-de
Whoops, didn¹t reset the title. Sorry.
On 9/29/11 8:25 PM, "Gordon Apple" wrote:
> There must already be an array for the table, so just iterate the array every
> minute or whatever (single repeating timer), compare the times to [NSDate
> date} and start or shut down wh
Thanks, Kyle. This also fixed my problem with the MapView. Because MapView
is so self-contained, I had it in a xib presented in a popover, and didn¹t
even keep a reference to the MapView. (I do now.)
On 11/20/11 2:01 PM, ""
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 2:
> If you are just trying to rearrange things in your list, you do not need to
> get involved with the pasteboard. Rearranging arrays (or ordered sets) is a
> little tricky, especially if you want to drag a dispersed collection to a
> specific location which is in or after the extent of the selecti
I would like to have scaler accesors and also standard (NSNumber) accessors
in my managed objects. The docs show some ways to handle the former, e.g.,
"CGFloat myValue". I prefer not to cache. (I'm trying to retrofit an app
to CoreData and prefer not to change all my code accesses to deal with
y works until I get
the rest of the scaler/Number accessors done and try it.
On 2/2/11 1:50 PM, "Quincey Morris" wrote:
> On Feb 2, 2011, at 09:52, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> I would like to have scaler accesors and also standard (NSNumber) accessors
>> in my mana
The reason I did it the way I stated was that it is a retrofit of CoreData,
and I didn't want to have to change a slew of accessor calls in existing
code. Otherwise, I would agree. Doing it my way does require four
accessors to be written instead of two. The form is similar for all
scalers, so I
This used to work, but not under iOS 4.
- (NSString*)styleNameForIndex:(NSUInteger)index
inFontFamily:(NSString*)famName {
NSString* fontName = [[UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:famName]
CTFontRef fontRef = CTFontCreateWithName((CFStringRef)fontName, 0.0,
I am trying to migrate an existing app CoreData database to a new version.
Theoretically, this should be what's called a simple migration. I have not
been able to get it to work. Just to see what it's trying to do, I went
ahead and let it generate a mapping model, which appears to be correct. Bu
incey Morris" wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2011, at 12:08, Gordon Apple wrote:
>>persistentStoreCoordinator = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc]
>> initWithManagedObjectModel: self.managedObjectModel];
>>NSError *error = nil;
option is to make sure I know when
it is migrating, set a flag somewhere, then use a fetch request to get all
the mainEntity objects and add the new entity to each mainEntity. That's a
PITA, and seems like a patch on what should have been a simple process. Any
better ideas?
On 2/9/11 3:45 AM
If it exists, could somebody point me to notifiers for sleep/wake in iOS?
I have a comm link that goes down with sleep. I would like to bring it up
again on wake (in case the user forgot to disable sleep). I'm already doing
this for applicationWillEnterForeground, but that doesn't work for sleep
>didShowViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
> animated:(BOOL)animated {
> navigationController.contentSizeForViewInPopover =
> viewController.contentSizeForViewInPopover;
> }
> To be sure, I'm just doing here what I would have expec
, 12 Feb 2011 13:01:28 -0600, Gordon Apple said:
>> If it exists, could somebody point me to notifiers for sleep/wake in iOS?
>> I have a comm link that goes down with sleep. I would like to bring it up
>> again on wake (in case the user forgot to disable s
What I would like is the ability to capture video from the contents of a
window, regardless of whether it is on top, or even on the screen. If it
contained video, it would also be nice to synchronize capture with the
contained video content. (In a perfect world.)
I don't know how you would handl
Class A: NSObject, has methods:
- (void)foo:(Notification*)notification {
- (void)addObservers {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Yup. Right you are. Thanks.
This was originally a singleton class where it wouldn't have shown up. That
changed in redesign when we started switching different subclasses, which
caused the problem.
On 3/8/11 10:07 AM, "glenn andreas" wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2011, at
I have a popover with a navigation controller, which launches from a button
near the right side of (and at toe top of) the screen. Subsequent smaller
panels within the popover downsize correctly, but resizing is always by
moving in the right side of the popover, often beyond the anchor point for
Because this is a public forum, I assumed it would be clear I was referring
to iOS. I know nothing about Lion. Haven¹t even downloaded it.
On 3/21/11 3:59 PM, "Corbin Dunn" wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> On Mar 21, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> > I h
Googling this has produced nothing useful, just undocumented APIs, which is
a sure way to get an iOS app rejected. Two questions:
1. How to detect the presence of a Bluetooth keyboard? I need this because
I only want response when the Bluetooth keyboard is present, and not display
the virtual ke
When I implemented a scalable teleprompter screen in MacOS, I did it by
rendering the text in a narrow view that was scaled down by the scale
factor, then scaled the view up to fill the containing view. With a little
work, it was fully editable. I was not using CALayers at the time. When I
tried t
Actually, I wasn¹t talking about tiled layers, although that might also be
relevant. I was talking about tiled views. There is some sample code
available for tiled views, but it took some massaging to get it to do what I
wanted. I only tiled my view vertically and used half of a screen height
UIPopoverController has a UINavigationController. Is there any decent way
to access the UIPopoverController inside a popover view to dismiss it? The
only way I have come up with is to either pass the reference down the chain,
or at least put it into in the root view. In the latter case you can g
passing the reference
down the line to everyone.
On 7/20/11 2:30 PM, "Matt Neuburg" wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:32:07 -0500, Gordon Apple said:
>> UIPopoverController has a UINavigationController. Is there any decent way
>> to access the UIPopoverController inside
The following expression generates a warning message (³&&² within ³||²) and
says to include the ³anded² expression in parens. Anybody who understands
basic boolean operator precedence knows this is unnecessary. Bug report?
BOOL isInUse = [super mediaIsInUse];
isInUse = isInUse || [self v
Sorry, that should have been posted to Xcode.
On 7/31/11 3:13 PM, "Gordon Apple" wrote:
> The following expression generates a warning message (³&&² within ³||²) and
> says to include the ³anded² expression in parens. Anybody who understands
> basic boolean operat
Are there any good way to get/set a view's transform? (No, not using
CALayers.) It is possible to flip a view's horizontal and/or vertical
orientation by setting negative values for the bounds size. However, a
request for the view's bounds always returns a validated rect, giving no
indication of
Apparently, I'm not the only one who has experienced this. NSTextView (or
NSLayoutManager) is lazy. It does stuff in the background that is driving
me nuts. I need to do a full layout, not just what's visible, so I can get
a reliably accurate measure of the total physical text layout length. I'
, and slow scrolling. It still
has a few issues, but mostly works.
On 12/14/09 12:55 PM, "Douglas Davidson" wrote:
> On Dec 14, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> Any ideas on how to force a full layout and then prevent NSTextView
>> from
>> further
If you capture the entire laid-out text string as a single Bezier path,
then you can fill it with whatever you want -- gradient, image, burning fire
QTMovie, more text, etc. I've done it and it works. Of course, all of that
takes a significant amount of effort. In my case, I already had all the
I plan to file a bug report on this unless someone has a better idea to fix
I have an outline view in a scroller. The view has two fixed columns on the
left, then an editable name field. There are five levels in the data
hierarchy in the name field. The view is set to expand the name field
Nevermind. Turning off "Autoresizes Outline Column" in IB appears to have
solved the problem.
On 12/19/09 4:45 PM, "Gordon Apple" wrote:
> I plan to file a bug report on this unless someone has a better idea to fix
> it.
> I have an outline view in a s
When in the course of undo events, it becomes necessary to introduce
multiple undo managers, certain issues arise. For example: How to handle
the document change count?
I currently have at least a half dozen independent undo managers for my
document, which I keep in a bank near the document leve
Ah! That's what I missed. Thanks. I assume that just tests the zero state
of changeCount. Maybe I can override that to return YES if any count is
This is a fairly complex document, involving a data hierarchy and various
contexts (and editable windows) within that hierarchy. Some of t
I realize that we are not going to get any answers here at this time. My
question is whether developer info will be forthcoming simultaneously with
the announcement expected later this month (according to today's WSJ
article). It would be nice to know if this is a full MacOS/Cocoa or an
Is there an IB issue with setting custom Formatters? I've successfully used
a custom formatter with table views, but when I try to use the same
formatter with an NSTextField, IB will not let me change the formatter file
to my custom formatter. I have to set it programmatically. Bug?
ormatter is just a subclass of NSFormatter. I wish NSDateFormatter or
NSDatePicker would allow using 24-hr time without changing system prefs.
Then I wouldn't have to use my own formatter for setting/displaying
On 2/7/10 2:32 PM, "Kyle Sluder" wrote:
> On Sun, Fe
It's unfortunate that all initializers don't at least call "init"
internally. That would make subclassing easier if all one needs is to set a
few ivars. In the earlier days of MacApp (Pascal and first C++ versions)
there was a basic initializer, similar to "init", called by all classes,
just for
My point was that if you could count on "init" being called internally and
all you needed was to initialize some ivars, you could override "init" and
not have to override the (sometimes more involved) designated initializer
and possibly other initializers. You could still use the (superclass)
classes have -init?
> To: Cocoa-Dev List
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Feb 11, 2010, at 12:08 pm, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> My point was that if you could count on "init"
I have a window with an NSTextView. If I edit the text normally, even
adding a single character, it behaves properly, I can save, close, reopen,
and the change is present. If I close after edit, it asks to save, like it
is supposed to. However, if I programmatically insert an attachment (wi
:@"$"] atIndex:index];
[store endEditing];
The edit works, but it's just not committing the result. If I type another
character elsewhere, then it saves both correctly.
On 2/20/10 3:34 PM, "Kyle Sluder" wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> [s
just not committing the result. If I type another
character elsewhere, then it saves both correctly.
On 2/20/10 3:34 PM, "Kyle Sluder" wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> [store insertAttributedString:string atIndex:index];
>> NSRang
ot;XYZ" at the caret. It all gets called, index is correct, but nada, zilch,
zip. No change. Anything obviously wrong with the above?
On 2/21/10 2:02 PM, ""
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> Like I said
p a dummy ivar and a dependency to
make it update.
On 2/21/10 7:24 PM, "Kyle Sluder" wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
>> This is getting stranger by the minute. I ruled out the menu issue as the
>> cause, then created a test app from the standard
eport, unless there is
> something else I can do to trigger the KVO for programmatic edits.
> I suppose a workaround could be to set up a dummy ivar and a dependency to
> make it update.
> On 2/21/10 7:24 PM, "Kyle Sluder" wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010
This is a QuickTime question, not Cocoa.
I was just looking into this recently. A text track is part of the
movie. A subtitle track is an optional track usually depending on option
settings and the machine's language settings. Yes, you can have multiple
languages. Google it and you sho
CALayer does have "setAffineTransform:" which is what I mostly use. It just
does the 3D transform for you and is adequate for translation, scaling,
(planer) rotation, skew, and a few other things.
On 6/16/09 12:18 PM, ""
> so is CGAffineTransform conside
IMHO, matrix operations are one of the most confusing and cumbersome
aspects of Cocoa. Every time I use them, I end up trying most combinations
until I get the desired result. C++ doesn't have this problem. You can
simply write the matrix equations and be done with it. I love Objective C,
If you find anything like that, I'd like to know. What I want is a vDig
component that could be used with QTBroadcaster that captures frames of the
content of a window -- on-screen or off-screen.
On 6/24/09 6:30 AM, ""
> Hi All,
> Does anyone know
Does anyone know of a Cocoa View or a drawing component (or code) that
will render MathML (from LaTex, whatever)? I've been looking at a lot of
stuff through Google, but haven't found what I want. What I would really
like is a total graphical equation editor/renderer. DesignScience has a
I have a very long text view (CoreText) for iPad. It a CATiledLayer, 1024 x
512 tiles. I'm doing optimized drawing (first to last line) in drawRect,
which gets called for each tile. I have a vertical slider that appears when
you tap the right side in order to fast (live) scroll when needed.
x27;m skeptical. Even if it helps, I would still like to be able to render
far longer documents and I fear I'm going to run into the same problem when
somebody fast scrolls.
On 8/6/10 3:23 PM, "David Duncan" wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:
w crashing all over the place, even though
(for testing) I went back to native tile size and no optimized drawing.
Unfortunately, running out of memory, the stack trace leads back to the run
loop and provides nothing useful.
On 8/6/10 7:13 PM, "David Duncan" wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2010, a
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