Hi Alex,
first of all thank your this exhaustive explanation.
I still don't get some things, though, and kindly ask for more
On Nov 8, 3:46 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> So after resolving, it then has a Var object. A Var, is as it's
> name suggests, a variable. It consist of a nam
not sure if it works here, but what about adapting advice from Stuart
Halloway's Programming Clojure (pages 159-160, 'Losing your head') and
use a function returning a sequence instead of a 'bound by let' name
(the actual advice in the book is to use functions returning sequences
instead of va
Stefan Kamphausen writes:
> On Nov 8, 3:46 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> As far as the documentation says, Vars can't have metadata:
> "Symbols and collections support metadata," -- http://clojure.org/metadata
> "Symbols, Lists, Vector, Sets and Maps can have metadata" --
> http://clojure.org/re
Hi All,
Is there any obvious way by which you can combine vimclojure and
leiningen easily? If I use leiningen to download and arrange all my
jar dependencies, they all end up in a ~/.m2/repositories/... etc
directory, and in the /lib directory of whatever project.
I think I cannot escape spelling
bOR_ writes:
> I think I cannot escape spelling out the ~/.m2/paths to clojure.jar
> and clojure-contrib.jar in vimclojures' local.properties file, but is
> there any way I can get start the nailgun server from my projects'
> directory and it just takes ./lib as its classpath?
java -cp 'src:clas
that have been some really embarrassing typos in my post (typing too
fast in too stupid an interface, I think).
On Nov 27, 12:52 pm, "Alex Osborne" wrote:
> Stefan Kamphausen writes:
> > On Nov 8, 3:46 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> > As far as the documentation says, Vars can't have metadata:
using vimclojures' nailgun, I would have a line like this added to
my .vimrc file. Can I still use that?
let vimclojure#NailgunClient = "/home/boris/opt/vimclojure/ng"
On Nov 27, 1:43 pm, "Alex Osborne" wrote:
> bOR_ writes:
> > I think I cannot escape spelling out the ~/.m2/paths to clojure.j
Hmm. Need a bit of handholding (can't find any documentation yet on
this either.)
There is a vimclojure coming with adding [[lein-nailgun/lein-nailgun
"0.1.0"]] to dev-dependencies (org/clojars/gilbert1/vimclojure). Do I
add that to the dependencies as well?
On Nov 27, 4:16 pm, bOR_ wrote:
> us
Got it working. The only thing I need next to leiningen to set up my
working environment + project is the ng client from vimclojure, the
correct lines in .vimrc and the vimclojure vim plugin parts (in .vim)
On Nov 27, 4:16 pm, bOR_ wrote:
> using vimclojures' nailgun, I would have a line l
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Chris Jenkins wrote:
> (defn flip-cell [b x y]
> (let [row (nth b y)
> cell (nth row x)
> new-cell (- 1 cell)
> new-row (assoc row x new-cell)]
> (assoc b y new-row)))
(defn flip-cell [b x y]
(update-in b [y x] #(- 1 %)))
You receive
On Nov 27, 10:19 am, Stefan Kamphausen wrote:
> As far as the documentation says, Vars can't have metadata:
> "Symbols and collections support metadata," --http://clojure.org/metadata
> "Symbols, Lists, Vector, Sets and Maps can have metadata"
> --http://clojure.org/reader
> I tried t
On Nov 25, 2:32 pm, jim wrote:
> Graham,
> That's exactly what it is. I used the continuation monad from
> clojure.contrib.monads.
Mention it on the website, and you instantly win +50 bonus Web 2.0
points for buzzword-compliance. Congraturation!
> After I get the code out, I'll be writing a
On Nov 27, 1:43 pm, "Alex Osborne" wrote:
> Just add it to :dev-dependencies in your project.clj. Then you should
> be able to just do:
> lein nailgun
And make sure that the vimclojure.jar is in your classpath. It will
happily use whatever nailgun is there.
You rec
(rest *v1) is equal to *v2 in the below mentioned example. Then why
`conj' operation on them is returning different things.
user> (def *v1 [1 2 3 4 5])
user> (def *v2 [2 3 4 5])
user> (= (rest *v1) *v2)
user> (def *v3 (conj (rest *v1) 0))
user> *v3
On Nov 27, 2:45 pm, Stefan Kamphausen wrote:
> A *new* symbol? I would have thought I'm getting the original symbol
> again.
If you get back the original symbol back, it can't carry metadata...
> Definitely, and I don't like the distinction too much either.
But it makes sense. A Var rep
Can I assume that messages sent to an agent inside a locked area will
keep their order ( the locking order)? Or is it still possible for
them to be reordered like in general case when you send the messages
from different threads?
The following code will be run from different threads:
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Stefan Kamphausen
> > Why? Well because #^ attaches the metadata to the next read form.
> > What's the next read form? It's 'greet. But in fact 'greet is just
> > sugar for (quote greet). So we're actually affixing the metadata to a
> > list containing t
We're maintaining a large database of tagged images and had a need to
perform "fuzzy search" of the database. The existing search tool takes exact
queries only. So it was necessary to hack up a little tool to sit between
the query source and the engine and transform the query into a "fuzzy
On Nov 27, 4:16 pm, bOR_ wrote:
> using vimclojures' nailgun, I would have a line like this added to
> my .vimrc file. Can I still use that?
> let vimclojure#NailgunClient = "/home/boris/opt/vimclojure/ng"
You still need this. Leiningen only starts the server, will this is
the client. Wit
I wrote a simple test to check it and it does not see reordering on
multiprocessing system. But it does not prove anything of course.
(def transaction-lock
(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.) )
(def transaction-counter (atom 0))
(def counting-agent (agent {:count 1}))
(defn check [
On Nov 25, 2:59 pm, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> On 25.11.2009, at 15:32, jim wrote:
> > That's exactly what it is. I used the continuation monad from
> > clojure.contrib.monads. After I get the code out, I'll be writing a
> > tutorial on how it works which will also explain the continuation
> > mon
Is there currently a simple way to add new maven2 repos to download from?
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Hi Nipra,
2009/11/27 nipra :
> Hi,
> (rest *v1) is equal to *v2 in the below mentioned example. Then why
> `conj' operation on them is returning different things.
> user> (def *v1 [1 2 3 4 5])
> #'user/*v1
> user> (def *v2 [2 3 4 5])
> #'user/*v2
> user> (= (rest *v1) *v2)
> true
> user> (def
> Maybe this ought to be fixed; i.e., if the reader sees #^{meta} 'foo
> it applies the metadata to foo first, then quotes it, resulting in
> the same thing as (quote #^{meta} foo).
Why introduce that special case, when you can simply do the second?
I don't support the view that it's OK for p
> (rest *v1) is equal to *v2 in the below mentioned example. Then why
> `conj' operation on them is returning different things.
rest is giving you a seq. conj is thus producing a cons where the
first is 0 and the rest is that seq. (Essentially, seqs are treated as
lists, and thus print with
On Nov 27, 12:40 pm, David Nolen wrote:
> Is there currently a simple way to add new maven2 repos to download from?
I haven't done it, but looking at the code you just add :repositories
[[id url]] to your project.clj.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
I discovered a rather subtle bug as I was coding an example web-app,
so I haven't got the code out yet. Will ASAP.
That tutorial is going to take a little time to write, because as the
Haskell folks note, "Here be dragons!". The continuation monad is one
of the most powerful and can be considered
On Nov 27, 10:09 am, Luke Renn wrote:
> On Nov 27, 12:40 pm, David Nolen wrote:
> > Is there currently a simple way to add new maven2 repos to download from?
> I haven't done it, but looking at the code you just add :repositories
> [[id url]] to your project.clj.
That's correct. I'll try to
Yes this worked for me. I was trying to add JOGL jars a dependency to a
project. Unfortunately now running into java.lang.Security Exceptions
because the JOGL jars are signed. blech.
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> On Nov 27, 10:09 am, Luke Renn wrote:
> > On Nov 27, 12:
I was working on a system that used the reader / pprint to load and
save data too and from the disk and I ran into a strange issue when I
reloaded my work from a JTable
Apparently there are cases where read will return a slightly different
float then the Float constructor will. For example:
(- (n
On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:50:27 -0500, Nathan Cunningham
> Apparently there are cases where read will return a slightly different
> float then the Float constructor will. For example:
> (- (new Float "1786.28") (read-string "1786.28"))
> 2.929687502728484E-5
read-string returns a Double
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 01:52:05PM +0200, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
>not sure if it works here, but what about adapting advice from Stuart
>Halloway's Programming Clojure (pages 159-160, 'Losing your head') and
>use a function returning a sequence instead of a 'bound by let' name
>(the actual advice
On Nov 27, 9:32 pm, "Hugo Duncan"
> read-string returns a Double for me...
user> (class (read-string "1786.28"))
user> (- (new Double "1786.28") (read-string "1786.28"))
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" gro
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Richard Newman wrote:
> > Maybe this ought to be fixed; i.e., if the reader sees #^{meta} 'foo
> > it applies the metadata to foo first, then quotes it, resulting in
> > the same thing as (quote #^{meta} foo).
> Why introduce that special case, when you can sim
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:23 PM, John Harrop wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Richard Newman wrote:
>> > Maybe this ought to be fixed; i.e., if the reader sees #^{meta} 'foo
>> > it applies the metadata to foo first, then quotes it, resulting in
>> > the same thing as (quote #^{meta}
user=> (- (new Double "1786.28") (read-string "1786.28"))
Following uip on what Hugo said, modifying your code to a double
returns the following.
On Nov 27, 1:32 pm, "Hugo Duncan"
> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:50:27 -0500, Nathan Cunningham
> wrote:
> > Apparently there are cases whe
Stefan Kamphausen writes:
>> I don't think the documentation is *wrong* per se, it just only seems to
>> cover the immutable types.
> Which is kind of wrong, isn't it? I strongly believe that this should
> be changed.
> While I understand that the mutating functions will not apply to
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Amnon wrote:
> I did, and it works like a charm. Couldn't figure out how to hint an
> array of objects (what should I put instead of the old #^objects?
> I still get it to work in 300 ms (which is not great but something I
> can live with).
You have to replace
Tom Faulhaber writes:
> I'm super-excited about Leiningen, btw. I've been thinking about how
> to turn my autodoc stuff into a Leiningen plugin so that we can get
> easy doc for any project.
Awesome. We've already got someone started working on a doc plugin;
please join the leiningen mailing lis
On Nov 27, 11:06 pm, "Alex Osborne" wrote:
> > A *new* symbol? I would have thought I'm getting the original symbol
> > again.
> Yes, one of the differences between symbols and keywords is that symbols
> are created fresh each time while keywords are interned:
> (identical? 'foo 'foo) ;
> Whoa! Cool example. This is rather an important point, I think. I
> mean it's not important, when your "only" programming with Clojure,
> which will usally work, and you always have the REPL... But it
> becomes more important for those, trying to understand. It's about
> grokking a language'
Stefan Kamphausen writes:
>> (meta '#^{a 1} greet)
> To be honest, I think it looks even worse. There is some reader macro
> which by happy accident works in a certain way together with the other
> read syntax. No, I don't think it should work.
I agree this is ugly and unintuitive and I wo
On Nov 27, 5:46 pm, Richard Newman wrote:
> I don't support the view that it's OK for programmers to not know what
> they're doing, which in this case means knowing that 'foo reads as
> (quote foo).
FWIW I *strongly* agree; getting reader macros straight in my head was
a *big* help in macro wri
I've been working on a problem that requires me to write a small state
machine for processing XML documents. Out of curiousity (I'm new to
functional programming) I hit Google to see how automata are written
in other functional languages. I found Shriram Krishnamurthi's paper:
On 27 Nov., 04:33, pmf wrote:
> On Nov 26, 7:39 pm, Richard Newman wrote:
> > "Re consistency: I seem to recall Pascal Costanza working on
> > activation of layers, so you can swap a whole set of stuff across your
> > program. He spoke about it at ILC2009, but I'm not sure I've found the
Hi Charles,
I notice I can stop your version from running out of memory with a very
small change. Changing from:
;; the [f & args] form of trampoline
(trampoline init start-stream)
;; the [f] form of trampoline
(trampoline #(init start-stream))
seems to work as expected. I would
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 7:48 PM, André Thieme
> Let‘s say we have the functions A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
> A is calling B, B is calling C, C is calling D, and so on.
> Now a request R1 comes in, function A is called and this chain
> continues to,
> say, E.
> Now a reload happens. Some functi
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