Stefan Kamphausen <> writes: >> (meta '#^{a 1} greet) > > To be honest, I think it looks even worse. There is some reader macro > which by happy accident works in a certain way together with the other > read syntax. No, I don't think it should work.
I agree this is ugly and unintuitive and I wouldn't use it in a real program, I'd use with-meta instead. I included it as an illustration that some reader macros like ~, ' and @ are just shorthand for regular macros: unquote, quote and deref respectively, while others change the behaviour of the reader, like #^, ; and #_. Unfortunately syntax-quote (`) currently falls into the latter camp, but I hope that will change in Clojure-in-Clojure. Try this to see something scary: '`(foo) => (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote user/foo)))) The reason it needs to break the list down like that is so that it can implement splicing-unquote. > Hm, is it possible you're coming from Java here? For me, coming more > from CL than Java, some things in Clojure feel very --let's say-- > Perlish: there is so much syntax there. Don't get me wrong, I think > Clojure delivers what arc promised, it does a hell of a job > revolutionizing Lisp. Yes, I have a mainly non-lisp background, much C, Python, Ruby and some Java and Haskell and various other languages. I had dabbled in Common Lisp and Scheme a bit before discovering Clojure but found Common Lisp very complex and Scheme very verbose and the lack of syntax for common data structures like hash tables frustrating. So perhaps I fall towards the slightly more sugary side of the spectrum compared to Scheme, especially when it comes to data structures but I do agree that things might be clearer without the ^ and #' reader macros and restricting #^ just to type hints. > I hardly can disagree with many of the design > principles, I just like the documentation to tell the whole story so > not everyone new to Clojure will have to figure it out for him/ > herself. Yes. Stuart's book "Programming Clojure" is a much better introduction to the language. The website is mostly okay as a reference but it is incomplete and usually out of date. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at