
On Nov 27, 10:19 am, Stefan Kamphausen <ska2...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> As far as the documentation says, Vars can't have metadata:
> "Symbols and collections support metadata," --http://clojure.org/metadata
> "Symbols, Lists, Vector, Sets and Maps can have metadata" 
> --http://clojure.org/reader
> I tried to understand the Java implementation underneath which seems
> to be in line with the documentation.  E.g. a symbol extends AFn,
> which extents Obj which implements IObj, which in turn extends IMeta
> which seems to be the relevant implementation of the metadata
> interface.
> However, there is some metadata code in Var.java which indicates that
> Vars *can* have metadata, but according to documentation they can't.

Vars are one of the four reference types implementing IReference. The
other three are Refs, Agents and Atoms. All IReference types support

> An example also seems to indicate that Vars can have metadata:
> user=> (def #^{:hasmeta "yes"} my-var [1 2 3])
> #'user/my-var
> user=> (meta my-var)
> nil

meta is a normal function. That means in the above case that meta is
called in the vector.

user=> (def #^{:hasmeta "yes"} my-var (with-meta [1 2 3] {:foo :bar}))
user=> (meta my-var)
{:foo :bar}

> Really? Then why the metadata of the symbol empty?
> user=> (meta 'greet)
> nil

Because the is a different symbol which happens to have the same name.

user=> (= 'greet 'greet)
user=> (identical? 'greet 'greet)
user=> (= 'greet (with-meta 'greet {:foo :bar}))

> Or am I not accessing the symbol's metadata that way?

You are. But of a different symbol. ;)

> * Is the documentation wrong or my understanding of it?

Hmm.. It seems missing, but I'm sure I read somewhere about the
reference types. Maybe in one Rich's talks? Hmmm..

> * What part of the (Java)-code should I read to understand the
> implementation of metadata (if I assume that my understanding of how
> the classes extent/implement is not correct).

The chain is Var -> Aref -> AReference -> IReference -> IMeta

> The reason for asking this is, that I *really* want to understand what
> I am talking about.

That's a Good Thing. We live to much from assumptions.


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