For whatever reason I just can't seem to put this problem down.
I have rewritten the code substantially. A major bottleneck was using
Java's MD5 classes. The "Fast MD5" library really is, and that helped
a lot. I did get the -> notation to work and I have a reasonable HOF
now for doing the
In Haskell, it's simple to explicitly state what names should be
exported by a module. Is there a way to do this in Clojure?
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"Clojure" group.
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I found an interesting article on Hacker News: "The Best Kept Secret in
the JDK: VisualVM" and the article here:
I fired it up and in no time at all, was profiling some clojure code.
The change that caused this problem between 1376 and 1386 was that
count got an inline definition, which allowed it to return a
primitive. In this case, count is returning an int in both places,
which brought to light the problem that I stated in the previous
post. The divide issue has been arou
After seeing this issue, I brought it up in #clojure. After
experimenting with it in both 1376 and earlier, it seems that the same
behaviour for stuff like (/ (int 1) (int 2)) exist, where it is about
5 times slower than (/ 1 2), which is kind of a strange result.
The solution is to create a met
Yeah. It really is a subtle point. I don't think I would have
understood the difference until I ran into the problems I've been
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I ordered mine today and look forward to getting it soon!
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:
> I just got my copy of Programming Clojure in the mail today. This is
> the only time I expect to see the book in pristine condition, as I
> know it will get bookmarked, highlighted,
I just got my copy of Programming Clojure in the mail today. This is
the only time I expect to see the book in pristine condition, as I
know it will get bookmarked, highlighted, and well used in a hurry.
Congratulations Stuart!
You received t
On May 28, 2:52 am, Korny Sietsma wrote:
Basically, I have a FileInfo class that wraps a data file, used to
> compare lots of files on my system.
> It has an "exact_match" method similar to:
> def exact_match(other)
> return false if size != other.size
> return false if quickhash() !
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Am 28.05.2009 um 23:29 schrieb CuppoJava:
>> In my recent macro-writing adventure, I discovered that
>> (gensym) is not actually equivalent to using #. Can
>> someone explain to me how # actually works in backquoted
>> form?
> The f
> user=> (show Class)
> === public final java.lang.Class ===
> [ 0] static forName : Class (String)
> [ 1] static forName : Class (String,boolean,ClassLoader)
> [ 2] asSubclass : Class (Class)
> [...]
> nil
> user=> (show Class 2)
> #
That's awesome Phil!
I have been using the starter-kit for awhile since you have a fair ton
of goodies in there and this provides a great reference for getting my
3 or 4 different clojure set ups consistently working (instead of a
version that has java api help integrated, one that has maven hook
Hey, here's a hacked together curry function that does it somewhat
like haskell, in pseudo-code. Can you guys help me correct it?
(defn curry [f & args1]
(cond (= (arity f ) (count args)) (apply f args1)
(fixed? (arity f) (fn [& args2] (curry (apply partial f
args1) args2)
Thanks again Meikel
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On May 28, 2009, at 5:23 PM, tsuraan wrote:
I have a java class whose constructor expects (among other things) a
BlockingQueue. It's easy to create a BlockingQueue in clojure
(obviously), but I can't figure out the syntax to specialize it to the
Long type. Is this possible, or does it even ma
Am 28.05.2009 um 23:23 schrieb tsuraan:
I have a java class whose constructor expects (among other things) a
BlockingQueue. It's easy to create a BlockingQueue in clojure
(obviously), but I can't figure out the syntax to specialize it to the
Long type. Is this possible, or does it even ma
Am 28.05.2009 um 23:45 schrieb CuppoJava:
Ah I see. So the foo# form does it's replacement at read-time. And
gensym does it at runtime?
I think so. Where "runtime" means "macro expansion time".
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ah I see. So the foo# form does it's replacement at read-time. And
gensym does it at runtime?
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Am 28.05.2009 um 23:29 schrieb CuppoJava:
In my recent macro-writing adventure, I discovered that (gensym) is
not actually equivalent to using #.
Can someone explain to me how # actually works in backquoted form?
The foo# form will replace the foo symbol statically in the
syntax-quote for
In my recent macro-writing adventure, I discovered that (gensym) is
not actually equivalent to using #.
Can someone explain to me how # actually works in backquoted form?
eg. This doesn't work:
(defmacro deftemp [name text]
`(do (def temp# ~text)
(defn ~name [] temp#)))
In repl:
Likewise. Good discussion.
On May 28, 4:49 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 28.05.2009 um 22:23 schrieb CuppoJava:
> > Thanks to Meikel and Sean for their input and help.
> You are welcome. :)
> Sincerely
> Meikel
> smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload
I have a java class whose constructor expects (among other things) a
BlockingQueue. It's easy to create a BlockingQueue in clojure
(obviously), but I can't figure out the syntax to specialize it to the
Long type. Is this possible, or does it even make sense? I seem to
recall that generics are j
Am 28.05.2009 um 22:23 schrieb CuppoJava:
Thanks to Meikel and Sean for their input and help.
You are welcome. :)
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Okay. So I grasped some understanding from going through Meikel's
macro with a micron comb.
Here's my version: it's a little more general (it can accept any
number of arguments), and little cleaner.
(defmacro defblockfn [function params & body]
(let [butlast_params (butlast par
On May 28, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:
> 1. collect is the ruby version of map, not reduce. An interesting
> use of reduce, though.
For anyone keeping score, inject is Ruby's reduce. And Ruby has map,
it's an alias to collect.
> This is exactly why I think creating defblockfn is a
After updating to r1381, the following code produces a "reflection
warning - call to divide can't be resolved" on the last line. This
warning did not occur at r1376 or earlier.
(defn prime-frequency [x y]
"integer integer -> real. frequency of primes in range"
(let [xy (range x y)]
(/ (coun
I just posted some instructions for getting up and running with
SLIME. I've seen a lot of folks get confused with some of the more
convoluted tutorials out there, so I thought it'd be helpful to document
the simplest way to get started that I know:
I welcome feedback
That's true. Good job Meikel, macro master!
On May 28, 3:31 pm, CuppoJava wrote:
> Correction: By "My macro" I, of course, mean "Meikel's macro" since
> you're the one that actually got it working.
> Have to give credit where it's due. =)
Correction: By "My macro" I, of course, mean "Meikel's macro" since
you're the one that actually got it working.
Have to give credit where it's due. =)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Clojure" group.
Ah I understand now. That's a very useful technique for recursive
backquotes. I'm going to be using it constantly now. Until I can
reason about recursive backquotes in my head at least.
My macro is a little simplified. It only works for functions that take
no arguments. With a minimal change, you
Okay, good to know. It's interesting to see other approaches. It's
how we collectively get better.
My $.02:
(with_file "myfile.txt"
#(write "asdf")
On May 28, 3:23 pm, CuppoJava wrote:
> It's useful in all the cases where a blocks are useful in Ruby. It
> simply saves
Am 28.05.2009 um 21:10 schrieb CuppoJava:
I find defblockfn very useful for functions that take a single
function as one of the parameters.
Macros are much harder and more error-prone to write than functions,
so almost all of my macros do nothing but wrap a body in a function.
Yes. This
It's useful in all the cases where a blocks are useful in Ruby. It
simply saves typing out "(fn [])" and IMO makes the code look a little
(with_file "myfile.txt"
(write "asdf")
compared to.
(with_file "myfile.txt"
(fn []
(write "asdf")
There's argua
On May 28, 3:10 pm, CuppoJava wrote:
> Thank you Meikel for going to the trouble of writing out the full
> macro. It's going to take me a while to decipher it, and hopefully
> grasp some understanding at the end of it.
"I find defblockfn very useful for functions that take a single
function as
On May 28, 3:01 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 28.05.2009 um 20:11 schrieb Sean Devlin:
> > Without discussing a specific application, I think what you're looking
> > for can be achieved by normal macros and functions in Clojure. I'll
> > try implement the collect method in Clojur
Thank you Meikel for going to the trouble of writing out the full
macro. It's going to take me a while to decipher it, and hopefully
grasp some understanding at the end of it.
I find defblockfn very useful for functions that take a single
function as one of the parameters.
Macros are much harder
Am 28.05.2009 um 20:11 schrieb Sean Devlin:
Without discussing a specific application, I think what you're looking
for can be achieved by normal macros and functions in Clojure. I'll
try implement the collect method in Clojure, and hopefully that will
explain things.
Let's start by creati
Am 28.05.2009 um 18:50 schrieb CuppoJava:
The macro I'm attempting to write is:
(defblockfn my_block_fn [arg1 arg2 func]
(op1 arg1)
(op2 arg2))
(defn -my_block_fn [arg1 arg2 func]
(op1 arg1)
(op2 arg2))
(defmacro my_block_fn [arg1 arg2 & tail]
Okay, great. That's my background too.
Without discussing a specific application, I think what you're looking
for can be achieved by normal macros and functions in Clojure. I'll
try implement the collect method in Clojure, and hopefully that will
explain things.
Let's start by creating a colle
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Michael Wood wrote:
> If you advertise the "-jar" version, then people will get confused
> when trying to use other jars, so it's better just to advertise "java
> -cp clojure.jar clojure.lang.Repl".
Although it's easier for newcomers (like me) to run the execut
Haha. You got it. I discovered Lisp after using Ruby. Ruby was
actually the language that helped me realize what a good idea
functional programming is.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Clojure" group.
Okay, this looks a lot like the ruby yeild statement. Is that what
inspired you?
On May 28, 12:50 pm, CuppoJava wrote:
> That's unfortunate. It would have made matters much easier for me.
> The macro I'm attempting to write is:
> (defblockfn my_block_fn [arg1 arg2 func]
> (op1 arg1)
> (
That's unfortunate. It would have made matters much easier for me.
The macro I'm attempting to write is:
(defblockfn my_block_fn [arg1 arg2 func]
(op1 arg1)
(op2 arg2))
(defn -my_block_fn [arg1 arg2 func]
(op1 arg1)
(op2 arg2))
(defmacro my_block_fn [arg1 arg
Could you give us a little more information what you're trying to do?
What type of macro-macros are you writing?
On May 28, 4:58 am, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> On 28.05.2009, at 03:11, CuppoJava wrote:
> > I'm using macroexpand-1 right now, but it's not terribly useful as
> > backquote
Cool stuff - I really should go to bed now, but I'll look at this
further in the morning.
By the way, in response to whoever suggested pre-sorting files; I
sort-of do this (in the old ruby version) but actually, mostly the
program is looking for duplicate *directories* of files - the goal is
to p
On May 28, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
Or may be thisfn used to be something and doesn't exist anymore.
That's right. Here's Rich's message about removing it:
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ah, sorry, I get it now - very cute! This is just the sort of thing I
need to understand better - hard to break out of years of
object-oriented thinking.
- Korny
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Mikio Hokari wrote:
> Hash calculation runs only when necessary, because
> Clojure's map function
On May 28, 2009, at 6:55 AM, Michael Wood wrote:
If you advertise the "-jar" version, then people will get confused
when trying to use other jars, so it's better just to advertise "java
-cp clojure.jar clojure.lang.Repl".
Also, clojure.lang.Repl is a legacy entry point. The current
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Stefan Hübner wrote:
> I've submitted the Maven bundle for Clojure 1.0.0 to
> Processing the request
> might take a couple of days.
The upload guide says four weeks. Repository synchronization is the
long term s
Benjamin L. Russell wrote:
>> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: thisfn in this context
>> [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]
> However, no definition is given for "thisfn" in the talk.
(defn argcount
([] 0)
([x] 1)
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Jacek Laskowski wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a difference between executing "java -cp clojure.jar
> clojure.lang.Repl" and "java -jar clojure.jar"? Unless it is, the
> later is easier and I think might ease
The difference comes in when
Is there a difference between executing "java -cp clojure.jar
clojure.lang.Repl" and "java -jar clojure.jar"? Unless it is, the
later is easier and I think might ease
Jacek Laskowski
Notatnik Projektanta Java EE -
On slide 20 of the talk "Clojure: A Dynamic Programming Language for
the JVM" (see,
by Rich Hickey, the following function and evaluation results are
>(defn argcount
> ([] 0)
> ([x] 1)
> ([x y] 2)
> ([x y & more]
Hahaha - you beat me to it!
I expect the memory usage would be dominated by the slurping (if there
are large files), perhaps using a DigestInputStream avoids this? (I'm
not familiar with it, but sounds... streamy). PS: you defined file-
comparator but don't use it, your source could be even short
Thanks for the tip about lazy = Mikio!
Wow Daniel, a very thorough description there - it seems file systems
are close to your heart :) I've taken your design and implemented a
variant on it:
For this sort of domain I think memo
I have uploaded my solution to the Google group. It seems to work well
for small directories but runs out of memory pretty quickly on a huge
directory. I'd appreciate any help with making it more efficient or
prettier. I'm sure I can drum up my own uses for this.
Also, I thought I could use
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 9:57 AM, kinghajj wrote:
> (defmacro $ [f & args]
> (let [args2 (gensym)]
> `(fn [& ~args2]
> (eval (cons (quote ~f) (concat (quote ~args) ~args2))
> Example:
> (def add5 ($ + 5))
> (add5 3)
This already exists :)
user=> (doc partial)
On 28.05.2009, at 03:11, CuppoJava wrote:
> I'm using macroexpand-1 right now, but it's not terribly useful as
> backquotes expand to something nasty.
> Given:
> (defmacro mymacro []
> `(level1 `(level2)))
> I would like to see it expanded to:
> (user/level1 `(level2))
That's not possible,
Here's a reason why a partial application macro is better than a
partial application function:
user=> ((partial or (prn "Hello")) (prn "World"))
java.lang.Exception: Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/or
user=> (($ or (prn "Hello")) (prn "World"))
Here is a somewhat simpler definition :-) :
user=> (def $ clojure.core/partial)
user=> (def add5 ($ + 5))
user=> (add5 3)
But maybe you want the delayed evaluation of the already included
arguments, but it is not clear to me from your e-mail (and your
example that u
(defmacro $ [f & args]
(let [args2 (gensym)]
`(fn [& ~args2]
(eval (cons (quote ~f) (concat (quote ~args) ~args2))
(def add5 ($ + 5))
(add5 3)
Beware! For this macro evaluates the later parameters before the
partially-applied ones, so side-effectful parameters may occu
On May 28, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Mikio Hokari wrote:
>>> I wonder if there is a more idiomatic way to compare two lazy
>>> sequences... lazily?
> You can just use =.
I guess I'm imagining a group-by like Haskell's, which takes an
equality comparison function and just returns a list of lists.
On May 28, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Mikio Hokari wrote:
>>> I wonder if there is a more idiomatic way to compare two lazy
>>> sequences... lazily?
> You can just use =.
> (= seq1 seq2)
> It works lazily.
> user> (= (iterate inc 0) (map #(do (println %) %) [0 1 2 -3 4 5 6]) )
> 0
> 1
> 2
> -
63 matches
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