In my recent macro-writing adventure, I discovered that (gensym) is
not actually equivalent to using #.
Can someone explain to me how # actually works in backquoted form?

eg. This doesn't work:
(defmacro deftemp [name text]
  `(do (def temp# ~text)
       (defn ~name [] temp#)))

In repl:
(deftemp temp1 "temp1")
(deftemp temp2 "temp2")

(temp1) returns "temp2" <= incorrect.

BUT this does work:
(defmacro deftemp [name text]
  (let [temp (gensym "temp")]
    `(do (def ~temp ~text)
         (defn ~name [] ~temp))))

In Repl:
(deftemp temp1 "temp1")
(deftemp temp2 "temp2")

(temp1) correct returns "temp1" <= correct.

I originally thought that # uses (gensym) internally. But it seems
that's not the case?
Thanks for your help
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