On May 28, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:
> 1.  collect is the ruby version of map, not reduce.  An interesting
> use of reduce, though.

For anyone keeping score, inject is Ruby's reduce. And Ruby has map,  
it's an alias to collect.

> This is exactly why I think creating defblockfn is a bad idea.  We
> already have a perfectly good macro facility in clojure.  Let's use
> what we've got.

I think between the #() reader macro and (fn) we're mostly covered. My  
0.02¢. :)

On May 28, 2009, at 1:23 PM, CuppoJava wrote:
> It's useful in all the cases where a blocks are useful in Ruby. It
> simply saves typing out "(fn [])" and IMO makes the code look a little
> cleaner.
> eg.
> (with_file "myfile.txt"
>  (write "asdf")
>  (close))

We've also got with-open already... http://clojure.org/api#toc612

(with-open [file (java.io.FileWriter. "write-test.txt")]
   (.write file "Hello"))

And doto: http://clojure.org/api#toc228

(doto (java.io.FileWriter. "write-test.txt")
   (.write "Hello")

And spit, if we're using Contrib:

(clojure.contrib.duck-streams/spit "write-test.txt" "Hello")

I think if there were a way to combine doto and with-open it would  
probably do what you want without needing another macro.

Daniel Lyons
http://www.storytotell.org -- Tell It!

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