On May 28, 3:10 pm, CuppoJava <patrickli_2...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Meikel for going to the trouble of writing out the full
> macro. It's going to take me a while to decipher it, and hopefully
> grasp some understanding at the end of it.

"I find defblockfn very useful for functions that take a single
function as one of the parameters."

Could you provide and example?  I don't see how this isn't
accomplished by a normal function.

> Macros are much harder and more error-prone to write than functions,
> so almost all of my macros do nothing but wrap a body in a function.
> "One technique, which was
> helpful was to just call the defblockfn macro and then
> expand the call to freshly defined macro.
> (defblockfn foo [a b c] ...)
> (macroexpand-1 '(foo :a :b :c)) "
> Could you explain a bit more what you mean by that? I don't quite
> understand what you're saying, but it sounds potentially very useful.
> Thanks again
>   -Patrick
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