On May 28, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Mikio Hokari wrote:

>>> I wonder if there is a more idiomatic way to compare two lazy
>>> sequences... lazily?
> You can just use =.

I guess I'm imagining a group-by like Haskell's, which takes an  
equality comparison function and just returns a list of lists. Which  
would look like this:

(defn span [f coll]
   (if (empty? coll)
       ['() '()]
     (if (f (first coll))
        (let [[more & rest] (span f rest)]
          [(cons (first coll) more) rest])
       ['() coll])))

(defn group-by [f [x & xs :as coll]]
   (if (empty? coll)
     (let [[ys zs] (span #(f x %) xs)]
       (cons (cons x ys) (lazy-seq (group-by f zs))))))

Now you ought to be able to do this with = on a sorted list as I  
described in the huge message I sent a bit ago. (remove #(= (length %)  
1) (group-by = (sort ...))). Sorting is still the question for me  

Daniel Lyons
http://www.storytotell.org -- Tell It!

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