AOL diskettes

2022-01-18 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> From: Grant Taylor > > I wince at the idea of running with QIC tape. But my experience is with > QIC-80 tapes of the '90s which were so unreliable as to be in the same > category as AOL floppy disks during the late '90s around the transition > to CD-ROMs. As in I would trust an AOL flopp

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 89, Issue 21

2022-02-22 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
The 11/83 question sounds like a job for SCSI2SD to me. Install a system with simh. dd the resulting disk image to your sd card. Hook the SCSI2SD up to your 11/83 and boot from the card. Copy the contents of that drive to your real SCSI drive. Done. SCSI2SD cards are not expensive and are a t

[cctalk] z9 (s390x) mainframe up for grabs in Melbourne, FL

2022-10-05 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
From the "Mainframe Enthusiasts" Discord; I don't have any other contact for him but I can send you a link to the Discord if you can't get there yourself. This is one of the first (maybe the first) of the 64-bit zSeries (descendant of S/360, S/370, S/390) machines. You would have to pay IBM a lot

Speaking of detached keyboards

2017-07-19 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Among the things I found when I was unpacking into my new house was a keyboard (minus a couple arrow keys) from a Model 40 Teletype. I apparently paid $5 for it from the Island of Misfit Toys at the back of Gateway Electronics in STL. Anyway. As keyboards go, it is super-duper clicky. It has a

[cctalk] How much memory?

2023-06-16 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> 640K was maybe "enough for anyone" > > Weird but I even seem to remember someone saying "who woukd been more than > 64k" > Ed# SMECC > > > And let's not forget "what's the hardest part about emulating Gerald Ford on a PDP-8? Figuring out what to do with the other 3K."

[cctalk] Disposition of stuff

2023-08-18 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Been thinking about it a little recently, and, no, I definitely don't plan to send my stuff to a scrapper. I have some younger friends with an interest in retrocomputing. They want my stuff when I'm done with it, sure. And if they want _just a little_ of my stuff I'll probably strike a deal like

[cctalk] Little Databases

2023-08-18 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Have you considered sqlite3? It's a SQL engine, but the backend is just a file. So it doesn't support concurrent access by multiple users, but if that's not a concern, it gives you the ability to do real SQL queries without the bother of setting up an RDBMS. Adam

[cctalk] Divestiture and sqlite3

2023-08-20 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
To clarify a couple of things in response to queries: my time for divestment is "not yet"--but rest assured, when it arrives, I will certainly see who wants things from my assortment (don't get too excited; there's nothing super-rare or valuable in it, and I've always been more concerned with resto

[cctalk] fredmacs?

2023-08-23 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I have heard rumors of one "fredmacs" which is a more-or-less emacs that will run on PDP-11 v7 Unix. Since I've gotten "s" onto v7 and behaving mostly happily, now I'd like an editor I actually _like_ rather than _tolerate_. Does anyone know where to find the fredmacs sources? Adam

[cctalk] Emacs on v7

2023-08-24 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I finally got an Emacs running on v7--it's on misspiggy at LCML now as "ue". It's Microemacs 3.6; what I did was to clone and check out the first commit. Some experimentation later, it had the usual problem with v7 and DEC linkers that not all the function

[cctalk] Re: Emacs on v7

2023-08-24 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I picked that one because it said it had derived from a 1986 original, so I guessed that if I went back to the initial GH commit I'd get something that was K&R C and not a million miles away from v7, and I was right. I...can't believe I never thought of just tossing some #defines up top. I feel *

[cctalk] Re: IBM VM "CMS" tape format

2023-09-21 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Seems like rather than going through MUSIC/SP it'd be easier to just fire up VM/CE 1.2 (which is VM/370 r6) and use CMS TAPE (which is present) directly from the CMS UI. You can probably attach the file you've got as a tape device; not entirely sure Hercules will like the format, but it wouldn't h

[cctalk] Apple II

2024-04-18 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Mostly to Bill, but also anyone else hanging out here who's got a surfeit of 8-bit Apple stuff: If you're planning on selling the Apple II, and it's not a ][+, I'd be interested in buying. Not, perhaps, at optimistic eBay prices, but I have a lot of ][+s and //es, most of them in working shape, s

[cctalk] The CMoaA is OK

2024-09-15 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> > > was reading 16million was raised and going to charity or something?? and > > that the rest got bought by another museum > > > > >

PDP-11/40 available, Arizona

2019-05-11 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I have been invited out to the site tomorrow morning to take an inventory of what’s there (I live near the machines). I imagine that I may well have a lot of photos that I bring to the list and say “what is this?” The owner has assured me the machines will not be sent to the scrapper and that

KCC on TOPS-20 linking question

2019-05-13 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
So, I've been porting Frotz to TOPS-20. It's been going fine, except that I have something going on with the linker I don't have enough expertise to understand. On Mark Crispin's panda distribution, "cc -o frotz *.c" does the trick. But on TOPS-20 on the

Kaur Collection Inventory

2019-05-17 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Last Saturday I went out to the location where the collection mentioned by Kristina Kaur resides, to take photos, create an inventory to the best of my abilities, and help her solicit proposals for the various items. I’m going to lead off with one of my last sentences in this email: PLEASE DO

Kaur collection inventory

2019-05-17 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Last Saturday I went out to the location where the collection mentioned by Kristina Kaur resides, to take photos, create an inventory to the best of my abilities, and help her solicit proposals for the various items. I’m going to lead off with one of my last sentences in this email: PLEASE DO

Kaur Collection Inventory

2019-05-17 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Last Saturday I went out to the location where the collection mentioned by Kristina Kaur resides, to take photos, create an inventory to the best of my abilities, and help her solicit proposals for the various items. I’m going to lead off with one of my last sentences in this email: PLEASE DO

Question about Apple ///

2019-07-05 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I have an Apple /// that I've had for many years; it's never worked. When you power it up, you get a checkerboard screen, where half the squares are solid white, and the other half have a little mosaic pattern in them. Looks like this: Do

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 58, Issue 9

2019-07-09 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On Jul 9, 2019, at 10:00 AM,Tomasz Rola wrote: > > BTW, you would like a ride to the past? I would like a ride to the > future. Although from what I have seen so far, maybe not... Spider Robinson did a story about this, entitled “The Time-Traveler.” The method, while as easily-implemented n

A few VT-320 and keyboard questions

2019-08-01 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I just picked up a VT-320, with no keyboard. I have some questions: 1) the price on DEC keyboards, at least on eBay, is insane. Does anyone have a VT-320 keyboard they’d be willing to let go cheaply? 2) …or, failing that, I found a posting of someone who’d done an Arduino-based key code mappe

Re: A few VT-320 and keyboard questions

2019-08-01 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On Jul 31, 2019, at 7:25 PM, systems_glitch wrote: > > You can use a LK201 or the seemingly less desirable LK401 with the VT320. > There are a number of LK201s on eBay right now for reasonable prices. The > cheap ones are always going to be untested/dirty/possibly missing a key or > two.

I'm sharing a toy

2019-08-07 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk Currently, the TOPS-10 guest account (42,42) and the Unix v7 account dmr have no passwords. Please treat the dmr account respectfully. I will get to account requests…eventually, probably. TImeliness is not guaranteed. All systems are hosted on Raspberry Pis (the 36-bit

Re: I'm sharing a toy

2019-08-08 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
power out there. I suspect there is. Adam On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 8:15 AM Adrian Stoness wrote: > Be careful eh about posting credentials right to a public mailing list > like eh > > Sent from my iPad > > > On Aug 8, 2019, at 12:18 AM, Adam Thornton via cctalk &

Re: I'm sharing a toy

2019-08-09 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On Aug 8, 2019, at 11:52 PM, Boris Gimbarzevsky > wrote: > > Thanks for putting it up. First time I've logged onto old Unix in decades > (should try getting my copy of V6 up on simh). > Have a couple of RasberryPi's kicking around that just fired up once to play > with. Only part that s

Raspberry Pi write cycles

2019-08-09 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I did have a case where the Pi I was using as secondary DNS/DHCP and as the secondary backup server (using USB spinning disk) destroyed its SD card. But then it turned out not to be the load at all. No matter what I ran on that Pi, it would corrupt its SD cards in a matter of weeks (the symptom w

Electr* Engineering

2019-08-12 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
At Rice in the early 90s the department was "Electrical and Computer Engineering" if my hazy memory serves. The genealogy of Computer Science departments (and their curricula) (at least in the US) is also weird and historically-contingent. Basically it seems to have been a tossup at any given

MicroVAX 3100 ROMs

2019-09-20 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
My MicroVAX 3100 gets stuck in boot with the leftmost 4 LEDs on, which indicates it's executed some instructions from ROM. That in turn may indicate that the ROMs are corrupt. From it looks as if the ROMs are a pair

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 62, Issue 19

2019-11-19 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I might have had something to do with And as far as I remember, at least some of it was BSD licensed, so if that's what floats your boat...knock yerself out.

Re: cctech Digest, Vol 64, Issue 1

2020-01-01 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I remember chatting a bit with John Fry who saw the sales margins in electronics and compared them to food sales his family's supermarket chain. He figured that the marketing that worked so well in the grocery business would be a winner in electronics sales. Because of his family's connections, h

Some new text adventure stuff for 2.11BSD

2020-01-04 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I'm having a party on Saturday January 11 (and if any of you are in Tucson, or want to come to Tucson for it, you're invited; email me for the address and time). Although the party is Elvis-themed, it's really about boardgaming and classic videogaming. So I kind of wanted to put a general-purpose

Re: Some new text adventure stuff for 2.11BSD

2020-01-04 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
So, it's _mostly_ a 64K problem. All z-machine games have, in the file header, a "high memory" address above which it's safe to page data in and out as needed, because it's all read-only. Trinity's header claims what smells like an implausibly high value for a z4 game to me: 0xf771. There's no w

52-pin D-Sub?

2020-02-27 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I work at an astronomy facility. I get to do some fun dumpster diving. I recently have pulled out of the trash a plugboard with a male and a female D-Sub 52 connector. 3 rows of pins, 17-18-17. I took the connectors off the board: there's nothing back there, so this thing only ever existed so y

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 65, Issue 22

2020-03-01 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On Feb 29, 2020, at 11:00 AM, wrote: > >> Anyway, my Googling turned up nothing on the OS, although I did find a >> Robert Knight at Princeton, but no information on stuff he's done. I will >> likely email him to ask about it, but wanted to ask here first if a

TOPS-20 networking

2020-03-03 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
*TOPS-20* The set of config files you need to edit in TOPS-20 is found here, about halfway down the page: I'll paste it here: Configuring the system The *Panda Distribution* README has this to say about initial configuration: You’ll need to edit the f

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 67, Issue 6

2020-04-06 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
On Apr 6, 2020, at 10:00 AM, wrote: > > They play with the > pennies to discover that they can roll around, and learn that they're not > food or nasal suppositories, I was with you up till here, but wait, what? I’m one of those kids who was just the right age. Fiv

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 68, Issue 25

2020-05-25 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On May 25, 2020, at 10:00 AM, wrote: > > > The topic for my talk next week. Unix had virtualization in 74. The second > Unix port ran under OS/360's VM in 78. _Ahem_. It ran under VM/370. Most (all?) models of the IBM 370 had virtual memory, as had the (not

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 70, Issue 22

2020-07-23 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
If it's actually running on real z hardware Linux is probably already running under z/VM. If it's running on Hercules, thenOK, but the host system could have handled the Infocom games without ever even blinking. But I've been known to do silly emulation tricks too:

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 70, Issue 28

2020-07-29 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Once you've put your soul at ease regarding use of pakgen, and found a copy, and built it (it is a C program), you might find the following repository streamlines the process of application.

What's the secret to LK201 leaf springs?

2020-09-12 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I got an LK201 recently that was a little damaged in transit. A couple of the keycap assemblies and their corresponding leaf springs have come off. I can see how the leaf springs fit on the little posts on the keycap assemblies, and I can see where those snap into the board, but what I don’t s

RE: Restoring a PC Server 500 P/390

2018-05-14 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I Frankensteined a P/390 together out of a P/325 server and the PCI P/390 card back in the day. I assume you do have the LIC for the P/390 card, without which you’re dead in the water. At least the PCI model wasn’t picky about the disks it used. And I’m pretty sure it’ll work with whatever th

Re: Restoring a PC Server 500 P/390

2018-05-15 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On May 14, 2018, at 11:29 PM, Dave Wade wrote: > > >> -Original Message- >> From: cctalk On Behalf Of Adam Thornton >> via cctalk >> Sent: 15 May 2018 03:03 >> To: >> Subject: RE: Restoring a PC Server 500 P/390 &g

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 73, Issue 13

2020-10-14 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I agree that whether a student learns has much more to do with the student than what in particular they're studying. I quit my undergraduate physics degree when I had a moment of clarity that even if I managed to squeak through my Partial Differential Equations class with a C (I did) I'd still be

Re: VMS on x86-64/ARM/RISC-V? - was Re: Microvax 3100 VMS 7.3 password reset

2020-11-15 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On Nov 14, 2020, at 5:20 AM, Camiel Vanderhoeven > wrote: > ... > > One thing I'm better at than crystal ball gazing though, is I can give you an > idea of how much hard-to-port assembly is left, since I wrote most of the x86 > assembly code in it :-) I replied to Camiel off-list, bu

Re: Microvax 3100 VMS 7.3 password reset

2020-11-15 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I for one was thrilled to see that there will be x86_64 hobbyist licenses for VMS. I have an emulated VAX on a Raspberry Pi (I don’t know if my 11/730 works, but I doubt it—it’s nowhere near a 220V power supply and it’s not been much of a priority, and I have a VAXStation 3100 that doesn’t pass

e: Gateway Electronics Sale this Saturday from 9am to 4pm

2020-12-10 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
If anyone goes to the Gateway sale, please, please tell Doug that Adam Thornton is doing fine in Tucson but misses him and the store greatly. Thanks, Adam

Re: IBM lamps required

2020-12-17 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> > On 12/16/2020 05:40 PM, robinson--- via cctalk wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I am setting up an IBM 2803 and 2804 INTEFACE test panel. >> I need some lamps and lamp holders for it, >> lamp voltage not important, >> lamp color not important. >> >> Does anyone have any for sale >> or know where I ca

Re: cctech Digest, Vol 76, Issue 16

2021-01-17 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I seem to recall that in "how to shoot yourself in the foot in various programming languages," APL is something like "There's a bang. Your foot is missing. You don't remember enough linear algebra to know how it got that way."

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 3

2021-02-03 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
As long as we’re talking about divesting: if anyone has a VaxStation that they’d sell me for substantially less than eBay prices, I’d be interested. I have a 3100M38, but it doesn’t POST; indeed, a replacement mainboard would be a place I could start. (I did try burning new ROMs and replacing

That VAXStation4000vlc 3W3 video connector

2021-05-03 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I assume it would be way too much to hope that HD BNC would fit it? Does anyone have a pointer to the actual physical dimensions of the itty-bitty BNC-ish connector in the video port of the VAXStation4000vlc? If I can get red, green, and blue out (assuming since there are only 3 connectors it's s

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 80, Issue 5

2021-05-06 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
From: Liam Proven > To: "Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" > Subject: Re: Motor generator > > I think because for lesser minds, such as mine, [APL is] line noise. > > A friend of mine, a Perl guru, studied A-Plus for a while. (Morgan > Stanley's in-house APL dialect.) He said to me that "

Re: cctech Digest, Vol 80, Issue 5

2021-05-06 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Message: 18 > Date: Thu, 6 May 2021 15:18:04 +0200 > From: Liam Proven > To: Jay Jaeger , "General Discussion: On-Topic and > Off-Topic Posts" > Subject: Re: That VAXStation4000vlc 3W3 video connector > Message-ID: > < >

Koning TECO

2021-07-14 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
Paul Koning may be pleased to know that his implementation of TECO has supplanted Blake McBride's TECOC as the standard TECO in the Rubin Observatory's Science Platform Interactive Notebook Aspect.

OpenVMS/VAX license expiration

2021-09-25 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
You might want to search the Github repositories of a certain "athornton" looking for something called "yarr". Obviously it would be wrong to use it. So don't. Adam

RE: Terminal Emulator

2021-10-01 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
I used ZOC, and loved it, when I was an OS/2 user decades ago. I’m glad to hear it’s still around. Adam

Re: The precarious state of classic software and hardware preservation

2021-11-21 Thread Adam Thornton via cctalk
> On 11/19/21 9:33 PM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote: > > And what happens when you wake up one morning to find is > gone, too? > > Fundamentally, eventually we're all going to be indistinguishable mass-components inside the supermassive black hole that used to be the Milky Way and A