I picked that one because it said it had derived from a 1986 original, so I
guessed that if I went back to the initial GH commit I'd get something that
was K&R C and not a million miles away from v7, and I was right.

I...can't believe I never thought of just tossing some #defines up top.  I
feel *really dumb* now, especially given the gyrations I went through with
gnusto to rewrite the symbol table to get Frotz to work on TOPS-20.  Yes,
letting the preprocessor rather than sed do my work would have been cleaner.

Anyway, https://github.com/athornton/microemacs-v7

It does, however, seem to be limited to files a couple dozen K in size,
because even MicroEMACS is still kinda large, and a PDP-11's memory is
kinda small.


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