Dear Community,
I apologize for the off topic question but it is hard to resist since so many
of our colleagues are incredibly knowledgeable.
I am looking for a way to block or even remove the 2Fe-2S cluster in my enzyme.
This cluster is involved in transferring electron from the Alpha to the
Dear BB,
I am sorry for posting off-topic but it is hard not to ask when you know you
can get a good answer ;-)
I need to calculate the volume of several active sites. Nothing fancy, just a
number for comparison sake.
I understand there are probably 10 different ways/programs and I would
Dear All,
I am trying to probe the existence of a disulfide bond on the surface of my
I have attempted Ellman´s and my results were not as clear as I would have
hoped for.
I am not a sulfur/cysteine chemist and would appreciate the advice on what
experiments to try!
Thanks a bunch
Thanks for all the suggestions on and off BB.
I used the GUI Sort/Reindex to combine 6 sections then ran Pointless and Scala.
Got a data set to 2.6A Rmerge 0.12 (0.06 inner shell) and solved it in C2221.
It is a good night!
hello everyone,
I have collected data on a problematic crystal. (first mistake...)
Images spanning phi angles 45-80 look ok and usable, also images 229-279 are
usable (index well and merge well too).
How can I combine the 2 separate .mtz files from Mosflm when I scale them?
Attempts to process the
Dear community,
I have what seems to be a pretty decent single crystal that grew from a screen
set up 2 weeks ago.
I am trying to reproduce it but so far I have not succeeded. I am however
afraid the crystal that did form will start to deteriorate. So this brings me
to dilemma, I feel like I sho
Dear community,
The protein model I am refining has 400 amino acids (3320 atoms).
Some real quick calculations tell me that to properly refine it
anisotropically, I would need 119,520 observations. Given my unit-cell
dimension and space-group it is equivalent to about a 1.24 A complete data set.
Hi everyone,
I am trying to show that a ligand underwent catalysis during a soaking
One of the things I would like to show is the geometry of the ligand, bond
angles/lengths, dihedrals, etc...
One of my models has a hi-res of 1.18A and the ligand density is really clear
and complete.
Thanks for all the replies {off list}.
Now it's wait and hope that this crystallization experiment is succesful.
Hello everyone,
I have just made a curious observation.
I purified an enzyme domain and concentrated it to around 16 mg/mL without much
I then proceeded to set-up some drops. After 5 min most of the drops had a
muddy appearance to them which led me to think I was probably too concentrat
Shoot the existing crystals. Who says you will need optmization? lol
Actually with haeme, and or flavin containing enzymes it is known for the
cofactor to undergo reduction.
There is a recent JACS paper that explores these changes as a function of X-ray
(2012) J.Am.Chem.Soc. 134: 2823-2834
Excellent work done in part at Allen Orville's X6A
As far as qual
Hi Jan,
I wonder if the protein has a hexaHis tag. I recently was working on a Fe-S
containing protein and noticed significant aggregation/precipitation. After I
cleaving the His tag, the enzyme seems stable for days in the same buffer.
Hi everyone,
I have several protein-ligand crystal structures of different ligands bound to
a combination of mutants of the same enzyme.
I wanted to look at the energetics of these complexes based on the crystal
Is there a program or suite of programs that could calculate DeltaG of co
Without looking at your model/maps it is difficult to make a really educated
By looking at the single screen shot you attach, I would say it could be a
couple of different things, in order of likelihood based on a single screenshot
(at whatever level of confidence this assures):
Dear community,
I am trying to cleave a hexaHis tag from my protein prior to crystallization.
As I was setting up my digestion, my protein started to precipitate as soon as
I added the recommended thrombin buffer.
My question is, if anyone has encountered this, how well does it cleave without
I would be very careful when comparing atomic distances (or even considering
them) using a 3.1 A data set. Take a look at what error estimates are for this
resolution, given your R values ;).
Also, I second what has been said, that you should build a model that makes
"physical" sense,
I think "IGNORE" is the wrong word here, but as many have pointed out, you may
be able to deal with this situation.
Besides the many good tips that been given, I think EVAL15 (I started reading
the paper on it) should be able to deal with some overlaps pretty succesfully.
I don't know where the
Hi Dave,
I sounds to me like you are worried about 2 separate things here.
A: Am I affecting the geometry of the coordination sites with a restraint file
that is innacurate?
B:Are my electron density maps biased, and what I am seeing is not really there?
AFAIU, if you have a restraint file that
Dear community,
I am probably disturbing a sleeping bear, but I'll post anyways...
Reading the thread on hydrogen deposition with the model, I came accross
several arguments that make sense on their own, but when put together are
puzzling and dont seem to converge to an answer. (I do realize howe
Hello everyone,
I am trying to process ###.cbf raw images (BNL X25) using the iMOSFLM utility
and I get the following error message:
"Distance has refined to an unreasonable value"
This causes the program to freeze and not open the rest of the frames.
Also it is not picking up the X and Y beam p
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the newbie type problems, but I am just starting to use ccp4 for data
Here is my problem.
After I index and integrate my images using iMOSFLM, I end up with the .mtz
files that contains, AIUI, unmerged reflections.
Next I should try to merge and scale experiment
thanks for kindly pointing that out. (despite the level of stupidity on my part)
Those were not the raw imgs... They were denzo output files. Its been a while.
Can MOSFLM work with image files of type .x (BNL X6A) ? I am having no luck...
I know it can do .cbf (BNL X25) for instance.
Thanks a lot
could it be that the scattering table would be slightly different for the
sulfur atoms at the collected wavelength?
Are they Cys or Met residues? if Cys is there a possibility of oxidation to the
Probably a stupid comment on my part, but anyways, make sure your strain has a
T7 polymerase! (I have forgotten before).
And I agree with the last idea that sometimes it is worth to just start from
scratch. New construct new vector. It may simply just work.
Thanks for all the replies.
I will try a couple of different plates/set-ups. My favorite will be the one
that gives me a crystal ;)
Hello Everyone,
I am considering the purchase of crystallization plates for membrane proteins.
I would love to hear what some of the community thinks or has experienced with
Particulalrly the monoolein and monoolein/cholesterol coated plates ( I am not
sure I can mention the vendor here bu
Maybe someone has suggested this already... If so, I am re-enforcing it.
If the cracking is coming from actual molecular movement induced by binding
(and not other reason like differing ionic strength in your soaking conditions)
you could try setting up some co-crystallization and (hopefully)
Hello Everyone,
I want to play around with some coding/programming. Just simple calculations
from an input PDB file, B factors averages, occupancies, molecular weight, so
What should I use python,C++, visual basic?
Hi Sam,
some obvious questions:
1-Space group right? ( i´d say so from your R values...)
2-Is your data good throughout all of the 180 frames? whats Rsym if take only
3-how good/complete is model? Missing parts, residues, base pairs??
4-evaluate your refinement strategy...
Thanks guys
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know of a quick (yet somewhat reliable) sort of cheat-sheet/quick
reference sheet with the more common folds with an illustrative example?
What is your resolution? If your having trouble distinguishing between pro and
leu I am guessing it is
worse than 2.8 A.
You may not be able to model side chains confidently with lower resolution
data. You may have to make a call
on wether or not to model side chains, and if your model
to echo Tim's question:
If by pattern you mean the position of the spots on the film, I dont think they
would change based on the complexity of the macromolecule being studied. As far
I know it, the position of the spots are dictated by the reciprocal lattice
(therefore the real crystal l
You should NOT have Rwork>Rfree
First thing I would try to shoot more crystals. Easy way out. I once struggled
with a 2.7A data set for weeks only to find out I had a 1.5A diffracting
crystal taking a bath in some storage buffer right next to my bench.
You mention you have at this point you are looking at 25% rotamer outliers.
I also had some trouble streaming live.
So I am going to go ahead and also suggest/ask please that the video files be
made available for subscribers and/or all academic users.
I was actually trying to do the same thing. I have to data sets processed in
p21 that I would like to merge as one contains higher resolution data. They
were processed and merged using the HKL suite. So I have the two .sca files
I guess the first step for me would be to create " a fake unmerged s
In my personal opinion, whatever that is worth, I would question why you are
modelling a Mg2+ ion if you are having to go through some trouble to prove it
is there. If you dont see octahedral coordination to waters and or Asp/Glu it
probably is not a Mg.
Hi Ed,
I just had a chance of looking at your comment more closely.
You are right it only uses PHIC if in refmacs set up you choose to refine "with
prior phase information" -AFAIU.
So what exactly is the info contained in the output refmacX.mtz besides map
coefficients for COOT? If it is not jus
PHENIX has an otpion under the reflection editor program that will create R
flags that are compatible with ccp4 programs.
Another point worth mentioning is in phenix.refine it is appropriate to use the
data.mtz files generated each round of refinement, as these are the raw data
plus the Rfree fl
I once saw a figure showing the protein as surface, but instead of having it
coloured by atom type
or potential, it was shown by percent conservation in the family. Something
like red highly conserved, all the way to white, not conserved at all...
Now, I assume the figure was done by uploading al
Dear Developers,
I was trying to get ccp4 up and running on a Windows7 pc, and even though the
installation proceeds smoothly,
I cant get any task to finish succesfully.
Below is what the log file has to say about it.
I saw someone having trouble with the windows install as well. I have the
Hello everyone,
Whats a "good" software for showing crystal packing and unit cell, axes , etc...
I know pymol and coot will do it but would love to hear other
Hi Boaz,
Yes indeed, the phosphate group of the molecule looks quite beautiful at 1.17A
and it has a really big peak 18sigma!
Is there a utility for calculating anomalous maps, or is it simply an option in
the refinement program?
Hello everyone,
I have a good data set to 1.17A that I solved by MR.
I come accross some sites that appear to be chlorides. I was
wondering if they could have some anomalous signal.
I also have a well ordered phosphate and a couple of S from Met´s.
How do I go about probing the signal from these?
I am trying to merge two data sets on from 28 to 2.3 A 99% comlpeteness
with another one from 26 to 1.95A 82% completeness.
I keep getting an error saying Duplicate labels in the output file.
I am sure its something simple but I cannot seem to figure it out
Any ideas?
Hi Napo,
i am sorry if you already answered this, why are so sure your solutions are
Your maps do not look that bad. What kind of R's do you get?
Are you not happy with the packing of your coils?
Hello Everyone,
I have data sets that scaled fairly welll in C2 2 21, but intensity statistics
suggested twinning.
I was able to solve the structure in P1 21 1 (Rwork0.19/Rfree0.24 at 2.3A) with
OK looking maps.
I notice that I have 2-fold NCS that is paralell to the crystallographic A
axis, pe
By simply looking at the figures you show, it does look like you have some type
of long, maybe polymeric, molecule bound.
With that being said:
1- It is in the symmetry axis so maybe be a little noisy there
2-If you are in doubt about it being real or not check the density and how it
Echoing whats been said:
1- Are you sure your crystal really is in C 2 2 21? If so How good is your data
(completeness, Rmerge, etc...)
2-Could have twinning? I recently just got done working on a structure that
could be scaled in C 2 2 21 but turned out to really be an almost perfect P21
Hello everyone,
I am refining a structure to 2.4A with 2-fold NCS and twinned.
Maps look ok and Rfree is 0.27however as I start checking my validations I
notice that after refinemnt
my geomtry gets significantly worse. especially the rama plot. Initially I have
2 outliers and I end up with 32 (5
after 1 round of refmac rigid body and restrained refinement with twin law
(estimated alpha 0.47)
I am looking at 0.25 -0.29 Rwork Rfree and overall FOM 0.72.
I also defined NCS restraints...
After I ran DETWIN with the estimated 0.46 alpha, my completeness for the
detwinned data is now down to 54%!!!
Is this normal behavior? (I am guessing yes since the lower symmetry untwinned
dat is P1 21 1)
These papers describe something similar to what I see.
Acta Cryst. (2001). D57, 1829-1835
Acta Cryst. (2009). D65, 388-392
Hello everyone,
I have a 2.3A data set that could be scaled in C 2 2 21 and P 1 21 1
Intensity statistics tests indicate twinning (pseudo-merohedral h,-k,-h-l in P
1 21 1)
I find a good MR solution and when I try to refine it with the twin law I get
fairly good maps and decent Rs 21-28%. I can
I solved the structure using molecular replacement. Those sigmas are simply
from my sigmaa 2mFo-DFc maps.
I was wondering if I could try and solve sort of like small molecules are
Hello everyone,
I have a data set >99% completeness to 1.15A
This is a 400 amino acid long protein and it has 7 Met (Sulfur peaks around
And a tightly bound phosphate (P peak around 22sigma)
Could I try and solve this directly or is it crazy idea?
If so what program should I try?
Just echoing what has been said.
I would make sure you have the right space group.
It may be worthwhile tyring to find a MR solution in different space groups
with different compositions.
Another imporatant thing is how complete is your model?
Do you have all the protein and DNA modeled in? How ma
Hi Paul,
I am running the centos5 build. After a couple of yum installs it seems to be
Except I cannot maximize the window for some reason.
Thanks for the reply.
Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me (or point me to) how to get COOT running on CentOS6 64-bit?
It doesnt launch due to failed dependencies, it requires packages that CentOS6
has replaced...
At least that is what it looks like to me...
A simple way to validate real space density fit is to look at it under
validate--->density fit anlysis in COOT.
I think even the GUI of phenix.refine at the end of a run the results give a
list of all residues that are under the user-definied RSCCoeficient.
With those two tools you should be able
This is regarding Ethan´s point, particularly:
>2) the protein has crystallized as a monomer even though it
>[sometimes] exists in solution as a dimer. The interface
>seen in the crystal is not the "real" dimer interface and
>thus the PISA score is correct.
I see the same exact interface i
I was playing around with PDBe PISA and came across the following:
For pdb entry 1OYA. The most promising interface has an area bury of around
720A^2 and DeltaG of -10.6Kcal/mol. sym_op(y,x,-z+1) and CSS of 0.039!
Assembly analysis says it has no strong indications that point to stable
Quick newbie question,
After i get my output file from baverage containing the average b-factor and
rms by residues,
How can I calculate and display the average (and or mean) B-factors?
Is there a way of calculating it by protein, ligands and solvent separately?
thank you
Yes I just tried symex and it is a LOT faster... especially with 12 symm
yes I want to show crystal packing, but I know SuperSym can show the three axis
and fancy representations of unit cells, etc...
I was able to make the picture i wanted the "poor man´s way".
I saved the symmetry coordinates in COOT and open all of them as objects
I just wanted to know what else I need to do to get the plugins going. I have
tried two differents ones with no success.
I installed the plugin superSym but when I triesd to run it, ended up with the
following message:
line 156, in initialize_plugins
Hello everyone,
How does refmac5 pick atoms for B-factor refinement, particularly with the
mixed option enabled?
I dont see a place for entering a manual selection, eg resname FMN...
Thank you
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