Are shopping PLA's metrics being omitted from higher level performance
I've had multiple instances where I'm seeing shopping data omitted from
higher level totals.
On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 4:12:12 AM UTC-6, Danial Klimkin wrote:
pping campaign data at the account level?
>> Thanks,
>> Stéphane
>> On Friday, 10 January 2014 06:35:02 UTC-5, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>>> Hello Rob,
>>> All ad types are expect
We've started seeing OperationAccessDenied.ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED errors when
calling the CustomerService get method using read-only credentials. It
works fine for accounts using standard or administrative access.
Is there a reason why read-only account should not be allowed to call this
Hi Takeshi,
If it helps, I've found this is only failing intermittently. The following
request gave two different responses at various times.";
xmlns:ns1=""; xmlns:ns2="
Josh is right, you can do it this way also:
$query = "SELECT Clicks, Impressions, Cost FROM ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
DURING 20140101,20140131";
$options = array('version' => ADWORDS_VERSION);
$response =
$xml = new Simpl
We're getting an OperationAccessDenied.ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED error when
using the AdGroupAdService to "get" ads, even though the same credentials
allow access to other services.
Our daily import process uses the CustomerSyncService to identify changed
objects, then each object is queried to
ame response.
We've asked them to set up the account properly before we try again.
On Friday, 21 March 2014 22:19:02 UTC, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Rob,
> Could I also trouble you to confirm your MCC's CID? and if you are using
> MCC credent
I'm curious if anyone knows of a limitation of the amount of ID numbers
that can be queried against in a single query.
For instance, if querying with a qualifier of roughly 24,000 ad groups, the
query selector errors out. I'm assuming
that 24k is too high, so what's the number I have to stay un
Thanks! Answered my question!
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:41:07 AM UTC-5, Danial Klimkin wrote:
> Hello Rob,
> Please see:
> -Danial, AdWords AP
Is there a way to change the OAuth2 client secret without changing the
client ID?
>From what I can see, the only option is to generate a new client ID and
secret together, meaning any refresh tokens obtained against the old client
ID are effectively useless.
If that is the case, what's th
Note that Bing Ads allow changing the client secret for a given ID in their
Developer Center... it shouldn't be that difficult for Google!
On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 17:37:19 UTC+1, Rob wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to change the OAuth2 client secret without changing
Thanks Ray, I've posted a question there...
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:59:04 UTC+1, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Rob,
> I've noted this down. However, I'm only able to he
Hi Mike,
Have you tried adding the prompt=consent flag to your request? If you've
already authorized the app once before, then this flag seems to be required
in order to get a refresh token on subsequent requests.
On Thursday,
#x27;s not addressed. Please could you escalate this if at
all possible.
On Friday, 16 May 2014 13:25:16 UTC+1, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Thanks Rob. I've also notified the relevant teams.
> Cheers,
> Ray
> On Thursday, May 15, 2014 3:10:34 PM UTC+2, Rob
Thanks Josh, I wasn't aware of the original console link. Resetting the
client secret there works perfectly.
On Monday, 9 June 2014 21:48:35 UTC+1, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
> Hi Rob,
> Ray or I will let you know as soon as we have any updates from the
On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:04:48 AM UTC-5, Geoffrey Liu wrote:
> I want my script to retrieve the IP of the person viewing the ad so that I
> can use it in my script. I'm using another API that has to ability to
> generate a response based on a given IP, but if I use my API's IP
> auto
Same here - I also cannot pull anything from the conversion_actions
interface. Literally no queries return anything.
On Monday, March 25, 2019 at 11:19:49 PM UTC-5, googleadsapi-forumadvisor
> Hello Tamar,
> Sorry for keeping you waiting.
> The engineer in charge told me that he wo
Doesn't appear to be fixed...
On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 8:42:43 AM UTC-5, googleadsapi-forumadvisor
> Hello,
> The issue should now be resolved. Let me know if you still face any issues.
> Cheers,
> Anthony
> Google Ads API Team
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
ility ajax frontend for php to test (because google
doesnt have one!) and when I authenticate no clients are populated in
the selection boxanyone have an Idea whats going on and how to
correct this?
Kind of hard to use the sandbox without clients.
helpful if they would stick a gui on the sandbox.
They want to charge me I want some freaking service.
Everything worked fine and now
On Sep 22, 1:00 pm, AdWords API Advisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> If you haven't yet, you should post about that in the API
: Login with this username/password failed.
Code: 9
Fault Origin: /index.php:getAllCampaigns()
SOAP Parameters:
It worked before and now is dead, I tried new credentials according to
the page below:
ere is
the service?
Kind Regards,
Rob Alfonso
On Jan 15, 11:31 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hello,
> Details about using the AdWords API Sandbox environment can be found
> at
> Please no
is service and have a terrible dev
enviroment? Really I'm just frustrated there must be some reasonable
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"AdWords API Forum" group.
That was less than helpful and if it saves me API units to do all of
my dev on a good dev enviroment then yes it is important.
On Jan 20, 6:08 pm, "Jan Piotrowski (AdWords API Guru)"
> I don't pay for the dev environment. Do you? ;)
> - Jan
Thank you, I really appreciate an answer. What kind of time frame am
I looking at for report generation?
On Jan 22, 10:44 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hello Rob,
> The Sandbox, as you point out, does not provide any actual report
> data. The ReportService in th
On Jan 26, 5:49 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hello Rob,
> Could you clarify? I'm not sure what time frame you're asking about.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Jan 26, 5:46 pm, Rob wrote:
> > Thank you, I really appreciate a
I've just filed a bug report with AdWords help after seeing negative values
for average position arriving in this morning's report data. This has
never happened before (that I know of) and seems to be a general change in
AdWords because the same value shows in the AdWords web interface.
Hi James,
You should use the time zone of the account you're downloading the report
for. We schedule our reports on a rolling basis, as and when each account
reaches about 4am in its local time.
Good luck finding the account's time zone though - you'll need to use one
of the hacks documented
The above link is not working, is there another page to sign up?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Whats is the best way to get local search volumes for keywords say keyword
= test -> type = broad -> local = england
I suppose its someting to do with the trageting crtiria but im not sure
how. google-api-adwords-php docs doesnt say much.
Thanks for the ConstantService - it's a great addition. Is there any
chance of adding time zone and currency codes to it as well please?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Of course I meant the ConstantDataService :)
On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:55:45 AM UTC+1, Rob wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the ConstantService - it's a great addition. Is there any
> chance of adding time zone and currency codes
I'm trying to find the name of a non-MCC account, but the CustomerService
is returning an empty descriptiveName. The descriptiveName is listed as
optioanl, so that makes sense, but it means there's no name available for
this account.
I've used the ManagedCustomerService instead (it seems
Hi Kevin,
I've just started using the v201206 ManagedCustomerService and it appears
to work even for non-MCC logins, showing the customer ID as well as the
time zone and currency code.
Can you please confirm this is expected behaviour and that we can use the
new service to get information for
u are authenticating directly
> with a client account (which will always return results) or if you know the
> clientCustomerId and just want to get account information.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 7:28:47 AM UTC-4, Rob wrot
See the "Headline" field in the AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
On Friday, March 15, 2013 9:58:57 AM UTC-5, Oliver wrote:
> I'd like to get the dimensions of an Image Ad, preferably via adhoc
> reports or, if not possible, via the service API.
> I'm referring to the size of the image itself e.g. 728x90
The "Headline" field in an "AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT" has the image
dimensions, after the ";" character.
So, "Headline Text; 336 x 280" for example, I use php to "explode" the
headline after the ";" to get the dimensions.
Hope that helps.
On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 7:12:24 AM UTC-5, Oliver wrot
Most report options (ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, KEYWORD_, etc) ... if you
include the field "Date",
the report will no longer be a "Summary" report of the time period, but a
daily summary instead.
For instance, if you do a "LAST_MONTH" report, instead of one row of data
you'll get 30,
Hi Kevin,
Can you please confirm this specifically for "ProxyKeywordMaxCpc"?
The other fields appear to be replaced by "CpcBid", "ContentBid", "CpmBid"
and "TargetCpaBid" respectively, but there's no obvious replacement for
"ProxyKeywordMaxCpc". It is still selectable, but no longer documented
It looks like you're using v201206, which is deprecated. (From what I can
see here - you probably just need to upgrade your library to current
On Monday, July 8, 2013 5:21:25 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m wondering if you can help.
> We have access to the
Thank you for confirming that Danial.
On Monday, 8 July 2013 21:56:13 UTC+1, Danial Klimkin wrote:
> Hello Rob,
> ProxyKeywordMaxCpc is the bidCeiling now:
Is there a way to retrieve the "Limited by Budget" status for a campaign
via the API?
If there is, I can't find it in the docs, only the usual campaign status
values of "ACTIVE", "PAUSED" and "DELETED".
Also find us on our blog and d
days, this month etc)
> Note: The second method is tough to implement when you use shared budgets.
> Hope this helps
> On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:54:48 PM UTC+2, Rob wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to retrieve the "Limited by
We've recently seen two click types "Email subscription" and "Image Ad
image click" that aren't documented in the Report definitions.
Could you please add these, any any others that aren't documented? Perhaps
these could be added to the "System Codes" section of the API docs to make
them e
Looks like you're trying to change the bid on a deleted criterion
(DELETED). That could explain why it doesn't work.
On Monday, 22 July 2013 12:13:01 UTC+1, Akil Burgess wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're seeing a reproducable issue where we receive an
> EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID (trigger - CriterionI
Could somebody at Google please let me know how the "Limited by Budget"
status is calculated in the AdWords UI?
We can guess, but our clients expect us to report things in the same way as
the UI so that's not good enough in the long term.
On Wednesday, 24 July 2013
We've seen a number of undocumented click types returned in reports
recently. Could you please add these to the documentation? Are there any
So far we've seen "Email subscription", "Image Ad image click" and "Mobile
app extension". The criteria report shows the following list:
Thanks Danial - is there any way to know if this will be added?
On Friday, 2 August 2013 10:18:53 UTC+1, Danial Klimkin wrote:
> Hello Rob,
> I can't share exact calculation unfortunately but I'll check if we can add
> this flag in the future API versions.
Thanks David, any progress on this?
On Friday, 2 August 2013 19:13:00 UTC+1, David Torres (AdWords API Team)
> Hi Rob,
> I'm investigating right now why those types are not documented and what
> other types should be, please bear with me for bit.
Hi David,
We've also recently seen "Get location details" in the click type values.
On Friday, 6 September 2013 21:06:01 UTC+1, David Torres (AdWords API Team)
> Hi Rob,
> We are still working on documenting these click types. So far the only
> undo
We're working on sending data to the OfflineConversionFeedService and some
questions have arisen regarding our larger clients that have multiple
AdWords accounts.
The problem with multiple accounts is that we can't extract the client ID
from the gclid without running a click performance re
Thanks Takeshi,
Any idea about the second question, sending the same conversion to multiple
client accounts? I'm trying to resolve the problem described above.
On Wednesday, 6 November 2013 08:08:56 UTC, Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API
Team) wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I don't
This seems to be an issue.
Apparently the new "Shopping" campaigns aren't showing up in performance
reports... even without predicates.
Would anyone from the API team care to elaborate on this?
On Monday, December 9, 2013 9:27:50 AM UTC-6, Miro Kruzliak wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to ge
That's great news Josh, thanks for following up on this.
On Friday, 29 August 2014 17:34:43 UTC+1, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
> Hi Rob,
> I'm happy to report that you can now reset the client secret in the new
> Google
t the API to return an "account ID mismatch" error in these cases,
Otherwise we're constantly asking the end user to check their credentials,
due to the error code returned.
On Friday, 8 November 2013 07:20:50 UTC, Takeshi Hagikura (AdWo
ing to see what
we get back :)
For now we're ignoring this particular error. After some more testing we
found that a "true" auth failure gives something like
AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED" instead of
On Thu
re in many years of using the AdWords API,
and were under the impression that Ad IDs are globally unique. Could you
please confirm if this is a bug or not?
I can provide request & response examples by email if necessary.
Thanks for the reply Florian!
It's a shame that ValueTrack simply describes {creative} as "A unique ID
for your ad" without mentioning it's only unique within the ad group.
At least we now have {campaignid} and {adgroupid} ValueTrack parameters, so
we can find a way a way round it now... back t
Hi Kevin,
This solution works fine for keywords and managed placements but there
are keyword IDs that relate to auto placements and display ads that
aren't available in either the keywords or managed placements
performance reports, and don't appear to be available in the auto
placements performanc
Could someone please explain why it's not possible to get the name of
an account from the API? When trying to pull a list of accounts from
an agency MCC, it's almost impossible to differentiate between them
unless you log into the web portal and note down the numeric customer
The "descri
I don't know if this helps, but if you can reuse the same report template
you'll probably save a lot of units over time with the new API, because the
unit cost is mainly in setting up the reports, not in pulling down the data.
If you set up a moving window report (e.g. "yesterday" or "last 7 day
We find it easier just to use the Ad Performance report as the basis for
everything since it contains data for all ad types, plus the keyword ID for
each row.
We then use the keyword and managed placement reports to match up keyword
IDs and enhance the Ad Performance data with keyword text or p
th default values for the
ServicedAccountSelector so we don't have to find out by trial and
Looking forward to the release of the new AccountService, and hoping
you can remove some of these anomalies in the process!
ocumentation with default values for the
ServicedAccountSelector so we don't have to find out by trial and error?
Looking forward to the release of the new AccountService, and hoping you can
remove some of these anomalies in the process!
You can get this data from the AdPerformance report, split out by AdGroupId
and KeywordId. You can then use those IDs to find the criterion type and
name in the AdGroupCriterionService.
It's not pretty, but I've had this working for the past few days now. As
far as I can tell, this metho
Take a look at the ServicedClientService - it's all in there:
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
>From testing, it returns a single account with an ID of -1. I've had to go
back to V13 for non-MCC accounts.
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s were sometimes included and sometimes
not, but I haven't seen this happen since the "multiple links" feature was
released so it could have been fixed.
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happen monthly?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
You received this message because you are su
ge in the future - making the count attribute
of MonthlySearchVolume nullable in the .NET version of the API.
Thanks again,
On Aug 8, 7:32 am, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> This is not unexpected. These numbers are estimates based upon the
> collation of a great deal of data.
We've just seen a "Vertical" criterion for the first time in the wild and
it broke something. We were expecting an array of "path" details, as per
the documentation:
but instead got a (non
Could you please explain how the whitelist process will work for the V13
AccountService ? It's currently the only place we can retrieve currency
and time zone settings for accounts.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Thanks David. Yes, I'm using PHP SOAP and it seems to be changing things
Sorry - I should have checked there first.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
We've worked around this by using the V13 AccountService when we see this
problem (the login is associated to only one account, so it doesn't require
a client header). Would be good to see it fixed so we can finally drop V13
from our code!
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but it seems it's not possible
to retrieve a zero-impression account level report.
For example, the following report definition:";>
Not sure if there's a specific "zero impressions" setting for that version,
but you should be able to add a predicate for impressions > 0, as mentioned
in this post...!searchin/adwords-api/predicate/adwords-api/t-c8TSpnWBw/OesHwD-lUFAJ
I've also had reports from clients today with similar problems.
Downloading the last 7 days performance report for certain accounts
returns only three or four days of data from the API, when the UI shows
activity for the whole seven days.
Other accounts are importing fine with the same code.
Seems this is a known issue (I've just found one other post mentioning it
with the 201101 API). I've tried using the campaign report instead as
suggested, but just my luck, someone's added an account to our system with
no campaigns in it...
Foiled again when trying to work around the currency
Thanks Eric - having the time zones in a known standard would be much
easier. The time zone "Europe/Berlin" would be the same string value in
summer or winter, so taking it from the current state of the account
wouldn't be a problem.
It's bad enough that I have to pull reports to get the time
Is there any chance we could get a list of the API time zones documented
please? You have all the currencies and geo targeting options under
"System Codes", but not these.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Thanks for that Alexander, I missed it in my search.
However, I'm really after the codes that are being sent in the v201109
reports so I can map them back to the standard ones. This is the list I
have seen so far, and there appears to be very little logic behind it :(
'GMT (no dayl
I'm trying to run structure reports to find ads that have non-empty
tracking templates.
I've added the following predicate, but both the report service and the
AdGroupAd service responses include ads with empty templates.
Is this a bug or should I ch
we only want a few of the rows.
It would be great to be able to filter by empty values, so could that be
On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 20:31:08 UTC+1, Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API
Team) wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I'm afraid you cannot use null values in the predic
you for your help!
Also find us on our blog and Google+:
You received this message because you
Hi AdWords Support Team,
I followed the Targeting guide for Java using the exact sample code. I made
a call for the query "hong". One of the returned location is a Postal Code
object as follow:
hong" does not appear in the represented address
of the postal code (560068,Karnataka,India) either. Thus, is this return
value a bug?
4. It looks weird when I return results such as this to users, so if
this is a bug, will it be fixed any time soon?
On Wednesday
limit but as the created accounts are canceled in the new UI, i cannot
cancel it again. Are there any workarounds? Currently I am only created new
test manager accounts to solve this problem.
__Please consider the environment before printing this email or attachment_
I'd like to submit a feature request - hopefully this is something that
could be implemented at some point.
My request is simple. I'm requesting the ability to submit a request on
behalf of multiple CIDs (potentially up to 100 at a time) via the reporting
There are times when pull
, the ability to submit an array of authorized CIDs to the
reporting interface would be highly preferred.
On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 2:50:52 PM UTC-5, Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords
API Team) wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Thank you for bringing up your request. In order to understand further,
> c
I appreciate that very much, thank you!
- Rob
On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 1:33:20 PM UTC-5, Dhanya Sundararaju
(AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Thank you for the clarification. I will request this with my team. Please
> keep an eye on the blog
Could you please confirm what can be the reason of the issue taking into
account my error message. (I can provide more connection details if needed)
Also find us on our blog:
Hi, this isn't a bug report or technical question, I'm keen to learn more
about Google's approach to engineering.
I've been following Google Ads API development loosely over several years.
When feed based extensions came out, I could see their potential but they
also seemed too complicated for
x27;t need to request access for all services in the ad
account with the global Adwords scope? I'm concerned about data privacy of
the accounts granting access via oauth and not having access to the data
and api calls I don't need would be optimal.
for those looking at this thread for updates. The issues seems to have been
resolved. I had the issue earlier but no longer.
Also find us on our blog and Google+:
We had similar errors occur last night and this morning for both
report downloading and bid uploading on a number of different accounts
under a single MCC (using the same API token for all of them).
Rob Cooley
On Jun 8, 1:42 pm, tozor wrote:
> I saw this last night and again this morn
a report or from the service.
Thanks in advance.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
You received this mes
Just wondering if there was any idea how far away reporting across an
MCC account is away?
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Just wondering if there is a specific predicate for this/ something
By default I have noticed that you only get keywords with nonzero
impressions. Thanks.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Seems to be fine now. Thanks.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
You received this message because you are su
In v13 all money values needed to be divided by 1 million if I remember
For some reason now it appears the occasional report in v201008 is
returned in this way(* 100 as far as I can tell) while the majority
are reporting actual money values, any reason why this would happen?
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