Let me know if you want to test this out.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Kai Hintze
> Sent: W
It's in dsmaccnt.log, in your server bin directory.
We have some detailed info on how to do this at
Hope this helps.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -
h OTG DiskXTender?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Nast, Jeff
> Sent: Thursday, August 29,
Michelle, you can get snapshots of your server's behavior with our
Servergraph/TSM product, and a GUI that shows the setup pretty clearly. The
30-day free trial might get you what you need.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
thrashes madly starting and stopping
So we suggest highmigration=5 lo=0.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT
e CAN show you library-as-a-whole data rates, just by layering
all the tape-drive-writing tasks (migration, backup stgpool, backup DB, etc)
one atop the other minute by minute. Maybe that's enough - why do you need
drive-by-drive data rates?
Mr. Lindsay
And the next step is: you can squeeze out the "empty space within
aggregates" by using reclamation or (at least on recent versions of TSM)
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
We, of course, have detailed feature-by-feature comparisons, but can't
really claim to be impartial ;-}
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor M
see that other vendors ARE using the list
inappropriately... well, we just hope people will do enough research to find
the products that work best.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message
good success. It's
simple enough - you should be able to automate it without too much effort.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ma
t) if the site used
Journal-based backup?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Bill Boyer
> Sent: Wednesda
We saw the same thing. You have to "select device, device_type, ...", not
just "select device".
Has to do with some database changes made in TSM - not sure what.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 f
the client, you could just say "q arch..."?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Michael Moo
you could set hi=0 momentarily, then hi=90 - migration will be forced by
the first one and continue even though you immediately set hi=90.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From
For the record, Servergraph/TSM doesn't use the summary table, so problems
there won't make it give incorrect results.
It uses the accouting logs which have always been reliable.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph/TSM
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Mahesh Tailor
> Sent: Friday, September 20,
> This appears to be a defect in the TSM Server, and I will be pursuing
> this with development.
Just for the record.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist
were sitting on.
I bet other people have this situation too. If you're running out of space
in your library, take a look at this possibility.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
, and your
archive would be safe on a good tape.
But with backupsets, there's no reclamation, so this wouldn't happen.
A small concern IMHO. I just wanted to muddy the waters a bit. ;-}
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
You can name it /.a, an innocuous name (ooops. well, not anymore) that won't
appear in casual
ls listing because of the leading dot.
Then run chmod 600 so onlyy the owner can read it.
Then scripts can say "dsmadmc -id=admin -pas=`cat /.a` ..."
Mr. Lin
We have a tech tip on this issue, with a couple of helpful scripts, at
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dis
> and generate mail from.
> So I recommend home-grown the best, least expensive, solution.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
We have a short article and a couple of scripts that will help you clean up
TSM query output so you can work on it with grep / awk / spreadsheets, etc.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
x27;t need these features.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Jane Bamberger
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02
Paul Seay wrote an excellent comparison to the list back in January.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
if something's starting to explode.
If you want to write your own script for this, look at
http://www.servergraph.com/techtip.shtml, which should help you get clean
query output.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
LES on the same node X. Use client
option sets or the dsm.opt files to set up these policies (either at the
node level, the file level, or both), not domains.
IMHO, anyway.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
you can predict
when you'll outgrow this or that piece of the puzzle.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
TSM admin ref, Chapter 3- Using the command line interface.
I've spent a long time looking for this, too.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist S
I looked in the client manuals first, yup...
then I looked in the admin guide, then the admin reference...
I was looking in the index for:
command line
so maybe an index entry would have done it for me.
Mr. Lindsay
it, Lotus
touches the damaged file every day so it gets backed up again, and they
don't keep 14 versions, so she gets back and the only good version (15 days
old) has rolled off (expired).
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
n several tape dirves, or
restore only archives / only backups, or just resotre a particular
Sorry I don't know more about delivery date.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Mes
David, I suggest you check the banner ads at www.adsm.org (esp. ours ;-} )
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT
ed, before
an incremental backup is marked failed. A few are allowed. (Does anybody
have the formula?)
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ma
el on it.
Sorry I no longer have the script around, or I'd list it here.
Seems like we had to say "mkdev -l rmt0" and "rmdev -l rmt0" in there
somewhere ... but that was the only funny thing about it.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
I guess they do compression or something -
I see one yesterday that reports 125 MB backed up by the ANE4991 message,
but the TSM server's accounting log message says only 65 MB.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
We get pretty darn close to what you want with the viewacct script.
(Great minds think alike?)
We get the information from the accounting log.
See http://www.servergraph.com/techtip3.htm
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
slowdowns, network slowdowns, or server
delays. Download the demo, and it will probably help you find other
problems -- oops, opportunities
Hope this helps.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Origi
ails, don't roll back the whole script
Not trying to one-up you, Tab - people more comfortable with MS Word should
use it.
The idea is great. I often see people doing stuff like this manually, and
it makes me cringe.
Thanks for the post.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
In some clients, a space before the ">" makes a difference.
So try upd script test "QUERY SYSTEM> DSM.OUTPUT"
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message
Gosh, Bill, that's even better!
Now if we could just cut it down to zero steps...
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAI
Don't use step 3 if you use step 2. they do the same thing in different
The output of step2 looks like a perfectly valid macro. Just run step 4.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -
Check to see that the switch port is also set to 100/full.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
oke a
round and see that the SWITCH ports are ALSO 100/full.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> P
BTW, everything in the AUDITOCC table is also in the OCCUPANCY table.
If you're writing scripts to boil that down, you may want to just use
OCCUPANCY - it's updated all the time, not just when you run AUDIT LICENSE.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
r and show you THAT throughput
over time - as well as direct readings of the NIC, showing ALL throughput.
So that should give you a pretty good picture of what you want.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
i wonder if AutoVault might do you some good. It's a DRM replacment - does
clever things like vault primary pools (sounds dumb, but they might be
7-year archives just taking up valualbe slots), and vaults backup sets, etc.
Mr. Lindsay M
or write, Mark. Thanks.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
Office: 859-253-8000
Fax: 425-988-8478
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Mark Stapleton
TSM 5.1 will have server-to-server export, useful for duplicating servers
for DR.
In other words, the "export server" command will have a "toserver=" option.
More than that, I don't know, but it sounds like just what you're looking
for (and
probably easier than setting up clustering).
> -Ori
Actually, the third party product (good product) is called AutoVault -
See their banner ad at www.adsm.org.
Good to support companies that support this list.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Kevin Sawyer
> Sent: Wednesday, Decem
may we send info
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Kevin Sawyer
> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:25 PM
> Subject: Changing Management Class in mid-stream
> Hello folks.
> I'm n
I never tried this, but since one hour is .04166 days, can you say
...where (days(backup_end) < (days(current_date)-.04166) ...
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
using SELFTUNEBUFPSIZE. (If you already are, then this advice
won't help of course.)
Good luck.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> > Hello-
> > I am havin
The copypool volumes are normally off-site, in a vault with no tape drives.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Lawrence Clark
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 1:22 PM
> Subject: Copypool reclamation
Get the client's dsmsched.log file (best way);
or query the contents table (slow!).
Is there some reason why you can't ftp over the client's dsmsched.log, so
you can look at it?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
gured to show that).
You may want to take advantage of this when you start writing Perl scripts.
Cheers, and good luck.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM:
more info, or see our banner ad at www.adsm.org - this is not
supposed to be a marketing list.
Thanks, Jane.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor M
st of clients,
sorted by hog_factor, with one or two at the top in the hundreds -
i.e., the client uses a hundred times more space in TSM than it owns
Often this is due to unnecessary archiving, or TDP agent failing to
delete old backups.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
ormer TDS users before you go too far
down this path.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Lawrence Clark
> Sent: Thur
Curtis, if I may ask: how can you monitor backup status (ie success or
failure of all your nodes) if you use autosys?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: Alex Paschal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 12:25 PM
. If you did that, do you think you'd want
to see (for the Locked list ,say) all 132 files, or just the file NAMES
that differ - that is, cut off the directory part?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Ori
n at might.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Lawrence Clark
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:55 AM
> Subject:
when you upgrade TSM.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Richard Sims
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 2:37 PM
do it now is exactly what you want.
Contact me off-line if not, and we'll discuss.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Beha
something like
You can use our viewacct program to turn the accounting log data into
something more readable.
Hope this helps.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Ori
27;m too lazy to cut and paste it into each email.
Maybe I should put it on coderelief, or adsm.org somewhere.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[
% the low end.
If there's enough interest, I'll go count
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
The Operational Reporting beta-testers (of which we are one)
work under a confidentiality agreement, so detailed comparisons
might not be available. But to us, the two products look pretty similar.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
our NON-TEC-happy customers use our built-in alerting, which does (as
near as I can tell) everything TEC does.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: A
Many of our customers see them and ignore them.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> J D Gable
> Sen
o the Tivoli site for you.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
> Kelvin Tan
our convert-to-normal-dsmaccnt.log
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
Here's the JCL - USE
See http://www.servergraph.com/techtip.shtml
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [m
Take those client statistics with a grain of salt, Rod.
If you can use the accounting log data, that's a lot more reliable.
We have a helper script for you here:
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Server
objects inspected! - and
IDLETIMEOUT is set too short (default 60 sec I think - most people set this
longer - on the TSM server as I recall) so that's why the node drops out a
couple of times a night.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
No, this is the recent (well, six months old) Journal-based backup
eature - only works on Windows clients so far.
See your new client manual.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
You know, it occurs to me that the AutoVault product may do what you want
check the adsm.org banners for their site (maybe www.coderelief.com ?)
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
So you can see that it might be smart to move your 10 PM job up
to 8:30, and squeeze your backups into a smaller window.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
CA seems to buy tools / companies and market them like crazy, but not put
any energy into improving or supporting them.
I'd be interested in hearing your take on what features this product has,
and what it costs.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Server
restores can come directly from
disk - much faster than tape.
Hope this helps.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -Original Message-
> From: ADS
One of our Servergraph monitors does, essentially, this:
dsmadmc ... q libvol | grep Scratch | wc -l
to spit out how many scratch tapes are in use.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
This is a great report!
It's past time somebody took the time to just DO THE MEASUREMENTS!
Everybody should have this handy for when the high-powered Veritas salesmen
approach your CIO.
Thanks for putting it on your site, Mark!
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:A
s a database in an
> instance that hasn't backed up in xx-days, like I could get that
> information
> from B/A client filespaces. I believe Mr. Lindsay Morris says that
> ServerGraph uses the filespace information to list filespaces that haven't
> been backed up in x-days,
Accounting is broken? Hard to believe...it's always been reliable.
Could it be that you're not looking at the storage agent's accounting logs
(if you use any LAN-free storage agents)?
They live on the client, and all that data is indeed missing from the
server's accounting logs. You have to combin
it backed
up or not), and accounting logs to detect how many bytes it sent.
You can look at the summary table, but that is sometimes erroneous, too (or
so I hear).
Not the answer you were looking for, I know, but I hope it saves you some
wasted effort.
Mr. Lind
If you're concerned about your activity log eating up too much space in your
TSM database, don't be. It uses relatively tiny amounts compared to the
contents table. But there'e probably no good reason to keep more than 30
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Add another server stanza in dsm.opt:
servername other
tcpserveraddress other.dns.name.or.ip
then you can say
dsmadmc -se=other ...
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Niklas Lundstrom
Veritas, etc.
But it doesn't seem to go very deep.
Please let me know if I'm wrong about this. Thanks.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax
> -
That's interesting, Lars. I'd never thought of doing that.
So what benefit might we get by using AIX's System Resource Controller
(that's what SRC means, right?) to start the TSM scheduler?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
Boost the idletimeout. 300 seconds is often too short.
Check the dsmsched.log file on the client for error messages.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
859-253-8000 ofc
# the same file over and over again.
sed 10q /tmp/$$.1 | awk '{print $3}' >/tmp/$$.2
fgrep -f /tmp/$$.2 /tmp/$$.1 | sort +2 -3 +0r -1
rm /tmp/$$.[12]
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com <http://www.servergraph.com>
Great to see you back, Richard.
Not to quibble with the guru, but --
a: how do you know the volume name?
b: query content? Won't that take a long time and maybe adversely impact the
TSM server's performance?
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, S
MessageWe fixed the broken link to our viewacct utility: go to
Thanks to everyone who pointed this out.
You should be aware that this utility ONLY SHOWS BACKED_UP STATISTICS - it
does NOT show archived data, or restores, or retrieves, or HSM movement.
We kee
Well, IMHO:
Just because you CAN have lots of different domains does NOT mean that you
For simplicity's sake, many sites can have ONE domain and ONE schedule that
will work OK for most nodes.
I don't think you need to be concerned about NT users accidentally restoring
AIX stuff - they hav
utlook.pst, for example, usually stays open/locked, so
TSM misses it. The event status is Completed, because it's
"only" one file...!!)
This is old news to some people, but maybe useful for others.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
Nice job!
Hope you aren't planning to add real-time alerts,
trending/predictions, backup status without "q events",
graphical display of server info, and stuff like that... ;-}
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
"Winchester" IO is really any block-device IO: disk or tape.
So it's not abnormal to see that; but it does look pretty high.
Are you getting the performance you expect?
Does vmstat say you're paging at these times?
Mr. Lindsay M
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