We put this feature (user notification of failed backups) into our
Servergraph/TSM product a while ago.  Some gotchas you might want to think
about, if you're developing it yourself:

  --for laptops, you don't want to send this notification immediately. Maybe
the user is out of town for a few days.  So each node needs a delay-time:
for critical servers, delay zero days; desktops, 2 days; laptops, 7 days, or
something like that.

  --the notification ought to give the user a way to fix the easy problems
(e.g., is the scheduler running? etc.)

  --if the situation continues for too long, an escalation message ought to
be sent to you, the TSM administrator.

  --you want to ignore antique filespaces, like the one containing an old
retired PC that the user keeps around "just in case I need a file from it".

Just food for thought. Maybe you don't need these features.

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Applied System Design
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Jane Bamberger
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 3:09 PM
> Subject: Re: Anyone know how to have TSM script read an input file?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 11:18 AM
> Subject: Anyone know how to have TSM script read an input file?
> > Hello all,
> >         In the life of ever changing requirements... I must
> include in an
> > e-mail sent to a PC user that they missed a backup, exactly how long it
> has
> > been since they were backed up.
> >             I am scanning the log to see what schedules were
> MISSED.  But
> > now for each node that was missed I need to know the last date of a
> backup,
> > not a 'accessed by TSM' (which is in the NODE DB) .  I see that the
> > DB has ALL the backups start and end dates.  But what would be
> the logical
> > way to approach this?  I would think list off the nodes that
> failed and do
> > some sort of select of the SUMMARY DB to find the last
> successful backup.
> > 1) I am not sure how to ask for JUST the last successful backup
> of 1 node.
> > 2) I am truly at a loss to figure out how to have this script read in a
> list
> > of nodes to find out there last successful backups
> >
> > Has anyone done anything like this?  An example could take me a
> long way.
> > I am using TSM 4.1.5 on z/OS 1.1.   If I can get all the info
> into records
> I
> > am using SAS to format the e-mail messages.   My TSM system has
> about 230
> > nodes in an 80% full 25GB data base.  Hopefully I can do this in an
> > efficient manner...
> > Thanks in advance for all your help!
> > Matt
> >

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