For the record - we're innocent!
dsmadmc -console sometimes crashes this release of TSM on Solaris.
We are unrepentant in our use of dsmadmc -console.
We have Servergraph installed at maybe 100 other sites, and have never seen
this happen before.

TSM says it's a known problem: I quote from Tivoli support:
> It appears that one of these console sessions was starting, but
encountered an error
> causing it to be closed. Somehow when we attempt to close the session
> during this sequence of events, an invalid memory reference is made
> causing the server to core dump.
> This appears to be a defect in the TSM Server, and I will be pursuing
> this with development.

Just for the record.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Chetan H. Ravnikar
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 1:01 PM
> Subject: Servergraph & TSM on solaris-2.8
> Hi all,
> just an Fyi.
> not sure if anyone else have experienced this, We have TSM server 4.2.20
> running on sol-2.8 and we were trying to eval servergraph,
> the servergraph process started killing the TSM server leading to core
> dumps! we have a PMR open with Tivoli and have updated servergraph with
> the issue as well.
> Apparently IBM said that this is a bug on the 4.2.20 that when contacted
> with multiple *dsmadmc -console* processes to the server has lead it to go
> down.
> Both the parties seem to be looking into this
> -C

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