Re: RAM shows less

2010-05-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jatin K wrote:
> On Monday 10 May 2010 08:29 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Jatin K wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> I've a new Dell Inspiton 1564 laptop with 1GB graphics card and 4GB DDR3
>>> RAM, FC 12 64bit installed on it , but in system information tab it
>>> shows 3.7GB usable RAM. My Question is "what about the remaining RAM ??"
>>> is it shared with graphics card ? then what is the meaning of dedicated
>>> RAM of my graphics card ( if graphics card shares my installed ram module )
>>> any idea ??
>> Look at the start of /var/log/messages, /proc/mtrr, etc. See if your CPU has 
>> PAT
>> capability, etc.
> Thnx Bill
> My processor is Intel i5 430 2.27Ghz  ( turbo boost up to 2.53Ghz)
> and following is the output of  cat /proc/mtrr
> ---
> reg00: base=0x0ffe0 ( 4094MB), size=2MB, count=1: write-protect
> reg01: base=0x0 (0MB), size= 2048MB, count=1: write-back
> reg02: base=0x08000 ( 2048MB), size= 1024MB, count=1: write-back
> reg03: base=0x1 ( 4096MB), size= 1024MB, count=1: write-back
> reg04: base=0x13800 ( 4992MB), size=  128MB, count=1: uncachable
> -
> can you have a look at it ..?is it explaining  something ?
It may explain, note that you have 3GB starting at zero, a hole, and 1GB 
starting at 4GB. I'm surprised that the system did that well considering you 
have 2x2GB DIMMs.

There are two more things you can look at, /proc/meminfo will show what the 
system views as usable memory, and the output of dmidecode will show tons of 
stuff, but there will be one info block per DIMM which shows information on 
that DIMM. I suspect you are getting a few MB of RAM shared for video, or 
something like that. The information in /var/log/messages will give more detail 
about how the memory is being allocated, but it's unlikely to lead to 
more useful space.

At least you have learned a lot about looking at your system, score one more 
"things I learned while looking for something else."

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: What's up with bash shell and spaces in filenames? [SOLVED]

2010-05-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Alan Evans  said:
>> cd ()
>> {
>>builtin cd $1 || return
>>[[ -f ./.autorun ]] && . ./.autorun
>> }
> Any shell functions should properly quote their arguments (and there are
> possibly arguments to cd, so you should pass all args, not just the
> first).  So:
> cd ()
> {
>builtin cd "$@" || return
>[[ -f ./.autorun ]] && . ./.autorun
> }

You still need to quote or escape the directory name, though. This should work 
even using any of the cd options.

Ha, you didn't know cd has options? ;-)

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: What's up with bash shell and spaces in filenames?

2010-05-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Alan Evans wrote:
> This is an on-again-off-again kind of problem. It usually hits me when
> it is least convenient, like when I only have shell access to the
> machine. Example:
> [a...@agena ~]$ cd /media/My\ Book/
> bash: cd: /media/My: No such file or directory
> [a...@agena ~]$ cd "/media/My Book/"
> bash: cd: /media/My: No such file or directory
> [a...@agena ~]$ Gaaah!
> bash: Gaaah!: command not found
Note that the last error is different, the "!" character has special meaning to 
bash, and even quotes don't keep it from being evaluated, although single 
and backslash do.

In other words you have two separate issues here, the last one is no surprise.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: RAM shows less

2010-05-11 Thread Bill Davidsen
John Aldrich wrote:
> Just a question here... are you running a 32-bit version of Fedora or a 64-
> bit version? 32-bit versions will only show about 3 gigs of memory, no 
> matter how much if you have 20 Gigs, you'll only see 3.

That information is not correct. Using a PAE kernel all memory is available in 
32 bit mode. And using 64 bit mode is no solution for the BIOS not making 
available, I have a 4GB system which will use only 2.9GB with any kernel or 
available BIOS. The BIOS in SETUP says it is taking away 1.1GB, but not why, 
no setting corrects it.

I write this in a VM on a 32 bit machine using all 8GB of memory.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: RAM shows less

2010-05-11 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jatin K wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 05:27 PM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
>> Jatin K wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> I've a new Dell Inspiton 1564 laptop with 1GB graphics card and 4GB DDR3
>>> RAM, FC 12 64bit installed on it , but in system information tab it
>>> shows 3.7GB usable RAM. My Question is "what about the remaining RAM ??"
>>> is it shared with graphics card ? then what is the meaning of dedicated
>>> RAM of my graphics card ( if graphics card shares my installed ram module )
>>> any idea ??
>> Maybe the integrated graphics card is still stealing some RAM (256MiB?)
>> even if you don't use it.
>> A quick Google search of your "1564" appears to confirm that the
>> integrated graphics card is not useable.
> integrated graphics card is not usable ??? means ?
> can understand what you wanna say
>>   We can not be sure that
>> the BIOS is well written, though.
>> /var/log/dmesg may contain hints.
> please have a look at the output[1] on "cat /var/log/dmesg"
> [1]
The log seems to be missing all of the memory stuff at the beginning, lines 
terms like 820e and MTRR in them. But I'm buying that it's possible to be 
related to the built in graphics. Does the BIOS give you a way to disable that?

Having run on 16MB system with early Linux versions, I have to say it's only a 
few hundred MB, but... it is.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: RAM shows less

2010-05-16 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jatin K wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 May 2010 04:41 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Jatin K wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 05:27 PM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
>>>> Jatin K wrote:
>>>>> Dear All
>>>>> I've a new Dell Inspiton 1564 laptop with 1GB graphics card and 4GB 
>>>>> DDR3
>>>>> RAM, FC 12 64bit installed on it , but in system information tab it
>>>>> shows 3.7GB usable RAM. My Question is "what about the remaining 
>>>>> RAM ??"
>>>>> is it shared with graphics card ? then what is the meaning of 
>>>>> dedicated
>>>>> RAM of my graphics card ( if graphics card shares my installed ram 
>>>>> module )
>>>>> any idea ??
>>>> Maybe the integrated graphics card is still stealing some RAM (256MiB?)
>>>> even if you don't use it.
>>>> A quick Google search of your "1564" appears to confirm that the
>>>> integrated graphics card is not useable.
>>> integrated graphics card is not usable ??? means ?
>>> can understand what you wanna say
>>>>We can not be sure that
>>>> the BIOS is well written, though.
>>>> /var/log/dmesg may contain hints.
>>> please have a look at the output[1] on "cat /var/log/dmesg"
>>> [1]
>> The log seems to be missing all of the memory stuff at the beginning, 
>> lines with
>> terms like 820e and MTRR in them.
> ok,
> can you have a look at attached file ??? is it ok ... does it says 
> something usable ???
It says you have a lot of various small areas of unusable memory, and the 
registers aren't up to using some of the small bits and pieces. Unless there's 
BIOS update available I would say that what you see is what you get.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: SSH tunnel for ssh traffic

2010-05-17 Thread Bill Davidsen
Christoph Höger wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to ssh to some remote VM that sit in a private LAN. For any other
> service (e.g. RDP) I'd use ssh tunneling just normal.
> But what do I do for ssh traffic? Since ssh is not host agnostic, it
> will always complain about localhost having a different RSA key.
> I just do not want to edit the known_hosts every time I need to connecto
> to a new machine!
I just remembered having a similar problem and how I solved it. I added a fixed 
IP for the machine at the end of the tunnel in /etc/hosts, and the fixed IP was 
127.0.0.X, which seemed to allow a unique entry in known_hosts on the 
originating machine. Since all of 127/8 is used for loopback, I decided to use 
another address for the made up machine name.

You still have to edit /etc/hosts for each new machine, but once and only once 
per machine.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: how to 'rip apart' a rpm.

2010-05-17 Thread Bill Davidsen
Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 15 May 2010, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
>> On 05/15/2010 11:22 AM, wrote:
>>> I want to look at the individual files in a src rpm.
>>> How do I 'rip it apart' ??
>> rpm -qpl src.rpm
>> should show you a list of the files in the RPM.  When you "install" it,
>> they get installed in your rpmbuild sandbox under:  SPECS and SOURCES
>> subdirectories.
>>> Doing an install doesnt seem to be the answer, It does something, but I
>>> have no idea where the bits and pieces are going.
>>> They are NOT in /usr/src/redhat nor in /root/rpmbuild.
>> You really shouldn't be playing with source RPMs as root.  Look in your
>> user RPM sandbox:
> Then I'd suggest that doing so as a user be made possible.  I think its 
> asinine that I am prevented from building my kernels as a user, simply 
> because mkinird cannot be made to run if you are not root.
You don't need mkinitrd to build a kernel, you need it to *install* a kernel, 
two different operations. After you do the make you can make modules_install 
install with the -n option (if you wish) to inspect what they will do, or just
   "su -c "make modules_install modules"
after the build is done.

You didn't ask: I run my build in a script command, so I have the details of 
error messages.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: how to 'rip apart' a rpm.

2010-05-19 Thread Bill Davidsen
Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Monday 17 May 2010, Mikkel wrote:
>> On 05/17/2010 04:12 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Clarify here: I can do all that as the user.  What I can't do, until
>>> somebody decides to fix mkinitrd, is to run it as the user.  That is my
>>> specific bitch.  And I think its perfectly valid.  mkinitrd simply will
>>> not run for anybody but root.
>> Considering that mkinitrd is part of the install procedure, and not
>> part of the build procedure, why is that a problem? The initrd is
>> system specific, so it does not really make sense to run it before
>> the install stage. And you need to be root to do the install anyway.
>> Mikkel
> Why?  In terms of the install, there is no reason why the perms can't be 
> changed so the user can do it all, except the mkinitrd, which in my scripts 
> leaves the initrd-version.img sitting it the src tree to be copied as a 
> separate line in my 'makeit' script.
> The kernel and the initrd once it built, can be installed by the user if the 
> perms had been set to the users ownership because he built them.
Gene, let me say this one more way. mkinitrd is not part of the build, it is 
part of the install. The output of the build can be moved to any similarly 
configured machine and installed, but the mkinitrd needs to know the hardware 
configuration of the machine where it will run.

You building and installing on the same machine is a special case, but in 
general the built kernel is portable and the mkinitrd is part of the install 
must match the final machine on which the kernel boots.

And install must be done as root...

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Need an eth0:1 temporarily, howto?

2010-05-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
Genes MailLists wrote:
> On 05/23/2010 12:06 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Sunday 23 May 2010, Genes MailLists wrote:
>>>> It didn't appear that I had to, and thank you very much.
>>> Routing, by default, for IP's on same subnet  uses the network on that
>>> subnet. So no need to change or add any route.
>> Well, at some point I have to move cables and then convince this cable modem 
>> its a valid client, probably by cloning the right MAC address.  My web page 
>> is not accessible using the current lashup with a BEFSR41 router.  Partly 
>> because it doesn't have any DynDNS facilities in it.  dd-wrt does.
>   FYI - depending on  your cable connection speed the BEFSR41 may not be
> able to keep up.
>I've seen a BEFSX41 (it is quite a bit faster than the BEFSR) reduce
> the download speed by a good 5 Mb/s or more on a 30 x 5 Mb/s cable
> connection.
> Meanwhile a linux firewall with over 40,000 rules caused zero
> degradation - on a 3.2 Ghz Pentium D box with 2 GB of memory.
It really doesn't matter how many rules are in the machine until you run out of 
memory, but how many rules the packet has to traverse. I have my firewall on an 
old WalMart "Centaur" 800MHz VIA processor, and it pops packets through at 
10Mbit without delay or notable CPU load. But at one point I tried to move some 
of the mail filtering to the firewall, and add blocking rules for individual 
sites, and the linear rule traverse soon made new connections slow down. That 
was with only about 1300 blocked sites. I changed the way I was doing things 
avoided the problem, but it is possible to bog a system down with a small 
of rules.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: OT: Cell phone connection to server

2010-05-24 Thread Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Hello all,
> It has been suggested to me that we should setup a cell phone in a way
> that would allow us remote access to our Linux boxes in case of an
> emergency where the server was down (using a remote service board (ILO)).
> I've searched Google and found plenty of information on how to make an
> outbound connection, but nothing for inbound.  The mobile broadband
> connections all give you a dynamic IP and are on-demand.  So the
> connection would drop as soon as it was not being used.  I thought that I
> could write a script to keep the connection alive and pass the IP but if
> the server goes down...
> It was said that years ago, you could connect a modem to a cell phone and
> that it would answer the call just like on a land line.  If I could find
> something like that, we would be in business.
> As always, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Is there some reason not to use a land line? This is going to be your last 
fallback, using a land line or IP connected service board would seem to be the 
well known tech, unless there's a good reason for being a pioneer.

A netbook with mobile broadband would be plan B if you really have the need, it 
has it's own UPS, can connect and start a VPN if it detects the server is down, 
etc. For a long outage you might want a model which can wake on timer, has SSD, 
and otherwise can be useful for days without power.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: F13 upgrades post here, please.

2010-05-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
Linuxguy123 wrote:
> Hi people.
> I'd love to hear about F13 upgrade experiences.  Once the issues are
> worked out I'll be upgrading from F12.
I went FC13 as soon as the pre-beta came out, and ran it on a semi-production 
security camera server for several weeks, along with a few VMs with various 
little servers. Unfortunately support for the IBM webcam was broken by an 
upgrade and the problem was rejected for fix in FC13. Since then I've been told 
that at least one Logitech camera of recent vintage is broken as well, but I 
haven't verified that. Since the ibmcam is capable of very low light operation 
and I don't really want to replace them I used another solution.

As a desktop operation has been boring, virtually no problems. Unless you 
need support for one of the web cams which became unsupported I would say go 
it. Hopefully 2.6.35 will happen during the life of the release, and that 
provide better battery life for laptops and less heat for desktop.

It's really a great release, I'm sorry I can't use it unless I fall back to the 
old kernel with some security issues.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Linux for T1 bonding ???

2010-05-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
jack craig wrote:
> On 05/25/2010 11:39 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 09:31:35 -0700,
>>jack craig  wrote:
>>> Any open source references to recommend? I have not been finding a lot
>>> of options...
>> When I was looking at getting a T1, bonded T1s sold by the provider were
>> fairly common. Unless you are looking at doing something cheaper, that
>> may be your best bet.
>> If you are using two different providers, I don't think you can atcually do
>> what is typically referred to as "bonding". Normally that is handled with
>> routing.
> I've hit a couple bumps in this investigation.
> the boss first said check into comcast cable (static ip's available),
> but then he was assuming it was a t1 serve that could be bonded
> with our current t1.
> so far, t1 & cable modem are separate, discreet options.
> i found mushroom networks and they offer a bonding appliance that says 
> its smart about load
> balancing, e.g. using all bonded lines.
> mark pointed out vyatta, that looks interesting too.
> The cable connection rates are real low compared to our t1, i am not 
> thinking
> we ought to get the cable connection and if its as fast as advertised, 
> ditch the t1 we have now.
> interesting quest! :)

My experience with cable has been that it is highly variable in bandwidth. In 
upstate NY you can get DSL up to 7Mbit and FIOS at 15Mbit and you get the speed 
you pay for. Depending on your usage you might even have the T1 for incoming 
connections to your servers and use a DHCP connection on another ISP like cable 
for things which don't need static IP on outbound connections, like browsing, 
VPN depending on your setup, etc, etc.

Having done bonded lines "back when" I became aware that total bandwidth goes 
but the speed doesn't, so ping and anything depending on response time won't 
change. And you want to advertise larger TCP window sizes so that you will back 
up some packets and actually use the bonding. Some bonding methods don't put 
packets for a given connection on the "other" wire until they have a few 

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Why are the torrents so slow?

2010-05-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
Suvayu Ali wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Why are the torrents so slow? I usually get download speeds of up to 600 
> Kbps. (both torrent or direct download) But with the 64 bit XFCE torrent 
> I'm getting downloads @ ~20Kbps. At times the upload spikes to 90Kbps, 
> but I don't mind that as long as it downloads faster.
> I can't wait to get my hands on the release and I want to share, hence I 
> went with torrents over direct download. :(
I have often wondered why there is so little traffic when I'm seeding, so the 
answer may be "something isn't right." Possibly the client setup. I usually set 
for 200kB seed, and usually only see 20kB average, maybe 100kB in a few 10 sec 

Maybe someone can provide a hint as to what needs to be tuned.

Bill Davidsen 
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FC13 infofeed RSS coming?

2010-05-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
I normally follow updates to official releases on the infofeed RSS, since it 
tells me not only what was changed but for new apps, what the app does. 
Hopefully now there will be one for FC13 as well.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Why are the torrents so slow?

2010-05-26 Thread Bill Davidsen
Tim wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 17:45 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> I have often wondered why there is so little traffic when I'm seeding,
>> so the answer may be "something isn't right." Possibly the client
>> setup. I usually set for 200kB seed, and usually only see 20kB
>> average, maybe 100kB in a few 10 sec slices.
> Stating the obvious, just in case:  Are you sure whether it's bits or
> bytes per second that you're looking at?
The limit is kbytes in --max-upload-rate, and the system monitor reports in 
kbytes as well. No confusion there.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: F12->F13 Upgrade: WOW! That went well.

2010-05-26 Thread Bill Davidsen
Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
> On 05/26/2010 12:02 AM, Steven Stern wrote:
>> Started the upgrade from the DVD and then went out.  Came back,
>> rebooted, and it was all done. Wow.  This has been the smoothest upgrade
>> ever.
>> Now, just waiting for 407 updates from 'yum update'.  Can't wait to see
>> if Rhythmbox will be able to put music on my iPhone.
> That same upgrade went smoothly for me, but after the yum update, grub 
> went away. I booted into rescue mode on the install DVD and managed to 
> reinstall grub to get my system booting again, but that was definitely 
> annoying.
And did the upgrade finish? Sounds like one of those "out of space in /boot" 
things, which might be in the log.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: FC13 and (k)qemu

2010-05-26 Thread Bill Davidsen
William John Murray wrote:
>   Dear Fedora,
>qemu appears to have a problem in FC13. None of my VM's boots
> anymore from hard disk (I can boot using a rescue CD as a drive)
>   They all start listing gPXE information (odd, that never used to
> appear in FC12) and then say 
>Booting from Hard Disk
>Grub loading stage 2
>   and stick like that for ever.
> I tried making a new VM, but the symptoms are the same.
>Any ideas anyone?

Are you running qemu-kvm from command line or adding a level of hypervisor to 
the mix? I have been pretty happy with KVM so far, running a number of OS under 

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: How does F13 work with nvidia hardware ?

2010-05-26 Thread Bill Davidsen
Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I run the proprietary, closed source nvidia driver in F12.  What happens
> when I upgrade to F13 ?
The short answer is that you may have to boot in vesafb mode and install the 
driver using that. If that doesn't work booting in run level three and 
your driver from CLI.

The kernel driver isn't bad for modern hardware, and there are some test 
versions (or were last time I looked) before you go closed source. Support for 
old ATI hardware seems to have deteriorated, you don't have that problem.

Bill Davidsen 
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OpenVPN server setup

2010-05-26 Thread Bill Davidsen
I have OpenVPN here, which I set up long ago by hand generating the 
keys, moving them to the right places, adding the start to rc.local, and 
sending the client keys out securely for hand install on the client. Now 
I'm trying to help someone set up a server and client  (both FC11 or 
FC12) and hopefully by now there's some nice GUI or automated way, 
because the person I'm trying to help is separated from me by time zone 
and language, and the thought of doing this through a translator is way 

Is there a nice wiki or FAQ I can give him, and let him handle getting 
it translated? I'm doing this as a favor, and minimum pain would be nice.

Bill Davidsen 
  "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
   used in creating them." - Einstein

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Re: qemu nic missing after F13 upgrade

2010-05-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
> Hi all,
> after my upgrade to F13, everything is working fine except that the 
> instance of WindowsXP that I run under qemu can no longer see any 
> network card. It does not appear in the Windows network control panel.
> If I run "ps ax | grep qemu", I see:

> How do I even debug this?
> - Mike

I found that if you omit "-net nic" it will work to the extent that you get an 
IP in the 10.x.x.x range with external connectivity, while if you have a bridge 
set up adding "-net tap" seems to work, passing the MAC address to whatever 
external DHCP you use. I set the MAC and my DHCP server assigns the right IP so 
that I can use servers in a VM, and all works.

The problem seems to be that if you use "-net nic" (from an old script, 
it doesn't get a DHCP response. The bug report is old, I did verify that 
previous qemu-kvm did work with "-net nic" on the command line, but that seems 

Other than having to decide if a VM was to be a client using host IP or server 
using the tap, it all seems to work.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: F13: Do not mount CD/DVD when inserted into drive

2010-05-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
Greg Woods wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 21:12 +0200, Frank Elsner wrote:
>>  a CD or DVD gets automatically mounted
>> when inserted into the cd/DVD drive. 
>> Where can I disable this behavier? 
> System -> Preferences -> File Management -> Media
Does this really work for you? I have mine set that way and when I put in a CD 
it is still read, mounted, the ISO label is read off the disk, and an icon 
displayed on the desktop with filesystem label. The media is left unmounted, 
that certainly doesn't fit the "do nothing" choice the menu offers.

You have to edit/delete udev rules to make it work right. That also fixes some 
CD burning issues when udev "peeks" at the media in the middle of a burn.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: K3b won't accept converted Wav files from MP3

2010-05-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jim wrote:
> FC12-x86_64
> Used Sound Converter to convert MP3 audio files to WAV files , but K3b , 
> make Audio CD, won't accept converted WAV files for Burning. The audio 
> files were orignally wav files before they were converted to MP3s.
> This kind of looks like a Microsoft DRM thing that K3B is doing.

Have you verified that the wav files are valid? Try to listen with 'play' (from 
the sox package).

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: F13: Do not mount CD/DVD when inserted into drive

2010-05-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rick Stevens wrote:
> On 05/27/2010 02:50 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Greg Woods wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 21:12 +0200, Frank Elsner wrote:
>>>>   a CD or DVD gets automatically mounted
>>>> when inserted into the cd/DVD drive.
>>>> Where can I disable this behavier?
>>> System ->  Preferences ->  File Management ->  Media
>> Does this really work for you? I have mine set that way and when I put in a 
>> CD
>> it is still read, mounted, the ISO label is read off the disk, and an icon
>> displayed on the desktop with filesystem label. The media is left unmounted, 
>> but
>> that certainly doesn't fit the "do nothing" choice the menu offers.
>> You have to edit/delete udev rules to make it work right. That also fixes 
>> some
>> CD burning issues when udev "peeks" at the media in the middle of a burn.
> Have you unchecked the "Browse Media" box in that tab?

Definitely. And before all the options were greyed out, I set them all to "do 
nothing" just to be sure. But if I put in a CD (had FC10 Live-CD handy) I still 
get (a) activity on the reader, (b) and icon, and (c) the filesystem label on 
the icon.


Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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Re: Rocket Fedora 13 media artwork

2010-05-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
Valent Turkovic wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Valent Turkovic
>  wrote:
>> I remixed some Fedora graphics to create new CD/DVD labels.
>> Hope you enjoy them,
>> Cheers!
> No comments? Does it suck so bad?

No, you just overestimate the ping time taken by post->read->act->comment. If 
sucked you would get 20 posts by now telling you so. :-(

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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Re: F13 - VLC does not start

2010-05-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
Mike Guilmot wrote:
> Hi there,
> Just installed VLC via yum:
> Installed:
>   vlc.i686 
> 0:1.0.6-1.fc13
> vlc-core.i686 
> 0:1.0.6-1.fc13
> vlc-devel.i686 
> 0:1.0.6-1.fc13  
> Dependency Installed:
>   SDL_image.i686 0:1.2.10-1.fc13 a52dec.i586 0:0.7.4-15.fc11  
> libcaca.i686 0:0.99-0.9.beta16.fc12 libcddb.i686 0:1.3.2-4.fc13   
> libdvbpsi.i686 0:0.1.7-1.fc13 libebml.i686 0:0.7.8-3.fc12  
> libmatroska.i686 0:0.8.1-5.fc12   
>   libtar.i686 0:1.2.11-16.fc13   libtiger.i686 0:0.3.3-3.fc13 
> libupnp.i686 0:1.6.6-3.fc12 lirc-libs.i686 0:0.8.6-7.fc13 
> live555.i686 0:0-0.27.2010.04.09.fc13 minizip.i686 0:1.2.3-23.fc12 
> xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch 0:7.2-9.fc12
>   xosd.i686 0:2.2.14-13.fc12 zvbi.i686 0:0.2.33-4.fc12  
> But it doesn't start up. When starting it, i'm getting lots of info, but 
> nothing I really can figure out. And for once google was not my friend.
> Anyone who can point me to the right direction ?
Happy to say I don't have the problem, mine starts fine, runs fine. I does tend 
to hang at the end, taking 4-6 sec before it quits, with the last frame 
displayed. May be due to bad support for my Intel graphics in FC13.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: F13 - K3B - Won't burn dual layer BluRay

2010-05-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 06:17 -0500, Steve Berg wrote:
>> I've tried on two different systems, both recent clean installs of Fedora
>> 13 x86_64.  Open K3B (V1.91.0), pull in files that I'd like to have an
>> archive of, total size is just under 40GB.  Load up a blank BD-R dual
>> layer and tell K3B to burn.
>> It sees the blank BD-R as having 46.6GB space. K3B then asks me to put in
>> a blank disk of at least size 37.8GB.  I know it's been a long time since
>> my last math class, but I'm pretty sure that 46.6 is bigger than 37.8.  :)
>> On one system I have Nero4 Linux and it was able to burn the same data
>> with no problems.  Anyone seen similar issues?
> You neglected to say what K3B actually does with this, such as any error
> messages it outputs.
The error message was included in the first post, wasn't it? What other 
are you looking for? Something in /var/log/messages, or ???

OP: does K3B actually do a burn, or call something else to do it? I've had burn 
problems because Fedora doesn't have genuine cdrecord installed, they ship a 
look-alike which is really named tokem, or hokem, or something like that, which 
doesn't work well on some burners.

Unfortunately you have to build your own from source, but it's worth doing in 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Omega live -

2010-05-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 05/29/2010 12:09 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>> Is there an Omega Live version of F-13 [for USB flash drive] to be
>> available and if so when?
> I am hoping to do a initial release before next week. 
I look forward to it.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: RSS for F13 updates

2010-05-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
Gordon Messmer wrote:
> What's the appropriate contact to request new feeds at:
> Should I file an RFE in bugzilla?

I posted this question recently and got no answer. <>

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: How to set monitor refresh rate more than 60hz in Fedora 13

2010-05-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
Ravi Saini wrote:
> I have installed the Fedora 13 on my computer today. I am using HCL's 
> 17" Monitor whose screen resolution is 1024*768 @85 hz. But in Fedora 
> 13, I can't be able to set my monitor's refresh rate more than 60 hz due 
> to which the screen is blurring. There is no Xorg.conf file in /etc/X11. 
> Please help me.
Roughly the process is this. If the system didn't detect your monitor type 
correctly (usual behavior) select admin->display and set it correctly. Log out 
and back in, then use preferences->hardware->screen_resolution and look for 
you need, set, and log out and back in.

Note: for Nvidia, ATI, and Intel graphics this probably won't work because the 
enhanced drivers do things as they see fit. There are vendor (closed source) 
drivers you can install, people will tell you not to use them for a number of 
religious (or maybe political) reasons, but for many people they work where the 
included drivers don't. The new drivers are much improved for 3D and special 
effects, not so much for 2D non-game work.

You may also be able to run in vesa mode, using the video=vesafb:spec boot line 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: ssh into kvm-clients

2010-05-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
Phil Meyer wrote:
> On 05/30/2010 11:02 AM, brizly vaan van Ulciputz wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> ich wonder why i am not able to ssh-in in this case:
>> i have an kvm-'server' running 4 'guests'.
>> the guests are behind nat (default in kvm?).
>> running fresh fedora on all machine (host and guest), installed from
>> live-cd, enabled sshd and made sure system-config-firewall allows
>> ssh-in, i am not able to reach the guests by ssh.
>> i can ping them, by there from kvm-server given ip, by
>> openvpn-client-ip, all good.
>> [bri...@s28 ~]$ ping
>> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.50 ms
>> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.80 ms
>> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.01 ms
>> but ssh - i just got:
>> [bri...@s28 ~]$ ssh
>> ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
>> i don't know were to start searching, firewall, selinux, openvpn...
>> Other openvpn-clients - installed the same way, but 'real' machines, not
>> kvm-clients - are reachable. although from kvm-client to outside-host.
>> Any ideas?
> You will notice that qemu when running in NATed mode will set up rules 
> for iptables by default.  In effect, a NATed interface accepts NO 
> inbound connections, and qemu insures that with iptables rules.
> There are at least two ways to allow ssh to a KVM based guest that is NATed.
> One method involves the qemu automatically starting a deamon on the host 
> that listens on a port you specify and redirects traffic on that port to 
> a port you specify on the VM.  This requires adding an appropriate '-net 
> user' rule to the  the qemu process when it runs.  Virt Manager does not 
> have an interface into all of the qemu options, so you will have to edit 
> the xml file by hand to add it.  And if you make a change to the guest 
> using Virt manager, you could your changes.
> Since qemu uses iptables to implement its NATed firewall for the KVMs, 
> you can also use iptables to allow ports into guests.
> The qemu rules are added dynamically, so you can't modify those 
> particular rules, but you can add permanent rules that allow what you 
> want, even when the qemu NAT is in place.
> I think that the rule set qemu uses is called DNAT by default, so we add:
> -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp -d  --dport 22 -j DNAT 
> --to-destination 
> For each VM.
> I realize that this is sketchy, but it would be inappropriate to show 
> real IPs and destinations in a mailing list posting. :)
> Hopefully, this is enough of a pointer to be of some help.
This is an excellent introduction. Alternatively you can set up a bridge of 
own, and use "-net nic -net tap" to get a unique IP for the VM. I combine this 
with setting the MAC address so my DHCP server assigns the proper IP to servers 
and persistent clients (such as the VM I use for desktop).

I have no idea how to do this with libvirt, I learned qemu-kvm before that was 
an option, and I'm comfortable being able to set my own options.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Relabeling all audio files on a server

2010-05-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
Leonard Adjei wrote:
> I have a server which houses thousands of audio tracks and materials.
> Recently I started using a web application which seems to have a ew
> problems with the naming convention used by default.
> For example it has a problem with apostrophe signs ('), I want to be
> able to create a script which goes to through the folder and all
> files and folders under it and renames all the tracks by deleting
> every entry of the apostrophe where it encounters them.
> E.g. This ain't no game => This aint no game
>Mr Brown's Last supper => Mr Browns Last supper
> and like that. I want the apostrophe sign to be deleted but everything
> else stays the same.
> Any suggestions on doing this would really be appreciated. Thanks.

1 - any mass rename opens you to disaster
2 - may not handle blanks well either
3 - possible solution below

find . -name "*'*.wav" |
while read item; do
   mv "$dir/$oldname" "$dir/$newname"

Beware typos, I just typed that in...

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: encrypted disk/partition

2010-05-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
fred smith wrote:
> in F13, Anaconda seems to allow encrypted partitions ONLY if you use LVM.
> If I set up the disk as simple partitions with no lvm/VG/raid, how can
> I realize encrypted partitions or even whole disk?
If you do configuration manually IIRC there is an 'encrypt' checkbox for each 
new partition you create.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: F13 Live CD - No Video

2010-05-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
Dennis wrote:
> I can't get Fedora 13 Live CD to show any video when trying to run 
> after the Grub boot menu selected and run.
> Adding the option to run in Vesa mode does nothing.
> Any ideas on how to get the Live CD to show video with some other options?
You need "nomodeset" as well, and may want to use a vga initializer. I have 
combinations like "nomodeset vga=0x318 video=vesafb" and there are optional 
additional options to video= you might find useful.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: encrypted disk/partition

2010-05-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
fred smith wrote:
> On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 01:29:10PM -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> fred smith wrote:
>>> in F13, Anaconda seems to allow encrypted partitions ONLY if you use LVM.
>>> If I set up the disk as simple partitions with no lvm/VG/raid, how can
>>> I realize encrypted partitions or even whole disk?
>> If you do configuration manually IIRC there is an 'encrypt' checkbox for 
>> each 
>> new partition you create.
> Hi Bill!
> Um, if you're talking about the manual partitioning in Anaconda, then
> yes, you're correct, but if you explicitly delete the LVM/VG stuff from
> the proposed partitioning scheme, that checkbox becomes greyed. Sorry,
> that's what I had intended to say above, but I wasn't explicit enough.
Yes, I hit the "manual partitioning" option and do it my way, which doesn't 
involve LVM. And making just one partition encrypted is sometimes useful.

> [OT]
> Does anyone here besides me remember the large ad in (Byte???) from the
> late eighties with a photo of Bill in it, advertising a C compiler
> for DOS from a certain large corporation? :)

Ah, old sins never die. And the hair was on the top of the head at that point.
Still living in that 1886 Victorian house, though, married to the same woman. 
But not working for the same large industrial manufacturer, so my software 
choices are my own.
> No, I'm not trying to insult you Bill, I'm just showing my age. We know
> you're firmly in the FOSS camp.
> [/OT]

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Relabeling all audio files on a server

2010-06-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
Tim wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-05-31 at 13:27 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> 1 - any mass rename opens you to disaster
> One fly in the ointment might be renaming one file to the same name as
> an already existing file.
Here there be tigers ;-)

I did pull out the directory name to prevent renaming that, and additional 
checks could be added to prevent the unlikely duplicate name. In general 
operations of this type are not safe, people do them because they are 
convenient. ;-)

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Chromium by default?

2010-06-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
Valent Turkovic wrote:
> In the latest release [1] of Community Fedora Remix (yes, we are
> looking for a new name [2]) some flack we got was due to having
> duplicate apps; two browsers and two email clients.
> How about switching to Chromium only in our next release?
> Are there some pitfalls that would prevents us from doing so? The
> biggest issue currently is that Chromium is still not in Fedora repos
> (read why [3]) but Tom releases great quality packages and all his
> releases were rock solid so far.
> Chrome/Chromium browser has more than 70 million users[3], much more
> than Fedora itself, for me that proves it is a good and stable
> browser. I have been using latest versions of Chromium for past few
> months, and I have great experience with it. I use both Firefox and
> Chromium, but it looks like most people would like to have just one.
> Please post your comments here or in our mailing list and cast your
> vote here:
The vote that counts is how many sites browser sniff and reject anything but IE 
or Firefox? As a Seamonkey user I can tell you "too damn many!" And for some 
things webkit and Gecko are not /quite/ the same.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Bash History How to?

2010-06-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
Frank Murphy wrote:
> I would like to prevent .bash_history being
> created for root.
> And when "sudo" invoked by user.
> Have tried:
> export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
> but nothing seems to be added to .bashrc
> this has come abote as I seem to have
> /tmp/.bash_history
> which may not be good :(
You can add "[ -f $HISTFILE ] && rm $HISTFILE" to your .bashrc. Or just the rm 
command if you're more trusting than I...

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Relabeling all audio files on a server

2010-06-03 Thread Bill Davidsen
Phil Meyer wrote:
> On 05/30/2010 04:21 PM, Leonard Adjei wrote:
>> I have a server which houses thousands of audio tracks and materials.
>> Recently I started using a web application which seems to have a ew
>> problems with the naming convention used by default.
>> For example it has a problem with apostrophe signs ('), I want to be
>> able to create a script which goes to through the folder and all
>> files and folders under it and renames all the tracks by deleting
>> every entry of the apostrophe where it encounters them.
>> E.g. This ain't no game =>  This aint no game
>> Mr Brown's Last supper =>  Mr Browns Last supper
>> and like that. I want the apostrophe sign to be deleted but everything
>> else stays the same.
>> Any suggestions on doing this would really be appreciated. Thanks.
> Other suggestions are good, but ...
> When using find on files and directories where unknown characters may 
> be, learn to use -print0
> This uses a NULL terminated string, as apposed to a white-space 
> terminated string, which is the default.
> For instance:
> $ find /my_dir -type f \( -name \*wav -o -name \*WAV \) -print0 | xargs 
> --null command
> That way you can be sure that 'command' will work upon those file names 
> regardless of character composition.
Exactly why I didn't use xargs in the script I offered earlier. But since I 
wanted to avoid doing the requested name changes to the directory names, I read 
it and used bash editing capabilities.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Network Speed issues on Fedora 12

2010-06-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
alan wrote:
> I have a couple of systems with gigabit ethernet cards. If I copy a large 
> quantity of data to the machine I notice the data throughput start to fall 
> off after about 4-5 gigs. It keeps getting slower and slower the more data 
> that flows through the interface.
And drops to the sustained write speed of your drive(s) you're writing.

> This happens on x86_64 and i386. A similar Ubuntu system does not show the 
> problem.
Are you using LVM on one system or the other?

> If I run the Fedora 12 system under VMWare, I still see the problem. 
> Windows Server 2008 runs fine on the same VMWare server.
> Any ideas here? This has been driving me mad and I have seen nothing 
> useful on this issue in my various Google searches.
> Thanks!

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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pdf paper format

2010-06-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
I recently got some documents from a college, and need to print them to 
submit. They came in pdf format, and will not print. The issue seems to 
be that the documents are save for use on A4 paper, not letter. Is there 
some utility which allows changing of the paper format easily?

I can do the pdf=>postscript and postscript=>graphic_image conversions 
and print scaled, but if there's a tool which saves the time and effort 
I'd rather use it. Any ideas?

Bill Davidsen 
  "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
   used in creating them." - Einstein

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Re: Looking for multi-DVD spanning archiver

2010-06-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
> I want to off-load the entire /pub/fedora/linux/releases/13/Everything/
> directory (46,864 items, totalling 59.7 GB) to a modest stack of single-
> or dual-layer DVD-Rs. Is there a multi-DVD spanning archiver capability
> in F13? Ideally I'd like to use an application that writes and reads
> directly to/from a DVD drive and prompts for the next disc until done.
tar will do volumes. You will want to write a small script to prompt you, 
probably. The problem is not that there is no capability, but there are so 
Clarifying your needs for features like restoring individual files, encryption, 
software error correction, etc, will result in better suggestions.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: ssh into kvm-clients

2010-06-06 Thread Bill Davidsen

brizly vaan van Ulciputz wrote:

so i set up a bridge, it's running fine (the bridge itself...).
But how do i tell the default kvm-network to use the bridge instead of
using nat?
i found /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml,
but don't know how to change it, which manpage to use :-(
Using the KVM-GUI (virt-manager) i am not able to add a new network with
another type than NAT.
By now i was following the way described on ,
but it ends up in setting up a _new_ machine, i am already having them.

any hints?

Am Mittwoch, den 02.06.2010, 16:44 -0400 schrieb Tom Horsley:

On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:50:03 +0200
brizly vaan van Ulciputz wrote:

or do i have to edit ifcfg-br0 by

That's the way I've always done it. Just move all the
ipaddr and wot-not into the br0 file and tell the eth0
file it is part of the bridge by adding BRIDGE=br0.

I don't know if NetworkManager can deal with bridges.
I always turn it off and turn network on.

I contribute this shell, use at your own risk, has worked for me (with some 
minor edits over the years) since FC6. Use with your own changes at your own 
risk. I just tune the MAC address of each VM so my DHCP puts the right IP on it.

Bill Davidsen 
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
Description: Bourne shell script
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Re: Goodbye Fedora XDMCP and VNC

2010-06-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
Robert Myers wrote:
> I have configured, reconfigured, and wrestled with exporting the Gnome 
> desktop using either XDMCP or VNC.  With all the various idiosyncracies, 
> it has been a time-consuming struggle in which I have rarely gotten 
> exactly what I wanted.
> Here is the map to freedom from all this nastiness:
> use ssh -X to export X from applications to a desktop with an X-server.
> Use the utility alacarte to export a handy guide for all the features 
> that are normally accessed via graphical menus. Use "properties" of each 
> menu item to find the command line necessary to invoke a GUI application 
> that would normally be invoked through a menu.  Use tuxmc or anything 
> you like other than nautilus as a file manager.
> Live the rest of your life without worrying what fedora or gnome has 
> changed relative to the nautilus, gnome desktop, xdmcp, vnc, or remote 
> access with whatever release or upgrade you are using.
> If you always access a machine remotely, issue telinit 3 to shut down 
> the graphical interface and x-server you will never need again.  If you 
> can ssh into your remote box and have a local x-server, you are good to go. 
You may find that the -C option to compress the data is helpful on a slow link. 
I have been using VNC quite a bit recently, since the video drivers which 
from FC6 to FC10 on my older hardware have been replaced by new drivers 
providing 3D rendered cavorting windows on a small subset of video hardware, 
800x600 VESA mode on formerly useful hardware.

I have a working laptop and use it as a display for servers...

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: I did gOCR with screenshots, if helpful

2010-06-07 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rodolfo Alcazar Portillo wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 06.06.2010, 22:01 +0100 schrieb mike cloaked:
>> Does anyone have any guidance or a url to point me to that may help
>> with turning that scanned old document into something sensible as a
>> character file within Fedora ?
> Well I had a somehow bad experience. Tried saving my firefox passwords,
> but Firefox doesnt' have any stored passwords exporting form
> (edit/configuration/security/stored passwords, if anyone knows how to
> export them, please.), so I did an OCR to my firefox screenshots. 
There are a number of password export programs for Firefox. I use Seamonkey, so 
the ones I have are not useful to you, but since several have comments saying 
they were based on the FF version, I know they exist.

Never tried importing, I just need the passwords in human readable format to 
satisfy various "management shall have copies of all passwords" directives.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: FlashPlayer-10.1.X86_64 RPM ?

2010-06-07 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jim wrote:
> FC12/KDE
> Is there a Flashplayer-10.1-x86_64 RPM out there ?
> Adobe has the Flashplayer-10.1.tar.gz but it won't work on X86_64 .
> I know all about the Buggy FlashPlayer-10.0-x86_64 RPM

Don't know what bugs you see, FP- worked for me. And it was a tar, not 
an rpm.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: system-monitor applet does'nt show disk usage info

2010-06-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
chenh wrote:
> I've selected the network in system-monitor applet, but it only shows
> black box, I've tried updating avast! to watch what happen, it remains
> black. Is there someone can help? Thanks :)

Your intent is confused, the subject says "disk" which I agree doesn't reflect 
what's happening and may miss 99% of what iostat shows, your text says 
which is unlikely to show disk activity.

In the case of network, mine works, in the case of disk, only shows some 
activity, looks like it may be monitoring things at the filesystem not the 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Strange message from yum.

2010-06-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
hooter bash-4.0 ~# dfx
> Filesystem 1K-blocksUsed   Available  
> Really_Available Use% Mount_Point
> /dev/sda21929100 1299740  
> 531364629360  71% /
> tmpfs1014200   27084  
> 987116    987116   3% /dev/shm
> /dev/sda11929068  115376 
> 1715700   1813692   7% /boot
> /dev/sda51929068  386532 
> 1444544   1542536  22% /var
> /dev/sda6   10578780 4493424 
> 5547984   6085356  45% /opt
> /dev/sda7   2019267615162344 
> 4004584   5030332  80% /usr
> /dev/sda8  442231804   432935444   
> 0   9296360 100% /export/home
> "It's not what you know that hurts you, It's what you know that ain't 
> so." Wil Rogers

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: FC13 as a VM

2010-06-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jamie Bohr wrote:
> I have an FC12 device running KVM and would like to install FC13 as a 
> VM.  I am having lot of problems from the installer failing when 
> packages start to install to nearly all the way through package 
> installation.  I have disabled "ACPI" and added "acpi=off" to the 
> install kernel and still have problems.  Any advice?
When you post a question, provide enough information to let people help you. 
"installer failing" gives no one a clue, you didn't say what the VM looked 
32 or 64 bit, etc, etc.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Upgrade to Fedora13 from Fedora 8

2010-06-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
vijay bhide wrote:
> I downloaded Fedora 13 preupgrade which is my /boot directory of my existing 
> Fedora 8 installation.I booted to preupgrade image to start upgrade.I reached 
> a stage where 4installation options were offered.One was to remove completely 
> existing installations ,second was removing existing linux installatios,third 
> was to compress existing Ubuntu 10.04 and the last one was to install on free 
> space.In all the options I was prompted to create boot partition of 500MB.In 
> my existing system I have Win XP on sda1 Mandriva on sda 5,Swap on sda 
> 7,Fedora8 on sda 8 and Data(Fat) on sda 6,Ubuntu 9.1 on sda9,Ubuntu 10.04 on 
> sda10.Grub is on MBR.and no boot partition.
> I stopped at this stage and cancelled the upgrade process.Which option I 
> should use so that existing system is not disturbed.I am giving below 
> partition table.
If you really want to try this, and I can't see that it will work[1], the 
of installing another disk to get the boot partition is the next step.

[1] work in this case would mean take less time and effort than doing the 
upgrade entirely by hand. I think you have to upgrade in three steps, because 
some important things changed with several releases, such as RPM format and 
things in /lib and /etc which are layed out a little differently.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Seeking a grep-like script

2010-06-10 Thread Bill Davidsen

Timothy Murphy wrote:

I'm looking for a grep-like script that searches for a given word,
and returns the paragraphs in which it appears (rather than the lines),
where a paragraph is defined as the material between 2 blank lines.

All suggestions gratefully received.

It would be relatively easy to do in perl, suggested logic is to read in a 
paragraph, check for the word, print if found. Only takes a few lines of code.

If by "looking for" you mean finding a script which does you what you want, I 
don't know where you find it, it's a bit trivial to bother to save.

Sample attached.

Bill Davidsen 
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Thoughts on floppy disks

2010-06-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I was recently following the advice in the Fedora-13 Installation Guide
> to setup a pxeboot server,
> and it recommended that one should read the syslinux documentation
> in /usr/share/doc/syslinux-3.84/syslinux.txt .
> (Actually, the Guide says syslinux.doc , but that seems to be a typo.)
> In any case, this document, which is dated 1994-2009,
> seems to be entirely concerned with "CREATING A BOOTABLE LINUX FLOPPY".
> There are several other places in the Fedora-13 documentation
> where I have come across mention of floppy disks.
> (And several Linux programs spend time looking for /dev/fd0 .)
> Do floppy disks still exist?
> Are computers with floppy drives still being made?
Yes, and computers are being sold which do BIOS upgrades from magic format 
floppy, not CD.

> It seems to me that as an absolute minimum
> any documentation mentioning floppy drives
> should at least explain how CDs can be used to the same end.
Should we read this as "I am starting a crusade to research the proper solution 
for each program I find, and contribute updated documentation to the 
maintainers?" Or "It would save me some effort if someone else would do this?"

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: FC13 as a VM

2010-06-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Jamie Bohr wrote:
> My initial question was geared toward getting generic advice and if 
> someone else was successful getting FC13 installed as a KVM VM.
> Trying to install FC13 x64 as a VM on a FC12 (AMD) server with a running 
> kernel of and KVM version 
> qemu-kvm-0.11.0-13.fc12.x86_64.  The installer, anaconda, has stopped at 
> random places from failing during the last few steps of the install 
> process (performing post-installation filesystem changes) to the step 
> where "transferring install image to hard drive".  Some times the 
> install locks-up the device and other times a ctrl-alt-delete will power 
> cycle it.  I am using the install DVD not the live version.  I should 
> also mention that FC12 exhibits the same behavior, FC11 works perfect.
Much more useful info, I have VMs running on old (6600), new core2 (Q9400?), 
AMD X2 (FC11 on a laptop), and all will run fc12 usefully.

> Has anyone successfully installed FC13 (or FC12) as a VM on KVM server?  
> If so, was there something special you did to make it work?
I have fc12 VMs running under fc9, fc11, and fc13, the last two doing 
things. Don't recall doing anything special, however, I am running all VMs from 
qemu-kvm command line, not adding a a hypervisor to the problem. All work 
well, do add "-usbdevice tablet" to the command line, makes it smoother for a 
reason I've forgotten and not about to dig from my notes. :-(

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: FC13 as a VM

2010-06-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Dale J. Chatham wrote:
> I had not thought of that.
> However, the purpose of this exercise is that I need to VPN into a 
> client site.  I don't want the VPN to wipe out routing and network info 
> on the host, so I thought I'd install a vm and let VPN cripple the 
> network on it.  Thus, I don't think VNC is going to work for me unless 
> I'm happy with the display packets going halfway across the US and back 
> to get from the virtual machine to the host machine.
I find that using an ssh tunnel to the host VNC connection worked in a similar 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Status of SSDs under Fedora ?

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
Linuxguy123 wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 14:50 -0700, Konstantin Svist wrote:
>> On 06/10/2010 01:53 PM, Linuxguy123 wrote:
>>> I'm thinking of getting an Intel 160 GB SSD.   How would it work under
>>> Linux ?   
>>> I'm using ext4 for that drive right now.  Is there a better filesystem
>>> for SSDs ?
Probably, I'll let others discuss which is best, having done no testing of my 
own. On the other hand, ext4 is pretty stable, don't jump to something which 
still be a learning experience just to prevent problems which are unlikely to 
an issue.

>>> Is there anything that I should be aware of as far as switching ?
> Have you run an SSD ?  Is longevity really an issue or is it folklore ?
I guess longevity is more an optimization than a issue these days, but it costs 
only the time to learn a few things, so best to take steps to minimize wear.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Status of SSDs under Fedora ?

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Konstantin Svist wrote:
>> * align the FS properly (this'll be the biggest PITA to figure out
>> whether it's done correctly, seek help from google). Latest firmware on
>> Intel SSDs claims to not need this, but I'd do it just in case.
> Don't need to do it, period.
Which doesn't mean there's no benefit in doing it, just that the SSD will work 
without doing it.

>> * enable noatime,nodiratime in /etc/fstab -- reduces number of writes
> It's the default for all file systems, SSD or not, you don't need to do 
> this.
Not so, Fedora uses relatime (see /proc/mounts) at least for current releases. 
See relatime under the mount man page for how that works. I do agree that you 
don't need to change that, it gives you as much atime correctness as most 
applications need.

>> * if you don't much care for the logs in /var/log, turn them off or
>> redirect to a ram drive -- reduces number of writes
I wouldn't do without logs on a bet, if you have a problem you have no way to 
look into it. The number of writes is so small you gain little.

> With the MTBF of the SSDs today, this is unnecessary.
Another place where I feel "not necessary" doesn't mean the same thing as 
"without benefit." There's no good reason not to do optimizations. The one 
really might help is trying to get the filesystem to hold write until it has a 
block of data, 32k, 256k, whatever the SSD writes at once. Various filesystems 
use different option for this if they allow it at all. That does make an 
improvement in write speed for sequential files.

>> * switch io scheduler to noop -- speeds up random reads
> I'd love to see benches on this; not butt-dyno opinion blog pages.

Please post when you do them, I'm going to assume there's no conspiracy and the 
consensus opinion is right. I would expect disk buffer usage to be slightly 
smaller under some io loads, but it's only worth doing because it's easy.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Status of SSDs under Fedora ?

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
John Austin wrote:
A clear description of what issues he was discussion - thanks.

> -
> It would be highly desirable to have definitive answers to
> 1. Is "discard" set by default in F13?
It appears not.

> 2. How can you find what/where the default mount options are set
The easiest (may not be best) is to mount without options and look at the line 
in /proc/mounts. I find actually testing is better than any documentation I can 

> 3. Does setting the "discard" option do everything that is required to enable
> TRIM to do its job with no further action?
I'm going to say yes. From a discussion elsewhere I have the opinion that the 
reason it isn't default is that some SSD not only don't implement it properly, 
they may lie and say they do. I have seen "lies about capabilities" in several 
place, not just WRT TRIM, so I think there is an issue with some brands. I can 
say that testing using an Intel X25-V worked with the option on.

> 4. Is it safe to use the "discard" option yet?
I think I would let you Google for advice, seems to work in terms of no 
corruption, but I can't guess if it does anything, and haven't tried to do a 
benchmark, since that would kind of beat on the device and I want to actually 
use it.

> 5. How do you automatically set the "discard" option when hot-plugging an SSD 
> disk?
>(What controls the mount? hal, udev, XFCE, Gnome, kde, ...)
>    I am using kdm, XFCE and probably bits of gnome
I would look at udev rules, that's not an answer just some advice.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: F13: Goes to sleep unwanted.

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
John P. Hartmann wrote:
> Subject system is used as a server, so the intent is to be headless.
> If nothing is logged in on the console, the system goes to sleep after
> a short while.  If I log in on the terminal and leave it there, it
> usually stays running, but it does suspend to disk every so often.
This sounds as if some laptop options have been applied to the power 
  Going into the system=>preferences=>power_management gives you options, you 
don't have someone logged in with laptop style options set, do you? And how 
would you easily block that on a server, other than not install the applets?

> This interferes with work the server should perform.
> Initially, it tried to hibernate, from which it could not wake, so I
> had no indication of what was going on.  I've disabled in the boot
> parameters:   acpi=off noapic.
Sounds very like a poor choice of options.

> So how do I stop it from spinning down?  If the desktop goes in the
> process, that is fine.
> If someone has a list of stuff to disable in a fedora server, I'd much
> appreciate being told.
Wish I had a good answer, I can assure you my servers don't do that and my 
laptops usually do, so that would be my first thought. I'm sure you can prevent 
users from selecting that option, but how doesn't jump out at me.

Let us know if that's the issue.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Mounting KVM image

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 05:53:31PM +0300, kalinix wrote:
>> It would be useful to post the layout of your hdd, though.
> He shouldn't need to know the layout of his hdd :-)  It's like reading
> the raw sectors to view a wordprocessor document.  Use libguestfs!
He mentioned that his system lacks kvm capability, will guestfish run on such 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Adobe (Temporarily?) Kills 64-Bit Flash For Linux

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
That isn't going to make people very happy.

Bill Davidsen 
  "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
   used in creating them." - Einstein

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Support for audio on webcams

2010-06-13 Thread Bill Davidsen
This may be related to x86_64 install, but I'm told there's an issue in 
32 bit as well.

I have a webcam, Logitech laptop model, and I'm trying to capture to 
sound and audio.
This is a log when connected:

Jun 12 14:24:23 posidon kernel: usb 4-2: new full speed USB device using 
uhci_hcd and address 3
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: usb 4-2: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, 
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: usb 4-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, 
Product=0, SerialNumber=2
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: usb 4-2: SerialNumber: 6230E413
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device  
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: input: UVC Camera (046d:0991) as 
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver 
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: USB Video Class driver (v0.1.0)
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver 
Jun 12 14:24:24 posidon rtkit-daemon[2506]: Sucessfully made thread 3495 of 
process 2667 (/usr/bin/p
ulseaudio) owned by '500' RT at priority 5.

What I did on older versions of Fedora was to use the recording 
capability of xawtv. So I started that with device /dev/video2 (the cam 
with audio) and it gives no audio. It keeps looking for /dev/dsp 
(analog) even though docs say xawtv knows how to handle the new v4l2 
audio inputs. The only option for audio is -C and that is looking for an 
analog device.

So is there a trick to make this work, or is there another *simple* 
application to do a similar thing?
Ever since audio went digital it has been increasingly hard for non-guru 
users to use, and Pulse just adds to the complexity.
Tell me there's a simple application which just works the way they used to.
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Re: Support for audio on webcams

2010-06-14 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 06/14/2010 08:19 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> This may be related to x86_64 install, but I'm told there's an issue in 
>> 32 bit as well.
>> I have a webcam, Logitech laptop model, and I'm trying to capture to 
>> sound and audio.
> File a bug report against the kernel and cc hdegoede  AT
Since other people claim they have audio working with the built-in 
webcam audio I was rather expecting someone to either tell me what 
setting I'm missing or what alternate app to use. I'm dubious it's 
really a bug, at least for now I have to assume that either some trick 
provides the analog audio so all the old apps will work, or that some 
app knows how to get useful audio on x86_64. Ignorance is more likely 
than error, at leat unless everyone says "doesn't work for me either."

Bill Davidsen 
  "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
   used in creating them." - Einstein

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Re: Adobe (Temporarily?) Kills 64-Bit Flash For Linux

2010-06-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
Genes MailLists wrote:
> On 06/15/2010 12:56 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>> Well, 10.1 really "fixed" everything, didn't it?  Even the Windows users had 
>> major problems with it.
>> A kernel fault?  Bad code, probably.  Do programmers do flow charts anymore?
>   Userland apps can only trigger kernel oops if there is a kernel/driver
> bug ...
Just so, any kernel oops (or other misbehavior) is a kernel bug. Period. A 
stable kernel assumes evil intent in all processes and behaves appropriately.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Adobe (Temporarily?) Kills 64-Bit Flash For Linux

2010-06-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
Greg Woods wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 22:15 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>>  it's considerably harder simply because the system is designed, first and 
>> foremost, from the ground up with security in mind.  With Windows, security 
>> seems to have been always an after thought, if thought about at all.
>> In addition, Linux users tend to be more knowledgeable regarding the 
>> vagaries of computers and computing, and take reasonable precautions against 
>> such things.
> All of this is true, but I still think it would be wrong for us to get
> too complacent about it. As soon as somebody says "this won't be a
> problem on Linux", they may not be "taking reasonable precautions". Do
> you check out every YouTube video for badness before you view it? Does
> anyone actually do that? With the nature of this particular
> vulnerability, if you are still looking at Flash videos from potentially
> untrustworthy sources, then you are vulnerable even on Linux.
> I believe it is only a matter of (not much) time before Linux is
> targeted. In this case, there is no update path available for Linux
> users at the moment, so all of us who have installed the Adobe Flash
> plugin are vulnerable. The bad guys know this. The fact that Windows is
> also vulnerable until patched (possibly even more vulnerable) does not
> change this.
I love kvm for this, I can make a qcow2 copy on write image of a machine, do my 
browsing in that with appropriate network control (not allowed to see anything 
inside the firewall) and then just 'shred' the image after use.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Adobe (Temporarily?) Kills 64-Bit Flash For Linux

2010-06-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
Patrick Bartek wrote:
> --- On Mon, 6/14/10, Tim  wrote:
>> On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 08:32 -0700,
>> Patrick Bartek wrote:
>>> By that time, if Adobe is true to form, HTML5 will be
>> fully
>>> implemented and out for two years, and there'll be no
>> need Flash
>>> anymore. ;-)  Praise the day!
>> Wishful thinking, because all the pre-existing sites full
>> of Flash will
>> not be converted for you.
> I've read because of the iPad and Apple's "No Flash" stance, that Flash using 
> sites are developing non-flash alternatives for it.  I've read that this is 
> happening quite rapidly with everyone in a panic because they don't want to 
> loose the business.  Ah!  Don't you just love capitalism.
What could be better for hackers than going to a new format in a hasty manner 
with minimal user experience with the format to know where the problems are. 
Hopefully we will see someone just produce a new flash player which can be run 
on iPad (there's one in javascript IIRC).

> Besides, choice is good.
>> Though I agree with the sentiment, it would be good to do
>> without the
>> unnecessary use of Flash.  However I don't see the
>> replacement doing
>> away with encumbered data formats, ogg theora got dropped
>> as the
>> multi-media format.  We're likely to have yet another
>> encumbered format
>> foisted upon everyone, as everyone knows that everyone uses
>> Windows,
>> with a few Mac users, all of which will get a licensed
>> player...
> There was a similar problem 35 years ago with consumer video recording and/or 
> playback formats.  Ultimately, the consumer chose which format it preferred.  
> They will, again.  It just takes time.
Good marketing and a mediocre product beats good product and a bad business 
model every time.

Unfortunately we will probably go from a freely-available proprietary format to 
a host of competing incompatible open, closed, and proprietary format, all 
draped with claims of patent violation and resulting in less content for the 
consumer, and higher profit for vendors selling less service for a higher 
license fee.

Apple doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about the consumer, if there's penny to 
be made it will be made, and if product lockdown and legal intimidation can get 
every last penny the hell with choice. Choice is only good when you can choose 
us over them, once you're locked into us it should be a trap door, no return 

When it comes to standards, choice without differentiation is not good for 
who must choose not what serves them best, but what they will be forced to give 
up. Like politicians, lesser of evils.

> B

You bet this one of my hot buttons.

Bill Davidsen 
   This year send a message to the political parties, we are tired of gridlock
and special interests - vote the incumbents out. Yes I mean your guy, s/he votes
a party line, and works for reelection, not your benefit.
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Re: Adobe (Temporarily?) Kills 64-Bit Flash For Linux

2010-06-18 Thread Bill Davidsen
Patrick Bartek wrote:
> --- On Tue, 6/15/10, Dale J. Chatham  wrote:
>> On 06/15/2010 12:28 AM, Patrick
>> Bartek wrote:
>> [snip] 
>>> There was a similar problem 35 years ago with consumer
>> video recording and/or playback formats.  Ultimately,
>> the consumer chose which format it preferred.  They
>> will, again.  It just takes time.
>> VHS/Beta?
>> I'm not sure the consumer actually chose.  The porn
>> producers chose to 
>> go with VHS and very little Beta porn was produced.
>> The result is that we had VHS, even though it is arguably
>> not as good as 
>> Beta.
> The real reason VHS triumphed over Beta was the long recording times.  That's 
> what people wanted more that superior image quality.  You could record a 
> whole movie off the TV on a single standard play cassette, or on extended 
> play, a whole evening of TV, 6 hours.  Beta couldn't.
> Also, IIRC, VHS machines were cheaper than Beta ones.  Cheaper.  Longer 
> playing.  Sold!  Consumers have spoken. ;-)
Any vendor could make VHS by getting a license. Only Sony could do Beta. Sony 
kept all the beta profit for itself until there wasn't any.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: repeatable kernel freeze

2010-06-18 Thread Bill Davidsen
Joe Conway wrote:
> On 06/16/2010 05:39 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>> Based on the assumption that you are experiencing a kernel crash, there
>> are two ways of obtaining diagnostics:
>> 1) A serial console. Going retro, getting a null-modem adapter, and
>> connecting the serial port of the ailing machine with the serial port on
>> another machine, adding the "console" parameter to the kernel boot
>> prompt, and redirecting console messages through the serial port to
>> another machine where you'll run minicom to capture the incoming serial
>> port data. Hopefully, if your kernel is oopsing or crashing, you will be
>> able to obtain a log a useful dump.
> I actually tried this a while back, but this machine has no serial port,
> and USB-to-rs232 did not seem to work.
>> 2) Using kexec-tools to set up a recovery kernel. Adding the crashkernel
>> parameter to your kernel boot prompt, reserving 128MB of your RAM for a
>> recovery kernel and a small boot image. When your running kernel
>> crashes, the recovery kernel, installed by kexec-tools, is going to
>> generate a kernel dump, which can then be grokked by crash to generate a
>> dump.
>> In either case, you have a fair bit of RTFMing to do.
>> And then after wasting all the time, you'll discover that you're not
>> getting a useful crash in the first place.
> Hmmm, you paint a rosy picture ;-)
> But if I do nothing, my choices are:
> 1) hope to get lucky on some future kernel update
> 2) buy new hardware
> 3) live with not using scp or rsync over ssh
> Maybe it's time for a hardware upgrade
I do just such a backup nightly between machines, and no lockups on machines 
from fc9 to fc13. Something in you hardware is possibly tickling the problem.

Possible solution, add a remote syslog line to syslog.conf and keep a copy of 
your logs elsewhere. If the hang is in network won't work, clearly. Serial 
console and such might help, watching from a text console might help. All low 
effort and cost.

Of course, any excuse to go upgrade...

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: NFS mounts - temporary failure in name resolution

2010-06-19 Thread Bill Davidsen
Steve Searle wrote:
> I have installed Fedora 13 on two machines now, and am getting the same
> problem when mounting nfs shares at boot time on both machines. The
> problem happens most of the time when I boot, but not always.
> I have four nfs mounts and when the problem occurs the following message
> is displayed four times, at the "Mounting NFS filesystems:" point:
>   mount.nfs: Failed to resolve server albacore: Temporary failure in
>   name resolution.
> However, even when the messages are displayed, the nfs shares are always
> mounted.
> Although this means it is not a serious problem, it is anoying becasue
> the machines flag that there are boot messages that need to be looked
> at.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
One possibility is that DHCP hasn't run yet, and "albacore" didn't map to 
"albacore.your.domain" because /etc/resolv.conf didn't have the search path 
Try using the FQDN instead of just the node name and see if the problem goes 

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Support for audio on webcams PING! someone must use this

2010-06-19 Thread Bill Davidsen
Does no one use USB audio?

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 06/14/2010 08:19 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> This may be related to x86_64 install, but I'm told there's an issue in 
>> 32 bit as well.
>> I have a webcam, Logitech laptop model, and I'm trying to capture to 
>> sound and audio.
> File a bug report against the kernel and cc hdegoede  AT
As I noted in the snipped portion of my original post, I assume the cause of 
problem is that I don't know some configuration trick or am using an app which 
does obsolete analog. I can't file a bug saying "nothing wrong but me" so if 
someone with working USB audio (webcam or TV card, same issue with both), I 
would appreciate a pointer.

Original post said:

What I did on older versions of Fedora was to use the recording
capability of xawtv. So I started that with device /dev/video2 (the cam
with audio) and it gives no audio. It keeps looking for /dev/dsp
(analog) even though docs say xawtv knows how to handle the new v4l2
audio inputs. The only option for audio is -C and that is looking for an
analog device.

So is there a trick to make this work, or is there another *simple*
application to do a similar thing?
Ever since audio went digital it has been increasingly hard for non-guru
users to use, and Pulse just adds to the complexity.
Tell me there's a simple application which just works the way they used to.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: wifi access from laptop to starbucks wifi

2010-06-21 Thread Bill Davidsen
bruce wrote:
> hey.
> looking at using the wifi at starbucks, given that it's going to be
> free in july!
> i'm looking for detailed steps from anyone who's actually used a
> public starbucks wifi access.
> my system is fedora, running network-setup. i don't have/use/want
> networkmanager!
> so i'm looking for the actual steps to use using the cmd line functions.
> i've seen different sites, that have different processes, so i fugured
> i'd turn to here.
Do make sure you figure out how to do a secure connect, unless you want to 
with everyone there. I despise NM, but the CLI seems to change just a little 
with upgrades, public WiFi frequently has its own ideas of connect protocols, 
and life is short. Draw what conclusions you will from that, but be aware that 
CLI is a lot easier for wires than WiFi.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Help getting WiFi working on laptop

2010-06-21 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:35:58 -0400,
>   "John W. Linville"  wrote:
>> yum install iwl6050-firmware
> Was this needed because iwl6050-firmware is such a new package? Would it
> be expected to be installed by default on F14+ ?

Why would it be installed by default? Very few people have the hardware, and 
installer can put stuff like that in only if needed.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: wifi access from laptop to starbucks wifi

2010-06-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
bruce wrote:
> hey guys
> if you're using starbucks, or nay other public access, aren't you
> pretty much constrained to having to deal with an open network. or are
> you implying that you can implement an encrypted connection on the nic
> setup?
Not clear to me if you can or not, because it requires two things to happen:
1 - router set to open operation, supports WPA2
2 - NIC has a way to ask for WPA2

On the other hand, if you VPN to a remote machine, while the endpoint IP is 
visible, the data shouldn't be. If you use a secure port knocking scheme, that 
is visible as well, unfortunately. Using ssh and port tunneling should be 
secure, as well.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Bugzilla 513386 - Removing large file kills JFS

2010-06-28 Thread Bill Davidsen wrote:
> This problem seems to have been written against FC11.  How can I tell if it 
> exists in FC12?  
> I've moved to FC12 and all my data filesystems are JFS.  Mount fails with 
> "unknown filesystem type 'jfs'" even if a new filesystem is created with 
> jfs_mkfs on this system and jfs_fsck reports it as clean.  So, I can create 
> the jfs filesystem, and validate it is good, I just can't mount and use it.

If the system doesn't boot you need to create a new initrd. If the mounts don't 
work, you need to load the jfs module before mount. I assume the way you will 
that is by the proper entry in /etc/modprobe.d directory.

Maintainers: why doesn't the module get loaded on demand like other f/s types? 
Because he "moved to FC12" (I assume an upgrade) rather than a default install?

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Slow CD access while ripping music CD

2010-06-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
JD wrote:
> On 06/25/2010 02:04 AM, Alan Cox was caught red-handed while writing::
>>> Jun 24 20:48:29 localhost kernel: ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0
>>> SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
>>> Jun 24 20:48:29 localhost kernel: sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] CDB: Volume set
>>> (in), Read cd: be 00 00 03 f9 0f 00 00 1b f8 00 00
>>> Jun 24 20:48:29 localhost kernel: ata2.00: cmd
>>> a0/00:00:00:10:f8/00:00:00:00:00/a0 tag 0 pio 63504 in
>>> Jun 24 20:48:29 localhost kernel: res
>>> 58/00:02:00:30:09/00:00:00:00:00/a0 Emask 0x6 (timeout)
>>> Jun 24 20:48:29 localhost kernel: ata2.00: status: { DRDY DRQ }
>>> Jun 24 20:48:34 localhost kernel: ata2: link is slow to respond, please
>>> be patient (ready=0)
>>> Jun 24 20:48:37 localhost kernel: ata2: soft resetting link
>>> Jun 24 20:48:37 localhost kernel: ata2.00: configured for PIO0
>>> Jun 24 20:48:37 localhost kernel: ata2: EH complete
>>> What can cause such a dramatic slow down?  I've tried ripping it several
>>> times with the same results.
>> It got errors from the controller while tryimg to do some sort of volume
>> change I guess at the same time as the CD ripping. Hard to tell what
>> occurred without more logs.
>> We eventually ended up in PIO0 as with the drive not responding or making
>> sense we will keep slowing down in the hope of getting sanity
> You mean the kernel does this dynamically - putting the drive in PIO0 mode?
> Is there a sysctl to put it back into udma33 mode?
In case you missed the sense of Alan's post, it does this when it gets errors 
DMA mode. I suspect Einstein's quote on doing the same thing and expecting 
different results applies.

I would read the logs and find out why it "downshifted" in the first place.

Other thought, use 'free' to look at memory use, see if the disk on the laptop 
is so slow that memory is full of ripped data not yet written to the disk. The 
fact that the first ten tracks went fast suggests that either the disk is the 
bottleneck, or the typical thin optical drive in the laptop isn't as good at 
reading as your desktop, and is getting errors near the end of the media. If 
have a CD on a USB setup, trying that might give you more information.

I suspect the CD is returning errors as the base cause, read your logs and see.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Firefox 3.6.4 and SElinux (F12)

2010-06-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
GianPiero Puccioni wrote:
> Hi,
> I just downloaded and installed in /usr/local Firefox 3.6.4 on a F12 and when 
> I try to run
> it it gives a SElinux error:
> SELinux denied access requested by /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin.
> /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin is mislabeled.
> /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin defaultSELinux type is usr_t,
> but its current type is usr_t.
> I don't understand the "It's usr_t but it should be usr_t"
> I tried the suggestion of  "/sbin/restorecon '/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin'"
> but It doesn't change anything. The old firefox had exactly the same type and 
> it still works.
> It's a standard updated F12 and runs kernel and
> selinux-policy-3.6.32-118.fc12 (I also still have the firefox-3.5.10-1.fc12 
> installed)
> Any advice?
Relabel /usr/local if /usr/bin/firefox works. Sounds like you pulled this 
version from some other repo. The labeling may be wrong on the directory. 
Perhaps whoever supplied this version can help you, the one from the Fedora 
(firefox-3.6.4-1.fc13.x86_64.rpm) went in the right place and works for me.

Bill Davidsen 
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Getting FC13 to use VESA mode for Intel video

2010-06-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
A few weeks ago I upgraded a machine from fc9 to fc13, figuring that the 
KVM would be better, security would be way better, etc. But it turns out 
that the display, which insists on operating using the "interdrmfb" 
driver, and it is just bearable for simple admin using either xterm or 
gnome-terminal, and utterly useless for connecting to the VMs running. 
It's like watching sand painting, literally minutes go by before the 
screen finishes updating.

Since this has been around since fc9 was the new puppy in the litter, 
and has worked fine using vesa mode since then, I want to scrap this 
garbage driver which will do 3D wobbly windows or whatever, and go back 
to writing pixels on the screen.

Tried nomodeset, tried using vga=0x318, tried video=vesafb, dried 
setting the X driver to vesa, and it insists on using inteldrmfb. We 
finally tried renaming the driver or blacklisting it, and then we get a 
boot without console.

Is there some way to get this working, or is a fallback to fc9 the 
easiest solution until the regressions are fixed? If I don't find a 
solution by Friday I spend my three day weekend working in a building 
with the a/c off while I roll the o/s back. By edict hardware will not 
change for 53 weeks, change of video is not happening and dammit 
shouldn't be needed.

Bill Davidsen 
  "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
   used in creating them." - Einstein

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Re: Save video stream?

2010-06-29 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bob Goodwin wrote:
> I have some video cameras, so called internet cameras actually. I
> have one looking out at a horse pasture and would like to be able to
> save a video clip.
> Google brings up schemes for saving YouTube, etc., videos from /tmp
> but I don't see any such files being created by these cameras.
> I simply address them with a browser at for instance,
> actually using the command/URL http://cam2/mjpg/video.mjpg, usually
> with Opera because it seems to work "better" but Firefox does
> provide a usable image too.
> How can I save a short clip to a file, preferably using software
> provided with F-13?
I suspect ffmpeg will let you save it.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Multimedia video on netbook

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Davidsen
JD wrote:
> On 06/22/2010 12:24 PM, jack craig was caught red-handed while writing::
>> Hi Folks,
>> I just loaded VLC on my netbook and was able to view my recent manta ray
>> night diving video.
>> However, given its normal power saving procedure, it dims the screen
>> shortly after the video starts.
>> Is there any prevailing wisdom how to handle this feature during a video
>> display?
>> I am assuming watching movies has the same issue...
>> tia, jackc...
> System -> Preferences -> Screensaver
> and take it from there.
> Note: You might have 2 screensaver entries in the drop down menu.
> On my F13, the first screensaver menu entry runs the
> xscreensaver-demo
> which I am unable to kill, even via sudo, even with signal 9.

On the low probability that you didn't check, are you sure you can't kill it? 
is the parent restarting it for you as soon as one dies. Did you happen to 
the PID? If there's really something which doesn't die with kill 9 I would call 
it a bug.

> I hope some fedoral developer sees this :)
> So, select the second screensaver entry and that will bring up a
> gui for you to set what to do when idle.
> You can uncheck the box and it will not blank the screen.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: yum 'shortcomings'?

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Davidsen
Alexander Volovics wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 06:57:12PM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> On 06/23/2010 06:49 PM, Alexander Volovics wrote:
>>> I just tried it and as I suspected it is a bit terse.
>>> What if you have 2 entries for the same date with the 'same' action
>>> and only different times and you can't remember which one you
>>> performed first.
>>> I know you can look in the system logs in 'yum.log' to see which
>>> is which but it still is a tiny bit mistake prone.
>> yum history info   will show you more precise details of the action. 
> My education continues :) 
> Bit shamefull me being a Red Hat/Fedora user since Red Hat 2 !
> A combination of age and things having gotten to easy I suspect.
Not having needed history, I certainly didn't know about it. I have used the 
"leaves" plugin, and like many things in Linux it may do what you tell it and 
not what you meant. However, in general that does what you want, and is easier 
to use but less selective than history. Particularly if history has rolled on 
since the change of interest.

Glad you found multiple ways to address the problem.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: differrence between 'yum remove' and 'yum erase'

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Davidsen
Alexander Volovics wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 06:24:57PM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> On 06/23/2010 06:22 PM, Alexander Volovics wrote:
>>> 'info yum' does not supply any more details with respect to
>>> remove/erase then 'man yum'.
>> Erase is just a alias to remove.  Zero differences.
> Again thanks Rahul.
> Maybe the developers should remove this 'redundancy'.
> Including both does suggest there might be a differrence.
Removing something which costs nothing to keep and which may break scripts and 
user habit is making enemies to no gain. And wasting time and bandwidth 
discussing why a lot of work and training effort was generated with no visible 

As for them being the same, I worked with a client tool which used erase, 
delete, and remove to get rid of objects, each with different implied options 
and side effects. Even people who has used the tool for years had to look up 
nuances. There was a mnemonic to help remember, but it was amazingly obscene 
not something you could give people as a usage aid, and the socially correct 
was hard to remember.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: differrence between 'yum remove' and 'yum erase'

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Davidsen
Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 21:14 -0500, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Aaron Konstam
>>  wrote:


> I think we are all saying the same thing.
In such a way that it sounds as though we disagree...  :-(

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: preupgrade isn't efficient

2010-07-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
Martín Marqués wrote:
> I'm doing a preupgrade from F12 to F13. yesterday I stopped preupgrade
> and started it again today. For my surprise preupgrade restarted
> downloading the installation images, which, with my slow connection,
> makes me loose more then 1/2 an hour only downloading the images.
> The question is, why does it download the installation images each
> time I start preupgrade again?
I suppose it was easier to do it that way and go for reliable rather than 
efficient. After all, preupgrade is something you run at most every release, 
stopping it in the middle is not the usual use case, so "better safe than 
sorry," it starts over.

I guess that putting time into recovery code was not efficient use of developer 
time, and as long as it produces a proper upgrade when interrupted, the 
restart case wasn't handled. As opposed to handled badly, which you really 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: qemu-kvm Trying to "Write" to a cdrom/sr0 ?? , Why?

2010-07-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
Gilboa Davara wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 16:04 -0400, Jim wrote:
>> On 06/28/2010 03:11 PM, Gilboa Davara wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 13:59 -0400, Jim wrote:
>>>> FC13
>>>> Selinux is in "permissive" mode
>>>> Why would qemu-kvm try to  "Write" to a cdrom, instead of "Read" ?
>>> Are you manually using qemu-kvm or via virt-manager?
>>> Assuming the former, what's you qemu-kvm command line?
>>> - Gilboa
>> I was doing a :# virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n vm10 -r 
>> 512 --vcpus=2 -f /vm/vm10.qcow2 -s 12 -c /dev/cdrom --vnc 
>> --noautoconsole --os-type windows --os-variant winxp64 --accelerate 
>> --network=bridge:br0 --hvm
>> when I got the error.
>> # qemu-kvm
>> gpxe ( 00:03.0 C900 PC12.10 PNP BBS PMM 07 E0C10 C900
>> Booting from CDROM...
>> Boot Failed: Could not read from CDROM (code 0003)
>> No bootable device.
>> I guess I'm going to have to make a bootable CD with the Windows files 
>> on it.
>> How does one do that ??
> I'm not I sure understand what you're trying to do.
> Running qemu-kvm without the required parameters (image files, cdrom,
> network devices) will not work.
> Sadly enough, I cannot really help you with virt-manager (you might want
> to ask the good people at fedora-virt). Never the less, calling qemu-kvm
> directly requires a long list of parameters...
Not so much, after using qemu-img to create a vdisk, something like:
   qemu-kvm -m 500 -hda MyXP.img -cdrom XPimageCD.iso

Depending on your install your may want "-vga std" but the initial boot will 
notice no bootable image on the vdisk, you probably will be fine without 
specifying sound hardware, etc. And installing on console rather than vnc saves 
hassles there. Older qemu may want -std-vga and stuff like that, but it really 
doesn't take much. If the vdisk has not bootable partitions the -boot is 

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: Ideas for integrating a SIP account, N900, Magic Jack, Linux, etc...

2010-07-04 Thread Bill Davidsen
Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I'm looking for some ideas on overhauling/revamping our telephone
> system.
> We are two busy working professionals.  We spend half our weekends away
> from home.   My wife still has an iPhone.  I'm getting an N900.   We
> have a landline with (terrible) voice mail service.
> I want to tie it all together, somehow.  
Google voice. Hang it all together, get SMS by email, voice mail is "read" by 
and emailed to you, different greetings by user, send calls to various phones 
(also by user), SMS is free, needless to say I am an early and happy user.

> I'd like to get a VOIP account somewhere and connect to it with a SIP
> server of some sort so that I can do things with that connection. 
I just saw info on that, it can be done, don't remember how. Oh, here's 

> I'd like all our voicemails to be stored on that SIP server, so we don't
> have to erase them, etc.  Actually, I'd like to get them as emails that
> we can listen to and organize.   
> I'd like to be able to call into my SIP server with the N900 and maybe
> the iPhone and then make (cheap) calls anywhere.
> Can one share a Magic Jack connection as a SIP service ?
> How can I use Linux to do some of this stuff without resort to a full
> blown asterisk installation ?
> Thanks !

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: How do I clone a drive and resize (downsize) a partition ? fdisk verify warning.

2010-07-04 Thread Bill Davidsen
Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I'm moving /, /boot and swap from a conventional hard drive to an SSD.
> Both drives are 160 GB in size.
> I want to resize the /boot and swap partitions from 200 MB and 2 GB to
> 500 MB and 8 GB respectively.   The first resize is because preupgrade
> now fails to run unless /boot is 500 MB or larger and the second because
> the swap file is supposed to be as big as the RAM in the computer and my
> laptop currently has 4GB and I want to upgrade to 8 GB in the future.
> So... I partitioned the SSD to the appropriate sizes.   I then ran
> Clonezilla and installed the /boot data seemingly without any problem.
> I used the expert mode and told it to resize things to fit the new /boot
> partition size. 
Assuming that you can connect both, create the partitions on the SSD, put a 
filesystem on each SSD partition, and mount everything.

Example only:
   mkdir /{old,new}_disk
   mount /dev/sda2 /old_disk# root
   mount /dev/sda1 /old_disk/boot   # boot
   mount /dev/sdb2 /new_disk
   mount /dev/sdb1 /new_disk/boot
   cd /old_disk
   cp -a ./ new_disk/

The archive options of cp (as root) should copy everything.

Instead of the cp you could use rsync:
   rsync -a /old_disk/ /new_disk/   # type as shown, trailing / needed

Then chroot to the new disk root and install grub.

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: SATA HDD in an external case over USB - 2 partitions

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
JD wrote:
> On 06/24/2010 05:51 AM, Tim was caught red-handed while writing::
>> On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 13:11 +0100, Gary Stainburn wrote:
>>> [r...@dcomp5 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb
>>> Unable to read /dev/sdb
>> Should it be sdb?  Try "fdisk -l" to list all the drives it finds.
> Are you sure /dev/sdb exists?
> Could it be /dev/sdc or sdd?
> Do ls -l /dev/sdb
> Also, sudo grep 'sd\.' /var/log/messages
> to see how many drives were "probed" and attached.

ls /sys/block

Bill Davidsen 
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Re: [OT] rather advanced video editing question

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
> Suvayu Ali wrote:
>>> On 06/24/2010 10:48 PM, JD wrote:
>>>> If you do figure out how to use kdenlive to splice 2 streams togeter,
>>>> please let me know.
> I found kdenlive to be excellent. I selected a VGA NTSC project, as it has 
> the same 4:3 ratio that my original flv file has, even though it is 1/3 
> larger. I put my 2 video files on the tracks 0 and 1, deleted track 2, which 
> moved the audio tracks up to position 2 and deleted the new audio track 3 
> (each audio track is mono or stereo, depending on the source -- mine was 
> stereo).
> All I had to do was to position the video and audio tracks by dragging them 
> to the right or left a bit while playing them in the project monitor on the 
> right of the screen. It was a bit of fiddling to get the audio and video to 
> align 100% (I feel I succeeded sufficiently). Unfortunately, as I determined 
> from the audio track, my 2 video tracks have a 2-second gap and I was not 
> able to figure out how to put in a transition, so my video has a 2-second 
> black screen gap (audio continues uninterrupted), but this is almost not an 
> issue when viewing the final result.
I would have done this another way. First I would break the two good videos 
individual ppm frames. Then the good audio and bad video into another set of 
frames and a wav file.

By putting the video from the first good clip, a few selected frames from the 
bad video, used to bridge the gap, and the video from the 2nd good video, you 
now have a good audio and a continuous set of frames to encode. And because you 
used ppm format, you can use the tools in the pbmtools package to size, gamma, 
sharpen, etc, on the bad video. It may not be as good as the rest, but you can 
make it better, then produce a complete video without a gap.

Yes, the first time will be a learning curve, but you can do better than you 

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Fedora 13 live-cd doesn't boot on HP 6930p

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Brett wrote:
>> I've noticed that if I burn a Fedora (or any other distro) CD at full
>> speed, about 25% of the time I end up with a disk that won't boot. 
> I had a lot of trouble burning Fedora 13 DVD from a computer running Ubuntu, 
> I tried a bunch of times using Brasero, K3B and other software, tried 
> UNetBootin and usb-imagewriter, it would never work. Then I tried burning the 
> disk from Windows 7 (on the same computer) and it worked first go. Maybe 
> something on the Fedora 13 iso is not "liked" by other linux distros?
The problem with all of these tools is that they are not CD burners, they are 
user interfaces to the real tools. And they assume that what you want to burn 
a *file* rather than an *image*, so they create an ISO9660 filesystem holding 
the file and burn that. Which doesn't work. If you care, try to mount the 
non-booting CD and see if it mounts as a filesystem with one big file in it.

You also might want to install the real cdrecord program, actively maintained 
the original author. Works far better for me, but you have to compile yourself.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: HD Home move editor

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:24:56 -0500
> Richard Shaw wrote:
>> Are that any full video
>> editors that handle HD movies correctly?
> If you have an infinite amount of disk space and patience
> you can convert pretty much anything to a lossless
> hufyuv avi file with mencoder, then use avidemux on
> it and encode the edited result in any of the formats
> avidemux supports.

What is hufyuv? Is that another name for yuv422p? Or another format completely?

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: HD Home move editor

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 14:07:27 -0400
> Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> What is hufyuv? Is that another name for yuv422p? Or another format 
>> completely?
> Well, I have no idea what yuv422p is, so I couldn't say :-).
> Hufyuv is what I call the result of running mencoder with:
>mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts format=422p:vcodec=huffyuv
> -o .avi .avi
> It is large, but not as large as uncompressed video, and it
> is a lossless compression.

Thanks, I knew it as ffvhuff, the name you see when "ffmpeg -codecs" is used. 
Grep didn't match it spelled with a single f.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Compiling a kernel problems

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Alex wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to compile a kernel with aacraid support for a dual Opteron
> 246 box with two 36GB disks on a Tyan S2891, using an initrd and lilo.
> There is an older kernel on there that works just fine, so I suspect
> it's something I'm missing in the kernel config. No matter what I try,
> the kernel fails to find the disks on the controller. I've even tried
> building it without an initrd and compiling everything into the
> kernel, but it still panics.
> I've included the aacraid support, SCSI disk, SCSI generic, and even
> RAID1/5 support. The controller and motherboard also have the latest
> BIOS updates.
> What else is necessary to support aacraid? What are the minimum
> settings required to provide support for this controller?
> It prints the Adaptec aacraid basic info, but doesn't detect any disks
> or even probe the controller.
> Is I2O or ACPI support necessary?
Wouldn't need firmware, would it?

> Are there any boot-time options to increase debugging output to
> troubleshoot this?
> The dmesg output from a working system is here:
> The kernel config for the attempt is here:
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Best regards,
> Alex

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Flash videos not playing in Fedora 11 firefox browser

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Patrick Bartek wrote:
> --- On Wed, 6/30/10, ranjan sundar  wrote:
>> I tried to download flashplayer for linux from adobe website and
>> downloaded this zip file. i extracted it and found that it contained
>> only 1 file with .so extension (shared object).
>> [snip]
> My guess--and it's only a guess--is that you downloaded the Windows version 
> of the flash plugin.  Zip is usually used by Windows.  Linux uses .rpm, 
> .tar.gz, and a few others, but rarely just plain ol' .zip.
> Go here to download the latest version.  The page should recognize that 
> you're running Linux.  If not, click "Choose another operating system"
> This is the 32-bit version.  There is no 64-bit version anymore.  So, if your 
> Fedora 11 is 64-bit, you'll have to wrap the 32-bit version with  
> nspluginwrapper.  Or install a 32-bit browser.  Or find someone who still has 
> the old 64-bit one (10.0.45 Alpha was the last, IIRC), but it has a major 
> security hole.  However, I've been using it since its release back in 
> February of this year on my 64-bit F12, and have had no incidents of viruses 
> or trojans, etc.
This is Adobe doing its part to support HTML5. ;-)

I run 32 bit stripped FC13 under KVM and just move selected things out. Gives 
the most secure flash rendition and an extra layer of isolation. At the cost of 
being a PITA if you don't have a base up-to-date 32 bit VM laying around to 
clone with qemu-img.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
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Re: Ext4 errror?

2010-07-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
fedora wrote:
> Hi listers
> i got file system errors on a new machine (hw errors should therefore 
> not be an issue, also smartctl does not indicate any errors), which 
> holds two disks on SATA controllers. Both disks contain a fully fleged 
> Fedora 13, so that i can boot from either of them.
> i usually boot from the first disk, and i take care not to cross-mount 
> the second disk or to unmount cross-mounts before hibernating.
> [r...@myws ~]# uname -a
> Linux myws.lan #1 SMP Fri Jun 11 09:38:12 UTC 
> 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> [r...@myws ~]#
> The complete log of a boot cycle follows in the next message.
> The file systems error manifests itself as follows in /var/log/messages:
> Jul  5 07:04:59 myws kernel: EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): 
> ext4_free_inode: bit already cleared for inode 136802
> Jul  5 07:04:59 myws kernel: EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): 
> ext4_free_inode: bit already cleared for inode 136803
> When this error occurs i can no longer do such simple things as
> touch /tmp/abcd.txt
> which at this time gives me "No such file or directory"
> to shut down the system, i usually use the hibernate function (i.e. save 
> to the swap space), i mostly do not reboot the system. But then, after 
> some resume/thaw cycles from the swap space, the above error happens, 
> and i have to reboot.
> when rebooting, the system goes through one ore two fsck cycles whith 
> "File System has been modified, reboot needed" and reboots itself.
> when the system comes up after that, the above error does not happen 
> anymore, but i am not sure, whether the system is in the same state as 
> before, i.e. i am not sure, whether i have lost data.

> As you can see from the boot-log, the system has 4 CPUs, which made me 
> think that this is a "write barriers" issue, but from kernel 2.6.31 on, 
> write barriers in multi processor systems should pose no problems any more.
> questions:
> 1. is this a heavy issue, i.e. does this "error" corrupt my system with 
> time?
> 2. what can i do to avoid this ext4 error, it it were an error? going 
> back to ext3 is considered no solution.
> thanks for any hints.
You have multiple boot drives, LVM, barriers with SMP, and repeated hibernate.
You didn't mention compiling with suspend2 patches (or whatever it's called 
today), have you done that, too? I would start by not hibernating and seeing if 
that's the issue, turn off barriers and see if that's the issue. Right now you 
call this an ext4 problem, but I've been running TB of storage on ext4 since 
early FC9 days, and not having issues. But stock hibernate has issues on some 
my machines, barrier code is still changing and has had issues with SMP in the 
past, and LVM is really not needed unless things are likely to change (and adds 
overhead, and possibly has issues with barriers).

I have the feeling that you have an overly high ratio of solution to problem on 
the complexity scale.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Bug in mailing lists; unfriendly to non-subscribers

2010-07-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
Felipe Contreras wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 2:18 AM, Cameron Simpson  wrote:

> No, the spam filter will be *in addition* to whatever is there
> already. If the list remains subscription-only, there's still spam
> that goes through, the spam filter will help. And if the lists is
> moderated, the spam filter would help go through the moderation queue.
> The burden would not be on the subscribers, in fact they would receive
> less spam.
>> | > Subscriptions is a step in minimising crap being posted to the list
>> | > (whether that be spam, or simply tossers who'll post rubbish to lists,
>> | > just to spout crap from their fingers).
>> |
>> | Really? So I don't subscribe I'm a looser whose posts are not welcome?
>> Well, if you don't subscribe you're too lazy to meet the very low bar to
>> entry to the discussion; maybe you're not desirable. This isn't so in
>> your case, since you're clearing prepared to argue cogently for your
>> point of view. But for the many many spammers it _is_ the case that they
>> are not welcome.
> Again, that's speculation. Most of the mailing lists I'm subscribed
> to, allow non-subscribers to post, and there are as many occasional
> posters who don't have a clue there, than here. So again, I don't
> think it's sensible to apply prejudices based on the people's
> subscription, which is very simple to do.
On a closely related topic, things are occasionally posted here with cc to 
lists. A reply-to-all results in a mailbox full of replies ranging from "will 
hand moderated when we feel like it," through "you are not a subscriber and can 
not post," to one list which says something like "you are an evil scum sucking 
spammer and will be put on a list to reject for all lists at this site."

That, and the filter checks the "to" address and not the "reply-to" so I have 
hand mung things from any machine here other than my desktop, but which anyone 
reading the list can do, subscribed or not.

Okay, mail on this list is not perfect, now unless someone has a fix which can 
go at the server level, could we close the topic? I didn't reply until the 
indentation of reply levels got so deep I can't read the subject. :-(

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Bug in mailing lists; unfriendly to non-subscribers

2010-07-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 09:47:52 +0300,
>   Felipe Contreras  wrote:
>> No, the spam filter will be *in addition* to whatever is there
>> already. If the list remains subscription-only, there's still spam
>> that goes through, the spam filter will help. And if the lists is
>> moderated, the spam filter would help go through the moderation queue.
> In the current world, you get significantly less spam by restricting posts
> to subscribers. Unless your list is big enough to be worth the trouble
> of spammers to subscribe. In the future this might be different, but for
> now requiring subscription is a legitimate antispam technique.
>> Again, that's speculation. Most of the mailing lists I'm subscribed
>> to, allow non-subscribers to post, and there are as many occasional
>> posters who don't have a clue there, than here. So again, I don't
>> think it's sensible to apply prejudices based on the people's
>> subscription, which is very simple to do.
> That probably has more to do with the kinds of lists you use rather than
> being a general principle.
>>> Not on all lists. Moderators often lack the time. I speak as one such,
>>> and some posts simply don't make it because they have waited too long
>>> for attention. It is not scalable. If the list is very active, the
>>> problem gets far worse.
>> Again, other lists manage just fine. Speculation.
> Are you volunteering to do the work to make that happen?

Having run mailing lists and ISP size (6M users) news servers, I can suggest 
that the practice of hand moderation of non-subscribers and new subscribers 
results in a manageable read load. And auto-passing a reply to a previous post 
where the reply doesn't have top posting can reduce it farther.

Just a thought.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Bug in mailing lists; unfriendly to non-subscribers

2010-07-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
Tim wrote:

> By the way.  Loose - the opposite of tight.  Lose - the opposite of win.
> I'm so sick of people getting that wrong.  That's a third year primary
> school language mistake.
And a fact which doesn't impact the final outcome of something is moot, not 
mute. Everyone has their favorite misuse to annoy them.

> This is a community not a helpline, we're not all here just to solve the
> problems of hit-and-run question askers.  We expect participation.
> That's the price that you pay for asking for help.
Or giving help, but your point is well taken.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: no sound on F11, F12 and now F13 but sound on Omega 12 live??? wtf??

2010-07-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rick Sewill wrote:
> On 07/05/2010 10:23 PM, Rick Sewill wrote:
> I am wondering if OSS is enabled on your system.
> Please look for things related to OSS in
> /etc/modprobe.conf (if it exists)
> and /etc/modprobe.d
> Please make sure the line in /etc/modprobe.d/dist-oss.conf is
> commented out.
> Please do, lsmod | grep snd
> Please make sure there is nothing like snd-pcm-oss or snd-seq-oss
> installed.
I think you have this totally backward. There are many applications which use 
the /dev/dsp* devices, and which will produce no sound unless they are present. 
In fact, I think the majority of older hardware does not have support for sound 
other than oss. As I look at my newest TV card it has stuff in /dev/dvb, while 
the other 4-5 cards which have been happily in use do not.

To test (as root):
   modprobe -v snd-pcm-oss
   {test applications for sound here}

A lot of people have functional old hardware they can't replace, for financial 
or technical reasons. That's why there is oss support, to support the hardware 
which needs it.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
users mailing list
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Re: no sound on F11, F12 and now F13 but sound on Omega 12 live??? wtf??

2010-07-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
Dave Stevens wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 06, 2010 08:38:38 am Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Rick Sewill wrote:
>>> On 07/05/2010 10:23 PM, Rick Sewill wrote:
>> .
>>> I am wondering if OSS is enabled on your system.
>>> Please look for things related to OSS in
>>> /etc/modprobe.conf (if it exists)
>>> and /etc/modprobe.d
>>> Please make sure the line in /etc/modprobe.d/dist-oss.conf is
>>> commented out.
>>> Please do, lsmod | grep snd
>>> Please make sure there is nothing like snd-pcm-oss or snd-seq-oss
>>> installed.
>> I think you have this totally backward. There are many applications which
>> use the /dev/dsp* devices, and which will produce no sound unless they are
>> present. In fact, I think the majority of older hardware does not have
>> support for sound other than oss. As I look at my newest TV card it has
>> stuff in /dev/dvb, while the other 4-5 cards which have been happily in
>> use do not.
>> To test (as root):
>>modprobe -v snd-pcm-oss
>>{test applications for sound here}
> [r...@davehost dave]# modprobe -v snd-pcm-oss
> insmod /lib/modules/
> oss.ko 
> insmod /lib/modules/
> oss.ko 
> [r...@davehost dave]# 
Yes, that should get the sound working if it's going to work at all. If adding 
OSS will provide the dsp needed, the modules will be loaded.

As you note, the default is not to load the oss modules, starting with fc11, 
which is where the problem seems to have started. So if sound suddenly started 
working on a machine (and that has happened for me) the solution would be clear.

> also 
> [r...@davehost core]# pwd
> /lib/modules/
> [r...@davehost core]# ls
> oss  snd-hrtimer.ko  snd.ko snd-pcm.ko  snd-timer.ko
> seq  snd-hwdep.kosnd-page-alloc.ko  snd-rawmidi.ko
> [r...@davehost core]# 
> dist-oss.conf has the module load line commented out,
> and
> [r...@davehost modprobe.d]# cat dist-alsa.conf
> # ALSA Sound Support
> #
> # We want to ensure that snd-seq is always loaded for those who want to use
> # the sequencer interface, but we can't do this automatically through udev
> # at the we have this rule (just for the moment).
> #
> # Remove the following line if you don't want the sequencer.
> install snd-pcm /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-pcm && /sbin/modprobe snd-
> seq
> [r...@davehost modprobe.d]# 
>> A lot of people have functional old hardware they can't replace, for
>> financial or technical reasons. That's why there is oss support, to
>> support the hardware which needs it.
> [r...@davehost dave]# lsmod | grep ens
> snd_ens137020973  2 
> gameport    8936  1 snd_ens1370
> snd_rawmidi19917  1 snd_ens1370
> snd_pcm76131  3 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_ens1370
> snd60573  13 
> snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hwdep,snd_ens1370,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm,snd_timer
> snd_page_alloc  7221  3 snd_hda_intel,snd_ens1370,snd_pcm

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
users mailing list
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Re: no sound on F11, F12 and now F13 but sound on Omega 12 live??? wtf??

2010-07-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rick Sewill wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/06/2010 10:38 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Rick Sewill wrote:
>>> On 07/05/2010 10:23 PM, Rick Sewill wrote:
>> .
>>> I am wondering if OSS is enabled on your system.
>>> Please look for things related to OSS in
>>> /etc/modprobe.conf (if it exists)
>>> and /etc/modprobe.d
>>> Please make sure the line in /etc/modprobe.d/dist-oss.conf is
>>> commented out.
>>> Please do, lsmod | grep snd
>>> Please make sure there is nothing like snd-pcm-oss or snd-seq-oss
>>> installed.
>> I think you have this totally backward. There are many applications which 
>> use 
>> the /dev/dsp* devices, and which will produce no sound unless they are 
>> present. 
>> In fact, I think the majority of older hardware does not have support for 
>> sound 
>> other than oss. As I look at my newest TV card it has stuff in /dev/dvb, 
>> while 
>> the other 4-5 cards which have been happily in use do not.
>> To test (as root):
>>modprobe -v snd-pcm-oss
>>{test applications for sound here}
>> A lot of people have functional old hardware they can't replace, for 
>> financial 
>> or technical reasons. That's why there is oss support, to support the 
>> hardware 
>> which needs it.
> This is something I didn't know.  As I said, audio still confuses me.
> Our goal should be to help the original poster.
> In this regard, this new information raises a number of questions.
> I am hoping someone will say there is a wiki or web page that answers
> these questions (and questions I didn't think of).
> The questions, I hope, which might be of use to the original poster are
> as follows:
> 1) for what hardware should one use OSS as opposed to Pulse Audio.
>I did a quick internet search, but failed to find such a list.
>I am hoping others can help.
>This question is to help the original poster decide if they should
>switch to OSS and see if it works.
Since the manual load is a one time test, the modules can be removed if they 
don't help, with rmmod or the handy reboot command, or any other means you like 
for reboot.

> 2) How does one tell if OSS is being used?
>I assume, if I do lsmod | grep oss, I will see if the OSS modules
>are being loaded.
Correct. Telling if it would be used if present is harder, I just load oss and 
see if things start to work.

> 3) How does one switch from Pulse Audio to OSS?
>I assume one needs to edit files in /etc/modules.d/*.conf
>or /etc/modules.conf.

I'm going out on a limb here, on systems where enabling oss helped there was no 
"switch" because AFAIK the oss modules don't impact the alsa and PA 
applications. I see notes that there might be an issue, I can just say that on 
three system I have using OSS for old apps, nothing has ever stopped working, 
the term "switch" is probably not an issue in most cases.

>Files to be edited might include dist-oss.conf and blacklist.conf
>and others?  Am I right?
>Are there other files one needs to edit?
>Are there any rpms one needs to install?
>Are there any rpms one needs to remove?
>Are there any application configuration changes one needs to make?
>I assume applications can be configured to use the OSS api, as well
>as the ALSA api and/or Pulse Audio API.
> 4) How does one switch from OSS back to Pulse Audio?
>Is the answer to this the inverse of the answer to question 3?
>I.e., edit files /etc/modules.d/*.conf or /etc/modules.conf
>Install certain rpms?
>Remove certain rpms?
See above, to get OSS I uncomment the load in modprobe.d, I never touched 
anything else, and I have used OSS fairly heavily rather than change software.

> 5) is there a web page that describes the tools one uses when using OSS?
>Are these the tools:
I have seen no indication that you need such things, or maybe it's because I 
load a bunch of mixers, advanced and stupid, and just try one after the other 
until I find the one with the right slider (there are usually three useful at 

Unless you hit problems, regard this as a switch, turn it on and see if you 
tools or techniques, or if it even helps. Don't oversolve the problem.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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Re: Install Fedora 13 from Hard Drive

2010-07-11 Thread Bill Davidsen
Henry Wyatt wrote:
> Need link or instructions on how to install from HDD.
> Currently have F13 86x64 but want to install 32 bit instead
You got two answers, both to other questions than what you asked. Please 
where you have the ISO image and where you want to install. You can't install 
the same filesystem where the ISO image resides, if that's what you're trying 
do you can make a bootable USB stick or DVD, but that won't be installing from 
HDD. And since you already have x86_64 installed, you don't need new 
instructions, just do the same stuff you did for the 64bit install.

And if you're trying to do something totally different, please restate where 
have the ISO image, where you want to have the install, and any other useful 
details about what you are really trying to do.

Bill Davidsen 
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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