Jatin K wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 05:27 PM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
>> Jatin K wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> I've a new Dell Inspiton 1564 laptop with 1GB graphics card and 4GB DDR3
>>> RAM, FC 12 64bit installed on it , but in system information tab it
>>> shows 3.7GB usable RAM. My Question is "what about the remaining RAM ??"
>>> is it shared with graphics card ? then what is the meaning of dedicated
>>> RAM of my graphics card ( if graphics card shares my installed ram module )
>>> any idea ??
>> Maybe the integrated graphics card is still stealing some RAM (256MiB?)
>> even if you don't use it.
>> A quick Google search of your "1564" appears to confirm that the
>> integrated graphics card is not useable.
> integrated graphics card is not usable ??? means ?????
> can understand what you wanna say
>>   We can not be sure that
>> the BIOS is well written, though.
>> /var/log/dmesg may contain hints.
> please have a look at the output[1] on "cat /var/log/dmesg"
> [1] http://cl1p.net/jk/
The log seems to be missing all of the memory stuff at the beginning, lines 
terms like 820e and MTRR in them. But I'm buying that it's possible to be 
related to the built in graphics. Does the BIOS give you a way to disable that?

Having run on 16MB system with early Linux versions, I have to say it's only a 
few hundred MB, but... it is.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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