Jatin K wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 May 2010 04:41 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Jatin K wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 05:27 PM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
>>>> Jatin K wrote:
>>>>> Dear All
>>>>> I've a new Dell Inspiton 1564 laptop with 1GB graphics card and 4GB 
>>>>> DDR3
>>>>> RAM, FC 12 64bit installed on it , but in system information tab it
>>>>> shows 3.7GB usable RAM. My Question is "what about the remaining 
>>>>> RAM ??"
>>>>> is it shared with graphics card ? then what is the meaning of 
>>>>> dedicated
>>>>> RAM of my graphics card ( if graphics card shares my installed ram 
>>>>> module )
>>>>> any idea ??
>>>> Maybe the integrated graphics card is still stealing some RAM (256MiB?)
>>>> even if you don't use it.
>>>> A quick Google search of your "1564" appears to confirm that the
>>>> integrated graphics card is not useable.
>>> integrated graphics card is not usable ??? means ?????
>>> can understand what you wanna say
>>>>    We can not be sure that
>>>> the BIOS is well written, though.
>>>> /var/log/dmesg may contain hints.
>>> please have a look at the output[1] on "cat /var/log/dmesg"
>>> [1] http://cl1p.net/jk/
>> The log seems to be missing all of the memory stuff at the beginning, 
>> lines with
>> terms like 820e and MTRR in them.
> ok,
> can you have a look at attached file ??? is it ok ... does it says 
> something usable ???
It says you have a lot of various small areas of unusable memory, and the 
registers aren't up to using some of the small bits and pieces. Unless there's 
BIOS update available I would say that what you see is what you get.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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