vijay bhide wrote:
> I downloaded Fedora 13 preupgrade which is my /boot directory of my existing 
> Fedora 8 installation.I booted to preupgrade image to start upgrade.I reached 
> a stage where 4installation options were offered.One was to remove completely 
> existing installations ,second was removing existing linux installatios,third 
> was to compress existing Ubuntu 10.04 and the last one was to install on free 
> space.In all the options I was prompted to create boot partition of 500MB.In 
> my existing system I have Win XP on sda1 Mandriva on sda 5,Swap on sda 
> 7,Fedora8 on sda 8 and Data(Fat) on sda 6,Ubuntu 9.1 on sda9,Ubuntu 10.04 on 
> sda10.Grub is on MBR.and no boot partition.
> I stopped at this stage and cancelled the upgrade process.Which option I 
> should use so that existing system is not disturbed.I am giving below 
> partition table.
If you really want to try this, and I can't see that it will work[1], the 
of installing another disk to get the boot partition is the next step.

[1] work in this case would mean take less time and effort than doing the 
upgrade entirely by hand. I think you have to upgrade in three steps, because 
some important things changed with several releases, such as RPM format and 
things in /lib and /etc which are layed out a little differently.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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