Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Alan Evans <> said:
>> cd ()
>> {
>>        builtin cd $1 || return
>>        [[ -f ./.autorun ]] && . ./.autorun
>> }
> Any shell functions should properly quote their arguments (and there are
> possibly arguments to cd, so you should pass all args, not just the
> first).  So:
> cd ()
> {
>        builtin cd "$@" || return
>        [[ -f ./.autorun ]] && . ./.autorun
> }

You still need to quote or escape the directory name, though. This should work 
even using any of the cd options.

Ha, you didn't know cd has options? ;-)

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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