[RBW] Re: Pedal Retention Questions

2018-05-24 Thread ascpgh
"*their concept of a "shoe" and sole shape" *The "last" at last.

Everyone who makes footwear has to start somewhere and the foot shape they 
design from, their last, instantly culls potential customers. They step 
onto the slippery slope of strategizing who their buyers are. Runners know 
the conundrums of strait, slip and curved lasts. Those don't even begin to 
address foot volume (often mixed up with width). Some shapes and outsoles 
seem to promote chain stay strikes by my heel, others hit the crank arm. 
Makes me hard to get away from formal cycling shoes, Italian products, both 
cycling and walking/hiking footwear have been a better fit for me.

I worked in the outdoor industry and fit heavier boots by the Phi Oren 
method and materials, none applicable to you, Deacon. They involved things 
to optimize fit that potentially increased the distance one's foot was 
raised from the ground. Amazing how much effort was necessary and how many 
makers' products you had to stock to address folks' foot shapes. 

Fashion dictated the exterior shape of footwear, fitting feet into the shoe 
prevailed. Curiously, a provider of footwear who realized the range of 
users' feet and difficulty of fitting established patterns and styles was 
the U.S. government and a army doctor named Munson who applied "form 
follows function" to shoe lasts. Lots of others were on a similar track but 
Munson's last affected thousands of conscripts to WWI who probably never 
thought about how much worse it could have been in more straight pointy 
boots, so the Munson last is more famous. 

I loathe shoe departments because I don't like knowing more than a person 
helping and I know there's going to be some trial and error as I figure out 
if a brand even has a chance of fitting my foot.  I have a friend who's son 
worked with a local tech start up that was applying foot mapping to shoe 
fitting to benefit the big mail order sources. They were bought up by 
Amazon and he headed over to Uber. 

Andy Cheatham
On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 11:36:42 AM UTC-4, Garth wrote:
> Fwiw Ron,   When a company states they'll take your measurements and make 
> a shoe for you,  they usually are saying they'll make you a shoe size based 
> on* their concept of a "shoe" and sole shape* much like a custom 
> framebuilder won't make literally ANY frame design that doesn't agree with 
> their "comfort zone".  My idea of a truly "custom" designer/builder is to 
> be open to any shape even if it's outside of their sense of what was deemed 
> "sup-posed to be". Such "may" exist  
> On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 9:37:58 AM UTC-4, Ron Mc wrote:
>> Not entirely true about the foot binding - Totally Depends on the foot 
>> and buying the Proper Size, but the front end shape helps with clip/strap 
>> ingress.  
>> Mamnick and several other classic shoe makers will take you through foot 
>> measurements for your custom fit.  

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[RBW] New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread iamkeith
Interesting.  Joe appaloosa geometry seems to have changed.

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[RBW] New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread Garth
It seems reach/stack is absent . that to me is very useful for comparisons 
sake with other models. 
I'd very much appreciate it returning 😀

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Garth
Sheeesh  yes they are frame savered. no they are not. Yes they are, no 
they're not. Yes ... No . Oh Yes they are . oh no they are not ! 

Ahahahahahah!   It's like watching a pinball machine 😀

Well  What's in the Box ?  

Open it up 😀

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Kainalu V.
"Open it up 😀"
And fill it with framesaver!
I want those tubes to look like my plaque filled arteries!! If there's no room 
for rust there must not be rust!!! I like ice cream

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Garth
More ice cream !   Yes !  !  😀   

Ice cream ..., the "new" frame/life saver 😀   "man cannot live on bread alone 
 there must be ice cream and lots of it !"

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 7:02:55 AM UTC-4, Kainalu V. wrote:
> "Open it up 😀"
> And fill it with framesaver!
> I want those tubes to look like my plaque filled arteries!! If there's no 
> room for rust there must not be rust!!! I like ice cream
> Kittens!
> -Kai

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread Belopsky
Any more hints about the N. AHH ?

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[RBW] Re: Pedal Retention Questions

2018-05-24 Thread Ron Mc
hey guys, fwiw, my ice-skate feet, 13A, are probably perfect for these 
shoes - I can spread my toes, and my Merrells are like an RV for my feet.  
Fit may be more critical for someone with wide feet.  

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 8:53:46 AM UTC-5, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> You’re right, of course, Ron. I was referring specifically to the pair of 
> shoes Patrick of the Moore posted. However, so far every cycling shoe maker 
> I’ve contacted and that has responded (far fewer than you’d think have 
> responded) has no ability to make a shoe that fits me. The Mamnicks haven’t 
> responded, and appear to be out of most sizes. Also, unless you go barefoot 
> regularly, chances are your feet have been made smaller and less functional 
> by modern foot binders and you just don’t know it. 
> With abandon, 
> Patrick

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Bill Schairer
I purchased a custom steel frame in 1978, built it up, tore it down and built 
it back up numerous times since, still ride it and never frame saver’d it.  The 
bike has been commuted on and toured on rain and shine.  It has lived in humid 
climates and dry.  I ask, has anyone ever seen a reasonably cared for steel 
frame rust out from the inside?


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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Jock Dewey
Hey, RustBOBS:

Others will likely chime in here to the contrary, but when I worked for 
Richard Schwinn at Waterford, he told me he had NEVER seen a steel frame 
rust from the inside out. 

Lots of data points there, if nothing else.

BEST / Jock Dewey / Athens, GA

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 8:12:41 AM UTC-4, Bill Schairer wrote:
> I purchased a custom steel frame in 1978, built it up, tore it down and 
> built it back up numerous times since, still ride it and never frame 
> saver’d it.  The bike has been commuted on and toured on rain and shine. 
>  It has lived in humid climates and dry.  I ask, has anyone ever seen a 
> reasonably cared for steel frame rust out from the inside? 
> Bill

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Garth
On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 8:38:57 AM UTC-4, Jock Dewey wrote:
> Hey, RustBOBS:
> Others will likely chime in here to the contrary, but when I worked for 
> Richard Schwinn at Waterford, he told me he had NEVER seen a steel frame rust 
> from the inside out. 
> Lots of data points there, if nothing else.
> BEST / Jock Dewey / Athens, GA
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 8:12:41 AM UTC-4, Bill Schairer wrote:I 
> purchased a custom steel frame in 1978, built it up, tore it down and built 
> it back up numerous times since, still ride it and never frame saver’d it.  
> The bike has been commuted on and toured on rain and shine.  It has lived in 
> humid climates and dry.  I ask, has anyone ever seen a reasonably cared for 
> steel frame rust out from the inside?
> Bill

It seems "frame saver" brand is selling implications, assumptions what-ifs 
..., implied threats to your personal property.  Not unlike "insurance", and 
not unlike the Mob guy who visits the fruit stand Owner. 
M-"Looks like you need some protection for your stand."   
O-"Really ? From who or what ? "  
M-"From Me"


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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Jeffrey Arita
Hi Rod,

Back in 2011 my wife and I took delivery of two complete Riv builds: Betty 
Foy for her and AHH for me.  Both builds were professionally assembled, 
adjusted and tested.  Not sure about the framesaver - probably not but in 
reality unless one lives in a nasty climate the frames should still last a 
long, long time.  The other nice thing to recall is the frame and fork are 
steel (especially the fork's steerer tube).  All parts can be nicely 
snugged down without fear of snappage or breakage (it is always good to use 
a torque wrench).  Confidence in a long-lasting bicycle without fear is 
very high.  I do qualify this statement by saying regular maintenance and 
inspections should be performed and any suspect parts be replaced as soon 
as possible.  Happy cycling!

Best regards,



On Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 9:02:23 AM UTC-7, Rod Holland wrote:
> Thanks, all, for sharing your experience with this. Most all the fittings 
> I had occasion to expose were well-prepared (grease, anti-seize, loctite, 
> or light oil). There were one or two exceptions, but they were easy to 
> recognize and deal with, and tended to be trivial anyway (e.g., fender 
> mount bolts on the fork). And EVERYTHING that could be tuned, was tuned: no 
> fussing with brakes or derailleurs. Now, I didn't pull the bottom bracket 
> to check for grease, and didn't want to add a 3-day delay for a 
> conscientious frame-saver application (I reckon that can keep until the 
> Winter bike-tinkering season). I just put everything that wasn't put 
> together, together, added grease, anti-seize, or Tri-Flow as needed, and 
> pretty soon it was a bike. 
> Thank you, Rivendell!
> rod
> On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-4, Rod Holland wrote:
>> I've just taken delivery of a Clem-L complete, a gift for my girlfriend. 
>> As I get set to attach pedals, saddle, bell, etc., it occurs to me to ask 
>> what people's experience with the mechanical preparation of Rivendell 
>> completes has been. Should I expect that everything that should be lubed, 
>> has been lubed? Do I need to second-guess the build? I've never heard 
>> stories of that sort here, so I'm guessing not. What are people's 
>> expectations for finishing/prepping a newly-delivered Riv complete bike? 
>> Related question: does Riv normally frame-save their complete bikes?
>> rod

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread phil k
I thought I remembered the Joe Appaloosa staying the same.

The Hillborne seems to have gotten a longer top tube. The 51cm used to be a 
55cm top tube but now sporting 57cm.

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 5:57:48 AM UTC-4, iamkeith wrote:
> Interesting.  Joe appaloosa geometry seems to have changed.

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread Bob Lovejoy
I do agree... It helps me as well, at least I believe it does!

Also, the Sam H. numbers looks off to me.  It shows the 58cm Sam with a 
61.5cm (effective?) top tube, the same as the Appaloosa.  That would 
definitely be a change if correct.

Also, in reference to iamkeith's post... It seems I remember two different 
sets of geometry numbers around for the Appaloosa.  I just concentrated on 
the one I thought correct but I did cringe at the potential for confusion.

Galesburg, IL

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 5:12:54 AM UTC-5, Garth wrote:
> It seems reach/stack is absent . that to me is very useful for 
> comparisons sake with other models. 
> I'd very much appreciate it returning 😀

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Re: [RBW] It Was the Worst of Times, It Was the Best of Times

2018-05-24 Thread Tim Gavin
Glad to help!  Just spreading the joy I felt when I visited.  Angry Catfish
is another excellent bike shop, but it's on the south side.

I was in MPLS for an All-City bike launch promo event last fall.  We
(All-City brand folks and team riders, One on One shop guys, Anna Schwinn,
others) ended up playing table tennis in the apartment above the shop til
the wee hours; Gene rents the upstairs cheap to a couple All-City team

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 4:40 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
jonasandle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tim Gavin, I’ve really got to thank you for that bike shop recommendation.
> I haven’t even gotten to study the whole site yet but what I saw was
> thrilling. And I’m pretty sure it’s not far from my D&H’s home! I may swing
> by his summer when I’m in town visiting my family. So much thanks!
> --
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[RBW] Re: FS: Silver hubs, Pass & Stow rack, Bianchi bike

2018-05-24 Thread ian m
26" wheelset with prototype Silver hubs and Mavic SUP ceramic rims $200
Pass & Stow rack $200

On Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 11:34:50 AM UTC-4, ian m wrote:
> Some Riv content and Riv adjacent content:
> 26" wheelset with prototype Silver hubs and Mavic SUP ceramic rims $250
> Rims and hubs purchased at Riv garage sale some years ago. I think hubs 
> are rebranded Velocity? Rims 559x21. Great wheelset that will last a 
> lifetime, I wish my Clem was built for 26"
> Pass & Stow rack $225
> Here it is on 650b Clem. May fit 700c if fork has top eyelets, not sure. 
> Great shape, probably indestructible.
> 1993 Bianchi Project 5 $425
> Cool bike. Lugged steel, Cunningham inspired dirt drops, kinda Rivish? 
> 17.5" frame. Probably a long shot. More info here:
> https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/bik/6592924421.html
> All prices negotiable but I am not pressured to sell. Shipping not 
> included. 
> Ian in PGH

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Arthur Mayfield
Just to throw another wrench into this discussion, I've gotten two frames 
from Riv. The first was a Sam in 2013. They told me at the time that the 
tubes had been sprayed with Boeshield T-9, not Frame Saver (which is a 
specific product, not a generic term). The second frame was a Frank Jones 
Sr, delivered in February. I asked about tube treatment, and was told that 
none was applied (which I was happy about because I wanted to use Frame 
Saver without first having to strip/flush out the Boeshield. 

On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-4, Rod Holland wrote:
> I've just taken delivery of a Clem-L complete, a gift for my girlfriend. 
> As I get set to attach pedals, saddle, bell, etc., it occurs to me to ask 
> what people's experience with the mechanical preparation of Rivendell 
> completes has been. Should I expect that everything that should be lubed, 
> has been lubed? Do I need to second-guess the build? I've never heard 
> stories of that sort here, so I'm guessing not. What are people's 
> expectations for finishing/prepping a newly-delivered Riv complete bike? 
> Related question: does Riv normally frame-save their complete bikes?
> rod

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[RBW] Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread RichS
For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads, 
what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using? 

I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider 
weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!

Best regards,

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[RBW] Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Bill Lindsay

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Kainalu V.
And another potential wrench- I heard a rumor that Weigle's framesaver is 
rebranded boeshield. Since boeshield leaves a nice layer of waxy goop in it's 
wake I never questioned the rumor or it's effectiveness as a framesaver. That 
said, I still opt for Weigle's when it's a available option.

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[RBW] Re: New Frame Day! Almost a trade of a Black Mountain Road for a LEO

2018-05-24 Thread RichS
Congratulations Bill. Looking forward to seeing pics of the newest addition 
to your bike family. "Civilized and upright" sounds like you won't use drop 


On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 11:51:11 PM UTC-4, Eamon Nordquist wrote:
> Good deal, Bill. I think the Roadini is a great bike, and if I lost my 
> 1983 Trek 520, that's what I'd replace it with. Grilver is the color I'd 
> choose too. It reminds me of the sweet silver gray metallic Imron paint job 
> my Trek came with. I also think the headbadge is the bees knees.
> Eamon
> Seattle

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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Rod Holland
I ride my 32mm Stampede Pass Extralights inflated to 60psi front, 65psi 
rear; 235lb rider. I have no doubt I could run them at a somewhat lower 
pressure. I remember a long period of experimentation with GB Cypres ELs, 
looking for the lowest sensible pressure, that ended when I started getting 
pinch flats. In the years since, I've settled on 60/65 in that size range, 
and been happy. I'd run 35mm tires somewhat lower.


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:40:57 AM UTC-4, RichS wrote:
> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads, 
> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using? 
> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider 
> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> Richard

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[RBW] Re: NYC riders: fenders year-round?

2018-05-24 Thread Clay Kippen
I didn't proof read my last post oops!

I've been commuting in NYC for years and summer is mostly dry. You'd 
probably be OK without (I went without last year), but just be ready for 
heavy rain when it does. 

The clip-on fenders mentioned previously appear to be a good summer option, 
but I would definitely recommend full coverage for fall, winter and spring. 


On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 5:03:52 PM UTC-4, Patch T wrote:
> Hi Bunch,
> Forgive the NYC-specific post, but I know there's a lot out there and I 
> would like to know your thoughts on fenders and seasons here.
> Namely, do you always wear them? Can I get away with removing them during 
> the summer? Too wet?
> I prefer the look of a bike without. I'd like a wider tire currently. I 
> enjoy tinkering and don't mind removing and reinstalling parts. I 
> absolutely appreciate full coverage in significant rain, and do enjoy 
> riding no matter what the weather is. I may have answered my own question.
> Would still like to know what habits y'all have.
> Patch
> BK/formerly LA

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread Jonathan D.
I noticed the Sam TT numbers as well.  That seems a lot longer. Being 
relatively new to Rivendell bikes I just see the increase of Top Tube and 
Chain Stays in each new model.  

I am curious, for folks who have ridden both, how does the Sam Hillborne 
compare to the old Atlantis (not taking account the tire clearance).  Some 
of the measurements are very similar, and from my understanding, the tubes 
are pretty stout on the SH.  I am currently most enjoying the Rambouilett I 
have and would love a stouter version of it.  I am 210, so with carrying a 
kid and groceries, I know I am well passed the Grant recommended weights.  

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 7:05:37 AM UTC-7, Bob Lovejoy wrote:
> I do agree... It helps me as well, at least I believe it does!
> Also, the Sam H. numbers looks off to me.  It shows the 58cm Sam with a 
> 61.5cm (effective?) top tube, the same as the Appaloosa.  That would 
> definitely be a change if correct.
> Also, in reference to iamkeith's post... It seems I remember two different 
> sets of geometry numbers around for the Appaloosa.  I just concentrated on 
> the one I thought correct but I did cringe at the potential for confusion.
> Bob
> Galesburg, IL
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 5:12:54 AM UTC-5, Garth wrote:
>> It seems reach/stack is absent . that to me is very useful for 
>> comparisons sake with other models. 
>> I'd very much appreciate it returning 😀

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[RBW] It Was the Worst of Times, It Was the Best of Times

2018-05-24 Thread in Dallas nick

Great thread! Great story!

About a week ago I saw a very similar doormat in a North Dallas Target store.

Paul in Dallas

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[RBW] Re: WTT :: 68cm Quickbeam for Huge Rosco Mixte

2018-05-24 Thread Amit Singh
Here's the Quickbeam in its current iteration:


It's a lovely bicycle. I really, really enjoy riding it, and I hope the 
next rider will too.

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 7:08:31 PM UTC-7, Amit Singh wrote:
> Friends,
> After spending some time with Manny this weekend and being encouraged by 
> his enthusiasm, I am looking to trade my 68cm Quickbeam for a Huge Rosco 
> Mixte.
> We are currently 7 months pregnant - and with a kiddo on the way - I would 
> like to have an easier time including the little one on some bicycle 
> adventures.
> A few photos of the Quickbeam follow at this link:
> https://flic.kr/s/aHsjzSVDH4
> Many thanks!
> Amit

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[RBW] Re: NYC riders: fenders year-round?

2018-05-24 Thread Clay Kippen
I live in NYC and commute by bike daily. I now keep fenders on my commuter 
100% of the time, just because it is tough to keep taking them off and 
putting back on. 

Summer in New York is mostly sunny, but once the Fall rolls around it will 
get rainy again. 

On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 5:03:52 PM UTC-4, Patch T wrote:
> Hi Bunch,
> Forgive the NYC-specific post, but I know there's a lot out there and I 
> would like to know your thoughts on fenders and seasons here.
> Namely, do you always wear them? Can I get away with removing them during 
> the summer? Too wet?
> I prefer the look of a bike without. I'd like a wider tire currently. I 
> enjoy tinkering and don't mind removing and reinstalling parts. I 
> absolutely appreciate full coverage in significant rain, and do enjoy 
> riding no matter what the weather is. I may have answered my own question.
> Would still like to know what habits y'all have.
> Patch
> BK/formerly LA

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[RBW] Re: Billie Clem McFlip

2018-05-24 Thread Virgil Staphbeard
Hey, a fellow Indy rider, nice!

On Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 9:48:18 AM UTC-4, Zed Martinez wrote:
> Sorry, in lieu of the recent conversation about the state of things, I'm 
> one of the guys that's been quiet. Back when I was posting more I was in 
> the middle of planning my wedding and I think the stress made me a bit 
> snippy when I didn't mean to be, so, I backed out for a while. Which turned 
> into a longer while, as I only have the one Riv (I keep spending all the 
> money that could buy me a second on cameras, which I feel is also on-brand 
> since the last two were an overhaul for an OM-2N and a Bronica ETRSI...) 
> and not a lot to add most days. But now, I've got some of those new Billie 
> bars all flipped on my Clem because while I came to terms with the Boscos 
> they were still never really what I wanted, and since I ride my Clem on the 
> 'I just barely fit' side I never could quite get them as low as I wanted. 
> The Billie's sounded nice and I needed a pre-summer project, so, I bought a 
> pair and threw on. Since there's not a lot of pics of them out and about 
> yet I brought the camera along for a few rides so far. So, consider these 
> my contribution to the sum knowledge of how the new bars look.
> Image album (sadly not shot on film, but maybe I'll add one once that 
> OM-2N comes back...) 
> There's a 3-shot pic in there of how it rides at the ends, middle, and 
> hooks. On a 52cm Clem H with a 100cm Technomic Deluxe (the short one, not 
> the Tallux) at minimum insertion, Billies flipped.
> Note: I'm only about 5 rides in (and all reasonably short, 7 miles or 
> less), so, the adjustment's maybe not final, but it feels like it's getting 
> close. I also feel I can't comment too much to the ride yet, because it's 
> not really enough time to get to know them, but, I can give some initial 
> impressions?
> 1. I want to love it. I think I might. They feel very natural in a way the 
> Bosco never did for me, and remind me a lot of using my Albastache on my 
> old Fuji rebuild, except the come back farther and that's welcome.
> 2. The Clem feels a lot zippier. I don't know that it is, but it feels it 
> and that definitely changes my impression of the ride. It also always keeps 
> my hips rotated right so I'm getting better pedal strokes, so, it might 
> prove to make the Clem faster over time just for that reason.
> 3. Man they make the Clem look even longer. Long and low indeed.
> 4. The curve of the hooks when flipped is just perfect for me. Love it. 
> Can't get enough. Find myself jamming in them even when I told myself I'd 
> take it easy. 
> On a slightly different note, I'd been experiencing a little wrist 
> stiffness on the Boscos after the winter wind tunnel effects that I think 
> were because they were a little too high, and that seems to be getting 
> better the past few days after the switch. If that keeps up it'll have been 
> worth it for me regardless of the rest. That so far they make the bike just 
> feel fun is really just a bonus, but it's a nice bonus.
> -Zed, commuting away in Indianapolis

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[RBW] Re: Wednesday Musings: Are We A Swap Meet?

2018-05-24 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
No. There are literally people who post the word "BUMP" as a comment to 
their original post when they've had no activity (usually bike/frame/bigger 
dollar posts).

Updating as things sell is fine - actually better than fine, in my book.

On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 4:13:07 PM UTC-7, Philip Williamson wrote:
> Is a "bump" the same as a "Here's what's left / price reduction" reply to 
> your own original FS post? 
> Is that even good form? ('cause I do that)
> Philip
> Santa Rosa, CA

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread Rod Holland
I just measured the CC top tube length for my this-year 58cm canti-Sam 
frameset. I get 58cm. I may be doing it wrong, somehow. But 3.5cm wrong? 


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:10:52 AM UTC-4, Jonathan D. wrote:
> I noticed the Sam TT numbers as well.  That seems a lot longer. Being 
> relatively new to Rivendell bikes I just see the increase of Top Tube and 
> Chain Stays in each new model.  
> I am curious, for folks who have ridden both, how does the Sam Hillborne 
> compare to the old Atlantis (not taking account the tire clearance).  Some 
> of the measurements are very similar, and from my understanding, the tubes 
> are pretty stout on the SH.  I am currently most enjoying the Rambouilett I 
> have and would love a stouter version of it.  I am 210, so with carrying a 
> kid and groceries, I know I am well passed the Grant recommended weights.  
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 7:05:37 AM UTC-7, Bob Lovejoy wrote:
>> I do agree... It helps me as well, at least I believe it does!
>> Also, the Sam H. numbers looks off to me.  It shows the 58cm Sam with a 
>> 61.5cm (effective?) top tube, the same as the Appaloosa.  That would 
>> definitely be a change if correct.
>> Also, in reference to iamkeith's post... It seems I remember two 
>> different sets of geometry numbers around for the Appaloosa.  I just 
>> concentrated on the one I thought correct but I did cringe at the potential 
>> for confusion.
>> Bob
>> Galesburg, IL
>> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 5:12:54 AM UTC-5, Garth wrote:
>>> It seems reach/stack is absent . that to me is very useful for 
>>> comparisons sake with other models. 
>>> I'd very much appreciate it returning 😀

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Re: [RBW] Re: Riding without fenders on Rivs reviews needed.

2018-05-24 Thread R Shannon
Beautiful Sam H you have there! Nice bag set up and I presume flipped Moustache 
bars that look quite comfortable.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 23, 2018, at 10:01 PM, G.E.  wrote:
> This is my 2009 Sam H. I ride it fender-less out of necessity because no 
> matter what we did to try to keep them from rubbing the tires, they always 
> would. I'm sure it's primarily due to the small size (47cm), but that's why 
> mine is minus fenders. :) It's had racks at various points too, but this is 
> the current set up and way it's been for the last couple of years. I haven't 
> found it to be an issue and the bags attached are enough to carry what I need 
> from place to place. In severe downpours I do get wet, but I just plan for 
> that when necessary (or ride a different bike).
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: WTT :: 68cm Quickbeam for Huge Rosco Mixte

2018-05-24 Thread James Warren
Hey, you got one of the mis-placed dowel Nigel tweed seat bags! The mis-placed dowel provided a deep discount, and I like the way it makes the bag sit. One of the best deals ever!-Original Message-
From: Amit Singh 
Sent: May 23, 2018 7:25 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch 
Subject: [RBW] Re: WTT :: 68cm Quickbeam for Huge Rosco Mixte

Here's the Quickbeam in its current iteration:https://flic.kr/p/KNdj7GIt's a lovely bicycle. I really, really enjoy riding it, and I hope the next rider will too.On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 7:08:31 PM UTC-7, Amit Singh wrote:Friends,After spending some time with Manny this weekend and being encouraged by his enthusiasm, I am looking to trade my 68cm Quickbeam for a Huge Rosco Mixte.We are currently 7 months pregnant - and with a kiddo on the way - I would like to have an easier time including the little one on some bicycle adventures.A few photos of the Quickbeam follow at this link:https://flic.kr/s/aHsjzSVDH4Many thanks!Amit

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Garth
Weigle's, at least the can I bought long ago, is very different from 
Boeshield. Weigle's dries very very sticky/tacky, so much so that on my 
Bomba with a bead blasted seatpost became difficult to remove or even move 
around. I had to use some thin lube that had mineral spirits in it to sort 
of thin it out/remove it from that part of the seat tube !  

Weigle's reminds me of linseed oil, I would not be surprised if that is not 
it's main ingredient. Linseed oil is by no means a lubricant , it's very 
viscous and dries to a very sticky solid.  I used to use it building wheels 
to prevent the nipples from loosening.  

Boeshield is a lubricant, it dries to a waxy film and remains "slippery". 
It is easy to remove, Frame Saver is NOT !

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:51:00 AM UTC-4, Kainalu V. wrote:
> And another potential wrench- I heard a rumor that Weigle's framesaver is 
> rebranded boeshield. Since boeshield leaves a nice layer of waxy goop in 
> it's wake I never questioned the rumor or it's effectiveness as a 
> framesaver. That said, I still opt for Weigle's when it's a available 
> option.
> -Kai 

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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Virgil Staphbeard
I ride my 32 GB Cypres at 40/45 F/R and I weigh 135

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:40:57 AM UTC-4, RichS wrote:
> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads, 
> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using? 
> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider 
> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> Richard

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread iamkeith

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 8:05:37 AM UTC-6, Bob Lovejoy wrote:
> Also, in reference to iamkeith's post... It seems I remember two different 
> sets of geometry numbers around for the Appaloosa.  I just concentrated on 
> the one I thought correct but I did cringe at the potential for confusion.
> Bob
> Galesburg, IL
Really?!  I never noticed, but I think you might be correct!  That kind of 
changes everything, depending on which one is/was correct.  I'm getting 
ready to pay for one of the new MIT Atlanti - the first time they've made 
one that fits me.  But now it turns out that there may have been a Joe 
Appaloosa that fit me for some time?!  And it would use my existing 700c 
wheels?  I'm going to have to ask RBW HQ about this, and figure it out.  
 If anybody has an Appaloosa and can take some measurements to help figure 
this out, it would be appreciated - especially a 56. 

Below is a consolidated geometry table, showing what I THOUGHT I was 
seeing, regarding geometry changes.  The "original" appaloosa is from the 
page specific to that model.  But, looking back at the all-models geo chart 
that was just replaced (I have it archived), I see that there WAS a 
discrepancy all along, as Bob says.  

If the 'new' numbers are correct, then that means that the 55cm Appaloosa 
(59.8 cm / 6* tt)  is bigger than the 56cm MIT Atlantis (59.0 cm / 6* tt), 
and both of those are bigger than either the legacy Atlantis (58.5 cm / 
2.5* tt) or the 2016 update Atlantis (59.0 cm / 3* tt).  Additionally, the 
Appaloosa should feel even bigger than those numbers indicate, because the  
steeper head tube angle means that the handlebars wouldn't reach back 
toward the rider as much.  The "old" 55cm Appaloosa had a 58.3 cm / 6* tt.

*[By "bigger," I mean longer top tube and, presumably, taller stack 

I'm kind of thinking that the 'new' / 'all-geo' Appaloosa numbers must be 
wrong, but who knows.   It had seemed to me that the new MIT Atlantis sizes 
were intentionally chosen to fit BETWEEN the 'old' Appaloosa tt sizes, but 
maybe I was wrong. The new catalog and other comments from John and Grant 
DO make a big point of saying that the only difference is the wheel size.  

Maybe it's a difference between actual and effective top tubes?  But my 
recollection is that the 6* models have ALWAYS specified ett.

I'm so confused.

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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Garth
The minimum is the low 30's for me with 35mm tires.  I don't check them 
every day, maybe once a week or so or whenever whenever happens.  When I 
re-inflate I'll go about 40-43 rear and 35-38 front, then don't check 
again(visual and feel yes, gauge no) until I do !   

The tires are Performance Forte Metro-K(for kevlar belt) on Mavic A719 
rims(19mm inside/24.5mm out). I have no idea what I weigh, it could be 
anywhere from 150-180 pounds, you got me.

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:40:57 AM UTC-4, RichS wrote:
> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads, 
> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using? 
> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider 
> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> Richard

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[RBW] Re: Riding without fenders on Rivs reviews needed.

2018-05-24 Thread Kieran J
I like that Sam too! Kind of the polished, more esteemed twin to Manny's 
roughneck-delinquent Hillborne. Bizarro-sams.


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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread nash5510
If you don't have enough familiarity to decide this on your own, it always says 
on the side of the tire.  Not trying to be snarky. 

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[RBW] Re: Wednesday Musings: Are We A Swap Meet?

2018-05-24 Thread phil k

I think think those scenarios are a bit cumbersome to those who read it in 
list form. I'm fine if price reductions are a way to get posts a refresh, 
but just adding the word "BUMP" every week pushes more interesting threads 
further down the list and I've missed my fair share. Price reductions and 
updates to what's left are different as the price reduction in itself would 
get me to think about purchasing whatever is being sold. 

Usually if it hasn't sold in a week, it's most likely because of price, not 
because there aren't enough eyeballs on the post.

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:27:09 AM UTC-4, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> No. There are literally people who post the word "BUMP" as a comment to 
> their original post when they've had no activity (usually bike/frame/bigger 
> dollar posts).
> Updating as things sell is fine - actually better than fine, in my book.
> On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 4:13:07 PM UTC-7, Philip Williamson wrote:
>> Is a "bump" the same as a "Here's what's left / price reduction" reply to 
>> your own original FS post? 
>> Is that even good form? ('cause I do that)
>> Philip
>> Santa Rosa, CA

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[RBW] Re: Wednesday Musings: Are We A Swap Meet?

2018-05-24 Thread phil k
Also to add, I've sold complete bikes without ever bumping the thread 
before albeit it took a month or so. I think most people are savvy enough 
they will use the search function if they really want a certain bike or 

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 12:32:16 PM UTC-4, phil k wrote:
> Jim, 
> I think think those scenarios are a bit cumbersome to those who read it in 
> list form. I'm fine if price reductions are a way to get posts a refresh, 
> but just adding the word "BUMP" every week pushes more interesting threads 
> further down the list and I've missed my fair share. Price reductions and 
> updates to what's left are different as the price reduction in itself would 
> get me to think about purchasing whatever is being sold. 
> Usually if it hasn't sold in a week, it's most likely because of price, 
> not because there aren't enough eyeballs on the post.
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:27:09 AM UTC-4, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> No. There are literally people who post the word "BUMP" as a comment to 
>> their original post when they've had no activity (usually bike/frame/bigger 
>> dollar posts).
>> Updating as things sell is fine - actually better than fine, in my book.
>> On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 4:13:07 PM UTC-7, Philip Williamson wrote:
>>> Is a "bump" the same as a "Here's what's left / price reduction" reply 
>>> to your own original FS post? 
>>> Is that even good form? ('cause I do that)
>>> Philip
>>> Santa Rosa, CA

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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread R Shannon
Nash, interesting reply. I know what it says on the side of the tire. 

Like others on the list I’m prone to exploring other possibilties beyond the 
manufacturer’s more conservative recommendations. Just curious to find out to 
what degree others have deviated in their experiments with tire pressure.

At 150lbs. so far so good in the 35-40 psi range. Greatly appreciate everyone’s 


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2018, at 12:26 PM, nash5...@gmail.com wrote:
> If you don't have enough familiarity to decide this on your own, it always 
> says on the side of the tire.  Not trying to be snarky. 
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: SF Bay Area: Bike camping on June 23rd & 24th! Final routes inside

2018-05-24 Thread Scott MacDonald

Portola is a beautiful spot. 

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[RBW] PSA: 60cm orange Rambouillet complete $1450

2018-05-24 Thread Kieran J
Seen on the Paceline forum. Seller is open to negotiation.



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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Coal Bee Rye Anne
I've mostly ridden 700x33 Challenge Chicane open tubulars(skinwall clincher 
version) and 700x35 Schwalbe Sammy Slicks the past couple of years and 
usually inflate to about 50psi but have let them get pretty low (in the 
high 20's to low 30's) by not checking every ride and only topping off when 
I notice they are getting noticeably low.  The Challenge tires I believe 
have 30psi min and the Schwalbe Sammy Slicks might be 50psi min if I 
remember correctly but I've been riding my Clem lately anyway so not 100% 
certain of their specs.  Either way, I've mostly ridden them both with 
approximately the same pressures and at 215lbs and riding them mostly on 
local gravel and multiuse paths they've fine for me in that 30-50/60psi 

Brian Cole
Lawrenceville NJ

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:40:57 AM UTC-4, RichS wrote:

> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads, 
> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using? 
> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider 
> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> Richard

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread iamkeith
In my above analysis, I meant to say that the 55cm Appaloosa appears to be 
bigger than the 56 cm MIT Atlantis, and that both of those are in turn 
bigger than either the *58cm legacy Atlantis or the 59cm, 2016 MUSA 

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Re: [RBW] Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Reed Kennedy
I run the Grand Bois Cypres EL (marked 30mm) and the Compass Stampede Pass
EL (marked 32mm) interchangeably on my MAP. Both measure almost exactly
32mm when installed on Velocity A23 rims.

60 psi front, 70 psi rear. Rider: 200 lbs. Front load: 5 lbs. Rear load:

Performs great. I'd probably drop those pressures by about 5-10 psi each
for a 35mm tire.

I highly recommend the Edison Gauss tire pressure app (available for both
iOS and Android), which is based on research done by Frank Berto and
followed up by Bicycle Quarterly:

I'd seriously recommend against running the pressures shown on the
sidewalls. As discussed here and elsewhere at length, those are maximum
pressures, not optimal pressures. Would be like driving exactly the speed
limit all the time, without regard for corners or conditions. Perhaps
possible, but certainly not ideal.


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 7:40 AM, RichS  wrote:

> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads,
> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using?
> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider
> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> Richard
> --
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Re: [RBW] Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Reed Kennedy
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Reed Kennedy  wrote:

> I run the Grand Bois Cypres EL (marked 30mm) and the Compass Stampede Pass
> EL (marked 32mm) interchangeably on my MAP. Both measure almost exactly
> 32mm when installed on Velocity A23 rims.
> 60 psi front, 70 psi rear. Rider: 200 lbs. Front load: 5 lbs. Rear load:
> None.

And in case anyone is curious, here are the tire pressures I run on my
other bikes, similar loads:

32mm: 60 psi front, 70 psi rear
38mm: 45 psi front, 55 psi rear
42mm: 40 psi front, 45 psi rear
48mm: 35 psi front, 40 psi rear

On the 38mm tires and up I'll drop the pressure by up to 10 psi when riding
offroad. (I don't ride the bike with 32mm tires offroad.)


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Re: [RBW] Re: SF Bay Area: Bike camping on June 23rd & 24th! Final routes inside

2018-05-24 Thread Reed Kennedy
Sounds good Scott! I'll keep you in the loop.


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 9:08 AM, Scott MacDonald  wrote:

> interested!
> Portola is a beautiful spot.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Patrick Moore
I am for 50 psi, and have ridden such tires as low as 40. 175.

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 10:14 AM, Virgil Staphbeard 

> I ride my 32 GB Cypres at 40/45 F/R and I weigh 135
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:40:57 AM UTC-4, RichS wrote:
>> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads,
>> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using?
>> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider
>> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
>> Best regards,
>> Richard
> --
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Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
Other professional writing services.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, New Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique
*Auditis an me ludit amabilis insania?*

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread Bob Lovejoy
I have a 58cm Appaloosa and from my basic measurements, I am going to say 
that the new listings (on the updated frame geometry page) for it seem 
correct (61.5 tt, 64.5 front center, 53cm chain stays).

The actual page for the Appaloosa frame shows a chart with different 
numbers (59.7 tt) but I believe that is actual/physical top tube length and 
not the effective/level length, taking into account the sloping top tube.. 
 That seems to me the discrepancy, at least with the Appaloosa numbers.  I 
could be wrong but I think that there were some, way back when, that took 
those numbers from the Appaloosa page, assumed top tube length as stated 
was the effective length and made some decisions that, well, did not always 
work out.

That is about the only question I can help answer though!  But I really am 
curious about the Sam numbers.  I suspect the new ones are off, though I 
guess it could be speculated that the new AHH becomes the drop bar, road 
bike, with the Sam going back to its swept/upright bar roots.  The 
Appaloosa and the new Atlantis?  I can only see them as different 
approaches to the same goal, and may the better bike win... though no real 
winners and losers.  Both great bikes!


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:52:35 AM UTC-5, iamkeith wrote:
> In my above analysis, I meant to say that the 55cm Appaloosa appears to be 
> bigger than the 56 cm MIT Atlantis, and that both of those are in turn 
> bigger than either the *58cm legacy Atlantis or the 59cm, 2016 MUSA 
> Atlantis.*

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[RBW] Re: Eat Bacon Don't Jog--Goal set, goal met

2018-05-24 Thread Doug H.
Much truth in this philosophic post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts...I 
agree by the way.

On Monday, March 12, 2018 at 11:00:27 PM UTC-4, Garth wrote:
> Well sure . when I speak about eating what you like, I do so out of 
> having lived on so many "trains of thinking" about what to eat and why and 
> not, and what food supposedly causes what effect and effects what cause. 
> Finding lasting peace-contentment with none of them there comes the point 
> of "what's the point" , which is really a hunger of it's own that no food 
> could satisfy. Not just in a greater sense, but in the very and oh so 
> Present tense. "What about Here, and what about Now ?  if not Now, 
> when?... if not Here, where? . an-other now and and here to-be ?" It's 
> like a constant promises that everything will be alright that's a "wilĺ 
> be-future tense". But not now, oh now ... now sucks... now has this laundry 
> list of all that is out of place in my life, in the world, and the world of 
> media/education/his-story/confession has all sorts of "evidence" to back it 
> up like a self-justification for discontent and failure, and I just go 
> along with like a sheep over a cliff because some "simon sez so". 
> Well gee, the heart can only take so much not in the physical sense, 
> but for lack of a better word spirit-soul. It's not something anyone has 
> any control of either... it just happens and you are powerless to deny. 
> It's like playing the part of a liar, living the lie  then along comes 
> the absolute Truth who will have no part of the lie. Like pretending to be 
> a tough guy and along comes a child with a bunch of the most beautiful 
> flowers you have ever seen and smelled and felt and says "hey mister, these 
> are for you". And you just melt like Frosty the snowman, and there is no 
> where left to hide. What ideed is the point, the meaning of Life if not 
> Here, if not Now, if not This. This is far from the rebellious "live as 
> reckless as I can in the moment while I'm alive because it doesn't matter" 
> ... on the contrary  because Here and Now does indeed matter oh so 
> much in fact "there" isn't anything else.  Where else would I go, and 
> who else would I be, but Here and Now that never ends and never begins. 
> Like Hereness and Nowness and Beingness. I'm not a grammer expert but a 
> -ness has a quality of contrariness in that for all that seems so solid and 
> decaying into yester-day and to-morrow  it is "not" in any of it at 
> all. In fact the more you try to contain and pinpoint this 
> "OmniPresence" to a certain time or place you are contradicted by It's 
> sure undefinability. 
>   So all of this is really a long winded ramble in Whom it rambles. Eating 
> seems to me for the Love of Life, of Being Life . not just a life that 
> comes and goes, but Life Itself which comes not and goes not. I'm sorry 
> this may-not be so practical for anyone  then again sorry Life is not ☺ 
> You know we speak often of just riding ...  but this is really just 
> another way of Just Life-ing. Nothing extra required, come as you are, just 
> as you are, how-er you are dressed, how-ever you look, how-ever you eat, 
> how-ever you speak, how-ever and what-ever .. You are That You are 
> . Pricelessness . 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Peter White
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:26 PM,  wrote:

> If you don't have enough familiarity to decide this on your own, it always
> says on the side of the tire.  Not trying to be snarky.

The pressures shown on the sidewalls of most tires are way too high. I've
seen 23mm tires rated to 120psi. Sure, the tire may stay on the rim, but
there's no reason to run them that hard. And it can lead to premature
failure of the rim.

On my Rambuillet, I use the Challenge Parigi Roubaix which have a stated
width of 27mm, but measure 29mm when new, and 30mm after a few hundred
miles. I weigh 170lbs and run them at 60psi front and 75psi rear. I have
arthritis in my spine and if I'm feeling a bit sore, I'll drop the PSI by
about 10.
Peter White

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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Jim Bronson
I ran 700x23 Michelin Pro 2/3/4 Race Service Course at 120psi for years,
never had any rim failures directly attributable to that.  I had a sidewall
failure once but i booted the hole with a $20 bill and made it home
alright.  These were for a go-fast bike I don't have anymore, that had
tight clearance with 23mm tires!  I was thinner then, more in the 230-250

Back on topic...I run 700x38 Barlow Pass standard sidewalls (I know, a
little bigger than you asked) on my Redwood at 50psi front, 55psi rear.
Rider weight 300+.  I don't know exactly how much the + is because I don't
weigh myself that much.  I'm sure my performance on the 74 mile ride I'm
doing on Saturday will let me know.

Austin, TX

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 1:10 PM, Peter White  wrote:

> On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:26 PM,  wrote:
>> If you don't have enough familiarity to decide this on your own, it
>> always says on the side of the tire.  Not trying to be snarky.
> The pressures shown on the sidewalls of most tires are way too high. I've
> seen 23mm tires rated to 120psi. Sure, the tire may stay on the rim, but
> there's no reason to run them that hard. And it can lead to premature
> failure of the rim.
> On my Rambuillet, I use the Challenge Parigi Roubaix which have a stated
> width of 27mm, but measure 29mm when new, and 30mm after a few hundred
> miles. I weigh 170lbs and run them at 60psi front and 75psi rear. I have
> arthritis in my spine and if I'm feeling a bit sore, I'll drop the PSI by
> about 10.
> --
> Peter White
> --
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[RBW] Re: Eat Bacon Don't Jog--Goal set, goal met

2018-05-24 Thread Lum Gim Fong
Is EBDJ keto?

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[RBW] Re: Riv complete: appropriate mechanical expectations?

2018-05-24 Thread Kainalu V.
Thanks for the clarification Garth! Sorry to all for spreading falsehoods 
around these parts, having a can of each at home there's no excuse for my never 
having done a side by side comparison, I'm just glad I've never resorted to 
using Weigle's on my chain.

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[RBW] PSA: 60cm orange Rambouillet complete $1450

2018-05-24 Thread Dave Grossman
Any Rambo owners with a pbh of 90 out there?  Curious what size i would need?  
Charts lean toward the 62.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Eat Bacon Don't Jog--Goal set, goal met

2018-05-24 Thread Grant Petersen
It's hard core low carb and has stuff about ketosis.
Probably not surprisingly and sometimes maybe maddeningly, in its
hardcoreness it gives tough scores to some of our favorite foods than, in a
softer core world, are considered healthy. But what is tolerable before
your pancreas is shot is unhealthy once you've had 30 or so years to weaken
(so to speak) your insulin. At that point you can't just wake up and say
OK, I'll have the bran muffin and orange juice.
I know I wrote it and therefore have zero credibility, but it is an easy to
read book that gets to the heart of things fast, then goes onto the next. I
think it would be hard to read and not get ANYTHING out of. Enough!

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 11:35 AM, Lum Gim Fong 

> Is EBDJ keto?
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread nash5510
Sorry for replying with an "interesting" reply.  I assume you dont actually 
find my reply interesting.  

I dont know your level of experience with bicycles.  Many people experiment 
with tire pressure and there are so many variables, as you pointed out, that it 
is a highly specific question.  

Without any specifics, does the answer have meaning?  I used to run my tires at 
45/40.  Now I run them 60/55.  

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[RBW] PSA: 60cm orange Rambouillet complete $1450

2018-05-24 Thread iamkeith
Yeah, i don't think it'll work for you.  I have an 87 pbh, 6'2" overall, and 
own a 60cm.  It fits well, but borderline too small if anything.

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread iamkeith

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:47:45 AM UTC-6, Bob Lovejoy wrote:
> The actual page for the Appaloosa frame shows a chart with different 
> numbers (59.7 tt) but I believe that is actual/physical top tube length and 
> not the effective/level length, taking into account the sloping top tube.. 
>  That seems to me the discrepancy, at least with the Appaloosa numbers.  

I too thought that might be the explanation, but it wouldn't explain the 
disparity with the front-center numbers.  Thanks for measuring and 
reporting, though.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Eat Bacon Don't Jog--Goal set, goal met

2018-05-24 Thread Ash
".. the moderation ship has sailed"

That's the exact sentence you have used it in the book.  

I'm not diabetic, but I know it is not too far if I were to continue my old 
food-style.   Every time I'm about to serve myself some rice at dinner 
table or consider bread slices/bagels/muffins at breakfast or that 'once is 
a blue moon' (sure!) desert, that sentence of wisdom pops into my head. 
 It's been incredibly helpful!

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 12:12:28 UTC-7, Grant @ Rivendell wrote:
> It's hard core low carb and has stuff about ketosis. 
> Probably not surprisingly and sometimes maybe maddeningly, in its 
> hardcoreness it gives tough scores to some of our favorite foods than, in a 
> softer core world, are considered healthy. But what is tolerable before 
> your pancreas is shot is unhealthy once you've had 30 or so years to weaken 
> (so to speak) your insulin. At that point you can't just wake up and say 
> OK, I'll have the bran muffin and orange juice.
> I know I wrote it and therefore have zero credibility, but it is an easy 
> to read book that gets to the heart of things fast, then goes onto the 
> next. I think it would be hard to read and not get ANYTHING out of. Enough!
> On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 11:35 AM, Lum Gim Fong  > wrote:
>> Is EBDJ keto?
>> -- 
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[RBW] PSA: 60cm orange Rambouillet complete $1450

2018-05-24 Thread Jonathan D.
I have a 57 Rom and 58 Ram. The 57 feels smaller and a more traditional, 
agreesive riding position. The 60 or 62 would work. It just depends on how you 
want it to fit. Do you want maximum height on the handlebars?

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[RBW] PSA: 60cm orange Rambouillet complete $1450

2018-05-24 Thread Dave Grossman
Less aggressive for sure.  Sounds lke the 62 is what I would want.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Eat Bacon Don't Jog--Goal set, goal met

2018-05-24 Thread Lum Gim Fong
I imagine that if this book is just as well done as Just Ride it will be a lot 
more fun to read and it will cut to the chase on this type of eating subject 
matter way easier for me than me filtering thru reading 300 pg. books on the 
subject by Dr. so and so, etc. to get to the bottom of things on low carb, etc.

But Hi carb camp says lo carb causes diabetes and cancer. Low carb camp says hi 
carb causes diabetes and cancer.

I guess the thinv to do is try it and get bloodwork done each year to see which 
works better for you.

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[RBW] Keto next week: how do i not bonk?

2018-05-24 Thread Lum Gim Fong
20 mile round trip gatorade fueled trips in the past.
How do i not bonk while ketoing?
I plan to stay in maffetone fat burning effort zone. That will help.

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[RBW] Keto next week: how do i not bonk?

2018-05-24 Thread Lum Gim Fong
20 mile round trip commute trips

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[RBW] Re: Billie Clem McFlip

2018-05-24 Thread Joe Gates
Not only a nice looking build, but I love the photography!  Thanks for sharing 
the photos. 


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[RBW] Keto next week: how do i not bonk?

2018-05-24 Thread Deacon Patrick
Your body has to learn to drink deep fat instead of sucking sugar. You may 
bonk. Continue slowly anyway. 20 miles RT is nothing for once you are fat 
adapted. I do century rides without eating anything, having fasted since dinner 
the day before. But it takes time.

If you bonk: Stop. Rest. Give your body (liver, I think?) time to catch up, to 
learn to use unused muscles. They have to get stronger and rediscover how to 
function. 20-30 minutes. Then ride on, slow. You may have to ride maddeningly 
slow. That’s just fine. Your body will get better and stronger at this and you 
will improve. You may ride half the time, rest half. That’s ok. My rule of 
thumb is the body takes 3 months to make an initial adjustement to any big 
change — and that’s just the initial adjustement. Grin. Other benchmarks are 9 
mo. , 18 mo, and 3 years. Persist for three months, keeping a log of info that 
seems pertinant along the way if you like. Then look back and be amazed at how 
far you’ve come.

Some people make the shift more easily if they allow themselves to sip their 
sugar instead of gulp, slowly weaning themselves off it. I find this just 
prolongs the challenge, but if it works for you, go for it! Try cold turkey 
first, though, and see how that goes.

For reference, I can’t imagine grabbing food or drink for a 20 mile ride, 
unless I plan on lazing about along the way and then I bring coffee. (You’ll 
discover you need a lot less water without carbs).

Let us know how you do!

With abandon,

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[RBW] Re: NYC riders: fenders year-round?

2018-05-24 Thread Bob B
Fenders all the time for my daily riding. Sometimes I take them off my riv 
but rarely. I dont mind getting dirty but I draw the line at "garbage 
spritzers" lol

Bob B
Brooklyn, NY

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:20:31 AM UTC-4, Clay Kippen wrote:
> I live in NYC and commute by bike daily. I now keep fenders on my commuter 
> 100% of the time, just because it is tough to keep taking them off and 
> putting back on. 
> Summer in New York is mostly sunny, but once the Fall rolls around it will 
> get rainy again. 
> On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 5:03:52 PM UTC-4, Patch T wrote:
>> Hi Bunch,
>> Forgive the NYC-specific post, but I know there's a lot out there and I 
>> would like to know your thoughts on fenders and seasons here.
>> Namely, do you always wear them? Can I get away with removing them during 
>> the summer? Too wet?
>> I prefer the look of a bike without. I'd like a wider tire currently. I 
>> enjoy tinkering and don't mind removing and reinstalling parts. I 
>> absolutely appreciate full coverage in significant rain, and do enjoy 
>> riding no matter what the weather is. I may have answered my own question.
>> Would still like to know what habits y'all have.
>> Patch
>> BK/formerly LA

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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread tc
Wife's Sam has barlow passes (regular, not el) on alex dm18 rims.  She runs 
them at 40 front, 42-44 rear.  Like butter...


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:40:57 AM UTC-4, RichS wrote:
> For those of you who ride 700 x 32-35 size tires (with tubes) on roads, 
> what is the minimum tire pressure you're comfortable using? 
> I realize there are factors such as rim width, tire compound and rider 
> weight that influence this. Many thanks for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> Richard

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[RBW] Re: New geometry charts available

2018-05-24 Thread dougP
The first chart is very useful.  Measure your PBH & scan across the models  
for your size.  Nice presentation.


On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 6:10:23 PM UTC-7, tc wrote:
> I just noticed Riv has posted new geo charts with the new bikes 
> represented.
> https://www.rivbike.com/pages/geometry
> Tom

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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Jon Dukeman,central Colorado
Thanks Rich for posting your question as I probably run pressures higher 
than needed because I would rather live with a stiffer ride than have pinch 
Great to hear what pressures others are running. Thanks for sharing. Very 

Nash. You're a freekin'  Genius!! Who would of thought to look on the 
side of the tire for Min/Max pressure?? Thanks for that helpful tip.


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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread nash5510
Lol who would have thought people wouldn't know how to pump up their tires.  

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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread Jon Dukeman,central Colorado
Lol Obviously you did☺

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[RBW] Billie v. Albatross.

2018-05-24 Thread David B
Received my Billie bar today. 
I’m not sure how different than the Albatross it’ll actually feel. 
Currently installed Albatross have a 12cm stem. 
Laid atop, the Billie bar comes back a lot more than the Albatross. To keep the 
same cork grips, brake levers would have to come back. 
I ordered a 13cm stem, which will push everything 1cm forward. Probably would 
need cloth tape instead of cork grips. To keep the reach the same to my primary 
hand position, the width is the same. 
Not sure if this makes sense to swap out my current setup. 
So... I’m not sure there will be a noticeable difference overall. Not sure what 
I’ll do yet. 
River Grove, IL

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[RBW] Billie v. Albatross.

2018-05-24 Thread David B
Also, couple comparison photos here: https://instagram.com/p/BjLkie0hOAX/

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[RBW] Re: (My sweetie's) New Bike Day

2018-05-24 Thread Jon Dukeman,central Colorado
She should get a lot of fun miles & smiles  Nice build.

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[RBW] Re: (My sweetie's) New Bike Day

2018-05-24 Thread Rod Holland
We took an 11-mile ride together this afternoon. She's definitely warming to 
it. Someone called out, "Nice Rivendell!" as we rode by.


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[RBW] Re: Keto next week: how do i not bonk?

2018-05-24 Thread Dave Small
Hi Lum,

It takes 2-3 days to go into ketosis, but your body takes longer than that 
to become "keto-adapted" to the point that it's efficient at using fat for 
fuel.  It's a gradual process.  I've read that it typically takes about 3 
weeks to become mostly keto-adapted, but online fora tell tales of folks 
who took 6-8 weeks.  

Last summer I left for a 7-day tour a few days short of my 3-week 
anniversary of starting keto.  We rode 46 to 73 miles each day.  I didn't 
eat breakfast.  About 20 miles into the ride I ate a handful of cashews or 
almonds.  About 20-25 miles after that we usually stopped to eat a meal, 
which in my case was an omelette with sausage or a salad with chicken or 
tuna.  That evening we ate a good-sized dinner, and by "good-sized" I mean 
"big."  Fuel-wise it was the best tour I'd taken to date.  

In March we did a 6-day tour in Florida; similar routine and distances, 
with similar results.  

You'll be fine.  Stay off the carbs, take it slowly for the first few 
weeks, and your body will adapt.  


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[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread nash5510
Hey ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer 

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[RBW] Re: Keto next week: how do i not bonk?

2018-05-24 Thread Jeffrey Arita
Fantastic, Deacon Patrick!  

Best regards,


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 2:48:16 PM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Your body has to learn to drink deep fat instead of sucking sugar. You may 
> bonk. Continue slowly anyway. 20 miles RT is nothing for once you are fat 
> adapted. I do century rides without eating anything, having fasted since 
> dinner the day before. But it takes time. 
> If you bonk: Stop. Rest. Give your body (liver, I think?) time to catch 
> up, to learn to use unused muscles. They have to get stronger and 
> rediscover how to function. 20-30 minutes. Then ride on, slow. You may have 
> to ride maddeningly slow. That’s just fine. Your body will get better and 
> stronger at this and you will improve. You may ride half the time, rest 
> half. That’s ok. My rule of thumb is the body takes 3 months to make an 
> initial adjustement to any big change — and that’s just the initial 
> adjustement. Grin. Other benchmarks are 9 mo. , 18 mo, and 3 years. Persist 
> for three months, keeping a log of info that seems pertinant along the way 
> if you like. Then look back and be amazed at how far you’ve come. 
> Some people make the shift more easily if they allow themselves to sip 
> their sugar instead of gulp, slowly weaning themselves off it. I find this 
> just prolongs the challenge, but if it works for you, go for it! Try cold 
> turkey first, though, and see how that goes. 
> For reference, I can’t imagine grabbing food or drink for a 20 mile ride, 
> unless I plan on lazing about along the way and then I bring coffee. 
> (You’ll discover you need a lot less water without carbs). 
> Let us know how you do! 
> With abandon, 
> Patrick

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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Question

2018-05-24 Thread R Shannon
Glad the tire inflation question has been answered. 

Thanks to everyone! Next topic.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2018, at 10:01 PM, nash5...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hey ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer 
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Atlantis tires rec request

2018-05-24 Thread 'Eamon Nordquist' via RBW Owners Bunch
That is a great looking Atlantis. If that were my size I'd want one just like 


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[RBW] Re: PSA: 60cm orange Rambouillet complete $1450

2018-05-24 Thread Eric Karnes
Definitely a 62cm. I have a 90pbh, and my 62 simpleone (which is similar in 
top tube length and sort of similar in bb drop) fits me perfectly. 60cm 
would probably work, but I would personally consider it too small.


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 4:19:26 PM UTC-4, Dave Grossman wrote:
> Less aggressive for sure.  Sounds lke the 62 is what I would want.

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[RBW] Re: New Frame Day! Almost a trade of a Black Mountain Road for a LEO

2018-05-24 Thread Bill Lindsay
Not use drop bars?!?  That's crazy talk.  Upright just means the tops of 
the bars are above the saddle.  

The build is pretty much done, just waiting for shellac.  Here are three 
lousy photos in bad light.  I tried to use flash but forgot about my 
reflective rim decals and reflective brake cable housing.  Hopefully you 
get the idea:

The build list goes something like this

Frameset: 57cm Leo Roadini, Grilver, FSA headset

Wheelset:  HED Belgium Rims, White Industries hubs, Challenge Eroica tires, 
SRAM 11-26 10sp cassette, control tech ti-skewers

Drivetrain: Compass/Herse cranks 44/30, White Industries BB, Shimano SPD 
pedals, CX70 Front der, Dura Ace 7900 Rear Der, Dura Ace 10sp index 
downtube shifters, SRAM 1091 chain

Components: Shimano BR550 brakes, Shimano 105 brakelevers, Nitto Soba 
Noodle bars, Nitto Ritchey "XO-1" stem, Nitto 65 Seatpost, Avocet Saddle

Accessories: Ti King Cage, Newbaums red and green cloth tape

21.8 pounds as pictured

Bill Lindsay

El Cerrito, CA

On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 7:53:22 AM UTC-7, RichS wrote:
> Congratulations Bill. Looking forward to seeing pics of the newest 
> addition to your bike family. "Civilized and upright" sounds like you won't 
> use drop bars.
> Best,
> Richard
> On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 11:51:11 PM UTC-4, Eamon Nordquist wrote:
>> Good deal, Bill. I think the Roadini is a great bike, and if I lost my 
>> 1983 Trek 520, that's what I'd replace it with. Grilver is the color I'd 
>> choose too. It reminds me of the sweet silver gray metallic Imron paint job 
>> my Trek came with. I also think the headbadge is the bees knees.
>> Eamon
>> Seattle

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[RBW] Re: New Frame Day! Almost a trade of a Black Mountain Road for a LEO

2018-05-24 Thread lambbo

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 4:26:41 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> I used to own two Black Mountain Road bikes.  Both 59cm, both orange.  One 
> lives at my mom's house and is set up as an all purpose road bike.  The 
> other, at my house, used to be set up as a racier, lighter stripped down 
> road bike.  I ran across an iBob lister who wanted a Black Mountain road 
> frame for a little less than retail, and we struck a deal.  I took those 
> dollars and my Hail Mary dollars and my Rivendollars to get a Leo Roadini 
> frameset, and I picked that up today.  The build will be exactly what I had 
> on my Black Mountain, except it'll have a quill stem and a 26.8mm 
> seatpost.  The result will be a still-sporty road bike, but one that's a 
> little more upright and civilized.  I think of it as having a vibe similar 
> to what we used to call a "sport touring" bike in the 1980s.  My still-new 
> Legolas will be my aggro-race-bike.  I expect to get right into the build 
> tonight, since I have everything.  Fun detail: the quill stem will be a 
> Nitto-Ritchey-Force from a 1993 XO-1.  I haven't planned out the fit in a 
> super detailed way, but I might end up with the stem totally slammed.  This 
> 57 has a tall headtube.  This frame will allow me to get the bars WAY up, 
> if and when I need to do that.  For now, I expect that they'll be up even 
> when they're down.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> P.S.  To their credit, multiple Riv employees asked "What are you buying 
> this for?  You've got a road bike!"  When I explained the "trade", then 
> they were like "Oh, OK, that makes sense then"

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[RBW] Re: New Frame Day! Almost a trade of a Black Mountain Road for a LEO

2018-05-24 Thread Eric Karnes
Kudos Bill. Always such great builds!

I'm looking to build some wheels with those White hubs...one of these days.


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 11:51:16 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Not use drop bars?!?  That's crazy talk.  Upright just means the tops of 
> the bars are above the saddle.  
> The build is pretty much done, just waiting for shellac.  Here are three 
> lousy photos in bad light.  I tried to use flash but forgot about my 
> reflective rim decals and reflective brake cable housing.  Hopefully you 
> get the idea:
> The build list goes something like this
> Frameset: 57cm Leo Roadini, Grilver, FSA headset
> Wheelset:  HED Belgium Rims, White Industries hubs, Challenge Eroica 
> tires, SRAM 11-26 10sp cassette, control tech ti-skewers
> Drivetrain: Compass/Herse cranks 44/30, White Industries BB, Shimano SPD 
> pedals, CX70 Front der, Dura Ace 7900 Rear Der, Dura Ace 10sp index 
> downtube shifters, SRAM 1091 chain
> Components: Shimano BR550 brakes, Shimano 105 brakelevers, Nitto Soba 
> Noodle bars, Nitto Ritchey "XO-1" stem, Nitto 65 Seatpost, Avocet Saddle
> Accessories: Ti King Cage, Newbaums red and green cloth tape
> 21.8 pounds as pictured
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 7:53:22 AM UTC-7, RichS wrote:
>> Congratulations Bill. Looking forward to seeing pics of the newest 
>> addition to your bike family. "Civilized and upright" sounds like you won't 
>> use drop bars.
>> Best,
>> Richard
>> On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 11:51:11 PM UTC-4, Eamon Nordquist wrote:
>>> Good deal, Bill. I think the Roadini is a great bike, and if I lost my 
>>> 1983 Trek 520, that's what I'd replace it with. Grilver is the color I'd 
>>> choose too. It reminds me of the sweet silver gray metallic Imron paint job 
>>> my Trek came with. I also think the headbadge is the bees knees.
>>> Eamon
>>> Seattle

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