suspend/resume issue on T440p w/ Libreboot

2023-08-26 Thread Robert Alessi

When I try to suspend my system, my T440p with Libreboot first goes
into sleep mode alright then resumes spontaneoulsy after about 10s.  I
know that Libreboot had issues with the suspend mode on this laptop,
but these seem to have been solved in recent versions.

What I can say is that I received this laptop with Debian installed
and the suspend mode was working.

I tried both 'apm -S' and 'apm -z'.

My /etc/apm/suspend reads as follows:
   # cat /etc/apm/suspend   
   ifconfig iwn0 down
   arp -d -a

I add below an extract of /var/log/messages that shows what happens
when I do zzz, and of course my dmesg.

So far I haven't been able to identify the problem, but I understand
it may have nothing to do with OpenBSD.  Thanks in advance
for any help!

-- Robert

cinnamon# tail -f /var/log/messages 
2023-08-26T08:00:01.905Z cinnamon newsyslog[92452]: logfile turned over
Aug 26 10:00:01 cinnamon syslogd[18363]: restart
Aug 26 10:45:04 cinnamon apmd: system suspending
Aug 26 10:45:04 cinnamon apmd: battery status: high. external power status: 
connected. estimated battery life 100%
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: wskbd1 detached
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: ukbd0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: uhidev0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: fido0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: uhidev1 detached
Aug 26 10:45:06 cinnamon /bsd: ugen0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:07 cinnamon /bsd: sd1 detached
Aug 26 10:45:07 cinnamon /bsd: scsibus2 detached
Aug 26 10:45:08 cinnamon /bsd: umass0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:09 cinnamon /bsd: ugen1 detached
Aug 26 10:45:10 cinnamon /bsd: video0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:10 cinnamon /bsd: uvideo0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub0 detached
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub3 detached
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub1 detached
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub4 detached
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub2 detached
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel 
xHCI root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 addr 1
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub1 at usb1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel 
EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhub2 at usb2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel 
EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhidev0 at uhub0 port 3 configuration 1 
interface 0 "Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID" rev 2.00/5.43 addr 2
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: uhidev0: iclass 3/1
Aug 26 10:45:15 cinnamon /bsd: ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: uhidev1 at uhub0 port 3 configuration 1 
interface 1 "Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID" rev 2.00/5.43 addr 2
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: uhidev1: iclass 3/0
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: fido0 at uhidev1: input=64, output=64, feature=0
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: ugen0 at uhub0 port 3 configuration 1 "Yubico 
YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID" rev 2.00/5.43 addr 2
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: umass0 at uhub0 port 6 configuration 1 interface 
0 "SanDisk Cruzer Fit" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 3
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: scsibus2 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: sd1 at scsibus2 targ 1 lun 0:  removable serial.07815571091119114203
Aug 26 10:45:16 cinnamon /bsd: sd1: 15060MB, 512 bytes/sector, 30842880 sectors
Aug 26 10:45:17 cinnamon /bsd: ugen1 at uhub0 port 11 "Intel Bluetooth" rev 
2.00/78.69 addr 4
Aug 26 10:45:18 cinnamon /bsd: uvideo0 at uhub0 port 12 configuration 1 
interface 0 "SunplusIT INC. Integrated Camera" rev 2.00/26.03 addr 5
Aug 26 10:45:18 cinnamon /bsd: video0 at uvideo0
Aug 26 10:45:18 cinnamon apmd: system resumed from sleep
Aug 26 10:45:18 cinnamon apmd: battery status: high. external power status: 
connected. estimated battery life 100%
Aug 26 10:45:20 cinnamon /bsd: sdmmc0: can't enable card
Aug 26 10:45:20 cinnamon /bsd: uhub3 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 
0 "Intel Rate Matching Hub" rev 2.00/0.05 addr 2
Aug 26 10:45:21 cinnamon /bsd: uhub4 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 
0 "Intel Rate Matching Hub" rev 2.00/0.05 addr 2


OpenBSD 7.3 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Tue Jul 25 08:20:26 MDT 2023
real mem = 17118093312 (16325MB)
avail mem = 16579878912 (15811MB)
random: good seed from bootblocks
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus

Re: suspend/resume issue on T440p w/ Libreboot

2023-08-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 04:19:23AM -0600, Jonathan Drews wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 11:32:32AM +0200, Robert Alessi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > When I try to suspend my system, my T440p with Libreboot first goes
> > into sleep mode alright then resumes spontaneoulsy after about 10s.  I
> > know that Libreboot had issues with the suspend mode on this laptop,
> > but these seem to have been solved in recent versions.
> > 
> $ uname -a 
> OpenBSD 7.3 GENERIC.MP#3 amd64
> I am running OpenBSD 7.3 on a Thinkpad T440 and suspend and resume
> work great. I use either zzz or ZZZ or just close the lid. 
> I don't have an /etc/apm directory. Howvere I have this in my
> /etc/rc.conf.local 
> apmd_flags=-A

My apmd flags are a bit different: -H -Z 10

Is your laptop coreboot-ed or do you use stock BIOS?

Thank you,

-- R.

Re: suspend/resume issue on T440p w/ Libreboot

2023-08-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 05:58:50AM -0600, Jonathan Drews wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 01:47:06PM +0200, Robert Alessi wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 04:19:23AM -0600, Jonathan Drews wrote:
> > > I don't have an /etc/apm directory. Howvere I have this in my
> > > /etc/rc.conf.local 
> > > 
> > > apmd_flags=-A
> > 
> > My apmd flags are a bit different: -H -Z 10
> > 
> > Is your laptop coreboot-ed or do you use stock BIOS?
> I am using the BIOS. No coreboot here.

This is why zzz works on your side.  My problem comes from coreboot
albeit suspend worked with the debian that was installed when I
received the machine.


-- R.

Re: suspend/resume issue on T440p w/ Libreboot

2023-08-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 07:31:21AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> There is a change to acpi.c (1.421) regarding wakeup GPEs which
> may help, however this is work was done after 7.3

So it's in -current.  The description given on CVS fits with what's
happening to my machine.  I'll be able to test this next month.

Thank you!

Re: suspend/resume issue on T440p w/ Libreboot

2023-09-05 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 07:31:21AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> There is a change to acpi.c (1.421) regarding wakeup GPEs which
> may help, however this is work was done after 7.3

I just tried to suspend this corebooted T440p with -current and I can
confirm that everything works just as expected.

Thank you!

Re: texlive and tlmgr

2023-11-05 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 10:44:36AM +0100, Luciano Ribichini wrote:
> Hallo openbsd-mailinglist,
> 1) my name is Luciano, I am a long time linux user.
> 2) Currently I keep an eye on openbsd.
> 3) Thanks a lot for your work, really.
> 4) Having plenty of operating systems to choose from is a good thing.
> 5) Since I use TeX/LaTeX I ask:
> does Texlive work on openbsd, and does tlmgr work too?
> (I read that there are issues).

Basically all you have to do is to install your preferred flavor of
texlive from ports and it will just work.[1]

If by texlive you mean the one supplied by,
you can use the custom binary set build by Nelson Beebe.  Instructions
on how to do this can be found here:

and you will find Nelson Beebe's binary sets for OpenBSD here:

Once this is done, you can use texlive pretty much in the same way as
under Linux and update it with tlmgr.

This is what I do.  Either way, you will have to install biber by

> Thanks a lot again for your work
> Luciano

[1]  e.g.,-full

opening files with midnight commander in 7.4

2023-12-12 Thread Robert Alessi

Since the upgrade from 7.3 to 7.4, nothing happens when I try to open
files in midnight commander by just pressing the Enter key.  This
applies to most file types as for example .pdf files or .tar.gz

For some file types, e.g. .pdf, a workaround is to edit mc.ext.ini
(Command -> Edit extension file) and replace `Type=^PDF` with
`Shell=.pdf` in the [pdf] section, which seems to mean that the regex
mechanism doesn't work anymore.  I tried to have mc use `file -b %f`
instead of `file %f` but to no avail.  (More on this mechanism at the
beginning of /etc/mc/mc.ext.ini.)

For other file types, such as .tar.gz, it's much more complicated.

Same behavior on -current.

Can others reproduce this problem?


-- Robert

BigBlueButton - blank screen

2022-12-23 Thread Robert Alessi

I can't connect to my BigBlueButton instance from firefox-esr.  More
precisely, I only get a solid dark blue screen right after I join my
own room.

As I got the exact same results with Ididium, I first suspected this
might be related to pledge/unveil.  So I followed the intructions
provided in pkg-readmes/firefox-esr to disable temporarily pledge and
unveil support.  As this attempt was unsuccessful, I immediately
reverted to the default settings.

I also tried to disable the firewall.

Audio and video recording are enabled and otherwise work perfectly,
but I suspect the problem lies elsewhere for Jitsi works fine, as does
Matrix form  I was even able to use Zoom without
having to enable WASM!  But I need to use BBB for my work.  From the
6.9 Changelog, I believe BBB should work out of the box but I can't
figure out what's causing the problem on my system.  Unless others
experience the same issue?[1]

Any help would be much appreciated.

-- Robert

[1]  FI, BBB can be tested here:

Re: BigBlueButton - blank screen

2022-12-23 Thread Robert Alessi
On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 01:51:26PM +0100, Bodie wrote:
> On Fri Dec 23, 2022 at 12:47 PM CET, Robert Alessi wrote:
> >
> > I can't connect to my BigBlueButton instance from firefox-esr.  More
> > precisely, I only get a solid dark blue screen right after I join my
> > own room.
> They say on that page that latest versions are supported, they do not
> say anything about ESR

I forgot to mention that I also tried with the latest firefox.

> > As I got the exact same results with Ididium, I first suspected this
> > might be related to pledge/unveil.  So I followed the intructions
> > provided in pkg-readmes/firefox-esr to disable temporarily pledge and
> > unveil support.  As this attempt was unsuccessful, I immediately
> > reverted to the default settings.
> >
> > I also tried to disable the firewall.
> Works for me on current with qutebrowser without disabling fw and others

Excellent news, thank you!  I just tried at it worked.  However, I
couldn't share my webcam: BBB couldn't access it and asked me to make
sure that another program is not using it.  Did you experience the
same on your side?

I will try to investigate further about this and report back what I

> >
> > Audio and video recording are enabled and otherwise work perfectly,
> > but I suspect the problem lies elsewhere for Jitsi works fine, as does
> > Matrix form  I was even able to use Zoom without
> > having to enable WASM!  But I need to use BBB for my work.  From the
> > 6.9 Changelog, I believe BBB should work out of the box but I can't
> > figure out what's causing the problem on my system.  Unless others
> > experience the same issue?[1]
> >
> > Any help would be much appreciated.
> >
> > -- Robert
> >
> >
> > Footnote:
> > [1]  FI, BBB can be tested here:

Re: BigBlueButton - blank screen

2022-12-23 Thread Robert Alessi
On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 03:37:04PM +0100, Caspar Schutijser wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 12:47:34PM +0100, Robert Alessi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I can't connect to my BigBlueButton instance from firefox-esr.  More
> > precisely, I only get a solid dark blue screen right after I join my
> > own room.
> > 
> > As I got the exact same results with Ididium, I first suspected this
> > might be related to pledge/unveil.  So I followed the intructions
> > provided in pkg-readmes/firefox-esr to disable temporarily pledge and
> > unveil support.  As this attempt was unsuccessful, I immediately
> > reverted to the default settings.
> > 
> > I also tried to disable the firewall.
> > 
> > Audio and video recording are enabled and otherwise work perfectly,
> > but I suspect the problem lies elsewhere for Jitsi works fine, as does
> > Matrix form  I was even able to use Zoom without
> > having to enable WASM!  But I need to use BBB for my work.  From the
> > 6.9 Changelog, I believe BBB should work out of the box but I can't
> > figure out what's causing the problem on my system.  Unless others
> > experience the same issue?[1]
> I'm not a Big Blue Button user but visiting the URL below with
> Chromium and WebAssembly disabled does show some WebAssembly-related
> error messages on the developer console (press F12 to access that
> console). So probably it's related to WebAssembly after all.

Well spotted, thank you.  I had no idea that BBB might be using WASM.
Besides, I just tried with Iridium *and ENABLE_WASM=1* and here follows
what I get:

Uncaught ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined
at e 
at g 
at d.n [as require] 
at d.i [as link] 
at e 
at g 
at d.n [as require] 
at d.i [as link] 
at e 
at g 

Sad news.  Yet, based on the 6.9 Changelog, BBB must have worked then?

> > 
> > Any help would be much appreciated.
> > 
> > -- Robert
> > 
> > 
> > Footnote:
> > [1]  FI, BBB can be tested here:
> > 

Re: BigBlueButton - blank screen

2022-12-23 Thread Robert Alessi
On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 04:44:54PM +0100, Robert Alessi wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 03:37:04PM +0100, Caspar Schutijser wrote:


> > I'm not a Big Blue Button user but visiting the URL below with
> > Chromium and WebAssembly disabled does show some WebAssembly-related
> > error messages on the developer console (press F12 to access that
> > console). So probably it's related to WebAssembly after all.
> Well spotted, thank you.  I had no idea that BBB might be using WASM.
> Besides, I just tried with Iridium *and ENABLE_WASM=1* and here follows
> what I get:
> Uncaught ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined


So it's a fact: both Jitsi and BBB use WASM as can be seen from this:  (Read the
whole thread as it is most informative.)

Yet I can't figure out why `ENABLE_WASM=1 iridium` doesn't work with

Does anyone have a clue?

> Sad news.  Yet, based on the 6.9 Changelog, BBB must have worked then?

(Replying to myself:)  Maybe not so sad after all, one of those days
when I feel more intelligent.

As it is about working with colleagues, I'm still interested in a
solution to make BBB work.

If I find anything I'll report it here.


-- R.


> > > 
> > > Footnote:
> > > [1]  FI, BBB can be tested here:
> > > 

Re: BigBlueButton - blank screen

2022-12-23 Thread Robert Alessi
On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 09:07:38PM +0100, Caspar Schutijser wrote:


> > So it's a fact: both Jitsi and BBB use WASM as can be seen from this:
> >  (Read the
> > whole thread as it is most informative.)
> > 
> > Yet I can't figure out why `ENABLE_WASM=1 iridium` doesn't work with
> > BBB.
> > 
> > Does anyone have a clue?
> I compared www/chromium/files/chrome and www/iridium/files/iridium and
> I noticed that the ENABLE_WASM stuff is missing from the latter.
> Robert, is that on purpose? If not, here is a diff to fix that. OK?
> Caspar

OK, and very well spotted again, thank you!  I ran it to perfection.
However, I wonder if WASM was not disabled in Iridium on purpose.
I'll look into it.

With WASM applied, I also noticed the same glitch as with qutebrowser:
I can now join my room and activate the mic, which is good.  However,
as regards the webcam, the browser can see it but can't activate it
and asks me to make sure that another application is not already using
it.  You can try, this happens with Jitsi[1] and BBB,[2] whereas Firefox
gives a blank screen with BBB, but can activate both the mic and the
webcam with Jitsi...  Pretty confusing, isn't it?

Thanks again, I am making progress.

[patch follows]

-- Robert



iridium/chromium webcam access

2022-12-24 Thread Robert Alessi

It being understood that web services such as jitsi and bigbluebutton
require WASM to be enabled,[1] I am experiencing issues with access to
the webcam by iridium or chromium.

For the record, I used the BBB testing instance,[2] and Webcam

I followed the intructions given in the FAQ,[4] including those found
at the bottom of the page, and modified /etc/ididium/unveil.main and
/etc/iridium/unveil.utility_video as follows:

--- unveil.main.origMon Nov 21 16:54:24 2022
+++ unveil.main Sat Dec 24 13:50:22 2022
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # needed for video(4)
 /dev/video rw
+/dev/video0 rw
 # needed for FIDO authentication
 /dev/fido rw

--- unveil.utility_video.orig   Mon Nov 21 16:54:24 2022
+++ unveil.utility_videoSat Dec 24 13:55:42 2022
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
 # needed for video(4)
 /dev/video rw
+/dev/video0 rw

Even so, iridium fails to access the webcam.  BBB says that the device
may be used by another application and /var/log/messages reads as

Dec 24 13:59:03  /bsd: uvideo0 at uhub0 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 " 4K 
Document Camera" rev 2.00/1.33 addr 2
Dec 24 13:59:03  /bsd: video0 at uvideo0
Dec 24 13:59:03  /bsd: uaudio0 at uhub0 port 2 configuration 1 interface 3 " 4K 
Document Camera" rev 2.00/1.33 addr 2
Dec 24 13:59:03  /bsd: uaudio0: class v1, high-speed, sync, channels: 0 play, 2 
rec, 2 ctls
Dec 24 13:59:03  /bsd: audio1 at uaudio0
Dec 24 13:59:22  /bsd: uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

The last message is repeated each time I attempt to share the webcam.

I think it is worth mentioning that this happens even if unveil.main
and unveil.utility_video are left untouched.

This does not happen with firefox. (It can't be tested with BBB as
it is unable to enter the testing room, but can be tested with
webcamtests[3] or jitsi.[5])

Any help would be much appreciated.

-- Robert

[1]  See and
 the link to openbsd-ports





Re: iridium/chromium webcam access

2022-12-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 11:28:19PM +0100, Stefan Hagen wrote:
> Try to start chrome with:
> --enable-features=RunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcess

Thank you for this information, I was unaware of this parameter.

I just tried it, unfortunately without success.  Here follows what I
did for the record:
- set both and to 1
- have the rights to /dev/video0 properly set in /etc/fbtab
- added '/dev/video0 rw' in /etc/chromium/unveil.main and
  /etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video as advised in the FAQ
- used this command line to launch chromium:
  chrome --incognito --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome 

But chromium still can't access the webcam and /var/log/messages still

uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

as soon as I tick the "allow chromium to use your webcam" box.

I used to do the test.  Iridium/Chromium both
fail while firefox-esr succeeds.

-- Robert

Re: iridium/chromium webcam access

2022-12-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 12:03:46PM +0300, Maksim Rodin wrote:
> Could you once again test your webcam on ?
> I use Chromium for Microsoft Teams video and audio calls.
> IIRC, the only thing I had to do, was `doas chown myuser /dev/video0`
> Are you sure that after setting up /etc/fbtab you (and not root) are the 
> owner of your /dev/video0 device?

I just did once again like so:

ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome --incognito --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome

with of course:

/dev/video0 rw

added in both /etc/chromium/unveil.main and

and ls -lh /dev/video* gives me this:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 rootwheel  6 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video -> video0
crw---  1 robert  robert   44,   0 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video0
crw---  1 rootwheel44,   1 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video1

where robert is my username.

Nevertheless, access to the camera is still denied and the console
returns the same message over and over:

uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

Needless to mention that firefox-esr works.

I must say that the fact it works on your side gives me hope, thank
you!  I must keep looking into this.

большое спасибо,

-- R.

Re: iridium/chromium webcam access

2022-12-26 Thread Robert Alessi
I forgot to copy the error message returned by

A hardware error has occurred
Although you granted permission to use the appropriate devices, there was a 
hardware error at the operating system, browser, or web page level that 
prevented access to the device.

Try unplugging the device from the computer and plugging it back in.

Not much to learn from this...

On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 11:49:24AM +0100, Robert Alessi wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 12:03:46PM +0300, Maksim Rodin wrote:
> > Could you once again test your webcam on ?
> > I use Chromium for Microsoft Teams video and audio calls.
> > IIRC, the only thing I had to do, was `doas chown myuser /dev/video0`
> > Are you sure that after setting up /etc/fbtab you (and not root) are the 
> > owner of your /dev/video0 device?
> I just did once again like so:
> ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome --incognito --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome
> with of course:
> /dev/video0 rw
> added in both /etc/chromium/unveil.main and
> /etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video
> and ls -lh /dev/video* gives me this:
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 rootwheel  6 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video -> video0
> crw---  1 robert  robert   44,   0 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video0
> crw---  1 rootwheel44,   1 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video1
> where robert is my username.
> Nevertheless, access to the camera is still denied and the console
> returns the same message over and over:
> uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED
> Needless to mention that firefox-esr works.
> I must say that the fact it works on your side gives me hope, thank
> you!  I must keep looking into this.
> -- R.

Re: iridium/chromium webcam access

2022-12-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 03:07:29PM +0300, Maksim Rodin wrote:
> What if you just run chromium without all this and try webcammictest?
> >ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome --incognito --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome
> > /dev/video0 rw
> > added in both /etc/chromium/unveil.main and
> > /etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video
> At least webcammictest works for me without any magic or config editing.

Sadly it still doesn't work on my side with just 'chrome' or
'ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome' on the command line.

> > /dev/video0 rw
> > added in both /etc/chromium/unveil.main and
> > /etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video
> I think you do not need it in /etc/chromium/unveil.main and
> /etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video: there is already "/dev/video rw" in there 
> and that should be enough
> because /dev/video is a soft link to /dev/video0

I agree.  The only reason why I did this is because this line is found
in /etc/firefox-esr/unveil.main.

> I found the following in my shell history when I last tried (with success!) to
> run jitsi test call:
> I repeated this command right now and could successfully connect to
> jitsi test meeting. It showed my ugly face from my webcam and told me that my 
> mic seems
> to work fine ;-)

I am grateful for your help.

I am beginning to think that this issue may not be related to iridium
or chromium because other browsers on my system fail to access the
webcam, such as qutebrowser or otter-browser, while firefox always

There must be a common link between those browsers.  Could this come
from some package that would be required?  But which one?

Re: iridium/chromium webcam access

2022-12-26 Thread Robert Alessi
On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 12:59:05AM +1100, Alexis wrote:
> > I am beginning to think that this issue may not be related to iridium
> > or chromium because other browsers on my system fail to access the
> > webcam, such as qutebrowser or otter-browser, while firefox always
> > succeeds.
> > 
> > There must be a common link between those browsers.
> Blink/QtWebEngine?

The latter was installed.  I added the former but with no success...


/bsd: uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

2022-12-27 Thread Robert Alessi

This is a follow-up of

My camera device is listed as follows:

$ video -q -f /dev/video0
video device /dev/video0:
  encodings: yuy2
  frame sizes (width x height, in pixels) and rates (in frames per second):
640x360: 30, 15, 10
640x480: 30, 15, 10
960x540: 15, 10
1024x768: 10
1280x720: 10
  controls: brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, gamma, sharpness,
  white_balance_temperature, backlight_compensation

When plugged in:

# tail -f /var/log/messages
Dec 27 16:40:19 localhost /bsd: uvideo0 at uhub0 port 2 configuration 1 
interface 0 " 4K Document Camera" rev 2.00/1.33 addr 2
Dec 27 16:40:19 localhost /bsd: video0 at uvideo0
Dec 27 16:40:19 localhost /bsd: uaudio0 at uhub0 port 2 configuration 1 
interface 3 " 4K Document Camera" rev 2.00/1.33 addr 2
Dec 27 16:40:19 localhost /bsd: uaudio0: class v1, high-speed, sync, channels: 
0 play, 2 rec, 2 ctls
Dec 27 16:40:19 localhost /bsd: audio1 at uaudio0

Even so, I can't access it from some browsers, such as iridium,
chromium, otter-browser or qutebrowser.  As soon as I allow sharing
the device, I get an error message saying that the device is
inaccessible and may be used by another application.  Here is what I
get in /var/log/messages:

# tail -f /var/log/messages 
Dec 27 16:59:10 localhost /bsd: uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

I would add that firefox-esr can access it.

I tried hard so far to understand what this message could mean. Could
anynone give me some pointer?

I would be very grateful.

-- Robert

Re: /bsd: uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

2022-12-27 Thread Robert Alessi
On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 06:30:10PM +0100, Bodie wrote:


> What does it say in usbdevs(8) output? (with multiple -v)

I have this:

$ usbdevs -vvv
Controller /dev/usb0:
addr 06: 2e5a:0b1d , 4K Document Camera
high speed, power 500 mA, config 1, rev 1.33, iSerial 01.00.00
driver: uvideo0
driver: uaudio0

> I suppose over video(1) it works correctly, right?

Yes, video(1) works perfectly, and so does ffplay to take just this one.


> > I tried hard so far to understand what this message could mean. Could
>  anynone give me some pointer?
> If you take a look in /usr/src/sys/dev/usb on files uvideo.{c,h} you
> will find aroudn the line 1628 your error:
> error = usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &req, probe_data);
> if (error) {
>   printf("%s: could not SET probe request: %s\n",
>   DEVNAME(sc), usbd_errstr(error));
>   return (USBD_INVAL);
> }
> in uvideo.h is defined table 4.47 for Video probe and commit controls

Thank you so much!  I feel embarrassed for not having thought of doing
this.  Yet I still can't figure out why this error is triggered by
iridium, chromium and the like and not by firefox.  I will look into
this thoroughly.

> You may take a look at Linux issues for some ideas too

Interesting.  This shows at least that the webcam may work with one
application and not with another.

> But maybe your camera is not exactly UVC standard 

You will find the model that I own here:

According to the specs, it is UVC-compliant and claimed to be "driver
free"...  But one never knows.  Before moving to OpenBSD I have used
it under linux without problem, but I have only ever used it with
firefox.  So I still have to test it with chromium under linux.

> or maybe it needs firmware which is not available for you under
> OpenBSD?

I tried to install uvideo-firmware-1.2p3.tgz with no success.  This
however comes as no surprise.

I would be *very interested* in any advice about a fully supported
high quality webcam under OpenBSD.  It should work with any major

Thank you so much again!

-- R.

Re: /bsd: uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

2022-12-27 Thread Robert Alessi
On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 07:14:46PM +0100, Bodie wrote:


> You may find this interesting:
> Video Probe and Commit Controls
> The streaming parameters selection process is based on a shared negotiation 
> model between the
> host and the video streaming interface, taking into account the following 
> features:
> -  shared nature of the USB
> -  interdependency of streaming parameters
> -  payload independence
> -  modification of streaming parameters during streaming
> This negotiation model is supported by the Video Probe and Commit controls. 
> The Probe control
> allows retrieval and negotiation of streaming parameters. When an acceptable 
> combination of
> streaming parameters has been obtained, the Commit control is used to 
> configure the hardware
> with the negotiated parameters from the Probe control.
> Based on issues reported in Linux with various camera often pointing
> to too big bandwith and fixing the problem with setting up
> different stream size you may try to play with settings over
> video(1) to set different formats for your stream as Chrome-based
> browsers are probably trying to set camera differently then FF
> (but is just my guess really based on info so far plus those
> specs documents describing STALL protocol as well)

Thank you again, quite relevant!  So I will try to play with different
settings to see what happens.  Hopefully, I will succeed.  In any case
I will report here the results.

I am truly grateful for your time.

-- Robert

Re: /bsd: uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

2023-01-07 Thread Robert Alessi
On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 09:25:00PM +0100, Bodie wrote:
> This one may help a little too

I would like to express again my grateful thanks for the help
provided.  I had the opportunity to test another webcam and Iridium
could use it without any problems.  So this issue could presumably be
hardware-related in the end.

What can be said is the webcam that Iridium couldn't access to is able
to go to a resolution up to 3840x2880 which I never could use with
video(1) without getting an mmap error message.  However, it can be
accessed in raw mode with e.g. fswebcam, so I can use my device as an
overhead scanner for books, which is fine.

For information, my limits are as follows:
$ ulimit -a
file(blocks) unlimited
coredump(blocks) 0
data(kbytes) 1572864
memory(kbytes)   16182924
nofiles(descriptors) 512

Could it be that Iridium unsuccessfully tried to probe the device via
mmap up to this resolution?

Anyway, the good news is that using another device now gives excellent

Thank you!

-- Robert

Re: 7.2 Slow pkg upgrade

2023-01-31 Thread Robert Alessi
I'm unsure why, but I've had timeouts waiting for pkg_add -u to
complete.  Maybe you should try using pkgupdate, here:

I run it manually while watching what is installed on another terminal
with 'tail -f /var/log/messages'.

The overall process is very fast.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 12:28:56PM +, Ioan Samarul wrote:
> Hello to you all!
> I upgraded some time ago to 7.2 and first I was amazed of the upgrade
> speed of packages. But this only lasted for the initial upgrade, after
> that is the same slow process that was before. There are some
> tweaks/option to specify to pkg_add? I am using doas pkg_add -uV for
> upgrading.
> Thank you all!

Re: Reference/Citation Manager -- Zotero or JabRef? (+ compilation of Zotero?)

2023-04-04 Thread Robert Alessi
On Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 01:20:57AM +, Stephan, Corey J wrote:
> Fellow OpenBSD Users,
> What are academics and others who require citation management using in 
> OpenBSD nowadays?

I use ‘ebib’ with emacs.[1]  ebib is excellent for managing bibtex
databases and inserting citations in LaTeX, org-mode or Markdown
source files.  Then, any of these files can be converted into .odt
document files.

> The two main open source citation management applications are Zotero 
> ( and JabRef ( A decade ago, Zotero could be run 
> as a Firefox extension, and JabRef could be run with Java as a simple 
> .jar, but both only have been available as larger stand-alone 
> applications for several years.
> In FreeBSD Ports, thanks to a push there for porting end-user utilities 
> for academic and office work over the past 2-3 years, there is both 
> science/zotero (native Zotero build with patches) and print/jabref 
> (Linuxulator JabRef build based on the official portable GNU/Linux 
> binary). In OpenBSD Ports, as of this moment, there actually is not any 
> citation management tool available.
> I have tried several approaches to getting Zotero or JabRef running, 
> including (to see what might be doable) a few that are non-viable for 
> actual work (since they would not sync with LibreOffice, etc.):
> - Running old Zotero extension (rather than current stand-alone) in 
> Seamonkey --> incompatible (always only for Firefox)
> - Running 6-8 old versions of JabRef (spanning 3.X, 4.X, & 5.X) in all 3 
> versions of jdk currently in ports --> all non-executable because of no 
> access to OpenFX/JavaFX
> - (More seriously) compiling current Zotero --> halfway there? (see next)
> Here are the official directions to compile Zotero:
> A friend in irc helped find that `npm run build` works correctly in 
> OpenBSD 7.2+ if we first set `export NODE_OPTIONS=openssl-legacy-provider`
> Yet, the subsequent build steps fail for me, regardless of whether `-p 
> l` (Linux) is chosen inside the  official /zotero-standalone-build 
> repository or `-p f` (FreeBSD) is chosen from Mikael Urankar's fork with 
> clearly labeled patches for FreeBSD:
> See also (GitHub) MikaelUrankar/zotero-pdftools for Urankar's patches to 
> Poppler PDF Tools for FreeBSD to go along with /zotero-standalone-build, 
> as well as MikaelUrankar/zotero-ports for his science/zotero FreeBSD 
> Port Makefile.
> The error messages in the second half of the Zotero build steps on 
> OpenBSD are many, but the core of what seems to me to be happening is 
> that (even in the expected Bash) OpenBSD is not manipulating the old 
> Firefox (runtime) upon which Zotero (stand-alone) is built in the way(s) 
> that Zotero requires. Presumably, part of the solution will be pointing 
> the script to old Firefox (xul runner) *for OpenBSD* (it currently 
> relies on firefox-60.9.0esr.tar.*).

Someone here will correct me if I am wrong, but I think that at some
point Zotero needs xul to be compiled, which has been dropped from
OpenBSD.  This is why I didn't even try to compile it.

> -
> Bounty or simple "thank you"? There will be lunch on me at BSDCan in 
> exchange for the generosity of whichever person can help those of us who 
> rely on Zotero or JabRef by pointing us to a way to run either (or 
> both?) inside OpenBSD.
> Gratias ago vobis, et oro Deum vos benedicare,
> Corey
> -

Well, that said, I found a way to run Zotero from a Devuan VM with
vmd(8).  Once Devuan is installed, running Zotero is as simple as

ssh -Y zotero

The overall process to achieve that is described here:
.  (I preferred Devuan.)

Then, from within the VM, you can connect back to the host with sshfs
so that Zotero can see your files on the host.

With this simple method, you can go as far as to run Zotero +
LibreOffice from the VM.  I tried, and it works suprisingly well, but
in my opinion there is little point in doing this:  you might as well
use Devuan instead of OpenBSD.

Personally, I needed Zotero as it is excellent for converting
bibliographic databases into TEI xml format.

> Corey Stephan, Ph.D.


"native TeX Live" installation on OpenBSD

2024-06-22 Thread Robert Alessi

I would like to share that since the release of TeX Live 2024, anyone
interested can find the binaries for a "native" installation of TeX
Live on OpenBSD here:

To make things clear, there are theoretically two ways of using TeX
Live on any system, including OpenBSD:

1. From ports, which is fine and works very well.
2. By installing the "native" TeX Live over the internet, which
   facilitates the installation of new packages and the updating of
   existing ones.

The page given above provides an easy way to build one's own custom
binaries to be used for the installation of TeX Live 2024 over the

Alternatively, ready-to-use binaries are also provided, and will
remain maintained, for both -stable and -current versions of OpenBSD.
Those can be easily updated over the course of the year when OpenBSD
itself is updated.

In addition to the standard binaries supported by TeX Live, the
following is provided:

- xindy
- LuaMetaTeX (ConTeXt)
- asymptote
- biber

I hope that anyone interested in the idea of constantly updating TeX
Live over the year with the "tlmgr" standard utility will enjoy this
little project.

All best,

-- Robert

Re: Fwd: "native TeX Live" installation on OpenBSD

2024-06-30 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 07:21:33PM +, Roderick wrote:
> What would be interesting, is to have a package with the commands and
> a minimal texmf-dist., with a working tlmgr. Then I would not need to
> compile when upgrading.

On the difference between TeX provided by operating systems and
"native" TeX Live, please read this page:

To my knowledge, the only flavor of Linux that provides an operative
tlmgr is VoidLinux.

The way to have an operative tlmgr on OpenBSD is to install a native
TeX Live over the internet with custom binaries as described here:

This is what I provide.  That said, in most of the cases, installing
texlive from ports is perfectly fine in my opinion, unless installing
new packages or updating existing ones throughout the year is needed
for some reason.

In my particular case, I can't do without this because I write
packages that often use the latest LaTeX kernel features.  As I have
ventured to compile OpenBSD binaries for my own use, I thought it
might be a good idea to make them available for others.

> After I compile, I get tlmgr, but it does not work, something with
> paths. I do not care of it, because I only need tex, mf and other
> commands. I built my texmf more
> or less by hand and that is done once.
> texlive-bomb as package is unwanted, because takes time when upgrading
> the system and applying pkg_add -u, and when installing packages that
> has texlive as
> dependence.
> Rod.
> Am Sa., 29. Juni 2024 um 23:44 Uhr schrieb Karsten Pedersen 
> :
> >
> > > I am really not interested of constantly updating TeX Live over the year,
> > > not at all. I have my texmf directory than rarely change, after updating
> > > OpenBSD I recompile the commands.
> >
> > I don't particularly care about updating it constantly either, but I do want
> > to isolate it from the rest of my system so it doesn't clutter it up with a
> > load of random stuff. For that I use a personal project called pkg_bundle
> > [1].
> >
> > It creates standalone and "relocatable" package installs of many large bits
> > of OpenBSD software.
> >
> > $ pkg_bundle texlive_texmf-full
> > # cp -R texlive_texmf-full /opt/texlive
> > $ /opt/texlive/bin/pdflatex path/to/file.tex
> >
> > There is a lot to LaTeX so likely there is a lot missing. I tend to only 
> > need
> > to expose pdflatex for much of my uses.
> >
> > [1]
> >

Re: python-tkinter in 7.6

2024-10-13 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 04:39:05PM +0200, wrote:
> Have you tried to do `pkg_add -U python-tkinter` ?

I just did and it worked, thank you.  However, here's what happened:

# pkg_add -U python-tkinter
quirks-7.50 signed on 2024-10-12T15:08:24Z
python-tkinter-3.11.10p0:python-3.11.10p1->3.11.10p0: ok
python-tkinter-3.11.10p0: ok
Read shared items: ok

In other words pkg_add -U managed to install python-tkinter by
downgrading python from *p1 to *p0.  As a result, the next time I try
to do pkg_add -u, I bump again into the same issue:

# pkg_add -u
quirks-7.50 signed on 2024-10-12T15:08:24Z
python-3.11.10p0->3.11.10p1 forward dependencies:
| Dependency of python-tkinter-3.11.10p0 on python-3.11.10p0 doesn't match
Merging python-tkinter-3.11.10p0->3.11.10p0 (ok)
 (pr[python-tkinter-3.11.10p0]python-3.11.10p0->3.11.10p1 forward dependencies:
| Dependency of python-tkinter-3.11.10p0 on python-3.11.10p0 doesn't match
Proceed with update anyway ? [y/N/a]

which I think could be solved by just upgrading python-tkinter to *p1.

python-tkinter in 7.6

2024-10-13 Thread Robert Alessi

Shouldn't python-tkinter-3.11.10p0.tgz be updated to p1 in 7.6?  To
date, it can't be installed.


-- Robert

Re: python-tkinter in 7.6

2024-10-13 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 11:02:29AM +0200, Kirill A. Korinsky wrote:
> I just suceffuly installed python-tkinter on 7.6/amd64:
> $ doas pkg_add -a python-tkinter
> python-tkinter-3.11.10p0: ok

p0?  Strange.  Thanks, I'll look into it.

Re: python-tkinter in 7.6

2024-10-14 Thread Robert Alessi
On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 09:53:32AM -, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> This looks like a build issue with -stable packages, which have copied the
> tars from release rather than building fresh when the PKGNAME was unchanged,
> so @depend lines were incorrect. (The tgz are different due to being re-
> signed but ungzip them and the tars are identical, and different than if
> you build yourself from 7.6-stable).
> > which I think could be solved by just upgrading python-tkinter to *p1.
> It's not really the correct fix but pragmatically it's the simplest one so
> I've done that, new -stable packages are likely to show up later today.

This explains it.  Thank you for your efforts!

unresponsive Wacom tablet CTL-472

2024-10-27 Thread Robert Alessi

I have a Wacom CTL-472 that used to work with openbsd 7.3, but I can't
get it to work with 7.4.

Here follows the output of dmesg, xinput and wsconsctl.  The tablet is

After searching all morning, I humbly resign myself to asking for
help which I would greatly appreciate.

-- Robert

uhidev0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Wacom Co.,Ltd. CTL-472" 
rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
uhidev0: iclass 3/1, 192 report ids
ums0 at uhidev0 reportid 1: 5 buttons
wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
uwacom0 at uhidev0 reportid 2: 0 buttons
wsmouse3 at uwacom0 mux 0
uhid0 at uhidev0 reportid 3: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid1 at uhidev0 reportid 4: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid2 at uhidev0 reportid 5: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid3 at uhidev0 reportid 16: input=0, output=0, feature=2
uhid4 at uhidev0 reportid 17: input=0, output=0, feature=16
uhid5 at uhidev0 reportid 19: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid6 at uhidev0 reportid 20: input=0, output=0, feature=13
uhid7 at uhidev0 reportid 21: input=0, output=0, feature=14
uhid8 at uhidev0 reportid 33: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid9 at uhidev0 reportid 34: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid10 at uhidev0 reportid 35: input=0, output=0, feature=14
uhid11 at uhidev0 reportid 36: input=0, output=0, feature=31
uhid12 at uhidev0 reportid 37: input=0, output=0, feature=4
uhid13 at uhidev0 reportid 48: input=0, output=0, feature=2
uhid14 at uhidev0 reportid 49: input=0, output=0, feature=255
uhid15 at uhidev0 reportid 50: input=0, output=0, feature=255
uwacom1 at uhidev0 reportid 192: 0 buttons
wsmouse4 at uwacom1 mux 0
uhidev1 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1 "Wacom Co.,Ltd. CTL-472" 
rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
uhidev1: iclass 3/0, 3 report ids
uhid16 at uhidev1 reportid 2: input=63, output=0, feature=0
uhid17 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=63, output=0, feature=0

⎡ Virtual core pointer  id=2[master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointerid=4[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ /dev/wsmouse0 id=7[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ /dev/wsmouse3 id=8[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ /dev/wsmouse4 id=9[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ /dev/wsmouse  id=10   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3[master keyboard (2)]
↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard   id=5[slave  keyboard (3)]
↳ /dev/wskbdid=6[slave  keyboard (3)]


Re: unresponsive Wacom tablet CTL-472

2024-10-27 Thread Robert Alessi
On Sun, Oct 27, 2024 at 12:29:19PM +0100, Robert Alessi wrote:
> but I can't
> get it to work with 7.4.

Sorry, I meant 7.6.  (Same with -current.)

-- R