On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 12:03:46PM +0300, Maksim Rodin wrote:
> Could you once again test your webcam on https://webcammictest.com/ ?
> I use Chromium for Microsoft Teams video and audio calls.
> IIRC, the only thing I had to do, was `doas chown myuser /dev/video0`
> Are you sure that after setting up /etc/fbtab you (and not root) are the 
> owner of your /dev/video0 device?

I just did once again like so:

ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome --incognito --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome

with of course:

/dev/video0 rw

added in both /etc/chromium/unveil.main and

and ls -lh /dev/video* gives me this:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root    wheel          6 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video -> video0
crw-------  1 robert  robert   44,   0 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video0
crw-------  1 root    wheel    44,   1 Nov 20 17:24 /dev/video1

where robert is my username.

Nevertheless, access to the camera is still denied and the console
returns the same message over and over:

uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

Needless to mention that firefox-esr works.

I must say that the fact it works on your side gives me hope, thank
you!  I must keep looking into this.

большое спасибо,

-- R.

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