On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 11:28:19PM +0100, Stefan Hagen wrote:
> Try to start chrome with:
> --enable-features=RunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcess

Thank you for this information, I was unaware of this parameter.

I just tried it, unfortunately without success.  Here follows what I
did for the record:
- set both kern.audio.record and kern.video.record to 1
- have the rights to /dev/video0 properly set in /etc/fbtab
- added '/dev/video0 rw' in /etc/chromium/unveil.main and
  /etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video as advised in the FAQ
- used this command line to launch chromium:
  chrome --incognito --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome 

But chromium still can't access the webcam and /var/log/messages still

uvideo0: could not SET probe request: STALLED

as soon as I tick the "allow chromium to use your webcam" box.

I used https://webcamtests.com to do the test.  Iridium/Chromium both
fail while firefox-esr succeeds.

-- Robert

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