On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 04:44:54PM +0100, Robert Alessi wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 03:37:04PM +0100, Caspar Schutijser wrote:


> > I'm not a Big Blue Button user but visiting the URL below with
> > Chromium and WebAssembly disabled does show some WebAssembly-related
> > error messages on the developer console (press F12 to access that
> > console). So probably it's related to WebAssembly after all.
> Well spotted, thank you.  I had no idea that BBB might be using WASM.
> Besides, I just tried with Iridium *and ENABLE_WASM=1* and here follows
> what I get:
> Uncaught ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined


So it's a fact: both Jitsi and BBB use WASM as can be seen from this:
https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=165435142107165&w=2  (Read the
whole thread as it is most informative.)

Yet I can't figure out why `ENABLE_WASM=1 iridium` doesn't work with

Does anyone have a clue?

> Sad news.  Yet, based on the 6.9 Changelog, BBB must have worked then?

(Replying to myself:)  Maybe not so sad after all, one of those days
when I feel more intelligent.

As it is about working with colleagues, I'm still interested in a
solution to make BBB work.

If I find anything I'll report it here.


-- R.


> > > 
> > > Footnote:
> > > [1]  FI, BBB can be tested here: https://test.bigbluebutton.org
> > > 

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