On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 07:14:46PM +0100, Bodie wrote:


> You may find this interesting:
> https://www.usb.org/documents?search=video&category%5B%5D=49&type%5B%5D=55&items_per_page=50
> Video Probe and Commit Controls
> The streaming parameters selection process is based on a shared negotiation 
> model between the
> host and the video streaming interface, taking into account the following 
> features:
> -  shared nature of the USB
> -  interdependency of streaming parameters
> -  payload independence
> -  modification of streaming parameters during streaming
> This negotiation model is supported by the Video Probe and Commit controls. 
> The Probe control
> allows retrieval and negotiation of streaming parameters. When an acceptable 
> combination of
> streaming parameters has been obtained, the Commit control is used to 
> configure the hardware
> with the negotiated parameters from the Probe control.
> Based on issues reported in Linux with various camera often pointing
> to too big bandwith and fixing the problem with setting up
> different stream size you may try to play with settings over
> video(1) to set different formats for your stream as Chrome-based
> browsers are probably trying to set camera differently then FF
> (but is just my guess really based on info so far plus those
> specs documents describing STALL protocol as well)

Thank you again, quite relevant!  So I will try to play with different
settings to see what happens.  Hopefully, I will succeed.  In any case
I will report here the results.

I am truly grateful for your time.

-- Robert

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