softraid crypto root with serial console?

2014-11-05 Thread John Merriam
Hello.  I am trying to create a 'headless' setup using a softraid crypto 
root with serial console on OpenBSD 5.6-release amd64.

I have everything installed and working just fine, except I'm having a 
problem getting the 'headless' part going.

I followed the instructions in section 7.6 of the FAQ at   I edited /etc/ttys to 
enable the getty for tty00.  I added 'set tty com0' to /etc/boot.conf

It doesn't seem to work though.  The Passphrase: prompt is still output 
to pc0, not com0.

If I enter a bogus password at the Passphrase: prompt on pc0 to get to a 
boot> prompt, I can enter 'set tty com0' after which I get a Passphrase: 
prompt on com0 and everything works fine.

It seems like for some reason /etc/boot.conf is not being seen/used?  I 
would guess it might have something to do with the softraid crypto root 
setup but I don't know.

Is there a bit that needs flipping somewhere to get the serial console 
to work with crypto root?  Any info or pointers on this would be greatly 
appreciated.  Thanks.


John Merriam

Re: softraid crypto root with serial console?

2014-11-06 Thread John Merriam

On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Joel Sing wrote:

On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, TJ wrote:

On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 11:33:21PM -0500, Ted Unangst wrote:

If you look in sys/arch/amd64/stand/libsa/bioscons.c you'll see two
functions, pc_probe and com_probe, which set cn->cn_pri. You'll need
to swap MIDPRI and LOWPRI and rebuild, then rerun installboot.

Alternatively, you could make a small unencrypted "a" partition on the
disk with just an /etc/boot.conf file that contains the following:

set tty com0
boot sr0a:/bsd

Then do the crypto softraid install to another partition and it should
boot like you'd expect.


Thanks for that link, I searched and couldn't find anything.

For now this is what I would recommend...

Hmmm.  Looking at the code, I'm going to guess the answer is no, but is 
it expected that this issue of changing the console with crypto root is 
going to be addressed soon (like maybe in one of the next 3 or 4 

If it is expected that there will be a solution relatively soon I will 
change the code and recompile for now.  If not, I'll go with the small a 

Note that I am not expecting that it be fixed, just wondering if it is 
planned.  It is a bit of a conundrum.  I like not having a /boot hanging 
out there like they do in other OSes, but how to change the boot 
parameters without access to a filesystem...



John Merriam

pkg_add update checker?

2014-11-21 Thread John Merriam
Hello.  I am trying to write a script to check for updates to the binary 
packages by checking the output of pkg_add then sending an e-mail if 
something is found.  My very simple script is this:


NEWPKGS=`pkg_add -Iusx | grep -v "^quirks\-"`

if [ "$NEWPKGS" != "" ]; then
  # send message to admin...

Does that seem like it should work?  Anyone know a better way to check 
for updates to packages automatically?  I tried reading the code of 
pkg_add to see if there was a better way but I wasn't able to find one. 
Didn't find anything through searching either.

This is one of those things I'd like to set up in a cron job to run 
once a day then forget about it until a message pops up in my Inbox so I'd 
like to get it right the first time.  Thanks!


John Merriam

Re: pkg_add update checker?

2014-11-21 Thread John Merriam
On Fri, 21 Nov 2014, Comète wrote:
> 21 novembre 2014 23:00 "John Merriam"  a écrit:
>> Hello. I am trying to write a script to check for updates to the binary
>> packages by checking the output of pkg_add then sending an e-mail if
>> something is found.  ...
> Maybe you're looking for this ? 
> Morgan

Hmmm.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm looking for something much simpler 
though (KISS principle has been good to me in the past).  My main question 
is is there something better than `pkg_add -Iusx | grep -v "^quirks\-"` to 
check for updates to packages?

openup looks to be doing something similar for the update checking 
portion by using pkg_info output then fed to pkg_add to check for updates. 
Not sure why it wouldn't just use pkg_add to check for the updates.  The 
code is also kinda odd to me.  Seems overly complicated and looks to be 
doing some things that I'm not so sure I would want to be doing on my 

Anyway, if there aren't any other tips or suggestions, I'll just go with 
what I have and adjust if I find issues down the road.  Thanks!


John Merriam

Re: pkg_add update checker?

2014-11-22 Thread John Merriam
On Sat, 22 Nov 2014, bodie wrote:

> On 22.11.2014 03:40, John Merriam wrote:
>> On Fri, 21 Nov 2014, Comète wrote:
>>> 21 novembre 2014 23:00 "John Merriam"  a écrit:
>>>> Hello. I am trying to write a script to check for updates to the binary
>>>> packages by checking the output of pkg_add then sending an e-mail if
>>>> something is found.  ...
>>> Maybe you're looking for this ? 
>>> Morgan
>> Hmmm.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm looking for something much simpler
>> though (KISS principle has been good to me in the past).  My main question
>> is is there something better than `pkg_add -Iusx | grep -v "^quirks\-"` to
>> check for updates to packages?
> You did not mention what version of OpenBSD you are using. Is it -release,
> -stable or -current?

At the moment I am on 5.6-release

> For -release, -stable there are hardly any updates during 6 months period
> so checking it everyday is quite pointless. For -current you need to follow
> at least current.html and mirrors for new snapshots eg. and what's most 
> important
> you must keep system in sync so you will be doing update of packages in any
> case no matter how much of them updated.

Looking back at the past couple releases it looks like there haven't been 
any updates to the binary packages at all?

That seems kind of surprising to me.  I'm used to running Debian stable 
where there are lots of package updates.  Debian almost never updates 
anything in their stable releases unless there is a security issue, but 
still there are lots of updates.

> So for -release/-stable your script is of use (plus security.html of course),
> but doesn't need to be run everyday for sure. In organizations you will need
> to have some release/patching calendar anyway to make managers happy and they
> will not allow patching window quite often so something like once a month
> like Microsoft or quaterly will be more then enough.
> About packages most of the time mean that you need new OS too
> so you will have process for complete upgrade anyway in place and then your
> script may fill mailbox daily with a lot of info which soon no one will read
> because it's simply not only info created out of one machine by cron and all
> other stuff like log monitors and such.
>> openup looks to be doing something similar for the update checking
>> portion by using pkg_info output then fed to pkg_add to check for updates.
>> Not sure why it wouldn't just use pkg_add to check for the updates.  The
>> code is also kinda odd to me.  Seems overly complicated and looks to be
>> doing some things that I'm not so sure I would want to be doing on my
>> machines.
>> Anyway, if there aren't any other tips or suggestions, I'll just go with
>> what I have and adjust if I find issues down the road.  Thanks!

Please forgive my ignorance on this issue since the last time I used 
OpenBSD pkg_add didn't have all this update checking stuff.

I used binary packages because that's what the FAQ recommends.  Would I be 
better off using ports instead?  Are the ports updated more frequently?

I really like the stability of -release (or -stable I guess) but I don't 
want to lose out on security updates to the packages/ports...


John Merriam

Re: pkg_add update checker?

2014-11-23 Thread John Merriam
Thank you all for your replies.  It helped me to figure out what is 
going on.

I think for this project I will see how it goes with -stable and -stable 
ports.  For other projects I will definitely try -current.  Others I 
shouldn't need anything more than -release + patches.

On 11/22/2014 10:38 PM, Артур Истомин wrote:

p.s. It is bad recommendation in FAQ, because it always confuse
newcomers, when they come for security and find out that there is no
update for stable repo.

Being a newcomer (or newcomebacker?), I would agree with that.  I read a 
lot of the FAQ and other support pages before I even downloaded 
5.5-release to test it out.  I think what I must have done is read 
'15.4.6 - What should I use: packages or ports?' before I read the rest 
of FAQ 15.  By doing that I must have skimmed/skipped over 15.3 and 
missed the key section '15.3.10 - Security updates' which does describe 
the situation.

Anyway, thanks again!


John Merriam

Apache2 - intermittent ssl_error_rx_record_too_long

2014-12-04 Thread John Merriam
Hello.  I am experiencing a strange problem with Apache 2.2.27p4 on 
OpenBSD 5.6-stable amd64.

I am _intermittently_ getting this error:

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. 
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

in Firefox 31.3.0esr (both Linux and Windows clients) when accessing my 
server via HTTPS.  I am not seeing errors pop up in other browsers but I 
am seeing strange things in IE11 and Chromium where things seem to not 
always load over HTTPS.  The Qualsys SSL Server Test website also 
reports errors accessing my server sometimes when I have run tests 
against it using their tool.

What is very strange is that it is intermittent.  Things seem to work 
then click a link or reload a page and the error pops up.

I have done much searching and fiddled with various settings and have 
not been able to find a solution so far.  I do not think it is a network 
problem (unless it is a hardware vs driver issue for the NIC in the 
server) since I have tested with pf disabled on the server with a client 
on the same ethernet segment and the problem is still there.

I am also pretty confident in the Apache configuration.  It was mostly 
transferred from a tried and true Apache 2.0.65 config.  Not by just 
dumping the old config in place, but by using what was installed by the 
apache-httpd package as a base then carefully merging in my changes. 
Nothing is showing up in the Apache error_logs.

I was also able to test with two different certificates.  My old 
certificate was up for renewal and it was also SHA1.  So I renewed my 
certificate at the CA today (and upped it to SHA256).  No change.  What 
is different about my certificate compared to what most other people are 
probably doing is that my certificate is a wildcard certificate (valid 
for * and  I have never had a problem with 
these wildcard certificates in the past.  But I don't think I've ever 
tried to use them with Apache beyond 2.0.X though...

Anyway, I'm prepared to dive deeper but the attack surface is huge.  So 
many possible places where this problem could be residing.  Has anyone 
here ever run in to this before?  Anyone have any 
suggestions/hints/hunches/etc. as to where to start looking?  Thanks!


John Merriam

Re: Apache2 - intermittent ssl_error_rx_record_too_long

2014-12-05 Thread John Merriam

On 12/4/2014 8:46 PM, John Merriam wrote:

Hello.  I am experiencing a strange problem with Apache 2.2.27p4 on
OpenBSD 5.6-stable amd64.

I am _intermittently_ getting this error:

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

in Firefox 31.3.0esr (both Linux and Windows clients) when accessing my
server via HTTPS.  I am not seeing errors pop up in other browsers but I
am seeing strange things in IE11 and Chromium where things seem to not
always load over HTTPS.  The Qualsys SSL Server Test website also
reports errors accessing my server sometimes when I have run tests
against it using their tool.

What is very strange is that it is intermittent.  Things seem to work
then click a link or reload a page and the error pops up.

I seem to have stopped the odd Apache behavior.  Still not sure why it 
was a problem though.

I was able to observe that Apache 2.2 was occasionally deciding it 
didn't want the use the appropriate protocol on the proper port.  I was 
able to get it to occasionally speak HTTP on port 443.  I was also able 
to occasionally get it to speak HTTPS on port 80.  I found that 
extremely strange.

At the start of this adventure I had the following pertinent 
configuration set:


Listen 80



Include /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Listen 443



At the end, it looked like the following:


Listen http
Listen http



Include /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Listen https
Listen https



I had to specify multiple Listen directives for each IP.  I would guess 
that specifying the protocol in the Listen directives might not be 
necessary to fix this, but at this point, I'll leave it...

The Apache docs don't seem to indicate that using Listen directives like 
that should have been necessary.  Very strange to me.  If I have the 
time, I'll see if I can figure out exactly what the issue was here.  I 
think I might have an idea of what was going on and it may not really be 
a bug in Apache but if it's not then the behavior should be documented 
by them somewhere.

Anyway, at this point, I don't think this has much to do with OpenBSD 
specifically.  So, sorry for the noise but I figured I should send the 
resolution that I found in case someone else runs in to this.


John Merriam

Re: simple way to block one word domains?

2014-12-09 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 9 Dec 2014, Ted Unangst wrote:

> Curious if anyone knows a simple way to prevent resolution of one word
> hostnames. Either via resolv.conf or unbound.conf.
> For example:
> athens:~> host android
> android has address
> android mail is handled by 10
> I do not like this.
> athens:~> host bobo
> Host bobo not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> This is much better.
> athens:~> host com
> This isn't great either.
> I realize this is how DNS works, but I also think it's something I
> should be able to "fix" at a local level. The fact that anything and
> everything can now be a TLD is pretty sneaky. If a DNS lookup has only
> a single part, I would like to restrict it to the search domain.

I'm by no means a DNS expert but I've been dealing with it for a long 
time.  The only thing I can think of to force one word hostnames to be 
resolved in the search domain exclusively would be to patch the resolver 

If you find an answer please do pass it along because I might be 
interested in putting that in place on a few machines.

Probably the best solution would be a patch to the resolver library that 
adds an option to resolv.conf(5) that allows it to easily be turned 

The only question is would this break things?  Maybe it would require a 
bypass list of TLDs in a file like /etc/resolv_tlds.conf?


John Merriam

Re: Hide VM data from customer

2014-12-09 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 9 Dec 2014, Nathan Wheeler wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We use OpenBSD currently on physical hardware and manage it in our
> customers location. We want the option to give out VMs to host on
> customer premises and we'll still manage the VM (but not the VM
> platform).
> The problem is not letting the customer access to our proprietary data
> as they could easily mount the virtual hard drive somewhere else. The
> obvious answer is disk encryption, but we can't require manual
> intervention to enter a passphrase or to provide a key.
> I'm sure I'll have to settle with obfuscation, which I'm OK with, but
> I'm curious if there is a good/best way to go about that.
> Is the only option to change things we need to hide into binaries?
> Compile the kernel with a key to decrypt?
> I've taken a look at how other vendors do it like Juniper. With their
> VM I can mount the boot partitions, but they only have boot
> information and the kernel. I can't mount the extended partitions,
> they don't even seem to be formatted with a filesystem. My guess is
> they compile the kernel with a key or something, but its just a guess.
> Thanks for any advice!
> Nate

You said that you are already letting your proprietary data out in the 
wild since you have machines on customer premises with this data in 
unencrypted form.  If it moves from a physical machine to a virtual one it 
is true that it makes it easier for someone to access it but not that much 

Anyway, the way I see it, the only way to keep someone from accessing your 
data is encryption.  Obfuscation alone will make it harder but not 

To avoid manual intervention when using encryption you need a way to get 
the key/passphrase to the machine/application.  If you were using 
application/file level encryption, you could compile the key in to a 
binary application that would then work with the data.  That is still 
obfucation to an extent because they could still decompile the binary and 
find your key.

Another option I just thought of is if you coded your application that 
accesses the data to download (over an encrypted connection of course...) 
the key from a server that you control at your location that the 
application would then use to decrypt the data.

If you wanted to use FDE without manual intervention you would need to 
modify the OS source to find the key somewhere (unallocated sectors at the 
end of the disk or between partitions?) that it could access before it 
tries to decrypt the partition.  Obfuscation again.  But pretty well 

Another thing you could do is have a separate partition that is not the 
boot partition (like /data) that is encrypted and have the boot scripts 
decrypt and mount the partition.  You would need to cary around the 
passphrase/key on the unencrypted boot partition though.  Obfuscaction 
again (but maybe you could combine this with downloading the key/pass 
from a server of yours?).

The only thing I mentioned that doesn't involve obfuscation or manual 
intervention is coding an/your application that will download the key from 
a server to decrypt the data that has been encrypted.  You would need to 
use something like HTTPS with username/password or SCP to transfer the 
key.  The server serving the key should have access to it restricted by 
IP.  Oh, but wait, they could still get the key if they decompile the 
program that downloads the key and do exactly what it does.  Hmmm, still 
obfuscation I guess.

Oh, and no matter what you do, they could always dump the RAM from your VM 
instance and get your data from there after it's been decrypted.

So, yeah, no really good answer that I know of.  I'm not an expert in 
areas such as this, but this is the way I see it.  Your best bet is 
probably encryption combined with some good obfuscation as to what the key 
is/where to get it.  Not moving your data to a VM would make some of these 
attacks harder but not impossible for a determined attacker.


John Merriam

Re: simple way to block one word domains?

2014-12-18 Thread John Merriam

On 2014-12-09 11:33, John Merriam wrote:

On Tue, 9 Dec 2014, Ted Unangst wrote:

Curious if anyone knows a simple way to prevent resolution of one word
hostnames. Either via resolv.conf or unbound.conf.


I'm by no means a DNS expert but I've been dealing with it for a long
time.  The only thing I can think of to force one word hostnames to be
resolved in the search domain exclusively would be to patch the 



This TLD explosion bothers me too.  After thinking about it for a while 
I came up with a solution that works for me.  It does not involve 
patching the resolver library as I mentioned before.  It would be nice 
to patch the resolver library because it would guarantee that your 
systems wouldn't look up any of the crummy TLDs that you don't want them 
to regardless of what DNS servers they're using.  But I decided against 
doing that because I figured it would be a controversial issue and it 
probably wouldn't be accepted for inclusion in OpenBSD and carrying 
around local patches isn't fun.

So, I quickly hacked together a dirty little script I call tldblocker.  
It downloads the list of TLDs from IANA then removes the TLDs you want 
to allow then uses the trimmed TLD list that contains the TLDs you want 
to block to create a file that can be included in your DNS server config 
that points the blocked TLDs at an empty zone file.  This isn't exactly 
what you were looking for but I am sending it along in case you find it 

Here is the script:

# tldblocker v0.0.1
# Use this at your own risk...
# You should check what this thing is really doing at least 

$tldurl = "";;
$adminaddress = "admin\";

$allowedfile = "/usr/local/var/tldblocker/tldblocker.allowedtlds";
$tldfile = "/usr/local/var/tldblocker/tldblocker.alltlds";
$tempfile = "/tmp/tldblocker.alltlds.temp";

$md5cmd = "/bin/md5 -q";
$downloadcmd = "/usr/local/bin/wget -q -O " . $tempfile . " " . $tldurl;

$outfile = "/var/named/namedb/named.zones.tldblocker";
$emptyzonefile = "namedb/";
$namedrestartcmd = "/etc/rc.d/isc_named restart";

$smprog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";

if (!-s $allowedfile) {
  # I think we should allow at least some TLDs!
  die "I could not find the allowed TLDs file!\n";

system $downloadcmd;

# Did download command exit with status 0?
if ($? != 0) {
  # Download command failed, send message to admin...
  system "echo -e \"Subject: tldblocker failed to download TLD 
file!\\n\\ntldblocker failed to download the TLD file from the following 
URL:\\n\\n$tldurl\\n\\nGo take a look.\" | $smprog $adminaddress";

  exit 1;

# Do a basic sanity check on the downloaded file
open TLDFH, "<$tempfile";
@tldsin = ;
close TLDFH;
$quickcheck = join "", @tldsin;
if (($tldsin[0] !~ /^# Version /) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nCOM\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nNET\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nORG\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nEDU\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nGOV\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nMIL\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nINT\n/i) ||
($quickcheck !~ /\nARPA\n/i)) {
  # This doesn't look right, send message to admin
  system "echo -e \"Subject: tldblocker dowloaded TLD file failed sanity 
check!\\n\\nThe TLD file downloaded by tldblocker from the following 
URL:\\n\\n$tldurl\\n\\nfailed the basic sanity check. Go take a look.\" 
| $smprog $adminaddress";

  exit 1;
undef $quickcheck;

# See if we need to do anything
$oldtldmd5 = `$md5cmd $tldfile`;
$newtldmd5 = `$md5cmd $tempfile`;
$oldallowedmd5 = `cat $allowedfile.MD5`;
$newallowedmd5 = `$md5cmd $allowedfile`;
$updateneeded = 0;
$dontunlink = 0;
if ($oldtldmd5 ne $newtldmd5) {
  $updateneeded = 1;
  system "mv $tempfile $tldfile";
  $dontunlink = 1;
if ($oldallowedmd5 ne $newallowedmd5) {
  $updateneeded = 1;
  system "$md5cmd $allowedfile > $allowedfile.MD5";

# Update if necessary
if ($updateneeded == 1) {
  open ALLOWEDFH, "<$allowedfile";
  @allowed = ;
  close ALLOWEDFH;
  $i = 0;
  foreach $i (0..$#allowed) {
chomp $allowed[$i];
  @blocktlds = @tldsin;
  undef @tldsin;
  splice @blocktlds, 0, 1;
  $c = 0;
  $blocktldsend = $#blocktlds;
  while ($c <= $blocktldsend) {
chomp $blocktlds[$c];
if ($blocktlds[$c] =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9\-])+$/) {
  $i = 0;
  foreach $i (0..$#allowed) {
if ($blocktlds[$c] =~ /^$allowed[$i]$/i) {
  splice @blocktlds, $c, 1;
} else {
  # Probably a comment?
  splice @blocktlds, $c, 1;
  if (($#blocktlds >= 0) && ($blocktlds[0] ne &quo

Re: [probably solved] Re: Openbsd broke my hard drive twice! Getting frustrated

2014-12-23 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 23 Dec 2014, Henrique Lengler wrote:

> I figured that my BIOS have a old firmware from 2013. So I decided to update
> it.
> At least this my motherboard did good, I easily updated the firmware by
> plugging
> a USB with the new firmware.
> Then It rebooted and yes, it worked as it should. Booted normally with the HDD
> sata
> connected. I cannot get satisfied yet, I will install a OS and see if it will
> still
>  working.
> I'm in doubt about try openBSD again, I'm afraid everything could happen
> again.
> Also is there a explanation to this shitty behavior? My motherboard acted like
> having a
> short circuit, making everything stop working because a bad formatted HDD,
> this is a
> really unexpected behavior, which made me think the problem was openBSD.
> By now, thanks for helping.
> I expect don't need to post anything more here.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Henrique Lengler

I would guess that you hit a bug (or multiple bugs) in the BIOS.  Probably 
something related to UFEI.

I generally try to update the BIOS on my machines when I'm starting over 
from scratch with them.  When I recently changed my home server to OpenBSD 
I upgraded the motherboard BIOS before starting the process even though I 
was not experiencing any problems with the previous BIOS with Linux 
installed on the machine.

I don't have any UFEI machines except at work (thank goodness).  It 
doesn't surprise me that a UFEI BIOS would be buggy and produce behavior 
like that.


John Merriam

Re: Getting the right image, to install via USB

2014-12-23 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 23 Dec 2014, Henrique Lengler wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to install openbsd on my computer via a USB, since I don't
> have a unused CD.
> I'm in doubt about what image should I download and how can I record
> it to a USB using windows.
> Could someone please help me?
> -- 
> Henrique Lengler

As mentioned in section 4.3 of the OpenBSD FAQ, you would want the 
install56.fs file if you want to write it to a USB drive.  To write it to 
a USB drive in Windows you would need a program like dd to do it.

There is a Windows dd program here:

I have never used it before.  Based on a quick scan of that web page I 
would say you should be very careful what arguments you pass to that dd 
program at since it looks like it would be easy to wipe out 
the hard drive of the Windows machine you are using to prepare the USB 

There might or might not be a better alternative to the dd program at out there on the internet.


John Merriam

OpenBSD + OptiPlex 320 = frozen clock?

2015-01-02 Thread John Merriam
 0x10: apic 8 int 22, 
address 00:40:f4:6c:99:b2

rlphy0 at rl0 phy 0: RTL internal PHY
bce0 at pci2 dev 9 function 0 "Broadcom BCM4401B1" rev 0x02: apic 8 int 
21, address 00:1d:09:16:ca:2e

bmtphy0 at bce0 phy 1: BCM4401 10/100baseTX PHY, rev. 0
usb1 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb2 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb3 at ohci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb4 at ohci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub4 at usb4 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb5 at ohci4: USB revision 1.0
uhub5 at usb5 "ATI OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0/6 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
uhidev0 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech Optical 
USB Mouse" rev 2.00/3.40 addr 2

uhidev0: iclass 3/1
ums0 at uhidev0: 3 buttons, Z dir
wsmouse0 at ums0 mux 0
uhub6 at uhub1 port 2 "Dell Dell USB Keyboard Hub" rev 1.10/48.01 addr 3
uhidev1 at uhub6 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Dell Dell USB 
Keyboard Hub" rev 1.10/48.00 addr 4

uhidev1: iclass 3/1
ukbd0 at uhidev1: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
uhidev2 at uhub6 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1 "Dell Dell USB 
Keyboard Hub" rev 1.10/48.00 addr 4

uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 3 report ids
uhid0 at uhidev2 reportid 1: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid1 at uhidev2 reportid 2: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid2 at uhidev2 reportid 3: input=3, output=0, feature=0
vscsi0 at root
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on sd0a (387205e18729d3cc.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
drm: initializing kernel modesetting (RS400 0x1002:0x5A61 

radeondrm0: VRAM: 32M 0xCE00 - 0xCFFF (32M used)
radeondrm0: GTT: 512M 0xA000 - 0xBFFF
drm: PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0xCCD8B000).
error: [drm:pid0:r100_cp_init_microcode] *ERROR* radeon_cp: Failed to 
load firmware "radeon-r300_cp"

error: [drm:pid0:r100_cp_init] *ERROR* Failed to load firmware!
error: [drm:pid0:rs400_startup] *ERROR* failed initializing CP (-2).
error: [drm:pid0:rs400_init] *ERROR* Disabling GPU acceleration
drm: radeon: cp finalized
radeondrm0: 1280x1024
wsdisplay0 at radeondrm0 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation), using 

wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)


John Merriam

Re: OpenBSD + OptiPlex 320 = frozen clock?

2015-01-03 Thread John Merriam

On 1/2/2015 2:00 PM, Nathan Wheeler wrote:

Try changing the value for the sysctl variable
"kern.timecounter.hardware"? Its just a guess, but its helped me when
I had problems with the clock before.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 7:47 AM, John Merriam  wrote:

Hello.  I have a strange issue with OpenBSD on my Dell OptiPlex 320.  The
clock doesn't move:

# date; sleep 55; date
Thu Jan  1 02:25:47 EST 2015
Thu Jan  1 02:25:47 EST 2015

I see the same behavior with 5.6-release amd64 and -current amd64.  The
clock works fine in Windows and Linux on this machine.  I installed the
December 27th snapshot on it so I can mess around with it and try to get it
fixed.  Has anyone seen this before?  If not, any tips on what to try or
where I should start looking in the code to try to figure out what's going

Below is the dmesg:


Thanks.  I probably should have thought to look for a knob like that. 
The clock works fine with kern.timecounter.hardware set to either i8254 
or acpitimer0 but not when it is set to acpihpet0

The OptiPlex 320 was designed and produced not long after HPET started 
showing up in PCs.  I would guess the OptiPlex 320 has a buggy HPET. 
Since it isn't supported by Dell anymore, I doubt they would be 
interested in trying to fix it via a BIOS update if it would even be 
possible for them to fix it in the BIOS.

Is it worth messing around with to try to get HPET working on the 
OptiPlex 320 in OpenBSD or would it be written off as buggy hardware?  I 
guess that assumes it could work at all...

Here's another question that I have after reading up on this stuff.  Is 
it worth using the HPET or ACPI timers in OpenBSD for non desktop 
machines?  Obviously it depends on one's particular situation but from 
my reading it sounds like the most common reason to want better timers 
is multimedia which is usually not something to worry about on most servers.


John Merriam

Re: OpenBSD + OptiPlex 320 = frozen clock?

2015-01-05 Thread John Merriam
On Mon, 5 Jan 2015, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2015-01-03, John Merriam  wrote:
> >
> > Is it worth messing around with to try to get HPET working on the 
> > OptiPlex 320 in OpenBSD or would it be written off as buggy hardware?  I 
> > guess that assumes it could work at all...
> Probably write off as buggy. Some automated way to detect that it's buggy
> might be nice though...
> > Here's another question that I have after reading up on this stuff.  Is 
> > it worth using the HPET or ACPI timers in OpenBSD for non desktop 
> > machines?  Obviously it depends on one's particular situation but from 
> > my reading it sounds like the most common reason to want better timers 
> > is multimedia which is usually not something to worry about on most servers.
> Some programs call gettimeofday() a *lot*, and there's quite a difference in
> performance between the various clock sources.
> On my laptop, timing a loop of 5,000,000 gettimeofday() calls:
> acpihpet: 0m3.29s
> acpitimer: 0m10.49s
> i8254: 0m21.44s
> (I wonder how an ITSC-based timecounter would look...)

I guess I'll stick with the HPET or ACPI timers which is what I was 
leaning towards anyway (I figured they must be the default for a reason).  
I wasn't able to draw any conclusions about which timer might be "best" 
based on what I read.  Thanks!


John Merriam

Updating Ports Question

2015-01-05 Thread John Merriam
Hello.  I am running 5.6-stable amd64 and using the -stable ports.  I must 
be doing something wrong when I am updating ports.

I do:

cd /usr/ports
cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_5_6 -Pd

and I see:

Collecting installed packages: ok
Collecting port versions: ok
Collecting port signatures: ok
Outdated ports:

devel/quirks   # always-update -> quirks-2.9
lang/php/5.4,-main,ap2 # 5.4.35 -> 5.4.36
lang/php/5.4,-mcrypt   # 5.4.35 -> 5.4.36
lang/php/5.4,-pdo_mysql# 5.4.35 -> 5.4.36
lang/php/5.4,-pspell   # 5.4.35 -> 5.4.36
lang/php/5.4,-zip  # 5.4.35 -> 5.4.36
mail/roundcubemail # 
@php-5.4.35,@php-mcrypt-5.4.35,@php-pspell-5.4.35,@php-zip-5.4.35 -> 
www/pear,-utils# @php-5.4.35 -> @php-5.4.36

so I do:

cd lang/php/5.4
env FLAVOR="ap2" SUBPACKAGE="-main" make update
(I would guess I probably don't need the env variables since it seems to 
be smart enough to update only what I have installed already but whatever)

If I then do another /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/out-of-date I still see 

Collecting installed packages: ok
Collecting port versions: ok
Collecting port signatures: ok
Outdated ports:

devel/quirks   # always-update -> quirks-2.9
mail/roundcubemail # 
@php-5.4.35,@php-mcrypt-5.4.35,@php-pspell-5.4.35,@php-zip-5.4.35 -> 
www/pear,-utils# @php-5.4.35 -> @php-5.4.36

Why do roundcubemail and pear still show up there when php has been 
updated?  Trying to run a make update for either of them does nothing.

I must be doing something wrong or missing another step I should be doing 
but I'm not sure what it is.  I haven't found any answers through 

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

PS - devel/quirks is always there and I am assuming it should be?


John Merriam

Re: Updating Ports Question

2015-01-05 Thread John Merriam

On 1/5/2015 7:46 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2015-01-05, trondd  wrote:

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:00 PM, John Merriam  wrote:

If I then do another /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/out-of-date I still see

Collecting installed packages: ok
Collecting port versions: ok
Collecting port signatures: ok
Outdated ports:

devel/quirks   # always-update -> quirks-2.9
mail/roundcubemail #
@php-5.4.35,@php-mcrypt-5.4.35,@php-pspell-5.4.35,@php-zip-5.4.35 ->
www/pear,-utils# @php-5.4.35 -> @php-5.4.36

Why do roundcubemail and pear still show up there when php has been
updated?  Trying to run a make update for either of them does nothing.

Those are showing up because they were built against the older version of
PHP and PHP modules.  Those packages themselves did not change but you need
to rebuild them.  Ports won't rebuild a package you already have built.
There might be a way to override that which I don't know about, but you can
just find and delete them from /usr/ports/packages/* then 'make reinstall'.

Or just ignore the output from out-of-date, there won't be any real change
for these other packages.

So long as I'm not doing something incorrectly, I think I'll go with 
option 2 and just ignore it since it's PHP, not like a library or 
something.  Thanks again!


John Merriam

Re: man -m: Bad argument

2015-02-12 Thread John Merriam
On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Jan Stary wrote:

> I have some man pages installed in $HOME/man
> so I ugment my manpath like this in my ~/.shrc
>   test -d $HOME/man && alias man="man -m $HOME/man"
> Now man(1) complains saying
>   $ man ls
>   man: -m/home/hans/man: Bad argument
> Using "$HOME/man/" or "$HOME/man:" results in the same.
> Am I missing something obvious?
>   Jan

What does it show when you run the alias command with no arguments to
display your current aliases?

I noticed that in the error message there is no space between -m and the
path.  That seems a bit odd.

Your `test -d $HOME/man && alias man="man -m $HOME/man"` works fine for me
in ksh when I put it in a .profile on 5.6 -stable.


John Merriam

Re: man -m: Bad argument

2015-02-12 Thread John Merriam
On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Jan Stary wrote:
> On Feb 12 11:12:46, wrote:
> > On 2015-02-12 10:50, Jan Stary wrote:
> > >On Feb 12 10:15:08, wrote:
> > >>What does it show when you run the alias command with no arguments to
> > >>display your current aliases?
> > >>
> > >>I noticed that in the error message there is no space between -m and the
> > >>path.  That seems a bit odd.
> > >
> > >$ alias
> > >autoload='typeset -fu'
> > >diff='diff -Nup'
> > >functions='typeset -f'
> > >hash='alias -t'
> > >history='fc -l'
> > >integer='typeset -i'
> > >ll='ls -lAp'
> > >local=typeset
> > >login='exec login'
> > >ls='ls -p'
> > >man='man -m /home/hans/man'
> > >nohup='nohup '
> > >pdftops='pdftops -paper A4'
> > >r='fc -e -'
> > >stop='kill -STOP'
> > >type='whence -v'
> > >
> > >
> > >In particular, the space is there, as specified in the alias command.
> > >But the problem is probably not in the aliases:
> > >
> > >$ unalias man
> > >$ man -m ~/man ls
> > >man: -m/home/hans/man: Bad argument
> > >
> > >   Jan
> > 
> > I would assume it would cause you more problems than just man if it were the
> > case, but, if you do a `vis /etc/passwd`, are there any funny characters in
> > the home directory for your username?  Just a thought since that space
> > between -m and the path seems to disappear in the error.
> No.
> > If you leave out -m /path and just run `man ls`, does that work?
> With man unaliased, it works just fine.
> With 'man -m ~/man', or with man aliased to that,
> 'man ls' gave me the error above.
> > Also, which version of OpenBSD are you running on this machine? 
> > 5.6 or -current?
> current/amd64
>   Jan

Hmmm.  There was one small change to man.c on January 16th but it doesn't 
look like that should be the problem I wouldn't think.  Previous change 
was back in 2013.

It is also possible it is something funny with shell expansion or 
something.  Which shell are you using?

I just blew away my -current machine the other day.  I don't have 
-current running any more so I can't try to duplicate it for you.

If no one else answers the thread on misc I would recommend sumitting a 
bug with sendbug.


John Merriam

Re: Patching X in BASE without X

2015-03-07 Thread John Merriam

On 3/7/2015 2:08 PM, Andrew Lester wrote:

Hi All,

This should be a very easy question. A while back I had questioned when running 
a system with BASE whether it is fine to skip applying patches not applicable 
to my system’s uses, and whether they can be done out of order. The response I 
got was mixed, but it seems the safest bet is to apply patches in order, and 
apply all patches.

This being the case, will it in any way harm or cause problems on a system if I 
apply patches for X, if I do not have X installed?

Kind regards,

Andrew Lester

The result of patching xenocara according to the instructions in the 
patch file is that you would then have at least that portion of X 
installed.  In the case of the latest errata 16 for 5.6, it would mean 
that you would end up with the X server binaries installed but not the 
rest of X.

If you truly did not install the X packages when you installed OpenBSD I 
would recommend not patching X.


John Merriam

Re: Broadcom NIC issues

2015-03-13 Thread John Merriam
On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Miguel Barbosa Gon?alves wrote:
> Hi!
> I recently installed OpenBSD 5.6 on an amd64 platform. Everything went
> smoothly. After installation, at the first boot, OpenBSD updated the
> firmware of some devices. I found this strange...
> I had to reinstall this machine with CentOS and now the NIC does not work.
> I reinstalled OpenBSD again and it works. I tried to reflash the NIC's
> firmware and the installer does not recognize the NIC. At the moment, the
> machine only works with OpenBSD...
> What did OpenBSD do and how can I revert this?

Maybe a silly question, but have you power cycled (turn computer 
completely off then back on) the machine between running OpenBSD and 
running CentOS?  If you haven't tried a power cycle and it works, that 
won't solve what the problem is but might at least allow you to run CentOS 

I have seen strange things happen in the past when switching between OSes 
but that was a very long time ago.


John Merriam

Re: Broadcom NIC issues

2015-03-13 Thread John Merriam
On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Miguel Barbosa Gon?alves wrote:
> 2015-03-13 15:56 GMT+00:00 John Merriam :
>   On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Miguel Barbosa Gon?alves wrote:
>   > Hi!
>   >
>   > I recently installed OpenBSD 5.6 on an amd64 platform.
>   Everything went
>   > smoothly. After installation, at the first boot, OpenBSD
>   updated the
>   > firmware of some devices. I found this strange...
>   >
>   > I had to reinstall this machine with CentOS and now the NIC
>   does not work.
>   >
>   > I reinstalled OpenBSD again and it works. I tried to reflash
>   the NIC's
>   > firmware and the installer does not recognize the NIC. At the
>   moment, the
>   > machine only works with OpenBSD...
>   >
>   > What did OpenBSD do and how can I revert this?
>   >
>   Maybe a silly question, but have you power cycled (turn computer
>   completely off then back on) the machine between running OpenBSD
>   and
>   running CentOS?  If you haven't tried a power cycle and it
>   works, that
>   won't solve what the problem is but might at least allow you to
>   run CentOS
>   again.
> Hi John!
> Yes, I completely removed the power cable from the machine. I even tried
> running an older version of CentOS and it did not work.
> I am completely clueless...
> Thanks!

I would recommend replying to this thread with the output from the dmesg 
and pcidump -v commands under OpenBSD.  That may give someone here a clue 
as to what your problem may be.

If you don't get any replies a few days after posting the output of those 
commands then you could try submitting a bug report using the sendbug 
program under OpenBSD.


John Merriam

Re: Executable signing - a proposal

2015-03-31 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 31 Mar 2015, Gareth Nelson wrote:

> Before anyone says it, i'd be more than willing to work on the code for
> this myself but would like feedback on the idea.
> Essentially as follows:
> 1 - A sysctl variable stores a public key that can only be written to once
> at startup
> 2 - All executables on the system must be signed with that public key
> 3 - Any executable not signed is essentially chmod -x
> Of course that's the simple basic idea, there are obvious performance
> issues to consider and this system would have to be optional, but for truly
> paranoid installs it could be a wonderful feature.
> More complex policies are easily imagined, but for a first version, simply
> refusing to run executables without signing seems worthwhile.
> The performance issues could be partly addressed by only signing hashes of
> the executables, the unsigned hashes would be stored all in one file that
> is supplied with the install sets and signed the first time this feature is
> enabled. Signing can take place on another machine and only the signature
> file copied over, or signing can take place locally with the private key
> later removed - or simply left in place for slightly lower levels of
> security.

It sounds to me like you are describing a type of host-based intrusion 

Integrating host-based intrustion detection in to an OS kernel could be 
interesting.  The issue is that to turn it in to a protection instead of 
just detection system would probably slow things down too much since it 
would need to run some sort of check on each binary before it is executed.

Some people might really want something like this.  I think the issue is 
that not enough people would be willing to accept the large slow down that 
would result.  So, you probably won't end up with enough interested 
people needed to gain any momentum.

And, as others have mentioned, it will only protect against certain 
attacks, and determined attackers will be able to get around it.


John Merriam

Re: differences between pk_add -u and building from source at stable

2015-04-01 Thread John Merriam

On 4/1/2015 4:16 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

Should there be a difference if I haven't botched the source tree for
/usr/ports at some point?

 firefox --version

tells me

 Mozilla Firefox 31.0

(It also gives a warning about size mismatch in a couple of c++ libraries
and says I should relink the program, which is part of the message it sends
to the console every time I run it. I'vd been ignoring that message.)


 pkg_add -u firefox

just talks to itself, then says

 quirks-2.9 signed on 2014-08-02T11:06:132


 cd /usr/ports/www/firefox-esr
 make -n

tells me


Hello.  I had similar issues figuring this out when I started using 
OpenBSD again recently.

If you are running -stable, the packages available from pkg_add are 
-release packages.  From what others have said, the -release packages 
usually do not receive updates.

To use -stable packages (which do receive updates via CVS), you must use 
ports and compile them from the ports tree.

Obviously this is subject to change at any time but as far as I know 
that is still the situation.

I don't mind using ports instead of packages myself.  But, I haven't 
tried OpenBSD on the desktop yet (routers/firewalls and servers so far). 
 Compiling huge stuff that updates often like Firefox could be kind of 
a pain I would guess.


John Merriam

Re: differences between pk_add -u and building from source at stable

2015-04-02 Thread John Merriam
On Thu, 2 Apr 2015, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Apr 2015 22:34:06 -0400
> John Merriam wrote:
> > I don't mind using ports instead of packages myself.  But, I haven't 
> > tried OpenBSD on the desktop yet (routers/firewalls and servers so far). 
> >   Compiling huge stuff that updates often like Firefox could be kind of 
> > a pain I would guess.
> Have you checked out's stable packages support?

Yes, I have.  It sounds nice.  I'm a bit to paranoid though so I don't 
want to trust that additional layer/entity that I would have to in order 
to use their stuff.


John Merriam

Re: What happens to OpenBSD when Secure Boot becomes manditory?

2015-04-02 Thread John Merriam
On Thu, 2 Apr 2015, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> What happens to OpenBSD when Secure Boot becomes manditory?
> SteveT
> Steve Litt*
> Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

The people that want to run OpenBSD or any other OS that doesn't support 
it don't buy that junk?

I think the more interesting question is, if secure boot ever did become 
'mandatory', what would it do to the used computer equipment market?

I have a feeling that there will be alternatives to secure boot for a 
while if not forever.  I for one will never buy anything that is secure 
boot only unless the 'secure boot' is something that I have complete 
control over.  I would rather use a typewriter...


John Merriam

Re: Tips & tricks about using mysql under OpenBSD

2015-04-03 Thread John Merriam
On Fri, 3 Apr 2015, C.L. Martinez wrote:
> On 04/01/2015 12:51 PM, C.L. Martinez wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> >   In the following weeks, I need to install a syslog collector server
> > using mysql as a backend to store all logs (and I would like to use
> > OpenBSD 5.7 to accomplish that).
> > 
> >   I expect +/- 5k-6k EPS from our servers (unix, linux, windows). As a
> > syslog process I will use syslog-ng or rsyslog. But my question is about
> > using mysql under OpenBSD.
> > 
> >   Due to the log volume, I will need to do, probably, some type of
> > "tuning" in mysql side.
> > 
> >   Somebody uses mysql in production environments with a respectable
> > amount of inserts under OpenBSD? Tips & tricks about what options to use
> > under fstab where mysql stores all data, memory limits, etc?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> Please, any inputs?

I don't see why running MySQL on OpenBSD would be much different than on 
any other OS?

Set your settings in the MySQL config like you would on any other OS.  
Then look at the mount man page and see if there is anything there that 
you might want to change (my guess would be no...).

I do have the following in my /etc/login.conf:


which I got from the mysql-* file in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes   
It's possible there might be more interesting things to mess with in 
login.conf for MySQL but I'm guessing probably not more than those two 
openfiles settings.

It sounds like this is a new project that you haven't done before?  If you 
have done this with this amount of load before then you should have some 
guess as to how it will work.  If not I would say start with the 
my-huge.cnf MySQL config and go from there.  Try to do some testing, 
particularly try to simulate the load before you go to production.  I'm 
thinking fast CPUs and fast disks will be your best friends on this 


John Merriam

Re: differences between pk_add -u and building from source at stable

2015-04-05 Thread John Merriam

On 4/5/2015 3:45 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

Indeed.  Kind of amusing.  Entirely possible a mtier person commits to
the port John is worried about.  Like all of us they are volunteers...

So John, who will you trust?  And why will you trust them, or not trust them?
In fact, taken far enough... why trust me?

Much of the trust imparted in us is probably for two reasons:

1. the software is cheap
2. perception of our software management practices relative to other's
software management practices

John, if you are paranoid, don't trust anyone...  You know, these are
ports.  You trust all the upstreams?

You're right.  I don't like the amount of trust involved in modern 
computing.  It made me uneasy before any of the recent revelations 
occurred.  Now it's even worse.

It's not something I obsess about but I just don't like it.

Is it a bit silly?  Yeah, probably, especially since I'm probably the 
most boring target ever with regards to being surveilled or whatever.

But, at least in the country I'm in, you can't walk out your door 
without breaking at least a few laws.  So I come back around to yeah, I 
probably should take some precautions and think about these things at 
least some.

You're right, I have to trust someone to use modern computer hardware 
and operating systems.  My strategy is to trust as few people as 
possible.  I trust you and the other OpenBSD developers because of your 
stated principles and track record.

Yeah, the price is right too.  I trust payware less than free/open 
source software because I have to completely trust the software provider 
with payware whereas free/open source has at least some review by 
others.  I haven't been able to contribute monetarily yet except buying 
a LibreSSL shirt.  I hope to be able to change that soon and start 
contributing on a regular basis.  So while the price is right more from 
a perspective of free/open vs payware it isn't so much about the money 
(which I truly do want to start gladly giving whenever I am able to 
which should be soon).

With regards to mtier specifically, I didn't see a mention of it 
anywhere on  So my initial reaction was thanks but no 
thanks.  If it really is considered trustworthy by core OpenBSD 
developers then maybe I'll take another look.


John Merriam

Re: .kshrc Definitions under X

2015-04-10 Thread John Merriam

On 4/10/2015 8:03 PM, Henrique Lengler wrote:

On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 07:51:01PM -0400, dan mclaughlin wrote:

you should see an '-ls' option at the end as above. if not, that is your
problem (it's not invoking a login shell), and this should work:

I know that xterm isn't being started with -ls option and it solve thw

But this couldn't be normal, is it? Because my intention is not to use
only xterm but also others term. emulators like st, and I would like to have
they working as it does in any other system.
If this is normal, will I need to configure and make sure that every
term. emulator I'm using is loading .profile.

On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 09:22:03PM -0700, Philip Guenther wrote:

B) tell xterm to start the shell inside it as a login shell, so that
*that* will read your .profile.  This can be done by either:
B1) start xterm with the -ls option, or
B2) set "*loginShell: true" in your X resource database (c.f. xrdb(1))

also, xterm may be invoked elsewhere like in your ~/.xinitrc, so you would
need to fix it there, but the xrdb option should take care of that.

See the -l option of ksh.  Also search for the word login in the ksh man 
page.  ksh (and most if not all other shells I believe) behave 
differently if they think they are a login shell.  xterm does not not 
automatically tell the shell that is invoked when it starts that the 
shell should be a login shell.  That is why the -ls xterm option exists.

It can be useful not to tell the shell invoked by xterm that it is a 
login shell when you are running something in xterm besides an 
interactive command prompt session.  See the xterm man page.  You can 
run things in an xterm besides just a command prompt shell (shell 
scripts, other text programs, etc.) in which case you wouldn't want 
login shell type things being set up.


John Merriam

Apache2 on 5.7 = certificate error

2015-05-18 Thread John Merriam
Hello.  I have upgraded my home server from OpenBSD 5.6 to 5.7.  It is 
amd64 and it is on -stable with -stable ports.

Everything is working fine after the upgrade except SSL in Apache2 
(apache-httpd package/port).

I get the following error in the error_log when I try to start Apache2:

[Mon May 18 09:51:43 2015] [error] Failed to configure CA certificate 

The certificate is a wildcard certificate from RapidSSL.

I have their 'intermediate CA bundle' from here:

in a file that is pointed to with the SSLCertificateChainFile directive in 
my Apache2 config.

This worked fine with the old Apache2 in 5.6.

I've tried several different things to try to convince it to work but 
nothing has done the trick yet.

I use the same certificate in sendmail and dovecot on the same server and 
it is working fine with those two daemons.

Any ideas or suggestions as to what the problem may be or where I should 
start digging?  Thanks!


John Merriam

Re: Apache2 on 5.7 = certificate error

2015-05-18 Thread John Merriam
On Mon, 18 May 2015, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 10:04:03AM -0400, John Merriam wrote:
> > I get the following error in the error_log when I try to start Apache2:
> > 
> > [Mon May 18 09:51:43 2015] [error] Failed to configure CA certificate 
> > chain!
> > 
> > The certificate is a wildcard certificate from RapidSSL.
> > 
> > I have their 'intermediate CA bundle' from here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > in a file that is pointed to with the SSLCertificateChainFile directive in 
> > my Apache2 config.
> What does this file contain exactly? I believe mod_ssl expects the server
> certificate followed by any intermediate CA certificates up to the root
> CA cert, all in PEM format, in one file.
> It's very odd that the behaviour between 5.6 and 5.7 changed.
> None of the upstream changes between 2.2.27 and 2.2.29 seem to apply.
> Given your error message, the point of failure in mod_ssl is a call to
> SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain(), a function name which exists in mod_ssl
> and also existed in LibreSSL for a brief period before 5.7.
> During which time mod_ssl's version was renamed in our ports tree.
> Before release, LibreSSL's function was renamed and mod_ssl's version
> renamed back to its original name. This should not matter at all unless
> something unexpected happened during release package builds (unlikely).
> Can you make it work by using alternative configuration options, such as
> SSLCertificateFile and SSLCACertificateFile or SSLCACertificatePath?

Yes, it was very odd to me as well that it didn't work after the upgrade.  
I didn't change a single bit of my Apache2 config.  I checked 
/usr/local/share/examples/apache2/conf/* for changes after the upgrade.  
Since there were none I didn't change anything.

I just changed SSLCertificateChainFile to SSLCACertificateFile in my 
httpd-ssl.conf and it works!  I should have thought of trying something 
like that...

The file pointed to in my SSLCertificateChainFile (and now 
SSLCACertificateFile) directives contains:


Re: df(1) shows strange Avail and Capacity info

2015-05-19 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 19 May 2015, Theo de Raadt wrote:

> > I experienced a strange output of df(1) for the root partition.
> > The Size is greater than Used but Avail and Capacity are miscalculated
> That is an incorrect assessment.
> There is spare space in the filesystem, only available for root, and
> this is how it is handled.

Yes, df is functioning correctly.  It looks like you have 5% of the space 
on your / partition reserved for the root user.  You have less than 5% of 
the space on / available.  When you have less than the reserved amount of 
space available on a partition df will show greater than 100% capacity 
used and a negative amount of space available.  It's sort of a warning.  
If any process that is not owned by root tries to write something to your 
/ partition, it will fail.  You can see the percentage of reserved space 
on your / partition with:

tunefs -N /

You can also see a description of this feature in the notes for the -m 
option in the tunefs(8) man page.


John Merriam

Re: Openbsd 5.7 and sendmail

2015-05-26 Thread John Merriam
On Tue, 26 May 2015, Peter Fraser wrote:

> I put OpenBSD 5.7 up, but because we make use of the SpamHaus I didn't want 
> to move to smtpd.
> It was easy enough to put sendmail in but I found I could not rebuild my 
> /etc/mail/access.db
> makemap did not like the "To:" prefix in the /etc/mail/access file.
> being somewhat slow to took me a couple of days to realize that there are now 
> 2 makemap's
> /usr/libexec/smtpd/makemap
> and
> /usr/local/libexec/sendmail/makemap
> using the right one for sendmail fixed my problem.

You may need to edit your /etc/mailer.conf file.  See the mailer.conf(5) 
man page and /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/sendmail-*


John Merriam

Re: OpenBSD 5.7 & Asterisk & sendmail & voice mail as email

2015-05-28 Thread John Merriam
On Thu, 28 May 2015, Peter Fraser wrote:

> Asterisk seems to run fine on 5.7 with one exception. 
> I normally have voice mail messages send as emails.
> These emails are not being send.
> /usr/local/share/examples/asterisk/default/voicemail.conf
> has a  variable 
> ;mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
> which I believe will end up using smptd
> since I wanted to use sendmail 
> I put into my  /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf
> mailcmd=/usr/local/libexec/sendmail/sendmail -t
> and did a
> voicemail reload
> from within asterisk and it still did not work.
>  I even tried  
> mailcmd = sh -c cat >>/home/pjf/messages
> after creating message and chmod 777 messages
> the file messages was not changed.
> any ideas on what I am missing

Have a look at /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/sendmail-*

Particularly the 'Tweaking /etc/mailer.conf' and 'Client mail queue 
ownership' sections.  I would bet that either your /var/spool/clientmqueue 
isn't owned by _smmsp:_smmsp or your is using the old smmsp 


John Merriam

Staus of stacked softraid root (RAID1C for root)?

2014-10-20 Thread John Merriam
Hello.  I was wondering if there was any new information about the status 
of stacked softraid for the root partition?  I am particularly interested 
in using RAID1C for root partitions.

I searched and the last message I could find regarding the subject was 
from over a year ago and I think the result was 'they are working on it'.

From what I can find it doesn't look like it will be working for 5.6.  I 
hope there will be a blurb about it in the release notes whenever it is 

Assuming it isn't right around the corner, is there anywhere that I can 
track the development of stacked softraid for the root partition?

Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


John Merriam - refugee from the land of systemd

Re: Staus of stacked softraid root (RAID1C for root)?

2014-10-20 Thread John Merriam

On 10/20/2014 4:42 PM, Ted Unangst wrote:

Short answer: It doesn't work yet, and no idea when it will work.

Thanks for the replies.  I will keep my eye out as to what is brewing. 
If I find the time maybe I'll read the code and see what needs doing 
with respect to RAID1C for root.

For now I'll forgo the RAID1 and just use the crypto.  I _really_ like 
the fact that OpenBSD encrypts as much as possible with softraid and 
doesn't leave a /boot hanging out there like other systems do with an 
encrypted root partition.

It's been a while since I've used OpenBSD.  Like what I'm seeing, keep 
up the great work!  As you can see in my sig, I'm migrating away from 
one of those other operating systems...


John Merriam - refugee from the land of systemd

Re: Staus of stacked softraid root (RAID1C for root)?

2014-10-21 Thread John Merriam

On Tue, 21 Oct 2014, Vladislav Manchev wrote:

I asked a similar question on the list a few days ago and seems I'll be
using a hardware RAID controller with softraid CRYPTO on top after all.

It may be an option for you too I guess.

Yeah, I probably should do hardware RAID for my server at home.  At work 
it doesn't matter since there is no FDE and most if not all machines have 
hardware RAID controllers.

In the past I've always liked doing software RAID for RAID1 since the OS 
can see the actual drives and start complaining if there is a problem with 
one of them.  With hardware RAID you have to rely on the controller 
figuring it out and some utility to probe the controller.  RAID5 and 6 are 
obviously always best on a hardware RAID controller for performance 

My main issue at home is my firewall which is a Mini-ITX machine with only 
one expansion slot which has a network card in it so hardware RAID won't 
be happening there.

Now that I'm thinking about it though, I should probably skip the crypto 
for the firewall and just use non-sensitive passwords.  My only real worry 
if the firewall is stolen is that they could possibly decrypt the 
passwords on it since there isn't any other possibly interesting 
infomation on it.  Not like I have much interesting information on my 
server either but I still don't want to worry if my machines are stolen or 

Hmmm.  Thanks again for helping me think through my options!


John Merriam - refugee from the land of systemd