Hello. I am trying to create a 'headless' setup using a softraid crypto root with serial console on OpenBSD 5.6-release amd64.

I have everything installed and working just fine, except I'm having a problem getting the 'headless' part going.

I followed the instructions in section 7.6 of the FAQ at http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq7.html#SerCon I edited /etc/ttys to enable the getty for tty00. I added 'set tty com0' to /etc/boot.conf

It doesn't seem to work though. The Passphrase: prompt is still output to pc0, not com0.

If I enter a bogus password at the Passphrase: prompt on pc0 to get to a boot> prompt, I can enter 'set tty com0' after which I get a Passphrase: prompt on com0 and everything works fine.

It seems like for some reason /etc/boot.conf is not being seen/used? I would guess it might have something to do with the softraid crypto root setup but I don't know.

Is there a bit that needs flipping somewhere to get the serial console to work with crypto root? Any info or pointers on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


John Merriam

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