On 1/5/2015 7:46 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2015-01-05, trondd <tro...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:00 PM, John Merriam <j...@johnmerriam.net> wrote:

If I then do another /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/out-of-date I still see

Collecting installed packages: ok
Collecting port versions: ok
Collecting port signatures: ok
Outdated ports:

devel/quirks                   # always-update -> quirks-2.9
mail/roundcubemail             #
@php-5.4.35,@php-mcrypt-5.4.35,@php-pspell-5.4.35,@php-zip-5.4.35 ->
www/pear,-utils                # @php-5.4.35 -> @php-5.4.36

Why do roundcubemail and pear still show up there when php has been
updated?  Trying to run a make update for either of them does nothing.

Those are showing up because they were built against the older version of
PHP and PHP modules.  Those packages themselves did not change but you need
to rebuild them.  Ports won't rebuild a package you already have built.
There might be a way to override that which I don't know about, but you can
just find and delete them from /usr/ports/packages/* then 'make reinstall'.

Or just ignore the output from out-of-date, there won't be any real change
for these other packages.

So long as I'm not doing something incorrectly, I think I'll go with option 2 and just ignore it since it's PHP, not like a library or something. Thanks again!


John Merriam

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