On Fri, 21 Nov 2014, Comète wrote:
> 21 novembre 2014 23:00 "John Merriam" <j...@johnmerriam.net> a écrit:
>> Hello. I am trying to write a script to check for updates to the binary
>> packages by checking the output of pkg_add then sending an e-mail if
>> something is found.  ...
> Maybe you're looking for this ? 
> http://www.mtier.org/index.php/solutions/apps/openup/
> Morgan

Hmmm.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm looking for something much simpler 
though (KISS principle has been good to me in the past).  My main question 
is is there something better than `pkg_add -Iusx | grep -v "^quirks\-"` to 
check for updates to packages?

openup looks to be doing something similar for the update checking 
portion by using pkg_info output then fed to pkg_add to check for updates. 
Not sure why it wouldn't just use pkg_add to check for the updates.  The 
code is also kinda odd to me.  Seems overly complicated and looks to be 
doing some things that I'm not so sure I would want to be doing on my 

Anyway, if there aren't any other tips or suggestions, I'll just go with 
what I have and adjust if I find issues down the road.  Thanks!


John Merriam

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