On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Miguel Barbosa Gon?alves wrote:
> Hi!
> I recently installed OpenBSD 5.6 on an amd64 platform. Everything went
> smoothly. After installation, at the first boot, OpenBSD updated the
> firmware of some devices. I found this strange...
> I had to reinstall this machine with CentOS and now the NIC does not work.
> I reinstalled OpenBSD again and it works. I tried to reflash the NIC's
> firmware and the installer does not recognize the NIC. At the moment, the
> machine only works with OpenBSD...
> What did OpenBSD do and how can I revert this?

Maybe a silly question, but have you power cycled (turn computer 
completely off then back on) the machine between running OpenBSD and 
running CentOS?  If you haven't tried a power cycle and it works, that 
won't solve what the problem is but might at least allow you to run CentOS 

I have seen strange things happen in the past when switching between OSes 
but that was a very long time ago.


John Merriam

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