Re: Braille Touch: please help get Apple onboard

2012-03-02 Thread Sean Murphy
I am in the same camp as Scott. I am not sure if the Braille input will work 
effectively. The design of the screen will have to be universally flexible for 
all hand  sizes. On top of that you will not get the physical feedback that you 
get on other Braille Input devices.

I am always willing to try. But good luck in getting Apple to put it in. They 
are a very much a close shop.

On 28/02/2012, at 9:02 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Would this app be able to write in grade 2 braille?  I am a braille user as 
> stating in another message, I use a braille display.
> Kawal.
> On 27 Feb 2012, at 17:23, James Mannion wrote:
>> Although there is no harm in wanting something to be completely
>> optional and available for someone to use, I am definitely not sold on
>> it until it is out and proven that it really is at all something I
>> like using. I don't think it makes a lot of sense either to be making
>> a push for something to be incorporated into the system that none of
>> us have really even had the chance to try because it is not available
>> yet. One could just as easily prefer the TypeIn Braille input app as
>> an optional keyboard. I have been playing with the TypeInBraille app
>> actually and I see some possible advantage in having it as a tool. I
>> agree with what I think someone said about that app that in noisy
>> environments where you might want to do character input and you need
>> to use the touch screen without being able to hear as much, it allows
>> for what is arguably more predictable places to touch the screen
>> without error to get what you need. I am going to continue to play
>> with and make use of that at times to see how fast I am able to get
>> with it. I really do not mind the on screen keyboard as long as I can
>> hear the feedback from it and as long as it is not an instance where
>> there is lag in its feedback. Where more speed is needed I have always
>> been happy with bluetooth keyboard or dictation options. More options
>> are always good.
>> On 2/27/12, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Wanted answer the assertion of Android being more flexible. While anyone
>>> could add a different keyboard to Android, I'm not clear how that would
>>> get universally baked in so that anyone pickup an Android phone would
>>> get this option. It's the same problem that if you want it baked into
>>> Android you would have to get Google to do it. Of course you could argue
>>> whether Apple or Google is more receptive to making this addition but
>>> it's still something that has to be done by the platform owner. I think
>>> what we don't want is some kind of extra thing you have to know about,
>>> download and install.
>>> CB
>>> On 2/26/12 5:58 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 Here is one reason among many why android is much more flexible, adding
 this functionality will not have any restrictions. Yes, Apple does not
 allow adding other keyboards, or input methods as they might be called.
 The thing is, if Apple allows this one, other developers will want to do
 the same thing. That may not be a bad thing, alternative keyboards may be
 a good thing, but I would not count on Apple changing their policy on this
 one. Also their thought could be, the built in on screen keyboard is
 already accessible, why not use that? That is a valid point, guess time
 will tell on this one.
 On Feb 26, 2012, at 4:51 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hello all,
> There has been much discussion about the new Braille Touch app lately.
> For anyone who missed it, this is an app coming out sometime this year
> that lets users type in braille on an iOS or Android device.
> Basically, you hold the device sideways, the home button to your right
> or left. You then place three fingers on either end of the screen and
> start typing. This beats the current braille entry app out there
> because (1) it will be free and (2) it lets you enter the character
> all at once, not a row at a time.
> Here is where it needs your help: Apple's developer guidelines and
> terms of service state that, basically, no app can add its own
> keyboard to the keyboards available in iOS. this means that there is
> no way to use the braille keyboard outside the app; no writing texts
> or emails with it, no using it to do a search, no nothing. Yes, you
> can use the app and then copy and paste, but if you just want to write
> a quick email, add a contact, or even edit a document, you can't take
> advantage of braille. Apple needs to know that we (blind and visually
> impaired users of iOS) want and need this functionality in iOS. Please
> take a couple minutes to send a message to
> Tell them you want them to include Braille Touch's keyboard in iOS so
> that it can be used where ever you need to enter text, in place of the
> on-screen QWERTY keyboard that iOS currently forces you to

time machine

2012-03-02 Thread Sean Murphy

How do you find out the status of Time machine.Hi all and what it is currently 
backing up.

>From the status menu you can see the time machine showing it is prepping for a 
>backup. But there is no time, file/directory being updated, etc?

Also, how do you verify what information is being backed up?

I have gone into time machine and cannot work out the GUI. It looks like a 
normal Finder window. The preferences are fine.

Any tips are welcomed.


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IDE for programming

2012-03-02 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi All.

What is a good IDE for programming under Mac for:


Web editing is another area of interest as well. Something that use's templates 
to complete the HTML tags.


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Re: Writing in HTML tutorials

2012-03-02 Thread Sean Murphy

Have you looked at Safari on the site? If you join this site you 
can access a lot of different computer books.

An actual accessible book on HTML I don't know of and would be interested for 

On 03/03/2012, at 9:15 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was just wondering if anyone knew where I could find a good accessible 
> tutorial on how to write HTML. Thank you.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: tools for blind osx developers

2012-03-09 Thread Sean Murphy

I would also like to know if there is a mail list specific to Apple programmers 
who are blind. There is a generic blind programming list. From memory it is 
more focus towards Windows.

On 06/03/2012, at 11:01 PM, irid domnori wrote:

> Hi,
> As a developer, for submitting voiceover's or other bugs, you should fill the 
> fields at
> Consider also the fact that as you install the os in to an external hard 
> disc, you may have some other problems because that disc could be slower then 
> the computer's internal hard disc.
> irid domnori
> contatto skype: superirid
> Il giorno 06/mar/2012, alle ore 13:55, William Windels ha scritto:
> Hello,
> Since friday , I have a developers-account for osx and I have installed osx 
> 10.8 on a external disk to test with me macbook.
> The main reason why I do this is to debug some voiceover problems before the 
> public release.
> I also hope that I can provide a list with faq's about voiceover in 10.8 when 
> the os  comes out for everyone.
> But, for the developers here, I have some questions:
> 1. what is the best and easiest way to report accessibility/ voiceover 
> problems?
> Can I use
> I found also 2 links but I haven't test this yet:
> 2. is there a mailing list for blind developers of Apple products?
> 3. Are there other projects where I can help so that 10.8 runs better with 
> voiceover when it comes out?
> 4. Is there some other interesting or usefull info I should know?
> If you want, you can also mail privately.
> Kind regards,
> William Windels
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Re: XCode

2012-03-12 Thread Sean Murphy

I have asked a similar questions before. All IDE's I have looked at under the 
MAC were not accessible. EMac at the shell level is and there is a learning 
curve here. 

So any info you find is more then welcomed at this end. If I do find one, I 
will let the group know.

On 12/03/2012, at 12:37 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to find a good editor for PHP programming, HTML, CSS, etc. 
> Dashcode seems to not support PHP very well. I was looking at XCode, but was 
> wondering about its accessibility. I searched for this in the group but 
> didn't find much.
> The problem I'm having is that when I start typing a keyword, it pops up 
> suggestions, but if I press anything else, it takes me a good page of code 
> above where I was, if not more. So it doesn't seem to be working very well.
> Do you know of any other good editors for PHP? I'm not having very good 
> success with this.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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Re: Using JAWS and the Focus Braille Display with Windows 7 and VMWare Fusion

2012-03-12 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Paul.

If Windows is booted. VMWare should prompt you if Mac or Windows should use the 
USB Device. Jaws will not automatically detect it until you reload it. If you 
have it already connected. Then you should see a Freedom Scientific  Focus 
button. This brings up a drop down menu where you can tell VMWare to make the 
Focus used by the guess OS. In this situation it is Windows.

One thing I have found is sometimes VMWare or is it Windows doesn't correctly 
update itself telling Jaws that the focus is plugged in. If you reload windows 
the problem goes away.

The above is for a USB Braille display. If you are using a Bluetooth Focus. 
Then I suspect you might have to tell VMWare to take control over the BlueTooth 
controller. Once again it is present in all the buttons when the Guess OS is in 
the normal screen mode. If you do not tell VMWare to take control. I do not 
think the Mac will share the Bluetooth. 

At least this is what I have found with VMWare on the MAc.


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Budgetting programs

2012-03-17 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi All.

I am seeking for a Budget program on the Mac. I have looked at IBank and the 
table of transactions were not accessible. I have looked at savings and you 
cannot edit transactions while everything else seems to be accessible. I am 
ware of Envelopes  Cash management web site. But I don't like the idea of my 
finances being located on someone else's equipment. It is out of my control 
which makes me very uncomfortable.

Any ideas?


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Re: Budgetting programs

2012-03-18 Thread Sean Murphy

Thanks for that. But a spreadsheet program doesn't do it for me. I require the 
program to be able to set up categories or buckets. Then when I import the 
data, it automatically adds the transferred to the relevant category. Then I 
can see at a glance what category is spending what. From this you can create 
your budget and plan.

I have looked at the following and finding a range of issues:


All of the above have some problem in relation to accessibility. Quickin is the 
only app I haven't used and wish to know if it has any accessibility issues.

On 19/03/2012, at 4:46 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Sean.
> It may not be what you are looking for, but I put my banking information, 
> both for my business and home on to Numbers. I just made the columns I 
> needed, and it seems to be working just fine. If you're interested in 
> printing checks, which I'm not, then I guess it won't work. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> On Mar 17, 2012, at 8:03 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I am seeking for a Budget program on the Mac. I have looked at IBank and the 
>> table of transactions were not accessible. I have looked at savings and you 
>> cannot edit transactions while everything else seems to be accessible. I am 
>> ware of Envelopes  Cash management web site. But I don't like the idea of my 
>> finances being located on someone else's equipment. It is out of my control 
>> which makes me very uncomfortable.
>> Any ideas?
>> Sean
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Re: Budgetting programs

2012-03-20 Thread Sean Murphy

I have downloaded Checkbook and it seems to be very accessible. But I cannot 
see my transactions. I entered in 2 deposit transactions and they do not appear 
in the entry table.


On 19/03/2012, at 5:33 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I use Checkbook by Splasm Software. It is very accessible.
> On Mar 17, 2012, at 8:03 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I am seeking for a Budget program on the Mac. I have looked at IBank and the 
>> table of transactions were not accessible. I have looked at savings and you 
>> cannot edit transactions while everything else seems to be accessible. I am 
>> ware of Envelopes  Cash management web site. But I don't like the idea of my 
>> finances being located on someone else's equipment. It is out of my control 
>> which makes me very uncomfortable.
>> Any ideas?
>> Sean
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Re: Using JAWS and the Focus Braille Display with Windows 7 and VMWare Fusion

2012-03-20 Thread Sean Murphy

Make sure Focus is added to the Jaws app via the Braille Management tool and 
tell it is the default Braille display. If the Mac is detecting it and you are 
telling VMWare to say that Windows should use the display. Then it sounds like 
a Config in Jaws.

On 13/03/2012, at 12:02 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello Sean. I don't have a problem getting the vm to recognize the Focus, I 
> either answer the prompts or make the connection from the USB menu. However 
> Jaws doesn't recognize the Focus when I shut down and restart either Jaws or 
> Windows. I get the error message stating that Jaws cannot load the Braille 
> driver. I didn't have the focus connected when I installed Jaws but did the 
> custom install adding the focus and plugging it in at a later time. Do you 
> think that it matters? I am using Windows 7. Do you think that I need to run 
> the setup program as Administrator?
> Thanks so much.
> On Mar 12, 2012, at 5:43 AM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> Hi Paul.
>> If Windows is booted. VMWare should prompt you if Mac or Windows should use 
>> the USB Device. Jaws will not automatically detect it until you reload it. 
>> If you have it already connected. Then you should see a Freedom Scientific  
>> Focus button. This brings up a drop down menu where you can tell VMWare to 
>> make the Focus used by the guess OS. In this situation it is Windows.
>> One thing I have found is sometimes VMWare or is it Windows doesn't 
>> correctly update itself telling Jaws that the focus is plugged in. If you 
>> reload windows the problem goes away.
>> The above is for a USB Braille display. If you are using a Bluetooth Focus. 
>> Then I suspect you might have to tell VMWare to take control over the 
>> BlueTooth controller. Once again it is present in all the buttons when the 
>> Guess OS is in the normal screen mode. If you do not tell VMWare to take 
>> control. I do not think the Mac will share the Bluetooth. 
>> At least this is what I have found with VMWare on the MAc.
>> Sean 
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Re: Quicken & other Financial Software

2012-03-20 Thread Sean Murphy

I have looked at Ibank and I couldn't review the transactions in the table. 
Savings is another app I have tried. But you cannot edit transactions. So I am 
also looking for a app that is good for budget management.

On 13/03/2012, at 2:58 AM, Bob Boyd wrote:

> I’m very interested in the accessibility of Quicken or Quicken replacements 
> on the Mac.  I understand that Quicken Essentials does not track investments, 
> a feature which I would like to keep. 
> Is iBank a good option?
> Thanks
> Bob Boyd
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable people 
doing about this?

They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I

In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country that 
you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio books from 
other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing American law on 
to other countries which is a bigger problem. 

The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all start 
talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get everyone involved 
who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big problem. Being quite about 
it or complaining on this or other list isn't enough.

Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an American 
citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.


On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  Unless 
> i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail client to 
> set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
>>> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
>>> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
 so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
 On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.
> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
> down the thread for other reader comments.
> Best,
> Esther
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
>> It ain't accessible at all.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
>>> wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
>>> work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
>>> accessible?  Any tips?
>>> It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
>>> rendering the text.
>>> Thx,
>>> Jeff
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Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Sean Murphy
The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. Mail 
now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. Very 
flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and remove all 
the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.

On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I try, 
> it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll area). 
> chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or mountain 
> lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the upgrade.
> -eric
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
>> better on that site.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>> oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
>>> any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site results 
>>> in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). its getting 
>>> to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare machine to put 
>>> it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that are not spam. 
>>> anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
>>> -eric
>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I've been seeing this all day as well.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> hello all..
> I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and 
> the weirdness is the fact that will work normally 
> and then kick up a dialog box saying that rejected my 
> password. since I have not changed my password in a long time and I 
> routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web interface, I 
> am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
> anyone here a guru?
> -eric
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Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Sean Murphy
So how does your response helps others with strange behaviour? Stone the crows, 
some people.
On 25/03/2012, at 8:52 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> No problem here at all.
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. 
>> Mail now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. 
>> Very flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and 
>> remove all the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.
>> Sean 
>> On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I 
>>> try, it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll 
>>> area). chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or 
>>> mountain lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the 
>>> upgrade.
>>> -eric
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
>>>> better on that site.
>>>> Ricardo Walker
>>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>>>> oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
>>>>> any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site 
>>>>> results in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). 
>>>>> its getting to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare 
>>>>> machine to put it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that 
>>>>> are not spam. anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
>>>>> -eric
>>>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I've been seeing this all day as well.
>>>>>> Ricardo Walker
>>>>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>>>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>>>>>> hello all..
>>>>>>> I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and 
>>>>>>> the weirdness is the fact that will work normally 
>>>>>>> and then kick up a dialog box saying that rejected my 
>>>>>>> password. since I have not changed my password in a long time and I 
>>>>>>> routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web interface, 
>>>>>>> I am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
>>>>>>> anyone here a guru?
>>>>>>> -eric
>>>>>>> -- 
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Re: importing vo-preffereces in osx-lion

2012-03-30 Thread Sean Murphy

All companies regardless if they are specialising in Assistive technology 
introduce new features. The customer base drives the feature requests which is 
the market base. If the company cannot reproduce a problem. Then how can they 
fix it. Assuming this is the case with the issue you have arrived.

Have you lodged a bug via the correct channels outlining steps that are 
reproducible? If not, then do so. This will assist them in narrowing down the 
problem. Make sure you put in the OS version, Mac model, memory, and anything 
else that might assist. More information is better then less. Also be very 
clear on how the issue is reproduce. Assume they do not know anything about the 
voice over when you write up the steps.

On 30/03/2012, at 5:25 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> The issue is quite annoying. I wished, Apple at first fixed all the issues in 
> VO and added then new features. Sometimes I have the feeling, they are 
> beginning to do the same mistakes like Freedom Scientific. Including new 
> features but ignoring the major bugs like settings import, tables in text 
> documents, word processing in general, pitching in voices, header issues in 
> Safari and the iTunes Store, etc. etc. etc.
> Jürgen
> Am 29.03.2012 um 22:23 schrieb Simon Cavendish:
>> Please note, that this message had not originated from me and therefore 
>> should not have been sent to me either. This is not the first time that this 
>> has happened. This is a worrying trend in the way you track messages.
>> With best regards
>> Simon Cavendish
>> On 29 Mar 2012, at 19:45, wrote:
>>> Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
>>> Follow-up:  196742241
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for your email. We appreciate the feedback and wanted to let you 
>>> know that the problem you describe was recently reported to Apple, and we 
>>> are currently investigating this issue. Unfortunately we cannot comment on 
>>> when it may be resolved.
>>> Apple Accessibility
>>> Hello,
>>> Since 10.7, I wasn't able to import all my preferences and specially the 
>>> trackpad commander-settings.
>>> As developer, it seems not possible also in the current release of 10.8
>>> In attachment, you can find a voprefs-file of my adjustments> I have 
>>> created specific trackpad commands with the command- and shift-keys.  
>>> It should be nice if you could import this settings and see if it works?
>>> If you have any commands with the shift and command key, it should be fine 
>>> since since this keys doesn't have any assignments by default.
>>> This settings for the trackpad commander are made in 10.6 but, should also 
>>> work in 10.7?
>>> Any comments or hints should be great.
>>> kind regards,
>>> William Windels
>>> -- 
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Re: Checkbook vs Checkbook Pro?

2012-04-20 Thread Sean Murphy

I use the Checkbook pro app as well. It is the first app I have found which is 
accessible from a normal software vendor. Saved me trying to write my own 
budget scripts.

On 20/04/2012, at 3:43 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> Thanks for the first relevant answer to my thread.  Oh and I'm glad I
> looked at the website because they apparently have a price break until
> April 23rd or something so I guess I better get it right away.  Am I
> right in assuming you like this program a lot and it is good and
> accessible too?
> On 4/18/12, Sarai Bucciarelli  wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I have Checkbook Pro. The Pro version lets you move entries in to smart
>> folders, create global account summaries, etc. See the below link.
>> On Apr 18, 2012, at 11:35 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> I remember someone recommending Checkbook to do Well, checkbook
>>> management on the Mac.  When I looked in the app store this morning, I
>>> saw two Checkbook apps there; Checkbook for $14.95 and Checkbook Pro
>>> for $19.95 or so.  Does anyone know the difference between them? I may
>>> just go for the cheaper one but wonder if the Pro version has
>>> something I would miss.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> --
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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Christine

Why don't you initiate a class action against the Authors gill so to level the 
playing ground for accessible books. Your not the first or only person I have 
seen on different lists complain about the Author gill. I just don't see anyone 
in the USA doing anything about it. So they get away with it.

Only I wished that I lived there. I would then be able to do something.


On 28/04/2012, at 10:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups or 
> classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
> disobeying laws. 
> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is moving 
> to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty of 
> other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into their 
> equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, though 
> they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, once again 
> blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students will be left 
> out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for others) moves us 
> three steps back. I should be able to turn on a television, flip a switch, or 
> turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. I should be able to access books 
> on the Nook or the Kindle, not just iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure 
> others here agree, the happiness I feel when a new release or best-selling 
> publication is available on iBooks.
> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are released 
> with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers -- 
> goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as usual, 
> profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community rewards 
> those who remember us with our business. 
> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends and 
> family. I wish I could show a film to a class and not have to ask my para or 
> a student to tell me what is going on. The entertainment industry gets plenty 
> of my money. If they want more, they should remember that I deserve to be 
> able to access their material independently. OK. Topic over. Those of you who 
> wish to continue this off-list are welcome; I've appreciated your 
> correspondence thus far. 
> Christine
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 6:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I am sure commenting on this only adds fuel to the fire, but I did want to 
>> point out that as I recall the person that is responsible for this movie 
>> vault thing also runs a legit company. I would find it difficult to believe 
>> that he has not checked into this because no one would want to put their 
>> business assets at risk. If there truly is an investigation then prove it. I 
>> get pretty annoyed when people claim something, but cannot or do not provide 
>> any reference to back those claims. And for the record I do not condone 
>> pirating of any kind and believe that regardless of accessibility issues  
>> even blind people must follow the laws.
>> On Apr 27, 2012, at 10:51 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Naturally, if the moderator deems this discussion verboten, I will refrain 
>>> further, but I would feel remiss not to point out the following for 
>>> consideration:
>>> 1. As of several hours ago, there was nothing on the FBI's official web 
>>> site regarding an investigation, nor were there any press releases or other 
>>> comparable references to an investigation of the movie vault. A reference 
>>> would be appreciated; mere speculation or rumor could be deemed libelous.
>>> 2. The problem industries

Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are not 
508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had to 
ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this only 
apply for  federal?

There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:

1. Demonstrate a market.
2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
companies in the accessible area.
4. Awareness education.

Oops, I said 3, but there is 4. Lol.


On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were specifically 
> locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though the SDK tools 
> and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, companies will not 
> concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think they know better 
> never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is  a reason they 
> call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
> -eric
> . 
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
>>> or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
>>> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
>>> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
>>> disobeying laws. 
>>> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
>>> moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
>>> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
>>> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty 
>>> of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into 
>>> their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, 
>>> though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, 
>>> once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students 
>>> will be left out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for 
>>> others) moves us three steps back. I should be able to turn on a 
>>> television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. 
>>> I should be able to access books on the Nook or the Kindle, not just 
>>> iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here agree, the happiness I 
>>> feel when a new release or best-selling publication is available on iBooks.
>>> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
>>> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
>>> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
>>> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
>>> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
>>> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
>>> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
>>> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
>>> released with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers 
>>> -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
>>> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
>>> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
>>> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
>>> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
>>> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as 
>>> usual, profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community 
>>> rewards those who remember us with our business. 
>>> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
>>> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends 
>>> and family. I wish I could show a film to a class and not have to ask my 
>>> para or a student to tell me what is going on. The entertainment industry 
>>> gets plenty of my money. If they want more, they should remember that I 
>>> deserve to be able to access their material independently. OK. Topi

Screen locking issue

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

How do you stop the Mac from locking the screen?  I cannot see the option in 
the preferences. If I don't use the computer for about 5 to 15 minutes. The 
screen locks requiring the password again.

Also, how do you put it into screen lock when you want too?


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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are not 
508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had to 
ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this only 
apply for  federal?

There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:

1. Demonstrate a market.
2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
companies in the accessible area.
4. Awareness education.

Oops, I said 3, but there is 

On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were specifically 
> locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though the SDK tools 
> and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, companies will not 
> concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think they know better 
> never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is  a reason they 
> call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
> -eric
> . 
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
>>> or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
>>> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
>>> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
>>> disobeying laws. 
>>> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
>>> moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
>>> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
>>> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty 
>>> of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into 
>>> their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, 
>>> though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, 
>>> once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students 
>>> will be left out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for 
>>> others) moves us three steps back. I should be able to turn on a 
>>> television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. 
>>> I should be able to access books on the Nook or the Kindle, not just 
>>> iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here agree, the happiness I 
>>> feel when a new release or best-selling publication is available on iBooks.
>>> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
>>> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
>>> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
>>> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
>>> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
>>> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
>>> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
>>> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
>>> released with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers 
>>> -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
>>> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
>>> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
>>> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
>>> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
>>> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as 
>>> usual, profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community 
>>> rewards those who remember us with our business. 
>>> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
>>> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends 
>>> and family. I wish I could show a film to a class and not have to ask my 
>>> para or a student to tell me what is going on. The entertainment industry 
>>> gets plenty of my money. If they want more, they should remember that I 
>>> deserve to be able to access their material independently. OK. Topic over. 
>>> Th

Re: Priorities

2012-04-30 Thread Sean Murphy

I would raise a different slant on the whole discussion. No one took this up 
before in one of my prior posts. This is a concept and please treat it as an 
idea. If people want to discuss this off line to see if it could be actually 
adopted. Then please let me know. I am more then happy to discuss.

A we all know Business only cares about the bottom line. Since this is the 
situation. A solution to our problems is to become investors. So how can we as 
a group become investors? Being individual investor will not have the same 
impact as if we do it as a group. Let me put up some figures.

If 10 million people in the USA put $10.00 into a investment fund per month. 
This would give the group $1.00 per month or 1.2 billion a year. If you 
extend this to a international level and got another 20 million people. Then 
the yearly amount grows to 3.6 billion dollars a year. 
Having this type of yearly funds for investing into companies. Their attitudes 
towards accessibility or what I would prefer to say Universal design will 
quickly change.  Since this type of money could place the fund managers who 
ever they are on boards of companies due to amount of shares held by the 
investment fund.

Basically what I have outlined is a different approach of changing peoples 
attitude by playing the same game. I believe there is at least 10 million or 
more people world wide that could afford $10.00 per month. Of course there are 
those who cannot. But they would benefit anyway. Before you shoot the idea 
down. Stop and think about if we had as a community this type of money. What 
changes could be done. The fund could be open to anyone who wants to help. It 
could even be open to all disabilities. That makes the numbers bigger and 
making the pool of investment larger. Investing into proactive companies like 
Apple would ensure they continue doing there good job. Informing companies like 
publishers that we will invest x million per month over the next x months if I 
believe would quickly change their attitude. 

So take off the blinkers everyone and see what this idea could do to change the 
world of technology?

Ideas or comments are more then welcomed.


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Re: Screen locking issue

2012-04-30 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Guys,

thanks for the tips. But I need to keep the password active on the screen 
saver. I did find the solution after all. There is a post on Mac World showing 
the methods. Basically you have to put the screen saver app on to the doc. 
Disable the screen saver from preference. Then you can activate the screen 
saver when you want.

On 30/04/2012, at 5:26 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> You can change that in energy saver preferences.
> Allison
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 5:46 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> How do you stop the Mac from locking the screen?  I cannot see the option in 
>> the preferences. If I don't use the computer for about 5 to 15 minutes. The 
>> screen locks requiring the password again.
>> Also, how do you put it into screen lock when you want too?
>> Sean 
>> -- 
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Audio redirection

2012-05-02 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and 
all system sound going across the internal speakers?


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Re: Audio redirection

2012-05-03 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi alex,

Yes, that is what I thought. But I don't get a choice between speakers and head 
phones. I only get ✓ Built-in Output. When I go into sound preferences I get 
either head phones or build in speakers.

Any ideas?

On 03/05/2012, at 3:08 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Yes. Open the vo utility, select the sound tab, and select the sound
> device vo should use.
> On 5/3/12, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and
>> all system sound going across the internal speakers?
>> Sean
>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: uninstalling

2012-05-07 Thread Sean Murphy

Apparently this does work but there could be files left behind. Go to the 
triple click home web site they have an article on maintaining your Mac and the 
article talks about removing apps.

On 07/05/2012, at 2:34 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi,
> You got it. Just find the application you want to remove in your applications 
> folder, and press cmd delete.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> msn:
> skype: blindman3221
> On 2012-05-06, at 12:02 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> on the mac how do you remove a program? do you just delete it from the 
>> applications list or is there a way to uninstall it?
>> -- 
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Re: Disableing the lock screen in Lion

2012-05-07 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Mike,

To disable the screen saver you have to make sure your screen saver icon is 
showing in the preference. If you open the menu, then go to view. Select custom 
and make sure everything here is selected.

Then go to screen savers. Change the period of the screen saver to what you 
want. I have set my to never. So I never get a screen saver and therefore never 
get the locked screen. 

Everyone else has given you the other tips. If I had the spare time, I would 
write a how to.

On 05/05/2012, at 3:07 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was wondering where you go to disable the lock screen in Lion or change 
> when it comes up?  I looked in system prefs under energy saver but only found 
> stuff for Putting the computer to sleep and dimming the display.  Its quite 
> annoying when it locks while doing a say all on a page with an article, for 
> example.  Thanks,
> Mike
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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Sean Murphy
Hello to all.

I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the  
virtualisation route.

Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure 
the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states only 
to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess OS. This is more 
then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for the guess. If you are 
planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate more then 3 gb of 
physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical RAM, then I would use 
the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate accordingly.

In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. This is 
really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is around 40 
to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also configure the 
VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between Windows and the Mac. 
Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by the Guess windows OS by 
doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for programs and those files 
needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up my Mac user directory as a 
VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is really easy to copy between both 
environments. Also you can launch your window app from within the Mac  
environment. For example, I can open the word document within windows by 
opening it from the Mac. This is the true power and flexibility of having 
windows in a virtual environment.

If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find out 
how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many cores 
are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good guideline. 
EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I have 4 cores, 
so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have read somewhere that 
the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you do allocate virtual 
disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum allocated.

In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual 
environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses to 
set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say, rather it 
is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The pro's and 
cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this list.

I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up the 
whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess breaks, I 
can replace it with a known working version.

The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows and 
the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else using the 
Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the function key. 
.  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, you have to remap a 
Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an program called sharp keys. 
Another thing I am currently playing with is remapping the Mac keys. I am 
planning to remap the right option  key to a right control key. Under windows, 
I am going to remap the right control key to a insert or caps lock. This will 
give me more flexibility with using Jaws commands. This is a real pain and 
Apple needs to address the keyboard conflict issue. Since if you use VMWare 
under windows. Once the control is passed to the guess OS. Windows doesn't 
interfere with the keys at all. 

One final point, if you turn off Voice Over, the cap lock issue doesn't occur.


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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-09 Thread Sean Murphy

If anyone wants to reach me off line that is fine. Another tip related to 
keyboard  remapping.

There is a program for the Mac that allows you to remap  your keys. I have 
played with this and it gives you more flexibility on assigning the right 
options or command keys. Since these keys are not heavily used on the Mac. At 
least, I don't use the options available on the Mac for these keys.

The Remapper program can change any keys on the keyboard. It is free. Once it 
is changed, windows thinks it is that key and you can change it again to 
another key by using sharp keys.

In relation to USB devices not being detected. You need to do the following:

1. Open your document folder by command shift o.
2. Navigate to the virtual folder.
3. Move to the folder containing your virtual machine.
4. press vo shift m to open the context menu.
6. Navigate down to open package.
9. Now interact  with the files/folders. Go to the very bottom.
10. Navigate upwards and look for a VMWare configuration file. Voice Over will 
tell you this.
11. Open it in text pad or similar program. Make sure you save it as a text 
file. This is why I use text pad.
12. Contained in here is all the settings. Add the following:

svga.noHWCursor = "TRUE"
usb.generic.allowHID = "TRUE"

The second line from memory exposes USB devices and allows you to set an 
external keyboard to work only with the VMWare host. The other option is 
related to displays. 

I hope this helps.


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Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-09 Thread Sean Murphy

Give her a set of examples when to use the interaction  feature. Such as text 
pad since it is a simple app. Break it down in steps and give this to her. More 
then one example would be useful from different apps.


On 05/06/2012, at 11:30 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Being she only has 3 weeks, and constantly is admitting she's not practicing 
> at all...  she's not paying me so I'm not out any money, gbut she is waisting 
> my time.  I don't wanna be rude but I'm really at my limit.  Maybe I'm just 
> too nice of a person.  I do tend to tell it like it is most of the time, but 
> not when it's in a professional type environment.  Then, I try to refrane.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: erik burggraaf
> To:
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 7:18 AM
> Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with 
> items
> Hi Chris,  Erik here from ebony consulting in toronto.  I feel your pain.
> To comment on a couple of things that have been said, I actually find that if 
> you turn automatic interaction via tab key then things work more like 
> windows, in direct contrast to what others have said.
> I also liked what Gigi said about sometimes when there's a disconnect trying 
> to teach the theory and apply it, you might be better off just rolling with 
> it.  Teach a set of steps to accomplish a task and forget why it works as 
> long as it does.  That's a more limited approach but it removes the fear 
> barrier as long as the set of steps works reliably.
> All that assumes practice.  15 minutes a day is not really a hardship for 
> anyone.  I always recommend that to my clients.  I have two thoughts on this. 
>  If my client is paying their own bills, then I will sit them down and tell 
> them straight up that they're wasting their money unless they make some 
> changes.  Then if they still want to pay I keep taking their money and muddle 
> along as best I can.  If an organization is paying for the support, then I 
> sit the client down and tell them they have to make the changes or they are 
> going to lose their funding.  I have to document every hour as I'm sure you 
> do as well.  When I get consistent no practice, I put it in the report and 
> the client loses their funding.  It sucks to have to do that, but quite 
> honestly,  I'm not making the kind of money that makes me want to deal with a 
> lot of frustration.  As long as the effort is there I don't care how long it 
> takes to nail down a skill, but if the effort isn't there, then there's some 
> one waiting in line to take that person's spot, one fringe benefit of being a 
> good trainer.  :)  You can't save the world.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
> $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-06-03, at 11:47 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> okay… I really could use you awls help.
>> I myself am also a Mac voiceover trainer. I have a student who is starting 
>> from ground one. to the best of my knowledge, I do not believe that she even 
>> knew what voiceover was left alone how to use it until I told her of its 
>> existence. she is doing great, however now we're to the point where I am 
>> trying to help her learn the concept of interacting with certain items. at 
>> this point, she is following behind miserably. I'm not saying that it's her 
>> fault, it's probably the way that I am presenting it to her. I honestly am 
>> not sure how else to make this easier. I have tried literally almost every 
>> analogy underneath the sun. I tried explaining to her that voiceover works 
>> very hierarchically. to her, that made entirely no sense. she somewhat gets 
>> the concept when interacting with tables, but that's about as far as it 
>> goes. even then, I can tell that her concept on the matter is very hazy. I 
>> told her also to think of a bookshelf with three or four ring binders if she 
>> wanted to get to the third binder, and then look at the 15th page within 
>> that binder, she would first have to cross over the first and second binder 
>> without even looking inside of them. then, once at the third binder, she 
>> could then open it up, and then flip to the 15th page. I tried explaining to 
>> her that interacting with items on voiceover is much the same. you have an 
>> item where your voiceover cursor sits. you can either use voice over 
>> navigation to pass right over the items, or you can climb a level down and 
>> see what is underneath that item, by interacting with it. her exact words 
>> when I said this work: "okay, now you really lost me! " I am pretty much out 
>> of options. I don't know what else to tell her to try. I am determined to 
>> help her. However, it seems like until we get past this concept, voiceover 
>> is goin

Re: vmware fusion

2012-06-12 Thread Sean Murphy

VMWare is a great tool to use. There is a a lot of tips and tricks in the 
archive of this mail list. 

Under windows you will have to remap keys with sharp key and the Mac you can 
also remap keys with remapper an app for the mac.

Ensuring you have done your homework, you should not have to much problems.

On 12/06/2012, at 9:29 AM, Kimsan wrote:

> Hi,Has anyone used vm ware fusion?
> If so, what was your experience like setting it up.
> I am listening to a podcast right now from mike goreego
>  From the blindcool tech site and its from 2008, lol, lets hope nothing has 
> changed sense then for the set up.
> I plan on purchasing the vm ware fusion after I get a good idea of what mess 
> I am getting myself into smile!
> -- 
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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-12 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Maria,

When you load VMWare, you will get options where you can tell VMWare to attach 
the external keyboard to the Host. This is seen when you have VMWare in the 
standard window mode, not full screen. Everytime you load VMWare, you will have 
to connect the USB key.

Modify the file and you will see what I mean. You might want to back it up 
first just to be safe.

On 12/06/2012, at 5:37 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:

> Hi.  if it helps it's a core i 5.
> thanks
>   regards
> Maria and crew from australia
> email:
> check out 
> where we play lots of great music
> On 05/06/2012, at 12:01 AM, Chris Meredith wrote:
>> Hi Maria,
>> I'm actually running Windows 8 on a MacBook Pro with 8 GB of RAM, which I 
>> deliberately got kitted out so that I could run multiple virtual machines 
>> without having to buy multiple computers.  I can't remember what the CPU is 
>> on the Mini, but you should certainly have enough memory.
>> For those of you that have gone the Bootcamp route, have any of you also 
>> used the Windows Automated Installation Kit to create an unattended 
>> installation file?  As someone that has reliable sighted help available 
>> approximately as frequently as they have a six digit bank balance, I'm 
>> always on the lookout for workarounds.
>> On Jun 3, 2012, at 9:45 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I am also thinking about setting up a virtual machine.  Is there a 
>>> recommended amount of resources the virtual machine needs to run properly 
>>> but leaving enough for the mac? Will a virtual machine run ok on a mac mini 
>>> with 8 gigs of ram? And, how do I run a screen reader with an apple 
>>> bluetooth keyboard? Is there a way to make this work? Or would i be better 
>>> plugging in a standard usb keyboard?
>>> Is there anywhere i can go to read a tutorial or guide about setting up a 
>>> virtual machine to run windows?
>>> thanks
>>> God Bless! Maria from australia
>>>  Newbie mac user.
>>> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
>>> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
>>> On 04/06/2012, at 12:46 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
 Oh, cool! I have my mac already set up with boot camp. Would I likely have 
 activation issues with JFW going back and forth between these 2 methods? 
 Would I have to take up 2 keys, or is Fusion smart enough to deal with it?
 - Original Message - From: "Matthew Campbell" 
 Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 4:44 PM
 Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions
 A couple of things to keep in mind.
 1. If you do go the boot cam route, you will need sighted assistance to 
 get windows installed. Also, you'll be able to have Fusion treat the 
 bootcamp partition as a virtual machine. This has some advantages such as 
 being able to utilized all of the Mac's resources when you need to do 
 something that needs a lot of them but still able to boot in to windows 
 quickly through fusion when you don't need to do something system 
 2. The quick install option in fusion will have fusion install windows 
 without sighted assistance. The only thing you need do after installation 
 is install you're screen reader of choice.
 On 2012-06-03, at 5:26 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
> Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up 
> a virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very 
> helpful.
> Allison
> --
> From: "Matthew Campbell" 
> Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions
>> Hi.
>> Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's 
>> resources once again.
>> HTH,
>> On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.
>>> I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking 
>>> about playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get 
>>> started though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual 
>>> machine, you allocate a certain portion of your system resources in 
>>> order to run it. Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my 
>>> eight gigs of ram and 250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the 
>>> virtual machine. When I shut down the virtual machine, will those 
>>> resources be returned to my mac? That is to say, will I once again have 
>>> all 8 gigs of ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space available for use on 
>>> my mac? I apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.
>>> Allison
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 

Re: is a paid screenreader for the mac a option?

2012-06-26 Thread Sean Murphy

I really get tied of seeing these bashing threads on different OS's and screen 
reader. This isn't productive at all and shows quite a negative outlook.

Each model has positive and negative components which they range beyond what 
has been discussed thus far. If you believe there is improvements required. 
Then actively reach out to the relevant companies and send them positive and 
constructive information to them. If you require more people to help, then 
reach out to the relevant  blind lists to get others to help you to support 
your change. This applies for any app on any OS. Lets work as a group, rather 
then complaining why this or that doesn't work. A larger group can make a 
change, compared to a single person.

The windows screen reader companies have done an amazing effort with the 
restrictions  to the inner workings  of the OS. which they have had. Apple also 
has done an excellent job in the short period of time. 
 Freedom Scientific in the late 90's made an word office applications  
 accessible at a level where it was not available before. 
 Window-eyes change the way people on the Windows platform interacted with 
 web browsers.  Orca also has done an amazing improvements to Xwindows with 
 no real budget at all and uses a similar model as Apple. So a lot of 
 amazing work has done to improve the accessibility of products. We are no 
 where near at the end of the road. All OS's, applications and screen 
 reading software have improvements. Give credit due to these companies 
 with their effort and  dedication in making very usable products under a 
 very difficult environments.

One comment I will make. Historically Apple have been very positive with 
accessibility. Having the foundation they have makes it a lot easier for 
developers to make their products more accessible. The question I would raise 
is  what would happen to apples commitment to accessibility if the GFC occurs 
again  which is being predicted. This Time they are saying it is going to last 
for many years.  If comes to crunch and Apple has to make a decision on what 
features are not going to be developed or improved, will accessibility be the 
first to go?  Will apple continue putting the same effort or would they place 
the level of accessibility on hold? Apple as yet have not been placed in this 
situation and it will be interesting to see what occurs, if this ever 
eventuates to find out what Apple does.


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Re: is a paid screenreader for the mac a option?

2012-06-26 Thread Sean Murphy
GFC is global  Financial Crises  which occurred in 2009. I work for an 
international company which is getting ready for it now. 

On 26/06/2012, at 9:41 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:

> I agree that we need to mace always constructive comments. Just a little 
> question, What is GFC? I don't know.
> Thanks!
>  EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> El 26/06/2012, a las 13:37, Sean Murphy escribió:
>> All.
>> I really get tied of seeing these bashing threads on different OS's and 
>> screen reader. This isn't productive at all and shows quite a negative 
>> outlook.
>> Each model has positive and negative components which they range beyond what 
>> has been discussed thus far. If you believe there is improvements required. 
>> Then actively reach out to the relevant companies and send them positive and 
>> constructive information to them. If you require more people to help, then 
>> reach out to the relevant  blind lists to get others to help you to support 
>> your change. This applies for any app on any OS. Lets work as a group, 
>> rather then complaining why this or that doesn't work. A larger group can 
>> make a change, compared to a single person.
>> The windows screen reader companies have done an amazing effort with the 
>> restrictions  to the inner workings  of the OS. which they have had. Apple 
>> also has done an excellent job in the short period of time. 
>>>>>> Freedom Scientific in the late 90's made an word office applications  
>>>>>> accessible at a level where it was not available before. 
>>>>>> Window-eyes change the way people on the Windows platform interacted 
>>>>>> with web browsers.  Orca also has done an amazing improvements to 
>>>>>> Xwindows with no real budget at all and uses a similar model as Apple. 
>>>>>> So a lot of amazing work has done to improve the accessibility of 
>>>>>> products. We are no where near at the end of the road. All OS's, 
>>>>>> applications and screen reading software have improvements. Give credit 
>>>>>> due to these companies with their effort and  dedication in making very 
>>>>>> usable products under a very difficult environments.
>> One comment I will make. Historically Apple have been very positive with 
>> accessibility. Having the foundation they have makes it a lot easier for 
>> developers to make their products more accessible. The question I would 
>> raise is  what would happen to apples commitment to accessibility if the GFC 
>> occurs again  which is being predicted. This Time they are saying it is 
>> going to last for many years.  If comes to crunch and Apple has to make a 
>> decision on what features are not going to be developed or improved, will 
>> accessibility be the first to go?  Will apple continue putting the same 
>> effort or would they place the level of accessibility on hold? Apple as yet 
>> have not been placed in this situation and it will be interesting to see 
>> what occurs, if this ever eventuates to find out what Apple does.
>> . 
>> Sean 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro

2012-08-17 Thread Sean Murphy
Hello Paul,

This is wrong. I can use Focus 40 FS braille display in VMWare fusion with no 
problems. How are you connecting? The issue could be related to the method of 

if you are successfully connecting to the Mac and then you need check your 
Fusion setup. The hardware is still controlled by the Mac and Fusion. If 
windows doesn't see the relevant method you are using to connect, then all bets 
are  off.

On 16/08/2012, at 12:33 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello Alex. I’m using Windows 7 in VM Fusion. Yes, In many instances it can 
> take a minute or two to recognize pages. On the other hand, my wife has 
> Windows XP running in Bootcamp and pages are recognized in a matter of 
> seconds. There are a couple of other things you should know. Focus Braille 
> Drivers do not load in the Virtual Machine and Freedom Scientific is not 
> willing to help resolve the issue because they don’t support running JAWS or 
> any of their applications in Virtual machines. Finally, any time you change 
> the configuration of your Virtual Machine you lose an activation. Freedom 
> Scientific is not willing to issue additional keys very often. On the plus 
> side, You can install Windows without sighted assistance. You can also add 
> printers and read and write documents stored on the Mac side. In addition, 
> because your virtual machine is just an image, it’s easy to restore it from a 
> backup. So you can see that thare are tradeoffs. After considering all of 
> them, I’m willing to switch over to Bootcamp for the increased performance. 
> I’ll use Drop Box whenever I need to move folders from the Mac side to the 
> Windows side.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Damashe Thomas
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro
> Hello,
> Thanks for the notice Alex, I will take a look at virtualbox also.
> Paul, is performance terrible with openbook?
> Thanks
> - Original Message -
> From: Paul Hunt
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 7:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro
> Hello Damash. I have been using fusion for two years. In general it works 
> fine but peformance is much better with bootcamp especially with Open Book.
> On Aug 15, 2012, at 11:39 AM, "Damashe Thomas"  
> wrote:
> Hello List,
> My name is Damashe Thomas and I am fairly new to the macvisionaries group. I 
> live in the great state of Georgia. I have been a very happy iOS user for the 
> past four years and am preparing to make the move to the mac.
> I have two quick questions to get started.
> Does anyone have experience with the latest version of parallels and can 
> speak about the accessibility of that app. Is it a possible option or should 
> I just go with VMWare fusion?
> I like the ability to run windows in a virtual machine when I have to use it, 
> but has anyone run in to any issues using applications like kurzweil or 
> openbook in a virtual windows environment?
> Thanks
> Damashe
> Skype:
> damashe.thomas
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro

2012-08-17 Thread Sean Murphy
Hello Paul,

No problems. I use the Focus 40 USB version with no problems. If you don't 
connect the USB device to VMWare, then the Guess will not recognise it. Ideally 
you should do this while the OS is loading.

On 18/08/2012, at 1:56 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello Sean. I no longer have access to the Focus 40. I was trying to connect 
> the USB version of the Focus and never got it to connect. My wife has Windows 
> installed in a Bootcamp partition and the focus connected fine with it. I 
> assume that Blue Tooth works properly.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 3:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro
> Hello Paul,
> This is wrong. I can use Focus 40 FS braille display in VMWare fusion with no 
> problems. How are you connecting? The issue could be related to the method of 
> connection.
> if you are successfully connecting to the Mac and then you need check your 
> Fusion setup. The hardware is still controlled by the Mac and Fusion. If 
> windows doesn't see the relevant method you are using to connect, then all 
> bets are  off.
> Sean 
> On 16/08/2012, at 12:33 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello Alex. I’m using Windows 7 in VM Fusion. Yes, In many instances it can 
> take a minute or two to recognize pages. On the other hand, my wife has 
> Windows XP running in Bootcamp and pages are recognized in a matter of 
> seconds. There are a couple of other things you should know. Focus Braille 
> Drivers do not load in the Virtual Machine and Freedom Scientific is not 
> willing to help resolve the issue because they don’t support running JAWS or 
> any of their applications in Virtual machines. Finally, any time you change 
> the configuration of your Virtual Machine you lose an activation. Freedom 
> Scientific is not willing to issue additional keys very often. On the plus 
> side, You can install Windows without sighted assistance. You can also add 
> printers and read and write documents stored on the Mac side. In addition, 
> because your virtual machine is just an image, it’s easy to restore it from a 
> backup. So you can see that thare are tradeoffs. After considering all of 
> them, I’m willing to switch over to Bootcamp for the increased performance. 
> I’ll use Drop Box whenever I need to move folders from the Mac side to the 
> Windows side.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Damashe Thomas
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro
> Hello,
> Thanks for the notice Alex, I will take a look at virtualbox also.
> Paul, is performance terrible with openbook?
> Thanks
> - Original Message -
> From: Paul Hunt
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 7:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro
> Hello Damash. I have been using fusion for two years. In general it works 
> fine but peformance is much better with bootcamp especially with Open Book.
> On Aug 15, 2012, at 11:39 AM, "Damashe Thomas"  
> wrote:
> Hello List,
> My name is Damashe Thomas and I am fairly new to the macvisionaries group. I 
> live in the great state of Georgia. I have been a very happy iOS user for the 
> past four years and am preparing to make the move to the mac.
> I have two quick questions to get started.
> Does anyone have experience with the latest version of parallels and can 
> speak about the accessibility of that app. Is it a possible option or should 
> I just go with VMWare fusion?
> I like the ability to run windows in a virtual machine when I have to use it, 
> but has anyone run in to any issues using applications like kurzweil or 
> openbook in a virtual windows environment?
> Thanks
> Damashe
> Skype:
> damashe.thomas
> -- 
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Re: V M Ware Question

2012-08-17 Thread Sean Murphy

Remember that Mac does not have a insert key. If you require this key, then you 
will have to modify the keyboard within Windows, VMWare or on the Mac to permit 
this to occur. There have been many posts on this on different lists discussing 

On 17/08/2012, at 9:48 PM, Jesus Garcia wrote:

> Good morning folks I assume now that I have VM Ware installed running windows 
> 7 64 and Window eyes that I can use most of the hot key commands within 
> windows?
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Re: V M Ware Question

2012-08-19 Thread Sean Murphy
Yes, you can connect a keyboard with a insert key or if you are in the USA. You 
can purchase the Bluetooth number pad from Apple to use as an extra keyboard 
for your Mac.

On 18/08/2012, at 10:50 PM, Jesus Garcia wrote:

> True so if I need the insert key can I connect a windows keyboard while 
> running windows?
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 20:40
> To:
> Subject: Re: V M Ware Question
> Hi,
> Remember that Mac does not have a insert key. If you require this key, then 
> you will have to modify the keyboard within Windows, VMWare or on the Mac to 
> permit this to occur. There have been many posts on this on different lists 
> discussing how.
> Sean 
> On 17/08/2012, at 9:48 PM, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Good morning folks I assume now that I have VM Ware installed running windows 
> 7 64 and Window eyes that I can use most of the hot key commands within 
> windows?
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Re: how to work with facebook?

2011-12-02 Thread Sean Murphy

Hi All.

If everyone having such problems and are based within the USA. Why don't you 
initiate a class action against FaceBook for ADA. Assuming they do not 
listen or try and make changes. Facebook is regarded as a tool used by 
businesses, not only for personal use.

I cannot initiate it because I don't come from USA and the laws in my 
country wouldn't hold up.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kestrell" 

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: how to work with facebook?

There is also the larger problem in that many of the issues which make 
Facebook difficult to use with a screen reader also make it difficult to 
program an app for, primarily being that Facebook's interface changes so 
often. Additionally, figuring out what to include in the app is 
problematical: some users want a scaled-down version of Facebook like the 
mobile interface, and they use only a few of the features--like posting 
status updates and reading the FB pages of their friends--and other users 
want to use all of the features, including game invites and photos. This 
points to one issue in particular which makes it difficult to design for: 
Facebook is not realy a single program, although it is referred to as 
such, but instead it is actually a large group of apps itself, made up of 
multiple programs which can change at any time.

Then there are issues which are just a mystery, like why I can use the 
mobile Facebook site on my Windows machine just fine, but I can't get it 
to load in Safari or, at least, it is going to some other link which 
starts with the mobile interface URL but then has a string of other 
letters in the URL address which brings me to some page which is 
unreadable with VO. I don't even know if this is a Facebook issue, a 
Safari issue, or even why I am being redirected, and of course, getting 
Facebook to cooperate with accessibility issues is like pulling teeth. To 
program even a basic app the programmer needs access to information about 
the program for which the app is being developed, and without more 
information and a less changeable interface, developing such an app 
becomes very difficult.


- Original Message - 
From: "Teresa Cochran" 

Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: how to work with facebook?

This is the quicksand I don't like to get into: whether an app is 
accessible or not. I think facebook is accessible; just hard to use at 
times. When I think of inaccessible, I think of apps that don't have 
anything read by VO at all. Just my two cents.


"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

On Dec 1, 2011, at 6:05 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

Isn't it possible for anyone to make an accessible app for using 

Some of the people in this group are really very skilled when it comes
to these things, so can't they do anything about it?

On 01/12/2011, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

Hi, Paul,

With Facebook, I do a lot of VO-f keypresses to find things like 

or "what's on your mind?" Also I use VO-command-j to find form fields,
VO-command-H to find headings, and VO-command-l to find links. To get 

all the top stories, I go past the search form field with a bunch of
VO-command-J's and then press VO-command-H to find the first story in 

most recent category.


I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 9:35 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

While the solution is patented and currently under development, the 
over at Towson University have come up with a novel approach using 
cues instead of garbled speech as the captcha. I'm trying to get 
access to

a demo but there is a lot of NDA wrapped around it so I probably can't
share much else at this point. If it works well 'for real' I expect 
see this spread all over the internet for audio captchas. Here is 

press release which is also a bit skimpy on details:


On 11/30/11 12:01 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
the problem with facebook extends to many thousands of sites across 
world who do not properly code or object label their sites. each part 
a site contains graphical links, etc which in cases are not labeled 
or if

ar then left as numbers, making life EXTREMELY difficult for us all.

it's not a case of an app in most cases to make a website accessible,
it's a question of the developers listening to website accessibility
requirements and documentation which is widely available and in many
cases, developers comply with these rules and development 

that's the sad fact of it. I've lost count of sites I've had to work 
where I've had to have sighted help even to get a bloomin phone 

the other ridiculous issue is CAPTCHA. don't get me started on this
nightmare, then adding inaudible translations which are poorly 

and distorted. an absolute joke.

sorry. it's one of those days for Free Macs For The Blind whe

Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands

2011-12-02 Thread Sean Murphy


Apple script might be able to interract with the Terminal app itself. But it 
really depends on what you are trying to achieve. If Terminal has a 
dictionary, then you can use those objects, methods, properties to work with 
Terminal. Since I am not on my MAC. I cannot tell you straight away if this 
is possible at all.

Be aware, Apple Script isn't a quick learning curve due to the nature of the 
syntax and information you have to find out about in regards to an App. A 
good book is really necessary if you are not used to Apple script or 

Before anyone can give you a good direction. You need to let us know what 
your goal is.

In terminal you are accessing the CLI which is BSD Unix which the MAC is 
based upon. Inside this world you have many different options to choose 

such as Bash shell scripting, Perl, ruby, etc. But this isn't interacting 
with the Terminal. Rather you are using the Unix OS directly.

Looking forward to here from you.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ioana Gandrabur" 

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands


Thanks for the tips. I am afraid I don't know about shell and chmod.
Sorry for being so clueless. Any pointers are as usually very appreciated.
Take care,

On Nov 30, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

You could just do the script in the shell as well and skip automater. Just 
put each command line by line in a text file and then modify the text file 
to be executable with

chmod a+x

after that you can just run that text file and it will execute all the 
commands inside as though you had typed them. I often use this for 
repetitive tasks and just name the file "g" for "Go". One tricky bit is 
the shell will look in certain places (directory paths) for files to run 
and often times this is not your present directory. So unless I add the 
present directory (usually denoted as a dot or period) to my path I have 
to specify it when doing my "g" command:


If you want I can give you the commands to add . to your path and avoid 
the ./ nonsense.


On 11/29/11 8:52 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

Hi all,

I would love to create a script or what ever that I can call up to 
perform a series of terminal commands. I had a look at the automator and 
found a record option to type in all the steps. I performed the actions 
but when I tried to run the action got an error. I suspect that the key 
sequence goes to fast since it is saying that terminal is not running 
when it was expected to.
Any ideas how to do this or where to look for prewritten scripts I can 

Is the script editor a better option than automator?

I have no formal scripting experience but have read and written jaws 
scripts using their manual but really nothing fancy.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands

2011-12-02 Thread Sean Murphy

Hi Chris,

Why is talking about the CLI off topic since the MAC is based upon Unix and 
is the core of the OS.

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Blouch" 

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands

In your utilities folder is a program called terminal which lets you
type commands in what is usually called a 'unix shell'. If you've used
DOS or Unix it will be quite familiar. So everything I described is done
inside of terminal. You can do things like copy a file by typing

cp original_file copy_file

where original_file is the name of the original file and copy_file is
what you want the copy named. You can also use the ls command to list
the contents of the current directory, or mv to move instead of copy a
file. The terminal/shell is a very powerful tool and it is beyond the
scope of this mailing list to tell you everything about it. Google
around for some tutorials on unix and bash. bash stands for Bourne Again
Shell and that is also created by Brian Fox of the GNU Project.


On 12/1/11 3:10 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:


Thanks for the tips. I am afraid I don't know about shell and chmod.
Sorry for being so clueless. Any pointers are as usually very appreciated.
Take care,

On Nov 30, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

You could just do the script in the shell as well and skip automater. 
Just put each command line by line in a text file and then modify the 
text file to be executable with

chmod a+x

after that you can just run that text file and it will execute all the 
commands inside as though you had typed them. I often use this for 
repetitive tasks and just name the file "g" for "Go". One tricky bit is 
the shell will look in certain places (directory paths) for files to run 
and often times this is not your present directory. So unless I add the 
present directory (usually denoted as a dot or period) to my path I have 
to specify it when doing my "g" command:


If you want I can give you the commands to add . to your path and avoid 
the ./ nonsense.


On 11/29/11 8:52 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

Hi all,

I would love to create a script or what ever that I can call up to 
perform a series of terminal commands. I had a look at the automator and 
found a record option to type in all the steps. I performed the actions 
but when I tried to run the action got an error. I suspect that the key 
sequence goes to fast since it is saying that terminal is not running 
when it was expected to.
Any ideas how to do this or where to look for prewritten scripts I can 

Is the script editor a better option than automator?

I have no formal scripting experience but have read and written jaws 
scripts using their manual but really nothing fancy.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: Using control right and left arrows under fusion and windows 7

2011-12-31 Thread Sean Murphy

What version of Fusion?

Since I do not have this problem.

I am using Lion and Fusion 3.1x. 

My configuration is that I make the VM guess OS window a full screen by 
pressing control + option + enter. Then the control arrows plus the normal 
arrows work fine. In fact, I do not recall if having the guess window in normal 
window size has an issue either.

In preferences you can swap around the keys. You can tell Fusion to disregard 
all MAC shortcut keys which I have done. I have even swapped the option and 
command keys around to make it feel more like windows. I have used the windows 
remapping program that everyone has previously mention. This app I only 
remapped one key for the Insert. Otherwise I haven't done anything else.

You can force the external keyboards to have full control within the guess OS. 
The external keyboard is then regarded as a windows keyboard and isn't seen by 

On 01/01/2012, at 8:49 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> If you go into vmware preferences, keyboard and mouse, you can add your 
> mapping there as long as you hit key mapping tab.  It can be confusing but 
> once its done, then you can access your mapping preferences through any 
> virtual machine and you do not have to use sharpe keys.
> Kawal.On 31 Dec 2011, at 21:01, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Hmm, is there a way to remap keys using the mac to disable that?
>> On Dec 31, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> I haven't found a way around this either. The problem is that the Mac uses 
>> ctrl+right/left arrows to move between spaces in launchpad, and I don't 
>> think you can disable that.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Dec 31, 2011, at 3:34 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Hi there.
>>> I use Window-eyes and have tried turning vo off.  I still cannot control 
>>> arrow.  I tried it with a windows kb and an apple kb, both USB connected; 
>>> same problem.
>>> Thanks for your kind wishes!  We are having surf and turf and bubbles 
>>> tonight, smile.
>>> Marlaina 
>>> On Dec 31, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Does this happen when voice over is running?
>>> Just that when I have windows running with voice over off, if I try to 
>>> select words or lines using jaws, something crashes and I have to do alt 
>>> tav twice to get speech back re jaws but nothing is selected or copied to 
>>> the clip board.  I do not know if its a bmware problem or windows problem 
>>> or a jaws problem.
>>> Kawal.
>>> P.S. congratulations on your wedding anniversary.
>>> On 31 Dec 2011, at 07:52 PM, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
 Hi all.
 I asked this question on another list and didn't get anyone who knew how 
 to solve the problem, but heard from others having the problem.
 I am dual booting my mbp with windows 7 under vm fusion.  All works well 
 except for the use of control left and right or up and down arrows.  What 
 this means is I can't move by word, only by character.
 Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a resolution for the 
 Marlaina, who is celebrating her wedding anniversary today!  The whole 
 world celebrates my anniversary, Happy New Year to all!
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Re: iTunes question re external file server

2012-01-01 Thread Sean Murphy

Make sure the external drive is mounted first. All mounted volumes are in 
/volumes directory.

On 02/01/2012, at 10:46 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> Can anybody tell me why neither my Air nor my MBP will believe me when I tell 
> them I want my libraries in iTunes located on my external server?  I keep 
> having to change this each time I open iTunes, no matter which machine I use.
> I have other questions about iTunes match, but will hold off on them.
> Thanks so much and happy holidays to all!
> MarlainaD
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Re: iTunes question re external file server

2012-01-02 Thread Sean Murphy

Go to the desktop/finder. Press command + k. This opens the network connection 
dialog. Enter in the server name or the IP address of the server. EG:


This will open a new dialog. If a username/password is required, you will be 
prompted. If none is required, then you will get a dialog showing the available 
shared directories available.

I hope the above helps.

On 03/01/2012, at 11:04 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Sean,
> Thank you so much but how do I do this?  I don't even know where 
> /volumes/directory is located or how to find it, not to mention what to do if 
> the external server drive is not mounted.
> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the 
> world!
> Marlaina Lieberg
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
> Hi,
> Make sure the external drive is mounted first. All mounted volumes are in 
> /volumes directory.
> Sean 
> On 02/01/2012, at 10:46 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Can anybody tell me why neither my Air nor my MBP will believe me when I 
>> tell them I want my libraries in iTunes located on my external server?  I 
>> keep having to change this each time I open iTunes, no matter which machine 
>> I use.
>> I have other questions about iTunes match, but will hold off on them.
>> Thanks so much and happy holidays to all!
>> MarlainaD
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Re: Is there really not a Save As option in Text Edit?

2012-01-05 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Donna,

You might want to investigate into Apple Script. This can modify default 
behaviours for applications. You can introduce your own save as. This is a work 
around I know.

But even better. You could create a template using apple script. activate the 
script fill in the bits you want. Save it as the naming convention you want. 
Learning apple script will take a bit. But is a perfect tool for these types of 

Using the right tool for the right job is a motto of mine.

On 05/01/2012, at 9:03 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Unless, you're working on a template.  The document in question is a service 
> contract.  I modify the template for each client, and then save it adding the 
> client's name.  And that's just one reason one might want to save an existing 
> file with a different name, but keep the original document.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:31 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>   Remember that Lion is moving to an iOS kind of interface.  The resume 
>> feature in Lion is another example of this.  So, with "documents", they are 
>> automatically edited as you work on them, so there is no need to manually 
>> save them.  
>> .  
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Thanks, John.  God that's dumb, what on earth was Apple thinking?
>>> thanks anyway,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:59 PM, John Panarese wrote:
 There is no save as in Lion.  This has to do with the version history 
 feature.  If you are working off a template or such, duplicate the 
 document from the file menu and then do a command-s to save it with a new 
 Take Care
 John Panarese
 On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Well, it is. Cmd-Shift S gives you nothing in Lion.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Well, in SL, command shift S gives you the save as dialog; I can't see 
>> why this would be different in Lion.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Fraser Speirs - Blog - Misconceptions About iOS Multitasking

2012-01-07 Thread Sean Murphy

The blogger is correct in relation to OS on smart phones. If an app reports 
straight away it doesn't have enough memory. Then either there is a memory leak 
in that app or some other problem in relation to the app not reporting 
correctly to the OS.

You are hitting a bug, not a miss explanation of the OS handling of apps.

On 08/01/2012, at 10:38 AM, Shannon Dyer wrote:

> Yes. With something like readToGo, it definitely matters. If I have more than 
> a couple of things in the app switcher, I get the low memory warning when 
> running ReadToGo. Once I clear the switcher, the app runs just fine.
> Shannon
> If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build community, write to
> On Jan 7, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> My only problem is that I have seen an app prove this person wrong.
>> When I use Read2Go on my iPod 4th gen, it nearly always gives me a low
>> memory warning. If I then go through my app switcher and take out
>> everything, Read2Go once again runs fine. If what the blogger says is
>> true, then it should not matter what is in my app switcher, yet it
>> seems to matter very much.
>> On 1/7/12, Red.Falcon  wrote:
>>> Hi all again!
>>> This also was good due to some recent post's!
>>> And the reader command works here!
>>> This is an interesting view on multi tasking.
>>> Enjoy the read.
>>> Colin
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Is there really not a Save As option in Text Edit?

2012-01-07 Thread Sean Murphy

I recall a book called abc for apple script. Let me look at my safari book list 
and get back to you later this week. Remind me if I for get.

On 05/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> Thanks for the suggestion.  I've actually been wanting to learn to use Apple 
> Script for a long time, but I just never seem to have time.  Can you suggest 
> any tutorials or podcast on learning to use it?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> You might want to investigate into Apple Script. This can modify default 
>> behaviours for applications. You can introduce your own save as. This is a 
>> work around I know.
>> But even better. You could create a template using apple script. activate 
>> the script fill in the bits you want. Save it as the naming convention you 
>> want. Learning apple script will take a bit. But is a perfect tool for these 
>> types of tasks.
>> Using the right tool for the right job is a motto of mine.
>> Sean 
>> On 05/01/2012, at 9:03 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Unless, you're working on a template.  The document in question is a 
>>> service contract.  I modify the template for each client, and then save it 
>>> adding the client's name.  And that's just one reason one might want to 
>>> save an existing file with a different name, but keep the original document.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:31 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>> Remember that Lion is moving to an iOS kind of interface.  The resume 
>>>> feature in Lion is another example of this.  So, with "documents", they 
>>>> are automatically edited as you work on them, so there is no need to 
>>>> manually save them.  
>>>> .  
>>>> Take Care
>>>> John Panarese
>>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, John.  God that's dumb, what on earth was Apple thinking?
>>>>> thanks anyway,
>>>>> Donna
>>>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:59 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>>>> There is no save as in Lion.  This has to do with the version history 
>>>>>> feature.  If you are working off a template or such, duplicate the 
>>>>>> document from the file menu and then do a command-s to save it with a 
>>>>>> new name.
>>>>>> Take Care
>>>>>> John Panarese
>>>>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>>>>>> Well, it is. Cmd-Shift S gives you nothing in Lion.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Donna
>>>>>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>>>>>>> Well, in SL, command shift S gives you the save as dialog; I can't see 
>>>>>>>> why this would be different in Lion.
>>>>>>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>>>>>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>>>>>>> • MSN:
>>>>>>>> • My home page:
>>>>>>>> •
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Re: Switching to a Mac from PC

2012-01-07 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi chuck,

I think people have missed the main point of your message and have gone on a 
tangent which isn't what you were asking.

Large (magnification) on the Mac is very good from my understanding. You can 
quickly change the size of the font. But I do not know what the feature 
differences between Zoomtext and Mac Magnification. Only think I do know is 
that it is very feature reach.

Web development and other like presentation tools under the Mac is very feature 
On 04/01/2012, at 12:44 PM, Chuck wrote:

> Thanks for the information. I do plan to use my PC and the Mac Mini in
> parallel until I get used to the Mac. I am familiar with voice over
> and zoom on the iPhone and iPad and I'm hoping that they translate as
> well to the Mac Mini.
> I have a sighted friend who also says that the Mac is a little more
> sluggish than the PC. I don't do any gaming, 90% of my computer uses
> buying online, word processing, and web development
> But having dealt with Zoom text for the last 15 years, I am totally
> frustrated with the program. I have to reboot it about five times
> every day in order to get the text smooting to work. And it no longer
> works with Internet Explorer nine. I'm sure that when they do finally
> fix it, they'll want another $150 for the update.
> Chuck
> On Jan 3, 6:22 pm, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>> Very well said. I've had my mac since may, and although I've recently become 
>> far more fond of Itunes than my bank account is
>> comfortable with, I just don't use it for daily tasks. I just can't get 
>> comfortable with any of the word processing options,
>> and since I've been using a PC for close to 25 years, I'm always going to be 
>> more comfortable on a windows platform. One of
>> my favorite activities, especially while I'm unemployed, is playing games, 
>> and while I'm thrilled that the RS games client
>> works on the mac, there aren't any other options. I'm still hoping for a 
>> truly accessible mud client; if atlantis is
>> accessible, I sure haven't figured out how to make it speak automatically.
>> My other major task is writing/editing a story I've been working on for 
>> several years now. I just can't get comfortable
>> working on my files using the mac, so just keep using good old wordpad on 
>> the PC.
>> Since it cost me so much money, I have chosen to use the mac for things that 
>> either don't work or I don't want to mess with
>> on my PC: adium, skype, itunes, and a couple of other similar things that I 
>> can't remember at the moment. I figure that the
>> mac is a lot easier to fix if something goes wrong, and that's definitely 
>> something I'll give Apple credit for; you can
>> install the operating system without any sighted assistance, and with carbon 
>> copy cloner and time machine, it's easy to
>> restore your machine on the off chance that something catastrophic happens. 
>> Another thing that I really love about the mac is
>> Growl. It essensially reads things that happen in the system tray: changes 
>> in dropbox files for example. That's 1 thing my PC
>> can't do, or if it can, I don't know how to set it up, so the mac is really 
>> awesome in that respect.
>> With all that being said, however, while I certainly like my mac a lot more 
>> than I did when I first bought it, to be
>> perfectly honest, there's still a rather big part of me that regrets the 
>> purchase. I eventually hope to get bootcamp and/or
>> VM fusion up and running, but so far, that just hasn't happened.
>> I hope this makes at least a little sense and that it helps you in your 
>> decision. Sadly, I can't comment on the large print
>> side of things, but I've become moderately comfortable with using Voiceover. 
>> Good luck in whatever decision you make, and I
>> hope this helps you out at least a little.
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 8:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Switching to a Mac from PC
>> I got a Mini after hearing nothing but great things about the Mac and 
>> VoiceOver. I can honestly say that I regret the
>> decision. I never understood editing, my system seemed sluggish compared to 
>> NVDA with Windows, and web browsing is slow on
>> the Mac when using vo. Also, a lot of what I do on the pc is audio gaming, 
>> and not so much as a good, accessible version of
>> Solitaire is available on the Mac, let alone shooting, strategy, or other 
>> intensively audio games.
>> I am still willing to admit that a good, long skype session with someone who 
>> is an experienced Mac user may help me, but as
>> of right now I almost never boot into Mac, using the Windows half of my 
>> dual-booting mini almost exclusively. If you do
>> switch, make sure to either set up bootcamp or a virtual machine so you can 
>> run Windows, because I can pretty much promise

Re: Some help with making a web site accessible.

2012-01-31 Thread Sean Murphy

Have they reviewed the W3c guidelines in relation to web accessibility?
On 31/01/2012, at 9:39 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Hello,  Temple Rodef Shalom in NOrther Virginia just updated their web site 
> and it has a mouse over type of menu that uses a "menu.js"  I can with some 
> finagling pull down the menus in the list, but it is very inefficient.  
> If somebody could look at  and give me advice as 
> to how to make aria landmarks indicate the menu or other tweaks that would 
> make the site work better with Voice Over  (and possibly other screen 
> readers) I would appreciate the help.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
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Re: Accessible Program for masking your IP

2012-01-31 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Mike,

Why do you want to mask your IP address?

Don't you have a router between you and the Internet?

Natting is the simplest method to hide your PC IP address.


On 31/01/2012, at 2:00 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hi.
> I am looking for a low-cost solution for masking my Mac's IP address.  For 
> quite some time, I used Hot Spot Shield, but this is no longer an option, 
> because "PowerPC Applications are no longer supported."
> Can anyone suggest an accessible alternative?
> My thanks in advance,
> Mike
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Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-08 Thread Sean Murphy

some NAS devices have a iTunes Server. Qnap does have this. But I haven't used 
it yet. 

This is a interesting thread since it is what I wanted to do myself as well.  I 
want to access all the movies, audiobooks, music, etc via the NAS on the ITv. 
But if I cannot control what is seen by who. Then I might have to look at 
another solution.

On 07/02/2012, at 4:03 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Chris,
> Yes I understand that is possible, but unfortunately and unless I am missing 
> something here, the issue is I would have to log in as that user and launch 
> iTunes. THis means I could not be logged in as myself because it would not be 
> possible to effectively have two instances of iTUnes running.
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 11:54 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I'm saying you can have two different users both logged into the same Mac 
>> and both with their own instance of iTunes running. Give it a try by 
>> creating a second account and then switching to that user without logging 
>> out of the current user. If you launch iTunes you'll find a pristine library 
>> with settings all its own.
>> CB
>> On 2/6/12 10:45 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> Yes a Mini would work in this case, but not looking to go that route. I'm 
>>> done buying computers for a while. :)
>>> So, with that said my wife is a user on my Mac. I could obviously log in as 
>>> her and setup iTunes and that would work great. However, I do not know how 
>>> I could have us both logged into the same machine and I think what you are 
>>> saying is you have two different Macs in this scenario?
>>> Seems to me the problem is that iTunes has to be running and that library 
>>> active. If I could get around that I probably would solve my problem. :)
>>> THanks,
>>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 As an aside, an old MacMini would also make a nice media computer if you 
 want real storage and more than what an AppleTV will get you. The 
 headphone jack is actually a digital optical output which you can connect 
 to any typical surround-sound stereo to get the full 5.1 output from DVDs 
 and such.
 That said, I did try just duplicating the iTunes app to try and run two 
 instances, but no luck, they share the same preference files. What did 
 work was setting up another user on my Mac and having that second user 
 logged in running iTunes. That instance had it's own library and 
 preferences so I could share two libraries from the same machine with two 
 users logged in.
 On 2/6/12 10:11 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> If you had a 1st Generation Apple TV with the built-in HD, this would 
> work as once the Apple TV is synced, you wouldn't need to have the iTunes 
> Library actually active.  Now, of course, they're hard to find now and 
> you need sighted assistance to set them up, but after that, you'd be 
> golden.  I was also thinking about iTunes Match on the 2nd Gen Apple TV, 
> you'd be able to use a matched Library in that situation except, at the 
> moment, it only applies to iTunes music files, not movie and TV shows.  
> You might also have volume restrictions from your ISP that could 
> interfere with this idea as well.
> Not helping much, am I?
> Hmmm, you could stoop to putting Windows on your Mac as well so that you 
> could run Fusion or Parallels, thus having two Libraries running 
> simultaneously from the same machine.  I don't particularly care for 
> Windows though, even though I have to use it at work sometimes.
> I'll think some more and let you know if I come up with anything.
> Later...
> On 2012-02-06, at 4:34 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Tim and Ricardo,
>>> I figured out how to do this, but sadly I ran into one problem that I 
>>> suspect there is no solution for. In order to make this Home SHaring 
>>> thing work you have to have iTunes running and that library active 
>>> which means I cannot use my library. So, it amounts to all or nothing. 
>>> So, that idea ain't gonna work.
>>> THanks,
>>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 6:02 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: iOS developing

2012-02-25 Thread Sean Murphy

If you want a major challenge. Then something that I feel would be excellent on 
the IOS device is a program that will allow someone to review organisation 
charts, network diagrams, and the like.

How would this work?

1. every graphical picture is an object.
2. When you move to the object it reads out an description.
3. You can either move around the screen with your fingers or use the 
left/right swipe movements to move between objects.
4. If you move off an object, then you get a audio sound.
5. New graphic objects can be added plus description.
6. Part of the description would be:

a) Name of the object. Such as diamond 
B) Any explanation information in the object with focus would be read out.
C) Announcing what other objects are connected to this object.

The sighted person sees it graphically while the blind person can build up an 
understanding of the diagram. An example might make this clearer.

Imagine you have a network diagram of 4 routers in a shape of a square. The 
focus is on the first router. Router 1 would say:

Router 1object (upper left hand corner).
Serial1 link object on right. 56k  speed
Ethernet 1object on bottom. 10mbps  speed
Name: r1 - 3650 Cisco 

When you move to the Serial link object it would say:

serial 1link
router1 object on left  r1 - 3650 cisco s1/1
router2 object on right. 3560 Cisco s1/1 
56k speed 

You are adding descriptive text properties to the objects. You could use x/y 
position to identify object position of the top and bottom corners. If the 
object over laps, then you report this. This is how an object would know if an 
object is connected to one of its sides by sharing the same border values.

I have seen something like this with VB6 and Jaws. So I know it can be done. 
This would make an fantastic tool for Business and computer professionals. Such 
as flow charts, UML diagrams, etc. 

If you want to talk in more depth. Drop me a line.

As I stated, it is a major task.

On 25/02/2012, at 11:54 PM, irid domnori wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm Irid and I'm writing from Italy.
> I enjoyed the iOS developing program because I wanted to try the 
> accessibility improvements with the beta versions of iOS.
> Now I would like to  do something more: can I, as a blind, develop something 
> for iOS such as applications?
> thanks in advance.
> irid domnori
> contatto skype: superirid
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Re: Office Productivity on the Mac

2012-02-25 Thread Sean Murphy

The requirements you have in relation to office application is related to your 
skill level or what features you require to use.

Tables within Pages o not work. I am aware of many discussions on work arounds. 
But pages doesn't work with tables. There  are other text based Unix 
applications that do work. In a Business world, you don't use those tools 
because everyone else uses Gui word processes. Sharing documents becomes far 
more complex, even if it is possible.

Spreadsheets when I played with them called Numbers was really painful. I just 
could not get around the spreadsheet and things were either double speaking or 

Presentation tools I found not accessible at all.

All above apps are for iWork's. So Apple do have a lot of work to improve. 
Pages appears to be the most accessible. But there are a lot of features of 
Word Processing that isn't accessible.


On 24/02/2012, at 8:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> On 23 Feb 2012, at 21:38, Paul Hunt wrote:
>> do you mean that I should turn off the tracking with vu=shift+f3 in order to 
>> use pages efficiently?
> No. I mean in VoiceOver Utility, in the Navigation category, where you have 
> things like Initial position of VoiceOver cursor, for Mouse pointer: you 
> should have the Mouse pointer: pop up button set to Ignores VoiceOver cursor. 
> I find VO to be more stable this way.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: [New post] Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store

2014-06-10 Thread Sean Murphy

Thanks for the post. Ignore what others say unless the moderator states 
otherwise. this is very informative.

On 11 Jun 2014, at 1:16 am, Christopher Hallsworth  

> Christopher Hallsworth
> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
>  Original Message 
> Subject:  [New post] Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store
> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:53:42 +
> From: MacDailyNews 
> Reply-To: MacDailyNews
> To:
> MacDailyNews posted: "[cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple appears to be
> removing many of the popular music downloading apps from the iOS App
> Store, including those that allowed users to obtain files from
> third-party file sharing sites," Richard Padilla reports for MacRumors. "T"
> Respond to this post by replying above this line
>New post on *MacDailyNews* 
>Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store
> by MacDailyNews 
> [cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple appears to be removing many of the
> popular music downloading apps from the iOS App Store, including those
> that allowed users to obtain files from third-party file sharing sites,"
> Richard Padilla reports for MacRumors. "The move is likely in an attempt
> to push the iTunes Store and iTunes Radio, as well as to clean up the
> App Store ahead of an overhaul in iOS 8."
> "A search for the term 'music download' in the App Store displays a
> message inviting users to try out iTunes Radio," Padilla reports.
> "Previously, the same search would show results for a number of apps
> that could download music and audio files from websites such as
> Soundcloud and YouTube, with many appearing on the App Store's 'Top
> Charts' section."
> Padilla reports, "Some developers have also noted that Apple has asked
> them to remove audio downloading functionalities from their app, perhaps
> to prevent potential piracy."
> *Read more in the full article here
> .*
> [Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader "Lynn Weiler" for the heads up.]
> *MacDailyNews * | Tuesday,
> June 10, 2014 at 10:53 am | Tags: App Store
> , Apple
> , iTunes radio
> , itunes store
> , music
> , music apps
> , music downloading apps
> , music piracy
> , SoundCloud
> , YouTube
>  | Categories: News
>  | URL: 
> Comment
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Re: An Overview of iOS 8's New Accessibility Features – MacStories

2014-07-01 Thread Sean Murphy
How do you find this option?
On 1 Jul 2014, at 5:49 pm, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Correct, speak screen already exists in iOS 7. It is a little harder to find. 
> I have a client who sees perfectly well, but has dyslexia. I am training him 
> to use speak screen for long screens of text that he becomes very frustrated 
> whilst trying to read.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 1 Jul 2014, at 15:13, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I imagine Alex will remain English only, with the usual Nuance voices being 
>> used for all other languages. That's just speculation, though.
>> I don't know, but the speak screen option seems more for occasional use by 
>> people who can usually see the screen; I doubt it is intended for use by VO 
>> users. I imagine Zoom users, or those with certain learning problems, will 
>> find it quite andy, but VO users not so much. Again, this is all speculation 
>> and guessing at this point; I'mnot even a beta tester.
>> On Jun 30, 2014, at 11:05 PM, mário navarro  wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> alex on IOS8 will only support English / USA, or will speak all the 
>>> languages ​​that are available today in the voices of IOS7 vocalizer 
>>> expressive voices?
>>> yes, because if Alex comes to IOS8, must be present for all languages and 
>>> not only for English USA.
>>> on the mac, alex only supports English / USA.
>>> who assures us that alex on IOS8 will not be the same as the mac?
>>> now speak about speak screen.
>>> Can anyone explain in more detail what this tool is capable to do 
>>> specifically on the screen?
>>> because it seems to me that for this purpose we have the selector elements.
>>> with the selector elements can also view the screen and all the elements 
>>> that can be found in the screen ...
>>> what makes this tool more?
>>> is this not more of the same?
>>> I do not understand what the speak screen will give us more than the 
>>> selector elements.
>>> We can also read the entire screen with two fingers up gesture, that 
>>> informs us of what is on the screen.
>>> anybody explain to me what the speak screen does most specifically?
>>> thanks.
>>> cheers.
>>> Em 28-06-2014 15:23, Robert C escreveu:
 Yosemite is no harder than Apple. It could be worse, much worse. And now 
 we wait out the summer. That for some methinks will be much harder than 
 learning to spell Y o s e m i t e. ;)
 Quote of the nanosecond . . .
 I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
 Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
 On 6/28/2014 5:05 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
> I totally agree with the article. Even little things like the reader mode 
> in Safari for mac and iOS, make things so simple and lovely. I can't wait 
> to see what's new in Yosimidy though. On a side note, do they have to 
> make OS names so hard to spell nowadays? What ever happened to simplicity 
> there? LOL.
> On Jun 28, 2014, at 2:15 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> Thought the below article might be of interest to some on the list.
>> An Overview of iOS 8's New Accessibility Features
>> Since this year's WWDC keynote ended, the focus of any analysis on iOS 8 
>> has been its features -- things like Continuity, Extensions, and iCloud 
>> Drive. This is, of course, expected: iOS is the operating system that 
>> drives Apple's most important (and most profitable) products, so it's 
>> natural that the limelight be shone on the new features for the mass 
>> market.
>> As I've written, however, the Accessibility features that Apple includes 
>> in iOS are nonetheless just as important and innovative as the A-list 
>> features that Craig Federighi demoed on stage at Moscone. Indeed, Apple 
>> is to be lauded for their year-over-year commitment to improving iOS's 
>> Accessibility feature set, and they continue that trend with iOS 8.
>> Here, I run down what's new in Accessibility in iOS 8, and explain 
>> briefly how each feature works.
>> Alex. Apple is bringing Alex, its natural-sounding voice on the Mac, to 
>> iOS. Alex will work with all of iOS's spoken audio technologies (Siri 
>> excepted), including VoiceOver, Speak Selection, and another new 
>> Accessibility feature to iOS 8, Speak Screen (see below). In essence, 
>> Alex is a replacement for the robotic-sounding voice that controls 
>> VoiceOver, et al, in iOS today.
>> Speak Screen. With Speak Screen, a simple gesture will prompt the 
>> aforementioned Alex to read anything on screen, including queries asked 
>> of Siri. This feature will be a godsend to visually impaired users who 

Re: office 2016 preview

2015-03-07 Thread Sean Murphy
Not yet for accessablity. 

My experience is the part 

> On 5 Mar 2015, at 10:30 am, Juan Hernandez  wrote:
> Has anyone tried the new office 2016 preview released today?
> I’m going to try and install it in a few minutes.
> Best,
> Juan M. Hernandez
> Access technology Specialist
> Braille Institute of America
> 4555 Executive Drive
> San Diego CA, 92121
> 858-452- Ext. 5020
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Re: vpn service

2015-03-22 Thread Sean Murphy

There is a difference between VPN and hiding your IP address. Unblocks is a 
service that you can use to hide your address. You point your DNs to their 
server and this is all you have to do. It is about $5.00 per month USA. This is 
how I gain access to information on the net that blocks my IP address due to 

VPN’s will encrypt your traffic from your PC to the VPN server. Then it will 
route the traffic unencrypted to the destination site if it is not on the VPN. 

So be careful on what you want to achieve. If you want to just gain access to 
content from TV providers and the like. Unblocks is the way to go.

> On 22 Mar 2015, at 10:06 am, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> The way I do multiple geographic VPN servers with Vypr is to simply set up 
> multiple profiles in iOS settings.  From what I’ve heard of HMA, that’s 
> actually the right way to do it there, too, because every time you switch 
> region you need a fresh VPN profile.  Indeed, if you can get the app to work 
> for you, Vypr are making a big thing of not needing that; you install a 
> profile just once, and they use DNS redirection to send you to the right 
> server according to your choice in the app.
> My understanding is that HMA excels in server location diversity, whereas 
> Vypr is clearly very good at protocol support, better at privacy, and 
> delivers variable speeds (some people report it is the worst in their 
> benchmark tests for some regions).  I, needing only the UK and Turkey, found 
> no difficulty there, because the connectivity is fine, but having fewer 
> servers means you do need to be close to a server in order to gain the 
> speeds.  However I must tell you that I never did sign up for HMA.  Vypr 
> simply met all my requirements, and the free trial checked out OK for me, so 
> I signed up for Basic for a year.
> Cheers,
> Sabahattin
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Re: Microsoft RDP on Mac problem

2015-03-29 Thread Sean Murphy

I am very interested in finding out more about your RPD solution. If you are 
running this on the Mac platform. I assume you are running Jaws or like screen 
reader on the other end? If so, how successful is the controlling of windows 
and the screen reader? Can you copy things from the windows platform like files 
and web content?

Please let me know, since I have been looking for a solution of this type.

> On 24 Mar 2015, at 3:48 am, Tyler  wrote:
> SOLVED: Of course I figured this out shortly after posting. I'll post the 
> reason for this rather strange problem for anyone who might encounter the 
> same thing.
> I accidentally set RDP to use "High 8-bit color". This is why I assumed high 
> contrast was enabled. Because JAWS takes over the video card it couldn't 
> handle the 8-bit color and thus the machine pulled the blue screen. I'm not 
> sure who's to blame for this. Microsoft for putting 8-bit color in RDP to 
> begin with or Freedom Scientific for having an application that can crash the 
> machine in such a way. Either way, problem solved (don't use 8-bit color)
> On Monday, March 23, 2015 at 10:23:15 AM UTC-6, Tyler wrote:
> Hey Everybody, 
> So I’m using Microsoft RDP for the Mac which has worked surprisingly 
> well considering it’s a Microsoft product running on apple technology. I 
> recently ran into a spectacularly interesting problem that I’m wondering if 
> anybody can shed some light on. One of my remote desktop sessions was 
> connecting to a Lady’s Machine, her machine was running JAWS (at the time 14) 
> and she had high-contrast turned on. Now obviously JAWS doesn’t play well 
> with remote sessions but that’s not really the problem. 
> The first time I remoted into her machine everything went well, there 
> were no errors and I logged out. The second time when I remoted in to her 
> machine it got the “blue screen of death” and proceeded to crash and restart. 
> It’s also worth noting that a couple of weeks after I remoted in the first 
> time JAWS started acting up, apparently cutting out frequently. Every since 
> my second remote session I simply cannot remote into her machine without it 
> crashing and getting that infamous blue screen. 
> Okay so it was time for her to get a new machine anyways, so we 
> ordered her a new computer (rather nice, HP, i7 processor etc…) and I started 
> setting it up. Now for reasons unrelated to this issue I usually set up a 
> machine remotely, even if it’s sitting in my office and this is where life 
> gets weird. We have everybody set up on an Active Directory domain so in 
> order to remote into the new machine I duplicated her old Remote desktop 
> profile and just changed the machine name to match the new one I was setting 
> up. 
> Upon doing this I realized that her machine was in high-contrast. I 
> assumed it was some how tied into her AD profile. The machine ran fine, I was 
> able to set up everything as normal (installed office, the free version of 
> Window Eyes etc…). Then I installed JAWS 16 (the demo version from the 
> freedom scientific website). The moment JAWS ran for the first time her brand 
> new computer had the same blue screen and proceeded to crash and restart. 
> The first thing to mention is I’ve got other people on our network 
> who are running JAWS and have remoted into their machines using Mac RDP 
> without issue. The next thing is that a colleague of mine remoted in using 
> windows RDP without issue to BOTH machines mentioned in this email. 
> Eventually I solved the issue by deleting both RDP profiles and re-creating 
> them. I can now remote in to both machines without issue. 
> So to sum up my questions does anybody have any clue how or why this 
> remote desktop profile on the Mac would crash the remote machine ONLY when 
> JAWS is running? These problems were inexplicably tied in with JAWS 
> (debateable whether high-contrast had an effect). We have enough JAWS users 
> on the network that it’s worth my time to try and track down this issue.
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Re: IoS 8.3, strange behavior

2015-04-11 Thread Sean Murphy
How am i not surprised that the email bug is not fix. Now another bug with 
something that was working. 

My experience is the part 

> On 11 Apr 2015, at 8:43 pm, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Using an iPhone 6 Plus, there is the same bug.
> Another problem, which has not been fixed yet, is the focus in email, when 
> you go to read a message, it suddenly disappears. This has been the case 
> since the new operating system came out. So to bugs, not been fixed.
>> On 11 Apr 2015, at 8:15 am, Shen  wrote:
>> I updated my iPhone 6 yesterday to iOS 8.3 and immediately noticed something 
>> a little strange. It doesn't affect how iOS or the phone works, but the fact 
>> that this is even possible is very strange, and a little funny.
>> If you updated your phone to iOS 8.3, try the following:
>> First, remember that at the top of the screen, where your status is, 1 of 
>> the items is your network. This tells you the name of the network you are 
>> using, AT&T, Verizon, Virgin Mobile, etc.
>> Now open 1 of the following apps: Calendar, Notes, Weather, Music, Photos, 
>> or Reminders. These are the apps I've tested so far.
>> With 1 of these apps open, now check your network name again. Does VoiceOver 
>> still say the name of your network?
>> Mine does not. Visually, my phone is still showing the name of my network. 
>> But VoiceOver says, "Swipe down with 3 fingers to reveal the Notification 
>> Center. Swipe up with 3 fingers to reveal the Control Center. Double tap to 
>> scroll to top".
>> So far, I've been able to verify this rather interesting behavior with 3 
>> iPhone 6's. I'm going to try it on a 6 Plus shortly.
>> I'd like to know if anyone else is haring VoiceOver saying the same thing to 
>> them.
>> Might be another call to Apple Accessibility.
>> -- 
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Re: HBO Now on iPhone 5S

2015-04-11 Thread Sean Murphy
Right to the company and make them aware. 

My experience is the part 

> On 11 Apr 2015, at 10:44 am, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
> Thanks. Discouraging but thanks and glad you were able to figure this out.
> Jenine Stanley
>> On Apr 10, 2015, at 6:58 PM, Brett C.  wrote:
>> This is what I've managed with sighted assistance. If you slide your finger 
>> above the title of the program you wish to play, voiceover doesn't say 
>> anything, but there is a picture. Place your finger in that sort of silent 
>> area, turn off voiceover and tap the screen. If you're lucky, the video will 
>> start. It's hit and miss.
>>> On Apr 10, 2015, at 4:39 PM, Jenine Stanley  
>>> wrote:
>>> So I just signed up for HBO Now and am trying to play videos on my phone. I 
>>> assume this is possible and from the help screens I’m told to tap on the 
>>> thumbnail to play the video. All I get are titles and when double tapping 
>>> on them, the detail screens appear with no way to play the video itself. 
>>> You can play the preview but not the video. 
>>> anyone have any tricks on this? Haven’t tried it on my Apple TV yet and I’m 
>>> sure there will be an accessible play button there but where is it on the 
>>> phone? 
>>> Jenine Stanley
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Re: IoS 8.3, strange behavior

2015-04-11 Thread Sean Murphy
In relation to the original post to the thread. If I move my finger to the top 
left hand corner. I hear the signal strength of the mobile. If I move to the 
right on the same line of the status bar. I hear my mobile (cellular) provider. 
Then I hear the wireless signal and then the SID of the wireless. this is all 
done on a IPhone 5. 

In relation to Bugs. Of course there are priorities. Therefore, if 100k user’s 
have a issue compared to 10k users (k = 1000) then product management will 
allocate the necessary resources to the larger number of people being effected. 
Thus bugs related to VO are going to be lower on the list always. Unless the 
bug is truly impacting the product and the end-user. What they call a show 
stopper. EG: crashes is one that will get higher attention due to QA.

8.x has some real major bugs related to navigation in apps. 8.3 might have 
fixed the issue in Audible where you couldn’t navigate through the books in 
your library in any normal order. It would jump over book details and would not 
move backwards. Still playing with this.

Emails also jump over the place where I have found after deleting an email, you 
end up in a different location, rather then being on the next message. 

all the above issues did not occur in 7.x. Thus why the QA in my humble opinion 
was not done correctly in the first place. There is a lot of posts out there 
that also complain that 8.x was not as stable as previous versions.

> On 12 Apr 2015, at 2:21 pm, The Believer  wrote:
>   Thanks for that, it should be a good read and I have bookmarked it.
> From The Believer. . .
>   By way of the Chariots of the
> Gods cameth the Aliens who
> dwelt amongst the humans,
> and bringeth much knowledge.
> On 4/11/2015 9:17 PM, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries wrote:
>> In case you're not familiar with some of this philosophy:
>> "Watson-Watt, who developed early warning radar in Britain to counter
>> the rapid growth of the Luftwaffe, propounded a "cult of the imperfect",
>> which he stated as "Give them the third best to go on with; the second
>> best comes too late, the best never comes.""
>> CB
>> On 4/11/15 4:24 PM, The Believer wrote:
>>> The day Apple masters perfection is the day we each one of us wins the
>>> Powerball.
>>>   It's called "work in progress". If people wait for an OS that is
>>> 100% bug free, they be in for a long wait.
>>>   This wee buglet that has drawn so much interest did not break
>>> anything, or am I missing something? I tried it and did not experience
>>> an earth shattering meltdown. If this really bothers people, let them
>>> pile on Apple Accessibility with bug reports and divert their
>>> attention from much more important bugs.
>>> From The Believer. . .
>>>   By way of the Chariots of the
>>> Gods cameth the Aliens who
>>> dwelt amongst the humans,
>>> and bringeth much knowledge.
>>> On 4/11/2015 1:15 PM, Robin wrote:
>>>> I thought the advent of "public" BetaTesting would resolve these
>>>> perceived "bugs' and/or "flaws" in Apple's iOS (iOS8 & Beyond)
>>>> This doesn't make me more secure about forthcoming/upcoming iOS updates
>>>> such as, iOS9
>>>> I suggest keep the pressure on by detailing perceived "bugs" and/or
>>>> "flaws" detected in iOS in the form of Constructive Criticism to Apple's
>>>> Accessibility Department
>>>> Is Apple "slipping as it pertains to accessibility...only time will tell
>>>> the true story
>>>> At 05:06 AM 4/11/2015, you wrote:
>>>>> When companies say they have fixed bugs, I take it like a pinch of
>>>>> salt, as from beta testing in the past [not Apple], things are still
>>>>> the same. Still bugs when you write Braille with Braille displays on
>>>>> the I phone.
>>>>> It's our day for slagging Apple perhaps smily.
>>>>> > On 11 Apr 2015, at 12:53 pm, Sean Murphy 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > How am i not surprised that the email bug is not fix. Now another
>>>>> bug with something that was working.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > My experience is the part
>>>>> >

Muting speech in a application or a window for a app.

2015-04-11 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

Can you mute VO when you open a specific app? I could not find any option in 
accessibility settings. also how do you map a key to the mute speech?

Ideally, I would like to mute the text for a window only. But this is a tall 


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Re: Muting speech in a application or a window for a app.

2015-04-12 Thread Sean Murphy

Thanks for that. I haveall looked at activities and i did not find any options. 
Did set up keyboard commander with a mute speech key shortcut. 

My experience is the part 

> On 12 Apr 2015, at 5:06 pm, Christopher Hallsworth  
> wrote:
> You can set up an activity to do this. I do not use activities so someone 
> more knowledgeable will can chime in here. But I know it can be done.
>> On 12/04/2015 07:25, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Can you mute VO when you open a specific app? I could not find any option in 
>> accessibility settings. also how do you map a key to the mute speech?
>> Ideally, I would like to mute the text for a window only. But this is a tall 
>> ask.
>> Sean
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Re: something to push adobe to make their applications accessible

2015-04-14 Thread Sean Murphy
Flash is on the way out, HTML5 is replacing it.

> On 15 Apr 2015, at 2:10 pm, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Interesting twist. Of course I would guess you would have to show that you 
> really did experience harm from their problematic updater rather than just 
> the potential of harm. I just tried doing the updater by downloading it from 
> the Adobe Flash web site and it seemed somewhat usable. It downloads as a 
> disk image, I open that up and find the updater app, open that up and it asks 
> about how to handle future updates with a couple unlabeled radio buttons but 
> the descriptive text is to the right of each one. So I pick one and continue 
> and after a bit it finished. You do have to quit Safari or the updater will 
> complain and stop. Of course once it's installed it still doesn't make the 
> content generated by Flash accessible. This was on OSX 10.10.3.
> CB
> On 4/14/15 11:48 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Even if the technology may put your computer at risk for data theft because 
>> as a screen reader user, you can’t access the updater through it’s 
>> application?
>>> On 15/04/2015, at 1:41 pm, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hmm, usually the web lawsuits I've read revolve around lack of access to a 
>>> particular service or product and not around a particular technology. So if 
>>> the Target or United Airlines web site was inaccessible because of using 
>>> Flash, that would put those companies on the hook for choosing their 
>>> internet technology poorly, not Adobe. Not sure outside the states but I 
>>> think US private sector doesn't have a requirement to make any old web 
>>> site/technology accessible although the circuit courts are split on whether 
>>> the ADA applies or not. Two cases were dismissed in the 9th circuit on 
>>> April 1st (Netflix and Ebay) because neither company has a physical place. 
>>> I think that's too narrow but I'm not a lawyer.
>>> CB
>>> On 4/14/15 8:46 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
 Hi All,
 I was doing some house cleaning and saw a flash player image opened in my 
 disk utility. I wondered what the hell the flash player image was doing 
 there, though I hadn’t opened a disk image for a year or so. Then I 
 checked whether the updater was accessible. No go. There are several 
 critical updates since I last installed it, not knowing where or which 
 site incorporates flash. However, I’ve installed a plugin to deny flash 
 any playing since it’s just not accessible.
 Then I started turning wheels in my head and thought maybe a good way to 
 get adobe to make their flash accessible, or at least their setup/update 
 interface is to sue them for no accessibility, on the ground that screen 
 reader users cannot access the critical updates through the alerts we are 
 given when they are available. This may put computers at risk etc etc, but 
 the point is not to make money (which i doubt in any perspective is 
 possible on such a case) but to spotlight the fact that they have NOT made 
 their flash component accessible, or any other as a matter of fact.
 I know flash is in decline, but it still exists around. And I don’t want 
 my system to be unsecure through an opening I have no control of, due to 
 its inaccessibility.
 Open to discussion
 Best regards,
>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: sending feedback on the beta of office / preview

2015-04-17 Thread Sean Murphy

Go to the ribbon bar and select the Help to improve office menu bar. This is 
the method to feedback to MS.

The ribbon bar is the top level of objects that are available.

Example steps when in Excel:
> On 17 Apr 2015, at 2:20 am, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
> Youngs?  Um, I think you mean Yosemite?
> Chris.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: george b 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 12:01 PM
>> Subject: RE: sending feedback on the beta of office / preview
>> Well it is the operating system for mac
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark 
>> Gilland
>> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 08:48
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: sending feedback on the beta of office / preview
>> Youngs 10.10?  What's that?
>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: george b 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:07 AM
>>> Subject: sending feedback on the beta of office / preview
>>> I was in word preview beta, and went to help, send feedback, and I was 
>>> asked things about yuns. 10.10.  how do we send feedback to microsoft?
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark 
>>> Gilland
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 11:48
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: Here's the number to Microsoft's Accessibility help desk to brag 
>>> about Office.
>>> If you wanna call MS and do like I did, by telling them what a great job 
>>> this update is, here is their number:
>>> 1-800-936-5900.
>>> Chris.
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Excel navigation issues

2015-04-19 Thread Sean Murphy


If you come across bugs, I think it would be excellent to share with everyone 
so we can confirm the bugs. If more people report the same bugs to MS, then 
they can prioritise the bugs accordingly.

Excel Navigation 

Excel does not scroll correctly in normal or full screen mode. If you use the 
down arrow or right arrow. The cursor will eventually stop. To fix this issue 
you have to page right or page down depending on your direction of navigation. 
Page down is when you are moving down by rows. Page right is for moving across 
the column. Likewise you have to issue page up and page left if you want to 
navigate backwards.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Interact with the  spreadsheet sheet.
2. Press the right arrow key. Eventually you will wrap to the 1st cell on the 
next row.
3. Press the down arrow key. Keep doing this until you hear the beep. This is 
as far as you can go.
4. Press the page down key and the cursor will be on the next cell. You can 
press up arrow and it will beep.


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Re: A question about making headings on different levels with ms word.

2015-04-22 Thread Sean Murphy

this is a bug. Word does not detect styles yet. Log it to MS.

> On 21 Apr 2015, at 2:15 am, Eileen Misrahi> wrote:
> Hi Jamie, 
> I was successful in adding a heading 1 level in a doc, but what is missing is 
> having VO announce what type of style one has used. This is obtained with 
> JAWS on the PC side. The only way I knew it was applied was using the speak 
> attribute VO keystroke of VO-T. I know the font size of heading 1 style is 16 
> ptc. So, I’m not sure if obtaining more description of attributes in a Word 
> doc is a MS or an Apple glitch. Hence, I guess I will place this on my 
> running bug list to MS. Hopefully, MS will improve their Mac keystrokes in 
> order for more advance users of Word will think about making the switch. so 
> far, even with a learning curve, I am not convinced to use Word on the Mac. 
> To me, it’s very labor intensive, which would slow down productivity. 
> Thanks 
> Eileen again.
>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 6:37 AM, Jamie Pauls  wrote:
>> Place your cursor in the paragraph where you want to apply the style. Then, 
>> go to format and choose styles. I had to choose all styles before I could 
>> see the different heading levels. I am doing this from memory, so please 
>> forgive any errors.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 7:51 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Ok I have installed the preview of office. I have looked a little at word. 
>>> How do you make a heading on a level e.g. level 2.
>>> I have never liked office on windows, but i like it on the mac.
>>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: office preview for mac, Reading by Word??

2015-04-24 Thread Sean Murphy

There are many people on this list who have got it to work. What version are 
you using? Make sure you are using the latest before bashing their first beta 
release. It isn’t bug free but at least MS is stepping up to the plate to 
address the accessibility issues.

The version Version 15.9.0 (150408) is what I have on my machine. I don’t have 
the link at hand but it has been published multiple times on this list. Do a 
search in the archives and I am sure you will find it.

Those who help themselves will be helped in turned.
> On 24 Apr 2015, at 3:32 am, Maurice Mines  wrote:
> Good morning list, in response to this I can’t get Microsoft Word preview for 
> the Mac to work at all. Should I be just uninstalling it until this program 
> actually does something other than take up space on my hard drive? Because so 
> far I do the program and the Microsoft Office preview as a whole is 
> completely inaccessible which is about par for the course with this 
> particular kind of software. Unless someone can prove to me, and/or show me 
> that this is a viable product for anyone who is totally blind using the Mac 
> in the future. Any thoughts?
> Sincerely Maurice mines.
> message number 505-369-3283.
> Note the text of this email that I have written, has been updated by using 
> Dragon 4.0 for the Mac. If there are any errors in the text of this message, 
> they are the result of either the software or the detention dictation process.
>> On Apr 23, 2015, at 7:30 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A thought i got, isn’t there a setting in Voiceover where you make the 
>> cursor behave like it does in Windows rather than how it behaves on the Mac? 
>> What if you made an activity where you turned this behaviour on or if it’s 
>> on turn it off?
>> /Krister
>>> 22 apr 2015 kl. 22:59 skrev Anne Robertson :
>>> Editing in Word is Weird. When I do Option-Right Arrow, then just Right 
>>> Arrow alone, it reads each letter of the word I just thought I’d jumped 
>>> over. Also, Option-Left Arrow apparently takes me to the left of the word 
>>> before the one I thought I’d jumped over.
>>> I also have insertion point issues, but not consistently. Several times, 
>>> I’ve pasted text only to find it’s in the wrong place.
>>> As I said in a previous message, I haven’t used Word since Word 5, so I 
>>> don’t know how many of the oddities are standard behaviour for Word.
>>> Also, the spell check almost works, but VO doesn’t read the word in 
>>> question! And has anyone figured out how to change the font? I opened a 
>>> blank document and the font was set to Calibri and although I found the 
>>> combo box, the menu showed me nothing.
>>> I haven’t reported anything yet as I’m still feeling my way around it. I 
>>> tried to insert a table, but the command was dimmed, and although I had 
>>> words in my document, the word count said zero. This was strange because 
>>> when I was working on my translation, the word count etc worked fine.
>>> Also, when I worked on my translation, Word said it was in Compatibility 
>>> mode but I couldn’t discover where this was set.
>>> Sorry for the ramble.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
 On 22 Apr 2015, at 22:31, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
 This seems to be an issue at the end of the line.  It's been reported by 
 other users on this list.  I have tried this and I can reproduce this 
 problem  At the end of the line the word reads twice when you land on it 
 and when you vo+arrow to the next line.  It makes me feel quite insecure 
 in the sense that I don't know which line I'm in.  Sometimes i have to go 
 back a word and forward again to make sure I've read the wrod word right.
 I've reported it via the "feedback" option in Word itself but maybe if you 
 have the number or e-mail for microsoft office accessibility it would 
 certainly be worth reporting.  We must continue the pressure on microsoft 
 since its release of a promising product.
> On 22 Apr 2015, at 18:44, 'Jim Fettgather' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hello,
> In the latest Office Preview for Mac, I cannot get Option Right Arrow to 
> read word by word.
> Option Left Arrow does seem to be reading prior words.
> I'm just wondering if this is specific to my system or has anyone tried 
> this out?
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: office preview for mac, Reading by Word??

2015-04-24 Thread Sean Murphy
There are some minor issues with navigation by word. That is if you have a word 
with a punctuation at the end. VO reads it twice when moving by opt left or 
right arrow. If the word is at the end of the line. VO will read out the word 
twice and then the punctuation when using opt left or right arrow.

In print view mode, you cannot navigate between pages by using the up and down 
arrow. You have to be in web or draft view modes.

Styles are not detected yet.

I cannot move by page either. Otherwise I have been successful in creating a 
document that is a page in half for my purposes.

> On 24 Apr 2015, at 3:56 am, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> Yes, I can see what you mean.  It seems that in Word, Voiceover reports the 
> word in front of the cursor rather than the word which the cursor has just 
> passed when you move forward through the text with option+arrow key.  
> However, when you move through the words backwards, Voiceover will report the 
> words that the cursor has just passed.  I wonder whether it has something to 
> do with the way some screen readers on Windows work, like for instance Jaws.  
> This is going to take some getting used to.
> Andrew
>> On 22 Apr 2015, at 21:59, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Editing in Word is Weird. When I do Option-Right Arrow, then just Right 
>> Arrow alone, it reads each letter of the word I just thought I’d jumped 
>> over. Also, Option-Left Arrow apparently takes me to the left of the word 
>> before the one I thought I’d jumped over.
>> I also have insertion point issues, but not consistently. Several times, 
>> I’ve pasted text only to find it’s in the wrong place.
>> As I said in a previous message, I haven’t used Word since Word 5, so I 
>> don’t know how many of the oddities are standard behaviour for Word.
>> Also, the spell check almost works, but VO doesn’t read the word in 
>> question! And has anyone figured out how to change the font? I opened a 
>> blank document and the font was set to Calibri and although I found the 
>> combo box, the menu showed me nothing.
>> I haven’t reported anything yet as I’m still feeling my way around it. I 
>> tried to insert a table, but the command was dimmed, and although I had 
>> words in my document, the word count said zero. This was strange because 
>> when I was working on my translation, the word count etc worked fine.
>> Also, when I worked on my translation, Word said it was in Compatibility 
>> mode but I couldn’t discover where this was set.
>> Sorry for the ramble.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>>> On 22 Apr 2015, at 22:31, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
>>> This seems to be an issue at the end of the line.  It's been reported by 
>>> other users on this list.  I have tried this and I can reproduce this 
>>> problem  At the end of the line the word reads twice when you land on it 
>>> and when you vo+arrow to the next line.  It makes me feel quite insecure in 
>>> the sense that I don't know which line I'm in.  Sometimes i have to go back 
>>> a word and forward again to make sure I've read the wrod word right.
>>> I've reported it via the "feedback" option in Word itself but maybe if you 
>>> have the number or e-mail for microsoft office accessibility it would 
>>> certainly be worth reporting.  We must continue the pressure on microsoft 
>>> since its release of a promising product.
>>> Andrew
 On 22 Apr 2015, at 18:44, 'Jim Fettgather' via MacVisionaries 
 In the latest Office Preview for Mac, I cannot get Option Right Arrow to 
 read word by word.
 Option Left Arrow does seem to be reading prior words.
 I'm just wondering if this is specific to my system or has anyone tried 
 this out?
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Re: Identifying styles in Word

2015-04-25 Thread Sean Murphy

That is good. But I would like MS Office to announce it for you when you press 
vo t or some other method then setting up hot keys.

> On 24 Apr 2015, at 5:45 pm, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello,
> Here is how to identify the current style in Word.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> • Make sure you are focused on body text.
> • Interact with the Home ribbon tab group.
> • Navigate right to the Styles menu button and click it.
> • In the pop over, navigate to the Styles Pane checkbox.
> • Bring the mouse and click with the track pad (using VO-Space or 
> VO-Shift-Space may give the impression that the box is ticked, but the styles 
> task pane will not appear).
> • Press Escape to get out of the pop over.
> • Stop interacting with the ribbon.
> • Navigate right to Styles Task Pane.
> • Interact and navigate right to the scroll area.
> • Interact with the scroll area.
> • Navigate right once past Current style and set a hotspot on the menu button.
> • You can now press VO-Cmd-Hotspot number within the body of the document to 
> learn the current style.
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Mac Office 2016 new pre-release is out

2015-05-17 Thread Sean Murphy

A new release of Microsoft Office 2016 is now available via the automatic 
update if you have already downloaded it before. 


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Re: Mac Office 2016 new pre-release is out

2015-05-17 Thread Sean Murphy

A simple search on google provided the link. 


> On 18 May 2015, at 5:48 am, Deb Lewis  wrote:
> I’ve noticed that it doesn’t offer the updates but if you go to update, 
> you’ll get it if it’s there and it will download the updater if needed.
> I just check about once a week since it’s not too reliable about offering 
> them.
>> On May 17, 2015, at 5:23 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
>> wrote:
>> Is the auto updater a separate download? I haven’t gotten a notification 
>> about an update here so i suspect i don’t have the update.
>> /Krister
>>> 17 maj 2015 kl. 14:20 skrev denise avant :
>>> hello all,
>>> How can one get a copy of office 2016 for the MAC?
>>> For example is it part of office 365?
>>> Thanks.
>>>> On May 17, 2015, at 3:22 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> Sean,
>>>> Perfect!  Thank you so much for letting us know.  Do you see any more 
>>>> improvements, off hand?
>>>> Chris.
>>>> - Original Message - From: "Sean Murphy" 
>>>> To: 
>>>> Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 3:58 AM
>>>> Subject: Mac Office 2016 new pre-release is out
>>>>> All,
>>>>> A new release of Microsoft Office 2016 is now available via the automatic 
>>>>> update if you have already downloaded it before.
>>>>> Sean
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Re: Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 Preview | Accessibility of Tables in MS Word

2015-05-19 Thread Sean Murphy
I have already reported this as a bug to Ms. Tables are worse in the latest 
release. I need to try Andy suggestion but you shouldn’t have to do this.

Also there is navigation problems with documents if you scroll up by line by 
line when in print view mode. Sometimes you cannot move to the next page and 
other times you can. If you are in draft mode you do not get this issue.

A lot more to test here.

> On 19 May 2015, at 3:45 pm, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Just downloaded the preview, and accessibility seems pretty good on first 
> glance when creating simple documents, even when using some of the built-in 
> templates.
> However, I tried using Word to open some existing documents I was working on 
> at work, but couldn’t seem to interact with the tables.
> Has anyone else played around with tables in the new MS Word preview? Did you 
> have any luck, or did you have difficulties like me?
> Thanks for your comments. 
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Re: Office 2016: Sending Feedback On Found Bugs

2015-05-19 Thread Sean Murphy

The option to send feedback in relation to improvements or bugs is found on the 
ribbon bar. Not on the menu. I am not on my Mac, so I cannot give you step by 
step instructions.

In relation to bug reporting, everyone should post them here so other's can 
test them and also report them.

MS is aware of the table problem and spell check bugs.  In saying this, it 
doesn't stop you reporting the issue.

I will have to look into the list and header issues. I will report this to MS 
directly to my contact.

So if anyone else has issues, please post them so others are aware and can 
support your case. If you have idea's to improve also post. We have a perfect 
time to improve office for the Mac. Let's not miss it.


My experience is the part 

> On 20 May 2015, at 3:28 am, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> Hello All, 
> I know that this has been discussed before, but I have missed placed where I 
> need to send my feedback to (address) in regards to bugs that or features 
> that are not fixed or accessible to voiceover. I would appreciate it if 
> someone could post that email address. There are several items that I want to 
> have MS address or at least document that these are still bugs for those who 
> need to use voiceover. 
> Thanks in advance. 
> Cheers, 
> Eileen  
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Re: Office 2016: Sending Feedback On Found Bugs

2015-05-20 Thread Sean Murphy

I Could not find the keystrokes to activate the ribbon bar like windows. Cmd is 
the same as Alt under windows by the way. This is a feature request that needs 
to be added. Also be aware, word uses Windows keystrokes to select and navigate 
through the document. I have already lodged this as a bug. Do not know if they 
will fix it.  For example:

ctrl a does not take you to the beginning of the paragraph. Rather it selects 
all the text.


> On 20 May 2015, at 11:57 am, Eileen  wrote:
> Hi George and Sean Again,
> First, let me apologize to you Sean for misspelling your name. I have seen it 
> spelled 3 different ways 'now. I know this is slightly different then the 
> current subject line, but I'll post it anyways. Is the navigation in Word 
> 2016 following the voiceover commands found in let's say Pages or TextEdit? 
> Because I have been a heavy PC user of the Office Suite products, I keep 
> thinking that the Office Suite on the Mac would react the same with similar 
> keystroke equivalents. So, what I mean is on the Office PC side, one could 
> use ALT-H to open the "Home" tab and then arrow down to access the ribbon. On 
> the Mac, the ALT key is the Option key, so would this logic work? I just 
> closed out Word 2016, so I can't test that. I have an idea that the answer is 
> no. That's why I posed my question at the top of this post in order for me to 
> begin to rethink the whole Navigation process in Office on the Mac.
> Thanks for my rambling and reading this.
> Best,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 19, 2015, at 3:58 PM, george b  wrote:
>> Ah, yes, I remember they moved it to the ribbon and I am not at my mac at 
>> this moment either or I would look.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 15:42
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Office 2016: Sending Feedback On Found Bugs
>> Hello,
>> The option to send feedback in relation to improvements or bugs is found on 
>> the ribbon bar. Not on the menu. I am not on my Mac, so I cannot give you 
>> step by step instructions.
>> In relation to bug reporting, everyone should post them here so other's can 
>> test them and also report them.
>> MS is aware of the table problem and spell check bugs.  In saying this, it 
>> doesn't stop you reporting the issue.
>> I will have to look into the list and header issues. I will report this to 
>> MS directly to my contact.
>> So if anyone else has issues, please post them so others are aware and can 
>> support your case. If you have idea's to improve also post. We have a 
>> perfect time to improve office for the Mac. Let's not miss it.
>> Sean 
>> My experience is the part 
>>> On 20 May 2015, at 3:28 am, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
>>> Hello All, 
>>> I know that this has been discussed before, but I have missed placed where 
>>> I need to send my feedback to (address) in regards to bugs that or features 
>>> that are not fixed or accessible to voiceover. I would appreciate it if 
>>> someone could post that email address. There are several items that I want 
>>> to have MS address or at least document that these are still bugs for those 
>>> who need to use voiceover. 
>>> Thanks in advance. 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> Eileen  
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Re: Best application for handling comments and change tracking in MS-Word files?

2015-05-22 Thread Sean Murphy

Comments on Word you can insert with no problems. I have not yet tested it, but 
I suspect you could set up a hot spot to monitor the tab that is open for 
comments to detect the presence of a comment in the document.

I have not tested track changes in word. As you have already posted that you 
have the pre-release version.

Keep the posts coming.


> On 23 May 2015, at 2:08 am, Jason White  wrote:
> Which application would you recommend as providing best support for working 
> with MS-Word files that use change tracking and comments?
> I have Apple Pages installed. I also tried LibreOffice but found that it 
> wasn’t accessible with VoiceOver. It is accessible under Linux, but obviously 
> their OS X accessibility support is not yet functional. I haven’t downloaded 
> MS-Office 2016 preview yet.
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Re: Using Apple script to script voiceover as one would make scripts for Windows screenreaders

2015-06-11 Thread Sean Murphy
I would also like to know and also do you have to use Apple script?
> On 11 Jun 2015, at 7:57 pm, Devin Prater  wrote:
> Hi all. Does anyone know if it is possible to script voiceover to work better 
> with applications like one would make app modules or add ons for NVDA or 
> scripts for Jaws? I’d assume this would be done with Applescript but not sure 
> if voiceover has enough API’s or whatever to be used.
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Re: windows and vmware

2015-06-11 Thread Sean Murphy

How do you get the keyboard into VMWare? I thought it was cmd g.

Also do you know how you can  permanently assign a bluetooth keyboard to the 
VMWare? I managed to get it paired. But cannot work out how to tell the Mac not 
to use it. It is not a Mac keyboard, it is a logitech keyboard.
> On 11 Jun 2015, at 7:06 pm, deedra waters  wrote:
> so wondering if someone can help here. i can copy/paste to my mac/vm but when 
> i try to copy from note pad to note pad it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. 
> control c/a/x/v all dont work and no idea why help if possible?
> deedra waters
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Re: Using Apple script to script voiceover as one would make scripts for Windows screenreaders

2015-06-13 Thread Sean Murphy

Where are some good resources on this topic to help VI’s to understand how to 
program this type of stuff?
> On 14 Jun 2015, at 8:44 am, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> It is also possible to script in javascript using the scripteditor. I believe 
> that perl also has ways of accessing scripting objects in other applications.
> Jonathan Cohn 
>> On Jun 11, 2015, at 6:12 AM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> I would also like to know and also do you have to use Apple script?
>>> On 11 Jun 2015, at 7:57 pm, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>> Hi all. Does anyone know if it is possible to script voiceover to work 
>>> better with applications like one would make app modules or add ons for 
>>> NVDA or scripts for Jaws? I’d assume this would be done with Applescript 
>>> but not sure if voiceover has enough API’s or whatever to be used.
>>> -- 
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Re: Installing a virtual mac under Vmware

2015-06-16 Thread Sean Murphy
The two options I can see:

1. Remap the Mac host  keystroke to something else, if this can be done under 
keyboard prefence.
2. Use another keyboard and modify the VMWare config file so the 2nd keyboard 
is fully controlled by the guess OS (your Test Mac os). This is what I do for 
Windows  in the past. When using 7.1 Pro I have had issues with it not working 
as it is documented. Looking into it still.


> On 16 Jun 2015, at 9:01 am, Tom Moore  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I use VMware every day for both windows and Linux machines have
> basically got everything worked out as far as accessing most of their
> functions.
> The big question left for me is now that VMware supports running
> virtual mac os's how can this be done so that a person can hit command
> f5 with out starting up the Voiceover on the host?
> If this can be made to work a virtual mac can be installed for testing
> purposes and run along side the host os.
> Thanks for any tips you guys may have.
> Tom
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Re: Installing a virtual mac under Vmware

2015-06-18 Thread Sean Murphy

VMWare fusion 7.2 fixes a bug in detection of USB HID devices where they do not 
come up in the device menu. Passing it on for anyone who cares.

Also I have been speaking with VMWare on the whole issue of how the keyboard 
isn’t fully passed into the host machine. Early days on this one. I want to see 
what VMWare says since Apple states it is a VMware issue. 

Under windows you do not have the issues where eVoice-over is still 
intersecting keystrokes. If it is at a very low level then this could end up 
being an Apple issue after all.

> On 16 Jun 2015, at 8:10 pm, Sean Murphy  wrote:
> The two options I can see:
> 1. Remap the Mac host  keystroke to something else, if this can be done under 
> keyboard prefence.
> 2. Use another keyboard and modify the VMWare config file so the 2nd keyboard 
> is fully controlled by the guess OS (your Test Mac os). This is what I do for 
> Windows  in the past. When using 7.1 Pro I have had issues with it not 
> working as it is documented. Looking into it still.
> Sean 
>> On 16 Jun 2015, at 9:01 am, Tom Moore  wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I use VMware every day for both windows and Linux machines have
>> basically got everything worked out as far as accessing most of their
>> functions.
>> The big question left for me is now that VMware supports running
>> virtual mac os's how can this be done so that a person can hit command
>> f5 with out starting up the Voiceover on the host?
>> If this can be made to work a virtual mac can be installed for testing
>> purposes and run along side the host os.
>> Thanks for any tips you guys may have.
>> Tom
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Re: thoughts about voiceover and its usage of the accessibility API

2015-06-20 Thread Sean Murphy
On either platform, a developer can use their own controls still. They do not 
have to use the provided objects in the Coco library or Windows development 
tool. This occurs equally on both platforms for the reasons that have already 
been raised. The struggle anyone has even if you work within the vendor is to 
get them to use the necessary resources to fix it. 

The biggest challenge I find with Voice-Over is if an application is not using 
the Coco library controls (objects) that do have accessibility built into them 
or the developer is using their own method. Then that product is not usable on 
the Mac. If this was the case on Windows, you do have the ability of addressing 
it via the screen readers. On the flip side, this is a disadvantage as well 
because you are not educating the developer best practise to use the right 
accessibility libraries in the first place. There are applications on Windows 
which the outlined solution available on windows screen readers do not work. In 
saying this, you can go a lot further then you can on the Mac.

One thing I want to validate and I suspect it can be done but is a lot harder 
on the Mac due to you having to know a lot more. Is it possible to interrogate 
an application like Pages via Perl, Python, Coco (Swift) and then send this 
information directly to Voice-Over. For example: You create a little app that 
grabs the current style being used with all the relevant properties. The info 
is sent to voice-over and the app can turn the feature on or off. The reason 
for asking this is, if it can be done then I can see how to really improve the 
experience of a lot of different applications via this method. Since most 
developers will not provide this enhance feature. Window screen reader’s 
provide this type of enhance capability via their scripting environments and 
you do not have to learn an complete development environment.

How much control via scripts does someone have over Voice-Over using the above 


> On 21 Jun 2015, at 3:28 am, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> Hi,
> Let me just add that the wwdc this year has put a highlight on accessibility 
> to the developers attending or downloading the workshop videos, so saying 
> that apple has put accessibility to the bottom of the list is untrue. In 
> addition, now all standard UI controls in xcode are by default accessible. 
> This has engendered an effort from oracle with its javafx framework to render 
> all their controls accessible for both mac and windows.
> When it comes to custom APIs, I remember there used to be a tool called 
> accessibility inspector which allows the developer to check the hierarchy of 
> controls and scenes in an application to see which control gives what 
> accessible output, or what voice over will announce. Usualy custom controls 
> are 3D based or image based, which requires an effort from the developer to 
> handle what is said, how and what triggers it, which is a set of coding 
> behaviours that need to be placed on top of the custom control.
> Cheers,
>> On 21/06/2015, at 1:06 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hello:
>> First, it's always a really hard discussion when someone with little
>> to no development experience talks about how things "should" be done
>> because they're usually way off. So I'll explain how things work
>> currently.
>> A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away Windows and OSX
>> developers all used different APIs than they do now. A majority of
>> windows applications were written in C/C++ or delphy, with a couple
>> others thrown in. OSX used C mainly (maybe c++) and they used the
>> Carbon API.
>> Carbon and Win32 basically let people do the same stuff, create
>> windows, etc. but where the problems came in was that it gave a lot of
>> control to the developer, so the developer could basically write up
>> all sorts of cool new things in their controls. Now that people
>> started moving more toward using, c# etc for Windows
>> development (because using the win32 API is not fun--I have a media
>> player I'm writing mostly in c), as well as people moving toward
>> Cocoah, this problem is going away for the most part.
>> Now the problems we face are a lot smaller. Windows had MSAA and UIAA
>> for providing information to the screen readers, and Cocoah has its'
>> own accessibility frameworks. As you're using a framework they
>> control, it's really easy to make most things accessible by default.
>> But again, the issue is with custom controls. Many times a developer
>> wants something new in their app, because it looks cool or because the
>> control can provide custom functionality that another one does not.
>> This, I believe is the issue you are running into. So rather than
>> Apple do what Windows does as they're already doing that, there needs
>> to be something that tells developers when their controls are broken.
>> This really should

Re: Remote Control for Mac?

2015-06-22 Thread Sean Murphy
I would be interested to know about this as well.

VNC does not have a audio stream from the last time I used it which was over 2 
years ago.

> On 22 Jun 2015, at 2:15 pm, Alex Hall  wrote:
> That doesn't do audio, though, does it? If it were me, I'd need to hear 
> VoiceOver speech from the remote computer through my own machine's speakers, 
> and all VO commands would have to be ignored by my machine and passed to the 
> slave. Can Screen Sharing now do this? I've not tried it; I hope it can!
>> On Jun 21, 2015, at 11:31 PM, rashantha de silva > > wrote:
>> Screen sharing is built in. You can also access the app. Put in an ip 
>> address and your done or you can use a vnc app.
>> Sent using CloudMagic 
>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 8:07 PM, Shaf > > wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Is there a fully accessible remote control client for Mac? I need it to 
>> do everything Teamviewer on Windows does including transmit any sound 
>> output. 
>> -Shaf 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
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Re: thoughts about voiceover and its usage of the accessibility API

2015-06-22 Thread Sean Murphy

do you have any more info on what you have outlined below? since this is an 
area of interest for myself. Any pointers would be helpful and grateful.

> On 22 Jun 2015, at 3:27 am, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> The current OS has python, applescript and jscript that can send information 
> directly to voice over, but I haven’t touched the scripts pertaining to these 
> in a while as there are 3rd party applications that allow to do this very 
> well. Also, there are a bunch of CL tools that also allow some lesser 
> inherent amount of manipulation of the GUIs, provided they are rendered 
> accessible. 
> I’m not sure what happens on the windows side, but I’ve taken it to myself to 
> do everything a coder would do on the mac, and so far it’s getting smoother 
> everytime. And much much faster too. Can’t say more.
> Cheers,
>> On 21/06/2015, at 11:21 AM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> On either platform, a developer can use their own controls still. They do 
>> not have to use the provided objects in the Coco library or Windows 
>> development tool. This occurs equally on both platforms for the reasons that 
>> have already been raised. The struggle anyone has even if you work within 
>> the vendor is to get them to use the necessary resources to fix it. 
>> The biggest challenge I find with Voice-Over is if an application is not 
>> using the Coco library controls (objects) that do have accessibility built 
>> into them or the developer is using their own method. Then that product is 
>> not usable on the Mac. If this was the case on Windows, you do have the 
>> ability of addressing it via the screen readers. On the flip side, this is a 
>> disadvantage as well because you are not educating the developer best 
>> practise to use the right accessibility libraries in the first place. There 
>> are applications on Windows which the outlined solution available on windows 
>> screen readers do not work. In saying this, you can go a lot further then 
>> you can on the Mac.
>> One thing I want to validate and I suspect it can be done but is a lot 
>> harder on the Mac due to you having to know a lot more. Is it possible to 
>> interrogate an application like Pages via Perl, Python, Coco (Swift) and 
>> then send this information directly to Voice-Over. For example: You create a 
>> little app that grabs the current style being used with all the relevant 
>> properties. The info is sent to voice-over and the app can turn the feature 
>> on or off. The reason for asking this is, if it can be done then I can see 
>> how to really improve the experience of a lot of different applications via 
>> this method. Since most developers will not provide this enhance feature. 
>> Window screen reader’s provide this type of enhance capability via their 
>> scripting environments and you do not have to learn an complete development 
>> environment.
>> How much control via scripts does someone have over Voice-Over using the 
>> above languages?
>> Sean 
>>> On 21 Jun 2015, at 3:28 am, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Let me just add that the wwdc this year has put a highlight on 
>>> accessibility to the developers attending or downloading the workshop 
>>> videos, so saying that apple has put accessibility to the bottom of the 
>>> list is untrue. In addition, now all standard UI controls in xcode are by 
>>> default accessible. This has engendered an effort from oracle with its 
>>> javafx framework to render all their controls accessible for both mac and 
>>> windows.
>>> When it comes to custom APIs, I remember there used to be a tool called 
>>> accessibility inspector which allows the developer to check the hierarchy 
>>> of controls and scenes in an application to see which control gives what 
>>> accessible output, or what voice over will announce. Usualy custom controls 
>>> are 3D based or image based, which requires an effort from the developer to 
>>> handle what is said, how and what triggers it, which is a set of coding 
>>> behaviours that need to be placed on top of the custom control.
>>> Cheers,
>>>> On 21/06/2015, at 1:06 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> Hello:
>>>> First, it's always a really hard discussion when someone with little
>>>> to no development experience talks abou

Re: Remote Control for Mac?

2015-06-22 Thread Sean Murphy

So Mac does not have a one software solution. Using face time and other methods 
defeat the purpose of VNC. You may as well not use a remote control and tell 
the person what to do.

Remote desktop and Citrix on Windows provide the remote desktop control on 
windows.  If Mac has Citrix  then you can use that.

> On 22 Jun 2015, at 2:15 pm, Alex Hall  wrote:
> That doesn't do audio, though, does it? If it were me, I'd need to hear 
> VoiceOver speech from the remote computer through my own machine's speakers, 
> and all VO commands would have to be ignored by my machine and passed to the 
> slave. Can Screen Sharing now do this? I've not tried it; I hope it can!
>> On Jun 21, 2015, at 11:31 PM, rashantha de silva > > wrote:
>> Screen sharing is built in. You can also access the app. Put in an ip 
>> address and your done or you can use a vnc app.
>> Sent using CloudMagic 
>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 8:07 PM, Shaf > > wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Is there a fully accessible remote control client for Mac? I need it to 
>> do everything Teamviewer on Windows does including transmit any sound 
>> output. 
>> -Shaf 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
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Re: web-based text editors and VoiceOver

2015-07-10 Thread Sean Murphy
This sound like a comms issue between Voice-over, the API and the browser. I 
assume you are using safari. The question is safari sending the information to 
Voice-over from this open source editor?

If not, then that is the issue. I mention this because you are entering 
information into the editor then the editor should pass this to Safari for 
rendering and Safari should pass it to voice-Over. 

At least that is how I see the flow should go. 

> On 11 Jul 2015, at 8:58 am, Phil Halton  wrote:
> There is an open source web text editor app called “CKEditor” that is used by 
> a lot of websites for rich format text input. When focused in CKEditor, 
> VoiceOver gives no spoken feedback when typing. The editor does work with the 
> standard UNIX commands, and VoiceOver will speak text contents as you arrow 
> around in the text, but it will not speak as you type.
> I can’t find any way to get typing feedback with this web editor and wonder 
> if anyone has had experience with this sort of problem?
> I can’t direct you to a website that uses CKEditor because the site I use is 
> a private area.
> There is a website for the open source CKEditor,, but I 
> haven’t gone through it yet looking for clues as to how to get VoiceOver to 
> speak typing.
> Any help? Any suggestions?
> -- 
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Re: improvements in eclipse accessibility

2015-07-11 Thread Sean Murphy

What packages do you need to install these editors?

> On 11 Jul 2015, at 5:45 pm, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> Hey Juan,
> That’s great news. I’ll stick to using eclim as I like my vim commands, but 
> this will definetely be a nice addition for everyone who wants to use eclipse 
> for uni courses.
> For the auto completion bit, if you do vo f2 twice and pull up the window, go 
> to the last element of said window and you will get to the correct list of 
> suggestions. I know this is long and tedious to do for each auto completion 
> session, which is why I suggested the applescript. There might be a better 
> method for this, such as a new feature on el capitan but I haven’t tested it 
> out yet.
> There might, alternatively, be a way to get rid of that description window to 
> force vo focus directly onto the list of suggestions.
> Cheers,
>> On 11/07/2015, at 3:30 PM, Juan Hernandez  wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I just downloaded the eclipse side version 4.5, mars.  and was rather 
>> supervised when I saw that now the editor area is now accessible.  This 
>> makes the ride usable now.  I am still trying to figure out how to get 
>> autocorrection working.  There is an issue when you type something like 
>> ‘System.’ and when you hit the period the autocorrect kicks in.  usually one 
>> just uses down/up arrows to view the different classes and such.  This is 
>> the case, but when you move through the list of classes/methods/properties 
>> etc, it automatically placeless you in the html viewer window to read the 
>> details of what that particular selected item does, and how it does what it 
>> does.  usually you hit the tab key to get to that help info when browsing 
>> the list if one needs more info on a particular item.
>> But this is really  great news for those of you that use it.
>> If anyone has any info, I’d love to hear it to fix the issue I’m having, or 
>> any other tips/tricks.
>> Best,
>> Juan
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Re: another mail client?

2015-07-12 Thread Sean Murphy
Use ms outlook

Do not know about thunderbird. 

My experience is the part 

> On 13 Jul 2015, at 2:50 pm, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> MailMate? That came close, last time I looked …
> Nah, you’re right—this is one area where it sucks to be a Mac user, bigtime.
> -- 
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Re: proposal: the macvisionaries bug replication thread

2015-07-14 Thread Sean Murphy
Anyone tested it in a VMWare session the latest beta? Since I am finding 
strange volume issues. Wondering if it is a VMWare issue.
> On 13 Jul 2015, at 5:08 AM, Shaf  wrote:
> Using a Macbook Pro 13 inch Retina mid 2012 if that's any help. Not tested on 
> the 2015 15 inch retina as it is my main system.
> On 7/13/2015 8:59 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Not confirmed here. No issues at all.
>> /Krister
>>> 13 juli 2015 kl. 04:46 skrev Shaf :
>>> So there's a bug in the Open File dialog when trying to open any type of 
>>> file from any application.
>>> Can anybody else duplicate? VoiceOver just busy freezes.
>>> On 7/13/2015 2:30 AM, E.T. wrote:
 Well, good luck. If there are enough people like you who can focus on the 
 work, it will get done.
 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Many believe that we have been visited
 in the past. What if it were true?
 On 7/12/2015 6:14 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hi ET,
> This is mainly to pipeline the issues list and send all the feedback with 
> audio samples to demonstrate the degree of impact each issue has on 
> everyone’s daily use. The fail factor is fine with me, as if there are 
> people who genuinely want to help improve the experience, they should be 
> given the opportunity to do so. For those who just download the beta and 
> talk about NDA or not NDA, feeling bad or feeling queezy etc, I can rub 
> two ducks about it.
> Will try to find the moderator or whatever is happening with the whole 
> concept of keeping trolls out of the way.
> Cheers,
>> On 13/07/2015, at 9:37 AM, E.T.  wrote:
>>   The proposal does have merit. The difficulty comes in when people are 
>> not on board with it so it will fail. Maybe I am too cynical.
>>   It would in fact be wonderful if this actually worked for there are 
>> times when traffic is so heavy the delete key is used big time.
>>   No moderator. Been missing since last year at least. This is why I say 
>> this proposal will fail.
>>   What about a mailing list dedicated to this for the ones engaged in 
>> beta testing?
>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>> Many believe that we have been visited
>> in the past. What if it were true?
>> On 7/12/2015 4:25 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> I really don’t care about your suppositions my friend. All I’m doing is 
>>> trying to make my experience on voice over the best it can be and try 
>>> to help as much as I can.
>>> Thanks for mentioning the rule. I don’t need some weird emotional dude 
>>> trolling my mailbox so I’ll just go ahead now and make any of your 
>>> messages go “poof”, oh snap, that human spam is gone.
>>> Have a great week, chump
 On 13/07/2015, at 7:44 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
 I suppose those people who don't wanna do this, like me, you're going 
 to also teach them in case they don't know, how to make an e-mail 
 filter?  This way they don't have to see the thread if they don't wish 
 - Original Message - From: "Yuma Decaux" 
 Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 3:14 PM
 Subject: proposal: the macvisionaries bug replication thread
 Hi All,
 I see a lot of you have downloaded the public beta, and since apple’s 
 amendment to disclosure of information regarding public beta bugs and 
 features allows pretty much every news outlet out there to discuss 
 these things, including all comments from individuals doing the same 
 in these articles, it is fair to assume that it will not be a problem 
 either for mailing lists and other communication channels.
 So I propose that we create a thread for people to write up different 
 inconsistencies they might find for others to replicate the issue so 
 that those who have feedback assistant can report this to the 
 engineers. The idea is for the more commonly occuring bugs to be 
 squashed, by sheer number of reports. Some will not have the time to 
 write the thing down properly but can definetely participate since 
 legally those discussions are possible.
 I first will need to ask a few people, then confirm this is possible 
 since all of us are voice over users and all of us want voice over to 
 be as good as it can get.
 I believe there should be a few rules:
 1-no feature requests as this would explode the thread
 2-When someone finds an issue, there should be a structured meth

Re: My thoughts on the Apple Public Beta Program

2015-08-01 Thread Sean Murphy
With the current technology level for speech recognition it is true. With the 
improvements being done, I don’t think this will be the case in the future.

> On 2 Aug 2015, at 2:04 am, Devin Prater  wrote:
> People keep thinking Apple should put Siri in os X. I'll say this. Have any 
> of you done dictation? I mean, having an audio file that you have to turn to 
> text? I think I can safely say that people tend to type faster on a physical 
> keyboard than they can talk., 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 1, 2015, at 2:27 AM, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Yes.
>> /A
>>> 31 juli 2015 kl. 20:56 skrev Chris :
>>> Hi
>>> I didn't have this problem this morning, I may do in subsequent submissions 
>>> we'll see. Are you on the latest public beta?
 On 31/07/2015 12:41, Anders Holmberg wrote:
 THe only thing i found to be very strange is that the feedback assistant 
 seems to complain about missing attached files even if you have attached 
 I don’t know if its me doing something wrong or if its a bug in the 
 feedback assistant itself.
> 31 juli 2015 kl. 09:26 skrev christopher hallsworth 
> :
> Hi all
> I now have both iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 El Capitan public beta on my 
> devices. While I cannot go into the specifics, I am really liking the 
> program which anyone can sign up to so long as they have an Apple ID. 
> Note! Since this is prerelease software, it's not for the faint of heart. 
>  The Feedback Assistant apps that come with the program is awesome! I 
> will definitely! enrol in future public betas, rather than renew my 
> developer account with Apple as I find the bug reporting system on there 
> to be clunky. Not so with the public beta program. Best of all, the 
> public beta program is at the right price smile.
> For those like me who are adventurous, give it a shot.
> Happy hacking!
> --
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Re: Deleting email messages twice?

2015-08-06 Thread Sean Murphy

I have all the necessary settings for the deleting option set and I find the 
messages delete from Mac Mail. But still appear on the iPhone. If you do it the 
other way, it seems to work. This is Gmail of course. Also sending Gmail 
messages take for ever to be send. When I look at the sent folder, there is 
multiple copies.

Mac Mail has some very strange behaviours with Gmail.

> On 7 Aug 2015, at 7:23 am, jeff `greene  wrote:
> Hi, going to mail settings preferences and under accounts to say account and 
> then hit mailbox activities cab. Under there that should be a checkbox that 
> says something about keep deleted messages on the server uncheck that and 
> then hit OK you should be all set. Hope this helps Jeffx 
> Sent from Outlook 
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 11:42 AM -0700, "Matthew Dierckens" 
>>> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Ever since my computer's logic board was replaced last week, I notice that a 
> bunch of settings have been screwed with for some reason.
> When I delete messages on my iPhone or iPad and then go over to the mac side, 
> the messages appear again so I have to delete them. Isn't there a setting I 
> can change for this not to happen?
> Thanks.
> God bless.
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh, Windows and IOS  Trainer
> U.S. number: 573-401-1018
> Personal Email:
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Re: capslock in Fusion 6 under Mavericks

2013-11-01 Thread Sean Murphy
You need a remap program within Windows to change the behaviour. Voice-Over 
doesn't release keys when VMWare is running. Something I raised ages ago with 
Apple and they blame VMWare. Of course VMWare blame Apple. 

On 01/11/2013, at 9:32 AM, Scott Erichsen  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I upgraded to Mavericks and at the same time purchased VMWare Fusion 6.
> I installed windows 7 32bit with JAWS 15 and have KeyRemapForMacbook and 
> PCKeyboardHack.
> Both are the latest versions.
> I’ve set up the capslock key so that it now acts as a voiceover key on the 
> mac which is what it’s supposed to do, but when I go into fusion it is not 
> acting like the insert key for JAWS.
> I’ve set my keyboard layout in JAWS for laptop.
> Is there anything I need to do specifically in windows or Fusion or JAWS to 
> make it work correctly?
> Any assistance greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Scott
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Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at the 
same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Sean Murphy

How do you permit your braille cursor to navigate the app without moving the 
keyboard or voice-over cursor, or is the voice-over cursor the Brialle cursor?

On 13/11/2013, at 4:41 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Kristeen,
> This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customization. WHAT 
> you’d have to do is go into your Braille settings, go to the display tab, 
> choose “assign commands", and assign a Braille command to select text. There 
> aren’t separate commands for selecting different amounts of text, so 
> honestly, I’m not sure how you’d do this. Also, unless I’m wrong, you’d have 
> to use command-b on the keyboard to initiate the Braille command entry. I 
> haven’t assigned keystrokes for this, because frankly, it’s more trouble than 
> it’s worth to me. Let’s see if anyone else has already done this, and if not, 
> I’ll experiment with it and let you know what I come up with. I admit I have 
> my doubts that it’ll be an easy process.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>> not been successful.
>> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>>> beast.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
 Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
 probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
 a primary keyboard.
 For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
 VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
 way to map one to command-tab.
 "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
 too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to 
> another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
> along with the display?
> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Kristeen,
>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
>> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
>> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off 
>>> of the list, that's cool.
>>> Kristeen
 On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
 weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
 yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
 TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
 text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, 
 and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
 I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
 Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking 
 Eugenia Firth
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Re: Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Sean Murphy

They have changed the commands. Now it is control + command, rather then 
control + alt which it was previously. Voice-Over works in the menus and 
address bar. While Vox works in the HTML area.

On 13/11/2013, at 11:43 PM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> Hi,
> How can you work with Chromevox and Voiceover on at the same time, or did i 
> misunderstand anything? Don’t voices or commands clash or have they changed 
> commands for Chromevox recently?
> /Krister
> 13 nov 2013 kl. 11:49 skrev Sean Murphy :
>> Hi all.
>> I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at the 
>> same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
>> versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?
>> -- 
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Re: mv-dev mailing list

2013-12-31 Thread Sean Murphy
Why don't you post a question.
On 01/01/2014, at 12:05 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Same here - I'm on, but the list is silent. I think it is simply that no one 
> has yet said anything. 
> On Dec 31, 2013, at 7:53 PM, Pete Nalda  wrote:
>> I seemed to get on ok.  Got approved, but haven't seen any mails. 
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates
>> Louie P (Pete) Nalda
>> Twitter: @lpnalda
>> On Dec 31, 2013, at 6:52 PM, "Nick Allan"  wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> Has anyone had success in subscribing to the mv-dev mailing list?  I’ve 
>>> tried twice now.  The first time the subscription worked, but it required 
>>> approval. A day or so later, my approval was rejected.
>>> I’ve now tried to subscribe with another email address and its again 
>>> waiting for approval.
>>> Regards Nick
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Paprika clipping recipes

2014-01-02 Thread Sean Murphy

Are you aware that the app can import files? It depends on the format of the 
file. If you look at the documentation you will find the info. I am in the 
process of importing over 10,000 recipes that have collected over the years. 

On 03/01/2014, at 11:26 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Thank you Ester!
> This helps a lot. I have a big recipes folder that I'm trying to import, as 
> well as some recipes I've bookmarked off the web. I also love the search 
> feature. I can do a search of my receipes in the database. Thanks for the 
> detailed instructions. I appreciate it.
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Esther  wrote:
>> Hi Sarah, Eileen, and Others,
>> Here are some tips on using the recipe clipping feature in the Mac version 
>> of Paprika Recipe Manager.  As Laura described, you press the "Save Recipe" 
>> button in the toolbar of the Paprika Mac app window to clip recipes from 
>> web sites.  As a quick overview, you can navigate to recipes in web sites 
>> in the Browser view either by using the Google search text field in the 
>> HTML area to do a general search of recipe sites, and then select links 
>> that you want, followed by using the "Save Recipe" button, or you can 
>> select one of the web site links in the HTML area under the headings for 
>> "Recommended Sites", such as "", then search for the the recipe 
>> you want at that site's web page, followed by using the "Save Recipe" 
>> button to clip the recipe.  
>> Alternatively, since the Browser's "Getting Started" HTML page with 
>> information on how to get started with clipping recipes, the general Google 
>> search field, and the links to popular recipe sites only loads up when you 
>> first launch the Browser view, you can also navigate to the Google search 
>> text field on the window toolbar, or use the Bookmarks button on the window 
>> toolbar to navigate to popular web sites (including favorites that you 
>> add), and then use the "Save Recipe" button on the toolbar to clip recipes. 
>> This may be a little less convenient than using the corresponding 
>> locations for search and links in the startup browser HTML area unless you 
>> set an application specific hotspot for these locations, since there are no 
>> pre-existing keyboard shortcuts for navigating to the Google search field 
>> or to the Bookmarks on the toolbar of the Paprika Recipe Manager app in 
>> Browser view the way there are for Safari, but it only takes a few VO-arrow 
>> key presses (or flicks if you use the Trackpad) to move between the HTML 
>> area and these buttons on the toolbar.   If you prefer to use the "Getting 
>> Started" startup HTML page to navigate, you can always move back to it by 
>> using VO-Up arrow from the HTML area to navigate to the Browser's "Back" 
>> button, VO-space until you get to the beginning, and focus moves to the 
>> "Forward" button, then VO-Left arrow back to the (dimmed) "Back" button and 
>> VO-Down arrow to return to the HTML area.  (Note: I had to use VO-slash to 
>> label the four toolbar buttons to the right of the Paprika window's 
>> "Minimize", "Close", and "Zoom" buttons.  These are "Back", "Forward", 
>> "Bookmarks", and "Refresh". The remaining toolbar elements to the right of 
>> these buttons are the URL address field, the "Browser - Paprika" view 
>> identifier, the "Search" text field, and the "Save Recipe" button.)  
>> Here are a few detailed examples of how to clip recipes, written with new 
>> users or those who don't yet have the Mac app in mind. Switch from the 
>> Recipes view to the Browser view with VO-Down arrow to the "Browser" check 
>> box and VO-Space. VO-Left arrow to the HTML content, and interact to read 
>> the "Getting Started" instructions.
>> You can launch your first search from within the HTML area instead of from 
>> the toolbar. If you have Quick Nav turned on, and you have enabled single 
>> letter navigation under VoiceOver Utility in Commanders under the Quick Nav 
>> tab by checking the box, you can use all the standard web navigation 
>> shortcuts (e.g., "h" to move to the next header or "f" to move to the next 
>> text field). So, press "h" to move through the headings for "Getting 
>> Started", "How to clip a recipe online", and "Search for recipes". Or press 
>> "f" to move directly to the "Google Recipe Search" text field under the 
>> "Search for recipes" heading, then toggle Quick Nav mode off (by 
>> simultaneously pressing the left and right arrow keys) so you can type in 
>> the text field.  Using this field, your search will not specify any 
>> particular recipe sites, so if I type in text, such as "Latin Black Bean 
>> Soup", and then either press "Return" or navigate to the "Search" button 
>> and press it, I'll get a Google search of many different recipes sites, 
>> with links to results within the HTML area. Navigate through the heading 
>> links of the results and activate the one that you want. 
>> Now, to just read the

Re: cross referencing files when adding to ITunes

2014-01-02 Thread Sean Murphy

If I understand what you are trying to do. You just have to make sure the album 
name is different. The file will be in both locations. For example.

Song name: hello world
Artist:  The best band 
album:  classical 

Song name: hello world
Artist:  The best band 
album:  Jazz 

The above should work.

On 03/01/2014, at 8:09 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Okay,  here’s what’s going on.
> I have two files which I wish to ad to ITunes.  No big deal about ading them, 
> making sure the Meda data is correct and all that:  however, I wish these 
> files to be added to two customized albums I am putting together.  Can I add 
> these two files twice and make sure the meta data is correct for each 
> customized album so that the ffiles will appear corectly in each album?  Will 
> the files be added twice or just once with the second attempt to add only 
> placing meda data markers for referencing where the original file is 
> depending on how I tag it?
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> -- 
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Re: Paprika clipping recipes

2014-01-03 Thread Sean Murphy
There is a feature to share recipes within the app. It will take me a while to 
import them. I have to massage the data because it has come from a lot of 
different sources. This is the first app I have used that I like as an recipe 
program. So everything I have is in text files.
On 03/01/2014, at 6:29 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> And if you import those 10 thousand recipes can you share that database with 
> others?  I use MacGourmet and that is a feature that I like, it is easy to 
> share recipes.  I have not tried paprika although maybe I should give it a 
> shot.  I just like the iTunes-like interface that MacGourmet has.
> Jim
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 10:10 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you aware that the app can import files? It depends on the format of the 
>> file. If you look at the documentation you will find the info. I am in the 
>> process of importing over 10,000 recipes that have collected over the years. 
>> Sean
>> On 03/01/2014, at 11:26 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you Ester!
>>> This helps a lot. I have a big recipes folder that I'm trying to import, as 
>>> well as some recipes I've bookmarked off the web. I also love the search 
>>> feature. I can do a search of my receipes in the database. Thanks for the 
>>> detailed instructions. I appreciate it.
>>> On Jan 2, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Esther  wrote:
>>>> Hi Sarah, Eileen, and Others,
>>>> Here are some tips on using the recipe clipping feature in the Mac version 
>>>> of Paprika Recipe Manager.  As Laura described, you press the "Save 
>>>> Recipe" 
>>>> button in the toolbar of the Paprika Mac app window to clip recipes from 
>>>> web sites.  As a quick overview, you can navigate to recipes in web sites 
>>>> in the Browser view either by using the Google search text field in the 
>>>> HTML area to do a general search of recipe sites, and then select links 
>>>> that you want, followed by using the "Save Recipe" button, or you can 
>>>> select one of the web site links in the HTML area under the headings for 
>>>> "Recommended Sites", such as "", then search for the the recipe 
>>>> you want at that site's web page, followed by using the "Save Recipe" 
>>>> button to clip the recipe.  
>>>> Alternatively, since the Browser's "Getting Started" HTML page with 
>>>> information on how to get started with clipping recipes, the general 
>>>> Google 
>>>> search field, and the links to popular recipe sites only loads up when you 
>>>> first launch the Browser view, you can also navigate to the Google search 
>>>> text field on the window toolbar, or use the Bookmarks button on the 
>>>> window 
>>>> toolbar to navigate to popular web sites (including favorites that you 
>>>> add), and then use the "Save Recipe" button on the toolbar to clip 
>>>> recipes. 
>>>> This may be a little less convenient than using the corresponding 
>>>> locations for search and links in the startup browser HTML area unless you 
>>>> set an application specific hotspot for these locations, since there are 
>>>> no 
>>>> pre-existing keyboard shortcuts for navigating to the Google search field 
>>>> or to the Bookmarks on the toolbar of the Paprika Recipe Manager app in 
>>>> Browser view the way there are for Safari, but it only takes a few 
>>>> VO-arrow 
>>>> key presses (or flicks if you use the Trackpad) to move between the HTML 
>>>> area and these buttons on the toolbar.   If you prefer to use the "Getting 
>>>> Started" startup HTML page to navigate, you can always move back to it by 
>>>> using VO-Up arrow from the HTML area to navigate to the Browser's "Back" 
>>>> button, VO-space until you get to the beginning, and focus moves to the 
>>>> "Forward" button, then VO-Left arrow back to the (dimmed) "Back" button 
>>>> and 
>>>> VO-Down arrow to return to the HTML area.  (Note: I had to use VO-slash to 
>>>> label the four toolbar buttons to the right of the Paprika window's 
>>>> "Minimize", "Close", and "Zoom" buttons.  These are "Back", "Forward", 
>>>> "Bookmarks", and "Refresh". The remaining toolbar elements to the righ

Re: Not accepting File Format When Importing Into Paprika

2014-01-05 Thread Sean Murphy

Below is the extract from the user manual.

YAML is a simple, plain text file with sections delimited by key-value pairs. 
To indicate a block of text, use an initial pipe character, as shown in 
and ingredients. Consistent indenting should be used, but the order of the 
fields does not matter, and most are optional with the exception of the name,
ingredients and directions. It is recommended that you use an online YAML 
validator such as 
this one
 to validate your file if you're experiencing difficulties importing.

Note We've added several new fields: on_favorites takes a yes value and 
indicates that the recipe should be added to your favorites. categories is a 
list; the category will be created if it does not exist. photo is a base-64 
encoded image. All these new fields are optional.

YAML recipe example:

name: My Tasty Recipe
servings: 4-6 servings
source: Food Network
prep_time: 10 min
cook_time: 30 min
on_favorites: yes
categories: [Dinner, Holiday]
nutritional_info: 500 calories
difficulty: Easy
rating: 5
notes: |
  This is delicious!!!
photo: (base-64 encoded image)
ingredients: |
  1/2 lb meat
  1/2 lb vegetables
  2 tbsp olive oil
  4 cups flour
directions: |
  Mix things together.
  Yum yum yum.
YAML multiple recipes example:

- name: My Tasty Recipe
  servings: 4-6 servings
  source: Food Network
  prep_time: 10 min
  cook_time: 30 min
  nutritional_info: 500 calories
  on_favorites: yes
  categories: [Dinner, Holiday]
  difficulty: Easy
  rating: 5
  notes: |
This is delicious!!!
  ingredients: |
1/2 lb meat
1/2 lb vegetables
2 tbsp olive oil
4 cups flour
  directions: |
Mix things together.
Yum yum yum.

- name: My Tasty Recipe 2
  servings: 4-6 servings
  source: Food Network
  prep_time: 10 min
  cook_time: 30 min
  nutritional_info: 500 calories
  difficulty: Easy
  rating: 5
  photo: | (base-64 encoded image)
  notes: |
This is delicious!!!
  ingredients: |
1/2 lb meat
1/2 lb vegetables
2 tbsp olive oil
4 cups flour
  directions: |
Mix things together.
Yum yum yum.

On 05/01/2014, at 4:22 AM, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:

> Hello Paprika Folks,
> I need some expert assistance. I copied my recipes that I have collected over 
> the years from my Win 7 PC machine onto a USB thumb drive. I placed the thumb 
> drive into an USB port on my Air, opened Paprika and attemted to import the 
> first recipe file from the drive. I received an error stating that the file 
> type was not recognized by Paprika and couldn't be imported. These files are 
> either DOC or DOCX files. What file types does Paprika like and will import 
> to the app? I didn't think this would matter, but I see that I might have 
> additional work and another folder to add to this thumb drive to import my 
> recipes. Please Advise on how to resolve this.
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
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