For those of you concerned about lion's new app store approach: here's the solution.

2011-06-07 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey all,
I've noticed a lot of discussion about apple's new approach to releasing 
lion through the app store. A lot of people don't like this approach 
(myself included), so here's how to overcome it:
Hope this helps out some people!

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Re: Fwd: [M-A] For our U.K members...

2011-06-11 Thread Ashley Cox
you'd have thought, that being appple, they would've sorted this before 
they announced the service. Though it doesn't bother me really as i'll 
not be using iCloud, I find it pretty stupid how companies (especially 
big companies) release products and then start signing the appropriate 
deals with companies.

On 11/06/2011 02:32, Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hi list,

I thought the UK members would find this information interesting about 

Begin forwarded message:

*From: *Carlos Palomino>>
*Subject: **[M-A] For our U.K members...*
*Date: *June 10, 2011 8:34:03 PM EDT
*To: *Mobile Access Chat >
*Reply-To: *Mobile Access Chat >

Begin forwarded message:

Apple’s new iCloud service —announced during Steve Jobs’ WWDC 
keynote on Monday 
will not launch in the United Kingdom until at least the first 
quarter of 2012. A representative from the Performing Right Society 
(PRS), an association of songwriters, music publishers, and 
composers in the United Kingdom told/The Telegraph/that negotiations 
with Apple are still at a “very early stage.”

The licensing team at the PRS have started talks with Apple, but
are a long way off from any deals being signed … It is very much
the early stages of the negotiations and is similar to the
launch of iTunes – which began in the US and took a while to
roll out to other countries

iCloud will launch in tandem with iOS 5 in the United States this fall.


Read more… 


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Mobile access is led by Carlos Palomino, Taylor Scott, and Ricardo 

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Re: Recording a video of a running application?

2011-06-12 Thread Ashley Cox
quick time will do this, simply use the screen recording option in the 
file menu.


On 12/06/2011 12:10, Doug Lawlor wrote:

I found something on the app store called Screen Recorder for $8.99. I haven't 
tried this out yet. I may give it a try later today.


On 2011-06-12, at 8:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


I'm not 100% sure but, I think you can do this with quicktime.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Jun 12, 2011, at 4:16 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

Hello list:
I am looking for an accessible tool to record a video on the mac. I need 
something in particular that will allow me to record a video of a running 



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Re: Windows VM slowing to a crawl

2011-06-13 Thread Ashley Cox

welcome back to windows! :)
how many processor cores do you have? if you have 4 cores, give windows 
7 2 cores; it'll speed it up nicely. also, with only 2GB ram dedicated 
to the vm, I'd use 32 bit windows 7.
other  than that, not sure what to suggest; it works fine here. unless 
you have some really huge apps installed under windows...


On 13/06/2011 20:01, Doug Lawlor wrote:

Hello List:
I am noticing on my system that my Windows VM under Fusion tends to slow to a 
crawl after using it for a while. I have it set up to use one processor core 
and 2 GB of ram. I am running Windows 7/64. What is the best version of Windows 
7 to run under Fusion? I've heard some people say that 32-Bit Windows runs 
better for some reason. Any thoughts?


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Re: HELP!!! My Mac won't turn on!

2011-06-20 Thread Ashley Cox
I prefer CCC, as it's free and I've heard it works better and is 
sometimes more relyable than super duper.

On 20/06/2011 01:37, Christopher Peppel wrote:
I have not tried CarboncopyCloner, but SuperDuper is completely 
accessible.  I use it all the time with great results.

On Jun 19, 2011, at 8:14 PM, Dan wrote:

Hello Esther,
Between Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper, which one provides the best 
VO interface for a totally blind person?



On Jun 19, 2011, at 4:35 PM, Esther wrote:


Ezzie, here's yet another suggestion: it's possible that you have a 
bad sector on your hard drive that prevents your Mac from completing 
the boot up.  If so, it's still possible to boot your Mac from an 
alternate drive, and also access your original disk (any parts that 
are not damaged), if you've created bootable clones with either 
Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! as part of your backup strategy.

To boot from a backup that's been created as a bootable clone, 
connect the drive, then hold down the Option key while you turn on 
your computer to start booting. Once the boot process initiates, you 
press the right (or left) arrow key and then press the return key to 
indicate that you want to switch your boot drive from the 
default. VoiceOver won't speak until your system boots up (from your 
cloned drive), but once it does, you can log in and take a look at 
your current hard drive and access or copy files.

I keep a bootable clone of my system's hard drive for emergency 
recovery purposes.  Generally, I'll make one of these as a backup 
action before major system upgrades, so I have a complete, working 
image of my system before the upgrade.  This type of backup is 
different from Time Machine backups, which are more suited to 
retrieving individual files you were working on a few weeks ago that 
might have been deleted. Bootable clones of hard drives are useful 
in the case of sudden, catastrophic failures, but they take more 
time to make, so you don't create them as frequently.  The two 
popular sources are:
• Bombich Software (for Carbon Copy Cloner, donationware, suggested 
$15, free to educational users)
• Shirt Pocket (for SuperDuper! $27.95, but free trial download 
supports full cloning feature) 

Both sources of software provide good results, but new users may 
feel more comfortable with SuperDuper! whose documentation goes into 
more details about how backups work.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jun 19, 2011, at 07:11, Tim Kilburn wrote:


If you have one of the newer laptops where the battery is not 
removable, do the following:

1.  Make sure the unit is turned off.
2.  Plug in your power adapter to the computer and the wall socket.
3.  Hold down the left-side shift, control and option keys at the 
same time as you hold down the power button.

4.  Release all keys/power button simultaneously.
5.  Wait a few seconds then press the power button and see if it 
turns on.

This process is a last resort and should only be done after you've 
tried a number of things.  I assuming that due to the fact that 
your Mac will not power up, the other things are not available to 
you.  What this process does is reset the System Management 
Controller (SMC) which controls battery management, power button 
control and a number of other things which can sometimes, in rare 
occasions get confused.  If this process does not fix your issue, 
you'll need to send your unit in for service.  Also, if you have a 
desktop unit instead of a laptop, there is a different process that 
will have to be applied.


On 2011-06-18, at 6:06 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

What I've had to do on several occasions is to disconnect all 
cables from the Mac, turn it upside down, remove the battery [it 
it's a MacBook Pro or other type of Mac Laptop, hold the battery 
in my hands for a count of 20 seconds, reinsert the battetery, 
turn the power on, holding the power button down for another count 
of 20 seconds, then release the power button; and, usually, the 
Mac reboots and behaves normally, again, Let ne know if this trick 
works? And Apple Tech taught this to me.

Sometimes, I have this happen when I have open too many windows, 
Time Machine running, running Photoshop elements, MS word, 
TextEdit and a host of other programmes such as iPhoto, several 
audio and video internet connections on as well as gmail, Preview, 
etc. You get the picture. Good Luck!


On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Doug Lawlor>> wrote:

I think you may have to give someone a call at Apple Support
to see what they have to say.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-06-18, at 7:39 PM, Ezzie Buenito>> wrote:

> Hi Doug,
> Thank you for all of your suggestions. The problem is that
the Mac will NOT boot up at all.
> Ezzie

Re: opening HTML documents in text edit for editing purposes

2011-06-20 Thread Ashley Cox

press command shift T to make the document plain text.

btw, as a side-note, try usign an app called HTMchen for your code 
editing. I don't have the link to hand right now but if you do a google 
search for it it's an awesome application.

On 20/06/2011 21:50, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

I'm trying to update my webpage, which is mostly simple HTML documents.  When I open them 
in TextEdit in order to edit the HTML, I don't see the code, just "embedded," 
and some text.  How can I edit these documents, such that I can see the HTML code as text?

  • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
  • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
  • MSN:
  • My home page:

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Re: How many installs do I get with a purchase of Windows 7?

2011-06-20 Thread Ashley Cox
too much. it's about £80 over hear for home premium x64. ultimate is 
about 300. In answer to the question though, microsoft officially only 
allow you to install on 1 machine, whether physical or virtual.

however, this limitation has never stopped me activating (i've had to 
reinstall several times), and if it does use the phone activating 
option, wait till you get put through to tech support, and tell them you 
just rebooted your computer.

On 20/06/2011 21:52, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

What is the going rate for windows 7 home premium these days?
Kliphton SR
(Marriage Blog)
(Google Voice) 657-229-2105
Sent from my IMac

On Jun 20, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

Hi listers,

I bought Windows 7 to use with VMWare Fusion.  I'm thinking about
purchasing a new Mac, and would like to run Windows on it.  Is there
anything special I need to do with regard to authorization (as in
Jaws)?  I will only run Windows on my new Mac, so is there anything I
should do to "uninstall" windows from my old mac?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: False notification of disc ejection

2011-06-21 Thread Ashley Cox

it's the rubbish drive enclosures they use. return it and get a wd.

On 21/06/2011 20:58, Ben J Bloomgren wrote:

I just got a Seagate drive from BestBuy. I wasn't doing a darn thing with the 
drive, yet a notification arose saying that it's not wise to unplug a drive 
without safely ejecting it. Apparently Chris Gilland has also had this problem 
with specifically his Seagate drives. Has anybody had this problem? I am almost 
certain that it's not a defective drive being that someone else has also 
encountered it.



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Re: average ram for a blind user?

2011-06-25 Thread Ashley Cox
it all depends on your needs. If you're a power user, you'll want more 
ram. if you want super fast performance and smooth multi-tasking, you 
need more ram. but if you check your eMails, web surf, and do a few 
office documents with music on in the background, you probably don't 
need to max out the ram as much.

On 25/06/2011 05:24, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Okay, I am still on a few windows screen readers lists, since I teach a few 
basic classes about JFW and know a lot about the windows side of things.  
Anyways, someone said on this list that the average blind user needs no more 
than 4 gigs of ram, at best anything over 8 would be a waste.  I'm no exburt, 
but I have done a little research, and googling and have found that the more  
ram you have, the smoother your system will run, mac or PC.  This person seem 
to think even if you had a fast processor, that spending money on ram was a 
waste.  Now I will admitt, that apple is a little pricy when it comes to ram, 
but there are third party sellers out there with compatable memory for just 
about any system.  Thoughts?  Oh, 1 more thing this person said, that the only 
way more than 4 gigs would be necessary is if you were doing some high quality 
video or audio editting.  What do you all think or know about these numbers and 

Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone

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Re: boiceover since last update.. grrrr

2011-06-27 Thread Ashley Cox
Yes! same here! it's been crashing loads. strange thing is it does it 
with no busy's or warnings just disappears.

On 27/06/2011 12:31, Eric Oyen wrote:

this is getting frustrating. it seems that voiceover is crashing on me every 
time I turn around. all this started happening since the 10.6.7 update. it 
wasn't so bad until 4 days ago and now it happens every time I use app 
switcher, type in e-mail and chat on Skype.

I have parused the system logs trying to find a cause, but nothing shows up. I 
have also run the usual disk utility permission checks with nothing found.

to top it off, this machine is borrowed until I can acquire a new laptop or mac 
mini. my last machine smoked the power supply and a g od chunk of the 
motherboard. good thing for time machine.  Does anyone have any information on 
technology grants to the blind to acquire such equipment?


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Porting qwitter to mac?

2011-07-09 Thread Ashley Cox

Hi all,
For those of you who don't know, qwitter is a free twitter client, 
written in python. It's an accessible twitter client, but is only 
written for windows.

Now to my question. For those of you who are experienced programmers, 
would anybody be willing to work in porting this twitter client to mac?

It's open source, and it would be awesome to see it on the mac platform.
I'm not a great programmer myself (i know very little python, as I tend 
to keep to web-related programming languages such as php). However, if 
any people are interested in working with me to port qwitter to mac, 
I'll contribute all I can to the project.

I don't know, maybe the qwitter devs are on this list...!

If anybody's interested, it would be awesome to work to get this awesome 
app on to the mac!


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Re: Porting qwitter to mac?

2011-07-10 Thread Ashley Cox
I see what you're saying. The only reason I wanted to see a port of 
qwitter was simply because it provides features that most of the other 
twitter clients do not, or if they provide those features they are 
either more hidden away or in the wrong place.

It would be great if someone would write a twitter client that had 4 
columns lined up; timeline, direct messages, mentions, and sent. Then 
you could add more columns for specific people who you are interested 
in, so only there tweets showed up. Then a simple tweet box. The ability 
to follow people, unfollow people, and a button to go to their twitter 
profile. You could customise the time before new tweets are received.

 That's it; that, in my oppinion, would be the perfect twitter client. 
Many of the other clients (including qwitter itself) have a lot of 
unnecessary features. For example, not to diss qwitter in any way, but 
who needs to do a bing search from a twitter client? If I wanted audio 
tweets, I would use one of the services already available... and my 
twitter client definetly doesn't need a stopwatch build in.

Just my thoughts.
On 10/07/2011 10:20, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

Look, i don't want to diss your product, Jonathan but i must ask the list this: 
Do we really need a blind specific Twitter client? Wasn't it so that we chose 
the Mac platform to get away from blind specific solutions and be more 
standard, thus being able to more easily communicate with sighted people on 
equal terms? I can understand the need for one or more blind specific solutions 
in the PC world, but here? Am i naive, stupid, living on another planet?

9 jul 2011 kl. 19.41 skrev Jonathan Chacón Barbero:


there are some problems to develop a ported version of Qwitter:

* keystroke management is very different in OSX than Windows... We have to 
rewrite all modules about keyboard
* window dialog management is very different in OSX.
* there are few diferences in IO file system for OSX and Windows

well, I have a good news... I'm developing Blindtweet for OSX. It is a twitter 
client for OSX managed using keystrokes and it uses speech capabilityes to show 
the twiter information.
I hope finish it for september and it will be in the Mac app store

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
   Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
Skype: Tyflos_

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Re: Porting qwitter to mac?

2011-07-10 Thread Ashley Cox
Yes, agreed. Perhaps, if someone were to create the twitter application 
I describe below (how about calling it tweeter?), there could be a 
keystroke that was global, that when pressed would pop up a dialog in 
which you could compose a tweet.
I do find sometimes that the ability to read tweets from anywhere is, 
while great, distracting
Perhaps another keystroke could be added that popped up a dialog with 
the timeline

On 10/07/2011 13:18, Missy Hoppe wrote:

Very well said. The only thing I'd like to add is that the thing I like best 
about qwitter is that it runs in the background;
you can just use it where-ever you are on the computer without having to 
alt-tab to it first. So, if you're writing a
document, or playing a game for example, you can just check tweets without 
losing your place in whatever program you were in.
Apart from that particular convenience, Yorufukuru on the mac does meet my 
needs quite adequately.
Anyway, what is described below sounds perfect to me, but if qwitter were to be 
ported to the mac somehow, I'd only use it
over what is already available because of its ability to just run in the 
background. I hope that makes some kind of sense.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ashley Cox
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?

I see what you're saying. The only reason I wanted to see a port of
qwitter was simply because it provides features that most of the other
twitter clients do not, or if they provide those features they are
either more hidden away or in the wrong place.

It would be great if someone would write a twitter client that had 4
columns lined up; timeline, direct messages, mentions, and sent. Then
you could add more columns for specific people who you are interested
in, so only there tweets showed up. Then a simple tweet box. The ability
to follow people, unfollow people, and a button to go to their twitter
profile. You could customise the time before new tweets are received.

   That's it; that, in my oppinion, would be the perfect twitter client.
Many of the other clients (including qwitter itself) have a lot of
unnecessary features. For example, not to diss qwitter in any way, but
who needs to do a bing search from a twitter client? If I wanted audio
tweets, I would use one of the services already available... and my
twitter client definetly doesn't need a stopwatch build in.

Just my thoughts.
On 10/07/2011 10:20, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

Look, i don't want to diss your product, Jonathan but i must ask the list this: 
Do we really need a blind specific Twitter

client? Wasn't it so that we chose the Mac platform to get away from blind 
specific solutions and be more standard, thus
being able to more easily communicate with sighted people on equal terms? I can 
understand the need for one or more blind
specific solutions in the PC world, but here? Am i naive, stupid, living on 
another planet?


9 jul 2011 kl. 19.41 skrev Jonathan Chacón Barbero:


there are some problems to develop a ported version of Qwitter:

* keystroke management is very different in OSX than Windows... We have to 
rewrite all modules about keyboard
* window dialog management is very different in OSX.
* there are few diferences in IO file system for OSX and Windows

well, I have a good news... I'm developing Blindtweet for OSX. It is a twitter 
client for OSX managed using keystrokes and

it uses speech capabilityes to show the twiter information.

I hope finish it for september and it will be in the Mac app store

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
Skype: Tyflos_

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Screenreader for old mac

2011-07-15 Thread Ashley Cox

Hi all,
Am looking for a screenreader for an old iMac g3 (first gen bondi blue). 
I know of outspoken, but can't find anywhere to download it, not even a demo
I know these machines can run 10.4, but have tried and it's slow on this 
one, as it's only 233 mhz with 160mb ram
does anybody know of a screenreader that I can get (prefferably free) 
that will run on OS9?
or is the demo /full version of outspoken still available somewhere, 
again prefferably free?


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Re: Screenreader for old mac

2011-07-15 Thread Ashley Cox

Hi Teresa,
Thanks for your response. I did consider them, but when I contacted them 
they wanted $195 for the product, and there is no way i'm paying that 
for a 10 year old screenreader, when all I want it for is for a bit of 
fun playing around with a mac I got for nothing in the first place. :)

On 15/07/2011 20:52, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Hi, Ash,

According to this post from earlier in the 
year, you can phone and 
request it from . This is just a googlefest on my part, and I 
don't have firsthand experience with it, so I do hope it helps.

On Jul 15, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:

Hi all,
Am looking for a screenreader for an old iMac g3 (first gen bondi blue). I know 
of outspoken, but can't find anywhere to download it, not even a demo
I know these machines can run 10.4, but have tried and it's slow on this one, 
as it's only 233 mhz with 160mb ram
does anybody know of a screenreader that I can get (prefferably free) that will 
run on OS9?
or is the demo /full version of outspoken still available somewhere, again 
prefferably free?


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Spotlight searching in lion?

2011-07-21 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey all,
just tried to do a spotlight search in lion. I hit cmd space, and it 
told me something about spotlight helping me find files on my computer, 
but there is no search box.

anybody have any idea how to search in lion?


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Re: Spotlight searching in lion?

2011-07-21 Thread Ashley Cox
Hm. Well, I left it for ages and it didn't work. In the end, due to 
some annoying left-over apps, I clean installed, and it's working fine now.


On 21/07/2011 18:44, Austin Seraphin wrote:

Hi. It probably just needs to index your files. Mine took some time to do that. 
If it's started working by now then there you go.

On Jul 21, 2011, at 12:45 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

Hey all,
just tried to do a spotlight search in lion. I hit cmd space, and it told me 
something about spotlight helping me find files on my computer, but there is no 
search box.
anybody have any idea how to search in lion?


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Re: Where is the restore partition?

2011-07-22 Thread Ashley Cox

You can also hold down cmd+R to enter recovery mode.

On 22/07/2011 02:22, Daniel Miller wrote:


The recovery partition isn't visible to the OS at all, it's only visible
when you hold down the option key when you start the computer.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Georges Zaynoun
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:09 PM
Subject: Where is the restore partition?

I installed Lion, still have same two partitions I had since I installed
windows on bootcamp, I heard people saying Lion will create a restore
partition so where is it?

Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Ashley Cox

No, don't do it. As katy perry says... boom, boom, boom.


On 16/03/2011 10:41, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi Donna,
The cautious side of me would say that it probably isn't a good idea to use a 
charger with a machine it wasn't designed for.  I don't know much about 
variations in those components over the past few years, apart from the 
relatively recent switch to magnetic connectors on the adapter..
ALl that being said, I don't know that you can't use the two together either.  
If it were me, I wouldn't, just to be safe.  Someone who knows better feel free 
to correct me.
SOrry I can't be more definitively helpful.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with someone 
who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e about 4-5 
years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my Macbook?

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Re: Looking for feedback regarding accessibility of the apps in today's MacUpdate Promo bundle

2011-03-16 Thread Ashley Cox
from what I recall, Mac DVD ripper pro is niehter accessible, nore a 
godo piece of software.

parallels isn't accessible
Not sure about the others though.

On 16/03/2011 14:02, Bryan Jones wrote:


Today's MacUpdate Promo appears to be a bundle of decent Apps for US $49. I've 
listed them below and am wondering if anybody here knows about the level of VO 
accessibility of any of these. I seem to recall Parallels is inaccessible while 
1 Password and DVDRemaster are accessible. The macupdate promos can be found at
Here's a list of the main applications included in the bundle:
Parallels Desktop 6
1 Password 3
DVDRemaster 7
Mac DVDRipper Pro 2
Tech Tool Pro 5
Hands Off
A Better Finder Rename 8


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Possibly OT: imac restore disks?

2011-03-18 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey all,
I have an imac g3 (slot-loader, 600 MHZ...). I'm looking for the mac 
OS9.2.2 restore disks... probably a long-shot, but if anybody has them 
or a disk image they're willing to send, I'd be really grateful! I only 
need mac OS9 to upgrade the firmware so I can install tiger...
I have a mac os 9.0.4 disk but, as this is the summer 2001 iMac, it can 
only boot 9.2 earliest.


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Re: Adobe at CSUN -- Did anybody talk to them?

2011-03-19 Thread Ashley Cox

what's the control in system prefs used for?

On 19/03/2011 01:18, Bryan Jones wrote:

I'm wondering if anybody here who attended CSUN heard any promising news from Adobe 
regarding the accessibility of Flash on the Mac. It's now been one year since Adobe 
announced they were, "...planning major upgrades to the accessibility support in 
Adobe Flash Player" and my testing of the latest Flash player, 10.3 beta, shows no 
accessibility improvements unless you count the addition of a control in System 
Preferences as an improvement

Here's the link to their CSUN schedule:

Here's the link to their March 24, 2010 announcement about bringing 
accessibility to Flash:


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Re: Making the switch soon, but first, a few preliminary questions.

2011-03-20 Thread Ashley Cox

On 20/03/2011 18:26, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:

hello all,

After hanging back, and watching from the sidelines for the last little while, 
I've decided to at last go ahead, and become a switcher.

Awesome! good for you!

I've had little but a few cursory plays with a Mac at the Apple store, but that 
bit of experience, as well as the progress made with iOS, which I use on a 
daily basis for everything from my communication needs, to entertainment, to 
web browsing, has decided me.

My questions are as follows:

1. on the windows side of things, I do a lot of extracting audiobooks on CD. My 
current method of accomplishing this is SoundForge, because it permits me to 
control the drive speed, so there aren't errors in the finished product. I 
attempted this with iTunes, but even with error-correction engaged, it still 
reads too quickly. Is there a means on the Mac side of things for accomplishing 
I have absolutely no idea. I tend to just use iTunes or one of the many cd 
rippers available in the mac app store.

2. How precisely does one go about navigating from the sources area of iTunes, 
to the lists of either books, songs/albums, or apps? As I said, I've only had a 
minimum of play time with the Mac, so that one is more-than-likely a 
no-brainer, but it is one I wasn't immediately able to figure out in the 
limited time I had at the time.
The selection table is just to the right of the sources table. Navigate to the 
right a few times with the vo cursor.

Sorry for the verbose nature of these questions. Perhaps I should turn off 
speak-hints in myself. :D

Thanks for any/all answers in advance

Twitter: @IndigoCellist
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: One more question.

2011-03-20 Thread Ashley Cox
No, you can use mac fuse or paragon NTFS for mac to read and write to 
NTFS drives.

On 20/03/2011 18:35, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:

Regarding external drives, is it still necessary for one to format in phat32 if 
sharing between the Mac and PC are the overall aim? I'd read that once, but it 
was a while ago, so I wasn't sure whether or not it's still the case.

Thanks guys

Twitter: @IndigoCellist
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: One more question.

2011-03-21 Thread Ashley Cox
No, It doesn't come pre-installed on the mac. If you have vmware fusion, 
it's in the installer selection, if not go here:
for a commercial product, paragon ntfs for mac is here:
On 20/03/2011 21:30, Scott Howell wrote:

Ashley, is this still experimental? I was under the impression this was not 
100%. If that is not the case, then that is a very good deal for folks. Of 
course you have to install this since it does not come preinstalled on the Mac 
unless things have changed very recently.

On Mar 20, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

No, you can use mac fuse or paragon NTFS for mac to read and write to NTFS 

On 20/03/2011 18:35, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:

Regarding external drives, is it still necessary for one to format in phat32 if 
sharing between the Mac and PC are the overall aim? I'd read that once, but it 
was a while ago, so I wasn't sure whether or not it's still the case.

Thanks guys

Twitter: @IndigoCellist
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Outspoken VS. VoiceOver

2011-03-21 Thread Ashley Cox

I'd love to use outspoken. Been looking for it everywhere.

On 21/03/2011 20:32, Zachary Kline wrote:

I'd also be quite interested in the answer to this question.  I never did have 
the chance to use Outspoken, though I recall having an old copy of it at school 
at one point.  I don't think this would qualify as list clutter, as it is mac 
and Apple related, though of course that's for the mods to decide.  So, any 
outspoken veterans out there, please enlighten us.
On Mar 21, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

Hi list:

Any of you out there date back to the days of using Outspoken?

What I'm wondering is this:

How different was the Outspoken experience vs. VoiceOver?  Was it very similar? 
If not, can you comment on how different it was?

You can reply off-list, as I don't want a lot of clutter.


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Re: voice over list?

2011-03-22 Thread Ashley Cox

try the macvoiceover mailinglist, search for it on

On 22/03/2011 00:07, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Hello, is there a list out there strictly for the voice over screen 
reader?  Just asking since I don't see much on here about the key 
strokes and such.

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Re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread Ashley Cox


No, Yes, No.
DOn't buy office, it's the bigest... well i'll leave it up to your 

apple mail has a feed reader

and you don't have to use the trackpad, though voiceover does have a 
trackpad commander that can allow you to navigate using the trackpad.


On 24/03/2011 19:11, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Okay, so I was picking out my macbook pro today online.  And it 
suggested that I get the office suite 2011 for mac, does this suite 
work with voice over?  Also, I am a big RSS feed person, I read my 
feeds through outlook.  Does apple mail have a similar feature, or is 
there different way?  Lastly, I'm coming from windows, and with JFW I 
don't have to use the mouse for anything.  Is this the same with voice 
over, or do I have to use the track pad for certain things?  Thanks.

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Re: Importing song into iTunes and removing it from desktop

2011-03-24 Thread Ashley Cox

put it in your iTunes folder and import it.
to have it do it automatically in future, go to itunes prefs, then into 
advanced and check the box to copy files to iTunes media folder.


On 24/03/2011 19:17, Kevin Gibbs wrote:


I received an mp3 of "Stormy Weather" from a singer who wants a new arrangement 
done.  when i imported it into iTunes, I didn't realize that he iTunes library used the 
desktop as the library location.  when I dumped the mp3 off the desktop and emptied the 
trash, iTunes could no longer find it.  So, I redownloaded the file and put it back on 
the desktop and imported it.  Unfortunately, I really don't want it on my desktop.  
Clearly, I don't completely understand the add to library and import commandsHow do I 
change the location so that this song is in the iTunes folder and not referenced to a 
location on the desktop?

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Re: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-25 Thread Ashley Cox
Mac software uses around the same amount of hdd space, when you take 
into acount the registry and temp files etc. I'd still max out the 
harddrive and get the highest spec you can afford.


On 24/03/2011 21:32, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a 
big difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have 
a noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive 
space than windows software?  Thanks.

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Re: repairing permissions

2011-03-25 Thread Ashley Cox
go into the finder, into applications>utilities. Open the 'disk 
utility'. Find your hard drive in the table of disks. Move to the right 
and select the first aid tab. Then navigate to the repair permissions 
button. press that, wait for it to complete and all done.


On 24/03/2011 22:07, Christina wrote:

I'm getting ready to update Mac OS but I also want to repair permissions 
afterwards.  Can someone please tell me how and where to do this.  Is the whole 
process VO accessible?

Thanks so much,

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Re: Are two drives alike?

2011-03-28 Thread Ashley Cox

both drives will work fine.
it's just the essential one spins at a faster spead.

you see this a lot, for example, if you search for sd ram on amazon. You 
see some cheap SD ram, at about 11.99 each, then you see for "iMac g3 g4 
eMac..." advertised ram for about 22.99 each. People seam to think that 
just because you own a mac they can get more money.


On 27/03/2011 22:44, Geoff Waaler wrote:

Greetings all,

Recently a friend found a 500 GB Passport at the Apple store for twice what I 
paid for my 1TB drive last year.  It said that it was for MacOS, but since my 
MBP has no trouble finding or reading my drive, I didn't see this deal as a 
bargin exactly.

This afternoon I searched the US Amazon site for the string: "passport tb" and noticed that the 
prices for the "mac" drives are consistently higher than their "windows" counterparts.  
Two examples follow:

Western Digital My Passport SE for Mac 1 TB USB 2.0 Portable External Hard 
Drive (Silver) $117.27
Western Digital My Passport Essential SE 1 TB USB 3.0/2.0 Ultra Portable 
External Hard Drive (Black) (Windows) $89.99

I'm not certain whether these products are identical.  The color varies, as does the fact 
that the more expensive drive's description emits the word "essential", and 
does not support USB 3.0 (which may not be applicable for MACOS yet anyway).

My older drive came with software that I never use -- is this the only 
difference between the two drive models?  If so, would I care about the 
software in the MacOS platform?  I assume I could se either drive with 
timeMachine and to store files?

TIA for any input and best regards.

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Re: Any VO limitations or concerns? Praises?

2011-03-28 Thread Ashley Cox

Go on blind cool tech (
and look at mikes podcasts on the mac. I think it's a 12 or 13 part 
series, and that series was what persuaded me to get a mac.

I use a macbook all the time for school stuff and it works great.

On 28/03/2011 02:51, Johchi wrote:

Hi folks,
I'm not a Mac user yet, but I am learning sooo much by gtleaning from 
this wonderful

My question has to do with convincing the PA State agency that getting 
VO and the
MacBook for me is a better choice then the traditional Windows screen 
reader setup.

But I want to be completely honest with you:
Since I'm not currently an Apple products user, I really don't know if 
the Mac is
really the best way for me to go.  I'm an educated professional piano 
who is also a musician keyboardist.  But the State won't purchase 
anything for me
based on personal musical ambition.  I have joined this list and the 
AiPhone list
in order to hear for myself just how accessible the apple platform 
really is.  I
must say that I am quite amazed beyond words on how much blind folks 
are able to
accomplish on the touch screen iPhone.  So needless to say, I am 
looking forward
to the iPhone 5 when it comes out, and I'll probably be getting 
something in an iPhone
for myself at that time.  But anyway, getting back to my situation 
with the State

getting me some new computer equipment:
Their immediate response to my interests for having a Mac was 
negative.  Why?  Because
the guy hired to do my equipment evaluation has had zero experience 
using a Mac and
so he told the agency that he felt that it was in his opinion that it 
was a bad idea
to get me a Mac.  I immediately came back with saying to them that it 
was my right
to make my own choice as to what equipment I would like to have use 
of.  And that
my choice of equipment was being discriminated against based on their 
lack of knowledge
and understanding of the subject.  They then quickly changed their 
tune and gave
me another equipment evaluator to work with me who they say is 
familiar with the
Mac platform and said that they would have to go with his 
recommendations thereafter.

I have yet to meet with this second person.
Consequently, in the meantime I am needing to get as much concrete 
evidence that
VO on a Mac is perfectly viable and that everything I need to do on 
the MacBook is
accessible, or better yet, even better accessible then the Windows / 
Microsoft platform

using the latest WE screen reader alone..
So I need to locate information supporting the ability for the blind 
to be able to
use the MacBook successfully.Please be so kind as to briefly speak to 
this matter
with either your own testimonies of your own success and support, or 
and concerns concerning the use of the Apple Mac platform for the 
blind computer

Thanks much,
Johnny Chilelli

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Re: Introducing myself, and a couple of questions

2011-03-28 Thread Ashley Cox

I can answer the last 2 questions.
It is possible to upgrade the ram and the hdd; they are both laptop 
components. The harddrive is a 5400 rpm sata laptop harddrive.

how to get inside?
depends what mac mini you have. If you have the 2007-2009 mac mini (or a 
power pc mac mini), not one of the aluminium ones, you must use one of 
those long flat knives, I forget what they're called. Turn the mac 
up-side-down, and press the nice in the crack between the metal outside 
and the plastic base. Push up gently, and apply a little more force if 
needed, untill the metal pops out. You will hear pops and clicks, this 
is normal.

once all sides are done, lift the mac mini out of the top.

teh components you want to upgrade are right at the bottom. There are 
some spring-loaded arials for the airport and bluethooth, find and 
remove them by pushing the 2 clips (be very, very gentle).

then, in each corner of the cd drive is a screw, remove all 4 (the 
bottom right is a little longer)

lift the cd drive assembley out, and unplug it. there's teh harddrive in 
the cage underneath that. and near that is the ram.

If you have one of the latest mac minis, the unibody aluminium one, turn 
the mac up-side-down and feel for the small indentations in the bottom. 
Put your fingers into them, and twist to the left. the bottom will turn. 
Then, life it off and...

On 29/03/2011 00:26, Gail the U. S. Male wrote:

Hi List.  I just joined over the weekend.  Thanks to Mike Arrigo's excellent
podcasts, I'm trying, and switching to the mac, once I'm a bit more
comfortable with it.  I have a mac mini running Leopard.I've been a windows
user since 1998, but it's kind of fun learning the mac and voice over. Now
for my questions.
1.  I use Magic Jack on my windows machine, and am wondering if it will work
on the mac, not running windows, or is there a good VOIP solution for the
2.  I'd love to upgrade both my RAM and my hard drive.  Is the Hard drive a
laptop drive?
3. Also, has anyone opened up a Mac Mini, and if so, could you write me off
list, and tell me how it opens?
Thanks for any help anyone can give me, and I'm sure I'll be coming back
with lots of questions, as I go forward on this journey.

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Re: Introducing myself, and a couple of questions

2011-03-30 Thread Ashley Cox

that's the one i was thinking of!
ALso, OWC is a great site, so is
though I think they may only be in the UK

On 30/03/2011 00:18, Bryan Jones wrote:

Hi Gail,

Ashley's response regarding the older Mac Mini should work for you as far as 
opening it up. I think the tool she was referring to is a putty knife.
Also, there are lots of websites that list the compatible RAM and hard drives. 
My personal favorite is Other World Computing at
On that site, select the link labeled "Memory, RAM, SD." Then select Mac Mini 
and then Mac Mini 2007 - 2008. There you will find more specs and options for RAM and 
hard drive upgrades. A quick look shows that model can physically accept up to 4 GB RAM 
but is limited to addressing up to 3 GB of that RAM.


On Mar 29, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Gail the U. S. Male wrote:

It's a Macmini2,1
1.83 GHZ intel dual core processor, running 1 GB of ddr2 SDRam consisting of
two 512 MB ram sticks bus speed 667 MHZ, and an 80 GB serial AD * which I'm
assuming is what I know as a sataHard drive  version 10.5.8.  I'm planning
to upgrade to Snow leopard, once I get these other upgrades done. Possibly
sooner!  It has a rubber material on the bottom, if that helps any.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bryan Jones
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Introducing myself, and a couple of questions

Hi Gail,

Welcome to the List! Some Mac Minis are harder than others to upgrade. Can
you tell us what model of Mini you have, the processor, RAM and hard drive
size / interface? You can find all of this info in the System Profiler
application found in your Applications / Utilities folder. Also tell us what
exact version of OSX you are running. You can find this by choosing the
Apple menu and selecting "About this Mac."


On Mar 28, 2011, at 7:26 PM, Gail the U. S. Male wrote:

2.  I'd love to upgrade both my RAM and my hard drive.  Is the Hard drive


laptop drive?
3. Also, has anyone opened up a Mac Mini, and if so, could you write me


list, and tell me how it opens?

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Re: speed of bootcamp vs vmware vs native windows?

2011-04-03 Thread Ashley Cox

In my experience, the latest vmware fusion is pretty fast! I run a few 
apps on it, and they all work great. I would say to have more than 2GB 
or ram, so that you can give enough to windows and enough to OSX and 
it'll fly.
As far as bootcamp and running windows natively, they're both the same. 
All bootcamp does is lets you setup windows on another partition, and 
then provides the drivers for the mac's hardware for windows.
Mac's tend to make extremely fast windows machines. My macbook with 
win7... it's almost (almost) as fast as OSX, in both vmware and 
bootcamp. The thing you want to decide, is if you want windows and OSX 
apps to run at the same time, or i fyou want to restart. Restart? use 
bootcamp. side-by-side? vmware. you can always get the trial of vmware 
fusion once you have your mac and see what works best for you.


 On 03/04/2011 01:05, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
Just a quick question. If I win the lottery and get a mac, I will want
Windows on it to run things like audio games. I was told that vmware,
which seemed like a perfect solution, is slower than native windows
and is not a good solution due to its lack of speed. What have people
found when running windows via a virtual machine as far as speed? How
does it compare to bootcamp, and are there any problems with bootcamp
that would make it a less-than-ideal solution? How do both compare to
running windows natively?

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Re: cleaning out mac hard drive?

2011-04-03 Thread Ashley Cox
there is little to know defragmenting needed, and the mac doesn't use a 
registry. Repair permissions and check the disk using disc utility. Then 
under applications in utilities, go into terminal. In the terminal, type 

sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
press enter, type your password, and press enter again. that'll run the 
mac's built in maintanance scripts.


On 03/04/2011 02:38, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
Can anyone recommend some free utilities to defragment a hard drive
and clear out registry? Here is how little I know about macs: do they
even use a registry? Does the file system fragment like Windows' ntfs?
I am asking on behalf of a friend who has an older mac with 10.4. TIA.

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Audio software recommendations?

2011-04-03 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey All,
I'm looking for some audio software recommendations. i know about the 
usual audacity, sound studio, audio hyjack, gb and logic, etc. programs 
i'm looking for:

a basic audio recorder
an audio mixer
a simple audio editor

If anybody could recommend any of these programs, it'd be much 


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Re: cleaning out mac hard drive?

2011-04-03 Thread Ashley Cox
Yes, true. there is a nice program called iDefrag if you really want to 
defrag. But OSX does some defragmentation automatically.

On 03/04/2011 11:14, Scott Howell wrote:

Hi Ashley,

You are correct; however, if you work with large files or move a lot of data 
around, your drive can become fragmented and may require some help.I do not 
know about all the different utilities available, but I found Drive Genius at that does a number of things as well as defrag the 
drive. Of course the most valuable features of this program is not defragging.

Scott Howell
Sent from my iPad

On Apr 3, 2011, at 5:04, Ashley Cox  wrote:

there is little to know defragmenting needed, and the mac doesn't use a 
registry. Repair permissions and check the disk using disc utility. Then under 
applications in utilities, go into terminal. In the terminal, type this:
sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
press enter, type your password, and press enter again. that'll run the mac's 
built in maintanance scripts.

On 03/04/2011 02:38, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
Can anyone recommend some free utilities to defragment a hard drive
and clear out registry? Here is how little I know about macs: do they
even use a registry? Does the file system fragment like Windows' ntfs?
I am asking on behalf of a friend who has an older mac with 10.4. TIA.

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Re: Transfering mail and address book from outlook express to mac mail

2011-04-03 Thread Ashley Cox

just sinc it from outlook express to the iPhone, then transfer it
You could also open address book, export the addresses as a CSV, then 
import them to addressbook on the mac.


On 03/04/2011 14:55, Dean Adams wrote:

Hey All,
A friend of mine is soon to be getting himself a macbook pro and I 
need to help him get his email and address book from outlook express 
on his windows box to mac mail and address book on the mac so if 
anyone can point me in the wright direction it would be much 
appreciated. He has an Iphone if that helps I was wondering if he 
imported his address book into outlook 2003 from outlook express and 
then synced it to his iphone and then synced it to mac mail if that 
maybe a way to get at least his address book across.

Regards Dean

*!!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to 
short to be a grumble bum* !!!

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Re: Audio software recommendations?

2011-04-03 Thread Ashley Cox

Looks cool; thanks! i'll give it a go!

On 03/04/2011 20:54, carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Ashley:
I think I got this nifty little app referred to me by Colin.  It's called vinyl 
studio, and works incredibly well for making audio recordings, and probably for 
some mixing as well.  I'm terrible with things like this, but it was a breeze 
for me to use.:)

Think you can find it if you google Vinyl Studio.

On Apr 3, 2011, at 4:10 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:

Hey All,
I'm looking for some audio software recommendations. i know about the usual 
audacity, sound studio, audio hyjack, gb and logic, etc. programs i'm looking 
a basic audio recorder
an audio mixer
a simple audio editor

If anybody could recommend any of these programs, it'd be much 

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Re: mac question?

2011-04-04 Thread Ashley Cox
snow leopard (mac os 10.6) is the version of the mac operating system 
the mac currently runs. Lion (os 10.7) is the latest version, soon to be 


On 04/04/2011 16:41, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Please for give the ignorance.  But what's snow leperd, and what is 
this lion everyone is talking about?

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Re: windows on macs?

2011-04-04 Thread Ashley Cox

just buy a general purpose copy of windows.
the cost will vary depending on whihc you buy; 2k, xp, vista or 7.

On 04/04/2011 16:42, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Where do I get a copy of windows to run on my macbook pro, and what is the

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Re: General questions on mac mini

2011-04-05 Thread Ashley Cox
Just to clarify, what you were referring too, apples top desktop, was 
the mac pro, not hte powermac. the powermac is the old mac pro, using 
the ppc processor.

you probably already know this, but just to be sure...
On 05/04/2011 01:58, Frank Carmickle wrote:


On Apr 4, 2011, at 3:42 PM, bigboy529 wrote:

I'll be using it for professional audio recordings with pro recording
software like logic, pro tools, cubase or neuendo. I'll be using a
external firewire sound card. I thought the 2.9 GHz dual core with 8
GB ram would do fine but thanks for the tip I'll rather save up and
get a mac book pro, a imac or if I win the lotto a power mac lol...

I think this set up will be fine to get you started.  A drive just for audio 
will allow you to avoid headaches.  Make sure that it is a firewire 800 drive 
with firewire pass through.  You always want to plug your harddrive in first 
and then your audio interface.  Also you want the drive to be 7200 rpm.


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Re: VMWare fusion and Windows 7 64 byt

2011-04-06 Thread Ashley Cox

yes, you can. split it evenly, 2 GB iether side.
i'd turn off all the unwanted stuff in win7 if you're going to run it in 
vmware. Especially the gadgets.


On 06/04/2011 00:39, Cam wrote:

Dear all,

I have the latest MacBook Air, with a 2.1ghz processor and 4gb of ram.
Apple tells me that is a 64 byt system. Can I run windows 7 64 byt
under VMWare fusion? Also how much ram should I allocate to Mac and

Many thanks,

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Re: General questions on mac mini

2011-04-06 Thread Ashley Cox
the upgrade will probably be very cheap. the upgrade to snow leopard was 
£25 here.

just keep checking apples site; you'll see when they appear.

On 06/04/2011 03:13, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Speaking of lion, and the new sandy bridge macs that are supposed to be
released soon.  Is there a twitter feed, or mailing list available so you
know when these products are about to hit the shelf?  Also, if you buy a new
mac in let's say June, that has snow leopard on it, does apple allow you to
upgrade for free or a discount?  Probably not.

Are you married and a Christian?  Do you want to improve or save your
marriage?  Then come join our family of Married Christian couples at
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Hope to see you there!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:33 AM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: General questions on mac mini

I'll wait for lion because I'm anyway still saving up and it's not urgent.
The reason for thinking a mini will be fine is because I'm currently running
a pc with a 2.5 GHz dual core cpu and 2 GB ram and I'm recording fine. The
mini can go up to 2.8 or 9 GHz dual core with
8 GB RAM, but please tell me what you guys think will I be fine with a mini?
Another thing, is there something like 32 and 64 bit on a mac?
would I be able to use 64 bit software designed for pc and mac and get the
most from it on a mini?

Frank Carmickle wrote:


On Apr 4, 2011, at 3:42 PM, bigboy529 wrote:

I'll be using it for professional audio recordings with pro
recording software like logic, pro tools, cubase or neuendo. I'll be
using a external firewire sound card. I thought the 2.9 GHz dual
core with 8 GB ram would do fine but thanks for the tip I'll rather
save up and get a mac book pro, a imac or if I win the lotto a power mac


I think this set up will be fine to get you started.  A drive just for

audio will allow you to avoid headaches.  Make sure that it is a firewire
800 drive with firewire pass through.  You always want to plug your
harddrive in first and then your audio interface.  Also you want the drive
to be 7200 rpm.


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Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

2011-04-06 Thread Ashley Cox

Firstly, you do realise this violates the apple license.
secondly, if you do wish to go ahead, I can tell you that the vmware 
emulated sound device (a soundblaster ess1371) isn't supported under mac 
OSX. The best choice would be virtualbox, as it can emulate AC97. but 
it's not fully accessible, and i'm not sure how to install snow leopard 
in it.

you willl need sighted help to get it installed in player, and even then 
you don't get half the benefits.On 06/04/2011 16:58, Dickson Tan wrote:

Hello All

I've been thinking of trying out a mac lately, so I got the retail 
version of the snow leopard dvd so that I can test snow leopard under 
a vm in windows. I wanted to see if snow leopard was worth the 
investment of getting a macbook.

There are instructions on the net on how to install snow leopard into 
a vm in VMWare Player and getting it to boot, but when I put the snow 
leopard dvd into my laptop's dvd drive and try to launch voice-over 
during the snow leopard install, I don't hear any sound. Either 
voice-over doesn't start (which shouldn't be happening since I have a 
snow leopard retail dvd) or there is problem with sound during 
boottime in the vm.

Has anyone ever encountered such a problem before?



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-06 Thread Ashley Cox

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them all 
in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have been 
using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory sticks, but 
they don't provide enough space where I can fit everything all at 
once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing expensive compact flash 
cards or memory sticks.  A family member of mine suggested that I 
should purchase an external hard drive.  I told her "that was a great 
idea!"  Now if I do this, which one should I purchase that will be 
compatable with both the Mac, PC, and my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend 
three days a week at dialysis where I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I 
read books and watch movies and TV shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, 
once I am more comfortable with the Macbook, I'll bring that as well.  
I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these 
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune 
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would 
grately appreciate it.



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-06 Thread Ashley Cox

yeah, true.


On 06/04/2011 19:51, bigboy529 wrote:

Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you
faster transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and
other devices have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive
enclosures which have both a firewire and usb port...

Ashley Cox wrote:

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them all
in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have been
using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory sticks, but
they don't provide enough space where I can fit everything all at
once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing expensive compact flash
cards or memory sticks.  A family member of mine suggested that I
should purchase an external hard drive.  I told her "that was a great
idea!"  Now if I do this, which one should I purchase that will be
compatable with both the Mac, PC, and my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend
three days a week at dialysis where I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I
read books and watch movies and TV shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully,
once I am more comfortable with the Macbook, I'll bring that as well.
I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
grately appreciate it.



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Re: VMWare fusion and Windows 7 64 byt

2011-04-07 Thread ashley cox
no, not particularly. if you have 4 gb, sl will run fine in 2 gb, and
windows 7 loves ram.

On 4/7/11, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
> I was under the impression that Windows 7 functioned optimally with 4 GB of
> RAM, even though its spec called for a 2 GB minimum. I've always been in the
> habit of doubling whatever Microsoft tells me.
> In this case, would it not be better to run Win 7 64 bit under Boot Camp?
> Especially on a DuoCore processor?
> Kevin
> --
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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-07 Thread Ashley Cox

get one of the wd elements drives.
avoid hitatchi or whaterver it's called.
i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably 
argue that one.

samsung seams relyable also.

On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Big Boy,

My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
off.  I know that all of these devices have USB ports though.  So what
external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
of memory, and not cost a lot?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and

Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
both a firewire and usb port...

Ashley Cox wrote:

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have
been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
everything all at once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing
expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks.  A family member of
mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive.  I
told her "that was a great idea!"  Now if I do this, which one
should I purchase that will be compatable with both the Mac, PC, and
my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days a week at dialysis where
I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and watch movies and TV
shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the

Macbook, I'll bring that as well.

I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
grately appreciate it.



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Re: VO and tables in Lion

2011-04-07 Thread Ashley Cox
I just sent one. I too can confirm that they're not accessible in lion. 
It would really be great to see this fixed.


On 06/04/2011 21:40, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

Hi All,

a friend told me VO still doesn't work with tables in text documents in Lion 
beta 2 what came out these days. As you all surely know tables in text 
documents are a huge issue working with VoiceOver.

I think this is awful and unworthy to VoiceOver. VO is really a great screen 
reader but it seems not to be tolerable in 2011 that a screen reader doesn't 
work with tables.

So I'll ask all of you to write an e-mail to
to show that a lot of people are waiting for the ability of VO to recognize 
tables in text documents.

In lots of discussions people told me "What? VoiceOver doesn't recognize tables in 
text documents? So VO might not be a serious screen reader."

But that's not true, as we all know. And so my hope is when enough people write 
an e-mail to Apple and ask for that functionallity, Apple might see that it is 
really important to us.

Thanks and
all the best

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Re: General questions on mac mini

2011-04-07 Thread Ashley Cox
I"ll really hate it if lion is distributed in the app store. that will 
be going that little bit too far. Personally, I prefer physical discs, 
and distributing through the app store would  mean no apple stickers 
came with it;(

ashOn 07/04/2011 00:32, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

Yes the Snow Leopard upgrade was  under $50, but don't expect that Lion will be 
that inexpensive.  I have purchased every version of OS X and every other 
version of X was around $140.  Snow Leopard was for the visual user mostly just 
a speed bump.  They removed all support for PPC and optimized multi-proceoor 
support but did not make significant changes to the standard suite.

On the other hand there is some speculation that Lion will be distributed via 
the App Store and that would reduce distribution costs.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 6, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

the upgrade will probably be very cheap. the upgrade to snow leopard was £25 
just keep checking apples site; you'll see when they appear.

On 06/04/2011 03:13, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Speaking of lion, and the new sandy bridge macs that are supposed to be
released soon.  Is there a twitter feed, or mailing list available so you
know when these products are about to hit the shelf?  Also, if you buy a new
mac in let's say June, that has snow leopard on it, does apple allow you to
upgrade for free or a discount?  Probably not.

Are you married and a Christian?  Do you want to improve or save your
marriage?  Then come join our family of Married Christian couples at
It's for Husband's and Wives, packed with articles, resources, and
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directly subscribe here:
Hope to see you there!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:33 AM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: General questions on mac mini

I'll wait for lion because I'm anyway still saving up and it's not urgent.
The reason for thinking a mini will be fine is because I'm currently running
a pc with a 2.5 GHz dual core cpu and 2 GB ram and I'm recording fine. The
mini can go up to 2.8 or 9 GHz dual core with
8 GB RAM, but please tell me what you guys think will I be fine with a mini?
Another thing, is there something like 32 and 64 bit on a mac?
would I be able to use 64 bit software designed for pc and mac and get the
most from it on a mini?

Frank Carmickle wrote:


On Apr 4, 2011, at 3:42 PM, bigboy529 wrote:

I'll be using it for professional audio recordings with pro
recording software like logic, pro tools, cubase or neuendo. I'll be
using a external firewire sound card. I thought the 2.9 GHz dual
core with 8 GB ram would do fine but thanks for the tip I'll rather
save up and get a mac book pro, a imac or if I win the lotto a power mac


I think this set up will be fine to get you started.  A drive just for

audio will allow you to avoid headaches.  Make sure that it is a firewire
800 drive with firewire pass through.  You always want to plug your
harddrive in first and then your audio interface.  Also you want the drive
to be 7200 rpm.


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Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

2011-04-07 Thread Ashley Cox

it will run on that machine.

jestures won't though.


On 07/04/2011 08:44, Dickson Tan wrote:


Hmm seems that an accessible install of snow leopard under VMWare isn't a
viable way for me to try out snow leopard and voice over. I'll give
virtualbox a try and hope that I get better results.

I would only try a duel-boot install of snow leopard using something like
IHazard (which includes voice over) as a last resort; I haven't found out
either way whether Snow Leopard would install on an Acer Aspire 4750G. I'm
not sure how well snow leopard would react to the fact that I'm using a core
I7 quad-core sandybridge processor, which includes an integrated intel HD
Graphics 3000 chip. I wouldn't expect things like gestures to work even if I
successfully get mac installed.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

This is against apples eula, even *if* you have purchased snow leopard.
To get the dvd to boot, you'll first have to boot the vm using boot132, wait
for some text to appear on the screen, eject the disk, insert snowy,
complete the install potentially without voice over and then get audio plus
some other things working post install. Its not something you'll be able to
do on your own.

It would probably be easier (But still not accessible) if you were to set up
a duelboot depending on what computer you have at the moment.

On 06/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:

Hello All

I've been thinking of trying out a mac lately, so I got the retail
version of the snow leopard dvd so that I can test snow leopard under
a vm in windows. I wanted to see if snow leopard was worth the
investment of getting a macbook.

There are instructions on the net on how to install snow leopard into
a vm in VMWare Player and getting it to boot, but when I put the snow
leopard dvd into my laptop's dvd drive and try to launch voice-over
during the snow leopard install, I don't hear any sound. Either
voice-over doesn't start (which shouldn't be happening since I have a
snow leopard retail dvd) or there is problem with sound during boottime in

the vm.

Has anyone ever encountered such a problem before?



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox
they're using wd in the iMacs and mac pros, and I think toshiba in the 
latest macbooks. Dad's macbook pro has a wd in it.
my mac mini had an hitachi drive which I upgraded when I started to get 
the click of death. NOt all their drives are bad, just the deskstar ones 
as far as I know.

On 07/04/2011 23:15, Scott Howell wrote:

That is funny Ashley, APple uses as far as I can tell Hitachi drives in all of 
their notebooks. So far I have not had any problems with either Mac notebook I 
own and my employer provided. I am not sure if they are using them in the 
iMacs, but pretty sure my wife's iMac has a WD.

On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:02 PM, ashley cox wrote:

get one of the wd elements drives.
avoid hitatchi or whaterver it's called.
i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably argue 
that one.
samsung seams relyable also.

On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Big Boy,

My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
off.  I know that all of these devices have USB ports though.  So what
external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
of memory, and not cost a lot?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and

Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
both a firewire and usb port...

Ashley Cox wrote:

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have
been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
everything all at once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing
expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks.  A family member of
mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive.  I
told her "that was a great idea!"  Now if I do this, which one
should I purchase that will be compatable with both the Mac, PC, and
my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days a week at dialysis where
I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and watch movies and TV
shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the

Macbook, I'll bring that as well.

I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
grately appreciate it.



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

well then maybe people have had better luck
just after 6 replacements, i'm never recommending them.


On 08/04/2011 02:26, Colin M wrote:

Hi There!
In my Imac is a Hitachi hd!
I got it in 2009!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 7 Apr 2011, at 23:15, Scott Howell wrote:

That is funny Ashley, APple uses as far as I can tell Hitachi drives in all of 
their notebooks. So far I have not had any problems with either Mac notebook I 
own and my employer provided. I am not sure if they are using them in the 
iMacs, but pretty sure my wife's iMac has a WD.

On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:02 PM, ashley cox wrote:

get one of the wd elements drives.
avoid Hitachi or whaterver it's called.
i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably argue 
that one.
samsung seams reliable also.

On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Big Boy,

My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
off.  I know that all of these devices have USB ports though.  So what
external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
of memory, and not cost a lot?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatible for both mac and

Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
both a firewire and usb port...

Ashley Cox wrote:

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have
been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
everything all at once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing
expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks.  A family member of
mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive.  I
told her "that was a great idea!"  Now if I do this, which one
should I purchase that will be compatible with both the Mac, PC, and
my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days a week at dialysis where
I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and watch movies and TV
shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the

Macbook, I'll bring that as well.

I want an external hard drive that will be compatible with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
greatly appreciate it.



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatible for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

It will erase all data, and you cannot store files larger than 2 GB on fat32

On 08/04/2011 08:15, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So is it safe to assume that it will erase all data, and does this take away
from the drives capacity?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and

No, you can do this in windows by connecting it and opening the context menu
in the computer window, choose format and choose fat32 for the format type.
You can do this on a mac using the disk utility, although it calls it
erasing the drive instead of formatting.
On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:04 PM, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the information.  Now is it difficult to format the drive
to the Fat 32?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both
mac and pc

A USB hard drive will work with the PC and the mac, just format it
with the
fat32 file system, this way, both platforms will be able to read and
write to it.
On Apr 6, 2011, at 12:52 PM, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in

one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have been using
compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory sticks, but they
don't provide enough space where I can fit everything all at once.  I
don't want to have to keep purchasing expensive compact flash cards or
memory sticks.  A family member of mine suggested that I should
purchase an external hard drive.  I told her "that was a great idea!"
Now if I do this, which one should I purchase that will be compatable
with both the Mac, PC, and my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days
a week at dialysis where I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and

watch movies and TV shows while dialyizing.

Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the Macbook, I'll bring
that as well.  I want an external hard drive that will be compatable
with all these devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me
a fortune either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would

grately appreciate it.



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Re: VO and tables in Lion

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox
Yeah, I got that too. I sent one back stating that I was commenting on 
snow leopard, not lion

I said that it woudl be nice to see it fixed in lion.
that's also word for word the response I got.

On 08/04/2011 08:44, William Windels wrote:

Hello Jürgen and others,

I have mailed to accessibility about this but then can't/won't handle questions 
about products in development.
I am not subscribed to the development team so I don't know that I can do more.

Below is the response of accessibility:

Thank you for your email. While we do appreciate your feedback, you will need 
to provide any feedback and feature requests through the Developer Connection 
in regard to issues or bugs you discover while using the Developer Preview of 
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. As the software is still not available to the general 
public we cannot comment on unreleased software.

Op 7-apr-2011, om 13:35 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:

Hi William,

thanks for your responds.

I don't think that it's very likely that VO will recognize tables in iWorks 11. 
Also: VoiceOver should work with tables in all accessible editors. I want to 
use all accessible programed editors with VO, also the free ones like Bean.

Thank you for your report to Apple.

All the best

Am 07.04.2011 um 08:47 schrieb William Windels:

Hello Jürgen,
Thanx for this announcement.
I'll report this for shore because this seems simply unacceptable in 2011.
I hope a lot of others will do so.
But also a litle remark:
It isn't perhaps macosx that needs this feature but the particular programs 
like textedit and pages.
I mean, perhaps they will add this functionality in iworks 11, (the next major 

So, for all, pls , report  what you think about it to accessibility.

Best regards,
Op 6-apr-2011, om 22:40 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:

Hi All,

a friend told me VO still doesn't work with tables in text documents in Lion 
beta 2 what came out these days. As you all surely know tables in text 
documents are a huge issue working with VoiceOver.

I think this is awful and unworthy to VoiceOver. VO is really a great screen 
reader but it seems not to be tolerable in 2011 that a screen reader doesn't 
work with tables.

So I'll ask all of you to write an e-mail to
to show that a lot of people are waiting for the ability of VO to recognize 
tables in text documents.

In lots of discussions people told me "What? VoiceOver doesn't recognize tables in 
text documents? So VO might not be a serious screen reader."

But that's not true, as we all know. And so my hope is when enough people write 
an e-mail to Apple and ask for that functionallity, Apple might see that it is 
really important to us.

Thanks and
all the best

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Re: Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

command +up/down arrows when in iTunes.

On 08/04/2011 11:04, Charlie Bates wrote:

Hello list

I am wondering whether it is possible to control the volume in itunes
but not touch the volume at which voiceover is heard? I would like to
be able listen to music whilst i am on the internet but i dont want it
to drown out voiceover - which is my issue at the moment.

Can anyone shed some light?

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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox
yeah. don't know if that woudl work, having upgraded the mbp the optical 
drive slot is completely difference, and so are the posissions of th 
econnectors. I'd get a hybrid drive, one of the seagate ones.


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Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

your fist problem... yes. i've noticed this too.
It's a issue, that Is fixed in lion.

the fix for your second problem: go into the macintosh HD, and se the 
view you wish to use.

It should then work on all folders


On 08/04/2011 11:52, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

OK, we got two really strange things going on here.
When I got my Macbook last Wednesday, and booted it up, and set it up 
for the first time, I noticed something.  There were no icons on my 
desktop.  Macintosh HD wasn't even there.  I've sinse gone into the 
finder preferences and set it to show hard disks, external hard disks, 
CD and DVD's, IPods... ya know, pretty much everythiing except for 
servers, as at this time at least, I dont' see that being necessary.
Anyway, what I am finding is I have the voiceover cursor set to follow 
the keyboard kursor.  Same goes vice versa.  I also have it said for 
the keyboard cursor to follow the voice over cursor.  I don't think I 
have the mouse following the voiceover cursor.  In fact, I know I don't.
Anyway, when on my desktop, if I have more than one item up there, 
like, say I have my portible external USB hard drive mounted to the 
desktop, as well as my Macintosh HD.  Well, what I find is happening, 
which is so! wstrange! is that say I am on Macintosh HD, and right 
below it is my Portible drive, and yes, that is literally the name of 
its volume... Portible...
So what I see happens is it's really quirky about letting me go 
between the two.  If I'm on Macintosh HD, and I either down arrow, or 
vo+down arrow, either/or, sometimes it'll focus me on my portible 
volume, but other times it will either bwonk at me, and do nothing, 
or, sometimes it'll clame! it's on the next icon down, which is this 
example would be my portible volume, but then if I hit command+o to 
open it, it's openning my macintosh HD instead of Portible like it 
should be.  I'm just so not getting this!  I've never! ever! on anyone 
elses Mac seen this issue.  It's driving me nuts! trying to figure out 
why it's doing that!  One time, I even went as far as to put my IWorks 
DVD in the drive, which is saw no problem, but it didn't mount to the 
desktop.  I wound up hitting eject on the keyboard, popping it out, 
then sliding it back in, again, at which point, it mounted properly.  
Is that? not the oddest thing?
So, that's my first problem.  My second problem is, when I go into a 
finder window, I am finding it always! regardless! sets itself to icon 
view.  I dono why, but I? hate! icon view.  Ab, suh, lootly? hate it!  
Again, I don't know why, but I do.  I prefer collumn view.  Well, 
yeah, I can always just do command+3, no issues, but, why won't it 
remember my settings across the whole system.  Heck, it's not even 
remembering it within one folder.  Like, if I go to my home folder 
from the desktop, hit command+3, then command+w to close that folder, 
if I then do command+shift+h to bring it up again, it goes right? back 
to icon view, making me all? over again, have to do command+3.
I've noticed this problem pretty much on every Mac I ever've played 
with, so it's not an issue with my OS.  Now, the other issue? I 
haven't seen on any other Mac, however, reinstalling SL did no good.  
I had a totally unrelated issue that due to my! stupidity, I had to 
redo my system, but even before I redid it, the desktop was acting 
really funny.
I dono, it's not that big of a deal, seeing I can go through a finder 
window to computer, then browse to what I need, but, it is nice to 
have the desktop, if I can use it.

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Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

summer 2011 some time.

On 08/04/2011 13:21, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
OK, I'll give that a try.  Any word on when Lion's supposed to be 


- Original Message -
    *From:* Ashley Cox <>
*Sent:* Friday, April 08, 2011 7:27 AM
*Subject:* Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

your fist problem... yes. i've noticed this too.
It's a issue, that Is fixed in lion.

the fix for your second problem: go into the macintosh HD, and se
the view you wish to use.
It should then work on all folders


On 08/04/2011 11:52, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

OK, we got two really strange things going on here.
When I got my Macbook last Wednesday, and booted it up, and set
it up for the first time, I noticed something.  There were no
icons on my desktop.  Macintosh HD wasn't even there.  I've sinse
gone into the finder preferences and set it to show hard disks,
external hard disks, CD and DVD's, IPods... ya know, pretty much
everythiing except for servers, as at this time at least, I dont'
see that being necessary.
Anyway, what I am finding is I have the voiceover cursor set to
follow the keyboard kursor.  Same goes vice versa.  I also have
it said for the keyboard cursor to follow the voice over cursor. 
I don't think I have the mouse following the voiceover cursor. 
In fact, I know I don't.

Anyway, when on my desktop, if I have more than one item up
there, like, say I have my portible external USB hard drive
mounted to the desktop, as well as my Macintosh HD.  Well, what I
find is happening, which is so! wstrange! is that say I am on
Macintosh HD, and right below it is my Portible drive, and yes,
that is literally the name of its volume... Portible...
So what I see happens is it's really quirky about letting me go
between the two.  If I'm on Macintosh HD, and I either down
arrow, or vo+down arrow, either/or, sometimes it'll focus me on
my portible volume, but other times it will either bwonk at me,
and do nothing, or, sometimes it'll clame! it's on the next icon
down, which is this example would be my portible volume, but then
if I hit command+o to open it, it's openning my macintosh HD
instead of Portible like it should be.  I'm just so not getting
this!  I've never! ever! on anyone elses Mac seen this issue. 
It's driving me nuts! trying to figure out why it's doing that! 
One time, I even went as far as to put my IWorks DVD in the

drive, which is saw no problem, but it didn't mount to the
desktop.  I wound up hitting eject on the keyboard, popping it
out, then sliding it back in, again, at which point, it mounted
properly.  Is that? not the oddest thing?
So, that's my first problem.  My second problem is, when I go
into a finder window, I am finding it always! regardless! sets
itself to icon view.  I dono why, but I? hate! icon view.  Ab,
suh, lootly? hate it!  Again, I don't know why, but I do.  I
prefer collumn view.  Well, yeah, I can always just do command+3,
no issues, but, why won't it remember my settings across the
whole system.  Heck, it's not even remembering it within one
folder.  Like, if I go to my home folder from the desktop, hit
command+3, then command+w to close that folder, if I then do
command+shift+h to bring it up again, it goes right? back to icon
view, making me all? over again, have to do command+3.
I've noticed this problem pretty much on every Mac I ever've
played with, so it's not an issue with my OS.  Now, the other
issue? I haven't seen on any other Mac, however, reinstalling SL
did no good.  I had a totally unrelated issue that due to my!
stupidity, I had to redo my system, but even before I redid it,
the desktop was acting really funny.
I dono, it's not that big of a deal, seeing I can go through a
finder window to computer, then browse to what I need, but, it is
nice to have the desktop, if I can use it.
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Re: twitter clients

2011-04-09 Thread Ashley Cox
It would be awesome if somebody could port qwitter to the mac. after 
all, it's written in python.

On 09/04/2011 16:39, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Syrinx works wonderfully!  The only reason I'm not using the one you 
are, which I'm not even gonna attempt! to spell, is because even after 
telling it not to dynamicly auto update/refresh, I found that some 
how, it was leaking my API calls like none other, so, I was constantly 
tgetting where it couldn't even log me into the service, as I had 0 
API's almost constantly. Now, if someone can tell me how to fix that, 
I'll gladly switch back, but I just found that really really annoying.


- Original Message - From: "Ronald McEwan" 
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 10:21 AM
Subject: twitter clients

Hi all,

I am currently using Yorufukurou for my twitter client.  Can someone 
tell me how to follow and unfollow people?

Also, what other clients are people using that are accessible?

In the Journey,


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Re: Can't hear audio in Safari on my iPad

2011-04-09 Thread Ashley Cox

is it flash?

On 09/04/2011 19:22, Simon Cavendish wrote:

Dear Listers,

Why can't I hear audio streaming in Safari on my iPad? The page has loaded, I 
can find the singer's name who's actually singing but I can't hear the audio. 
What have I done wrong? I can hear Voiceover, obviously but not the stream.

Thanks for any help.


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Mac OS9 accessibility questions...

2011-04-09 Thread Ashley Cox

Hi List,

I've got 2 old iMac g3 computers, both running mac OS9. One is the 
summer 2001 slot-loading g3, and the other a bondi blue iMac g3.
The summer 2001 iMac will probably get an upgrade to OS10.4, but I'm 
strugling to come up with something to do with the old bondi blue iMac. 
I was wondering, other than the 'outspoken' screen reader, are there any 
other screenreaders available that I can download for mac OS9?

I went to this page:
but the outspoken demo is no-longer available. Is there anywhere that it 
can be freely downloaded?

Thanks for any and all ideas!

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Re: word documents on mac's?

2011-04-11 Thread Ashley Cox

Text edit (comes witht eh mac), pages, open office, and pretty much any 
of the other editors will open and save in word format. I use a macbook 
for school and use word files constantly.


On 11/04/2011 08:41, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Well, I've got an awful lot of documents in word format, and it would 
be very time consuming to convert them from word to pages.  So is 
there a app that will allow me to read word documents with voice over, 
or do I have to bite the bullet and just run windows on my mac?

Kliphton Senior

(face book)

(Marriage Blog) 


(for text only) 7633029020

(Family Blog) 

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Re: word documents on mac's?

2011-04-11 Thread Ashley Cox

the mac will let you open them up and have no issues.

On 11/04/2011 13:46, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So break it down for me like I'm a 2 year old.  Will I have to convert 
them first, or the mac will let me open them up and have no issues?

[] *On Behalf Of *Ashley Cox

*Sent:* Monday, April 11, 2011 3:55 AM
*Subject:* Re: word documents on mac's?

Text edit (comes witht eh mac), pages, open office, and pretty much 
any of the other editors will open and save in word format. I use a 
macbook for school and use word files constantly.


On 11/04/2011 08:41, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Well, I've got an awful lot of documents in word format, and it would 
be very time consuming to convert them from word to pages.  So is 
there a app that will allow me to read word documents with voice over, 
or do I have to bite the bullet and just run windows on my mac?

Kliphton Senior

(face book)

(Marriage Blog) 


(for text only) 7633029020

(Family Blog) 

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Re: word documents on mac's?

2011-04-11 Thread Ashley Cox
I've managed to use docx files in text edit. The formatting can get a 
bit lost sometimes, but other than that it works quite well.


On 11/04/2011 14:56, Chris Moore wrote:
If you are only requiring to read the document, you can just hit the 
space bar and it will open in preview.  VoiceOver will then read this 
document to you.  TextEdit lets you edit RTF Word Documents.  For 
Office 2007 and 2010 docx files you will need Pages.  A new OS is due 
in the summer, who knows maybe this OS will offer even more built in 

I think Bean the open source free Word Processor also supports MS 
Word, and there is also Nisus Writer Pro.

On 11 Apr 2011, at 14:48, Ashley Cox wrote:

the mac will let you open them up and have no issues.

On 11/04/2011 13:46, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So break it down for me like I’m a 2 year old.  Will I have to 
convert them first, or the mac will let me open them up and have no 

[] *On Behalf Of *Ashley Cox

*Sent:* Monday, April 11, 2011 3:55 AM
*Subject:* Re: word documents on mac's?

Text edit (comes witht eh mac), pages, open office, and pretty much 
any of the other editors will open and save in word format. I use a 
macbook for school and use word files constantly.


On 11/04/2011 08:41, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Well, I’ve got an awful lot of documents in word format, and it 
would be very time consuming to convert them from word to pages.  So 
is there a app that will allow me to read word documents with voice 
over, or do I have to bite the bullet and just run windows on my mac?

Kliphton Senior

(face book)

(Marriage Blog) 


(for text only) 7633029020

(Family Blog) 

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Re: word documents on mac's?

2011-04-11 Thread Ashley Cox
Because the majority of my teachers and schoolfriends don't use macs, 
and are always giving me word files. I use these regularly on the mac 
with no problems.
To be perfectly honest, i dont' use pages that often. In pages, if you 
want to save a file as a word file, you have to go through the process 
of exporting it, which doesnt' take that long it's just a little 
annoying. It would be nice if pages could just save in a word format.


On 11/04/2011 15:07, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

You mentioned in a previous message that you use word.  Why didn't you 
use Pages on the mac instead?

[] *On Behalf Of *Ashley Cox

*Sent:* Monday, April 11, 2011 8:48 AM
*Subject:* Re: word documents on mac's?

the mac will let you open them up and have no issues.

On 11/04/2011 13:46, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So break it down for me like I'm a 2 year old.  Will I have to convert 
them first, or the mac will let me open them up and have no issues?

[] *On Behalf Of *Ashley Cox

*Sent:* Monday, April 11, 2011 3:55 AM

*Subject:* Re: word documents on mac's?

Text edit (comes witht eh mac), pages, open office, and pretty much 
any of the other editors will open and save in word format. I use a 
macbook for school and use word files constantly.


On 11/04/2011 08:41, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Well, I've got an awful lot of documents in word format, and it would 
be very time consuming to convert them from word to pages.  So is 
there a app that will allow me to read word documents with voice over, 
or do I have to bite the bullet and just run windows on my mac?

Kliphton Senior

(face book)

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(for text only) 7633029020

(Family Blog) 

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Re: Voiceover improvements when updating OS

2011-04-12 Thread Ashley Cox

wait for lion, get a mac.
yes, there are significant improvements.
as for your other questions,
just to name a few tutorial sites, and
and yes, you can save the prefs to a file using the vo utility.
On 12/04/2011 21:31, bigboy529 wrote:

Sorry forgot to ask, if there is VO improvements between OS10.5.8 and
10.6.7, will it really be worth paying $29 for the upgrade? Sure $29
doesn't sound that much but the mac pro in question is not mine but
I'll have to pay for the upgrade if I want it on their machine so I'll
basically pump money in to another persons mac, so is the VO
improvements [if any] really that good for me to basically throegh
money at something that's not mine and that I'll only use as long as I
work there or untill the Lion comes along because I guess it will also
cost around $30 to $50?

bigboy529 wrote:

Hi I used a Mac for the first time today and I must say that I was
surprised by how good voiceover actually was. Just a question or 2,
the mac pro I used has OS 10.5.8, will I see any improvements in VO if
I update OS to the latest 10.6.7 or whatever it is these days? Then
something else, I found the quik start mac tutorial thing helpfull but
is there any more tutorials I can get someware, something which will
teach me some more? The last question for now, I've read someware that
it is possible to save your VO prefferences on a flash drive to use it
on another machine, is it possible to save these settings in a file/
files and then email it to someone to use on their machine?
Thanks a lot...

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Re: PCI cards on mac books or imacs

2011-04-13 Thread Ashley Cox

I've been wanting something like this for ages.
I hate the mac's built in "intel HD audio".
if somebody coudl link to this thing, it would be appreeciated.

On 13/04/2011 21:21, bigboy529 wrote:

Hi list, a while back I heard something of being able to buy some kind
of extention card which allows you to plug a PCI card in to a mac book
pro or imac, I guess you plug it in to the firewire port and then it
is a lot like a drive bay where you slot in the card. Does anyone have
some more info on this and where can I get more info on it maybe a
website or something?

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Re: Parallels or Fusion

2011-04-13 Thread Ashley Cox

yeah. 1 works with vo, one doesn't.
get fusion

On 13/04/2011 21:23, Ronald McEwan wrote:

I have herd discussion of Fusion on the list but not parallels.

Can people comment on the difference between the two and if one is better with 
VO than the other.

In the Journey,


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Re: Part 1 of Pro Tools Tutorial Now available.

2011-04-14 Thread Ashley Cox

This is awesome!
I never new you could use core audio with pro tools...

On 14/04/2011 05:13, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey folks. I'm proud to announce that Part 1 of the Pro Tools Tutorial is 
available for your consumption. Read all about it and grab it here at Thanks to Jason Dasent for his editing work. 


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Re: macbook pro specks?

2011-04-15 Thread Ashley Cox
Depends what you use them for. For day-today tasks like email, web, word 
processing, etc, the duel core will be fine. For heavier work such as 
video editing, editing with large audio files, etc, the quad core is best.


On 14/04/2011 18:01, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So, shopping around a little bit for what I might want.  And I see that the
15.4 model macbook pros have a i7 quod core processor, and the 13.3 has a
dool core.  Now on the quod core the processor is listed at 2.2 GHZ, and on
the dool core it's listed at 2.7 GHZ, both with 4 gigs of ram.  Does that
make them about the same speed?

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Re: PCI cards on mac books or imacs

2011-04-15 Thread Ashley Cox
Yeah, when I eventually switch fully to the mac looks like that's what 
i'll have to do. It just annoys me a bit how, if you want a machine 
that's expandable, you have to go all the way up to a mac pro.

On 14/04/2011 20:30, bigboy529 wrote:

Hi Ashley you can solve your sound card problem by getting a usb or
firewire sound card. For normal audio playback you'll get a USB one
for round $100 if not less. You can always go bigger and better from
there, to the higher end cards with microphone pre amps and digital
input and output.

Frank Carmickle wrote:


On Apr 13, 2011, at 4:21 PM, bigboy529 wrote:

Hi list, a while back I heard something of being able to buy some kind
of extention card which allows you to plug a PCI card in to a mac book
pro or imac, I guess you plug it in to the firewire port and then it
is a lot like a drive bay where you slot in the card. Does anyone have
some more info on this and where can I get more info on it maybe a
website or something?

I believe you are thinking of the expresscard/34 slot on the MBP 17 inch.  I'm 
not sure what cards are available for this slot at this time.  I know that you 
could get pci expansion chassis connectivity this way.  I hope that the 
thunderbolt connector will eliminate the need for this.  The thunderbolt 
connector has two lanes of pci express 2.0.


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Re: ExFat.

2011-04-15 Thread Ashley Cox

it's the format used on the xbox drives.

On 15/04/2011 18:32, Dickson Tan wrote:

Yup; it allows file sizes of 1 exbibyte, which is 1,152,921,504,606,846,976
bytes (that'll be more storage than we ever need). There are downsides to it
though; for all the techy details for those who are so inclined, hit the
link. XFat is actually spelled as ExFat.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of ShamelessFanGirl
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: xfat.

Supposedly, it lifts the 4 GB file size limitation imposed by fat32, but
I've not tried reformatting one of my ntfs drives to find out. This,
according to what I was able to gather from researching the matter, but I
know nothing of anyone and their personal experience with this means of

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 15, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard


Does anyone know if this Xfat system changes some of the limits in FAT 32?
Would be great if I could skip NTFS but I need it so I can use my

external drives with both Mac and other computers which e.g. are running

Best regards
Den 15/04/2011 kl. 16.36 skrev ShamelessFanGirl:

Morning listers,

Supposedly this is becoming the new standard, and is replacing/has

replaced fat32 with regard to being accessible via both Windows systems, and
the Mac. Have any of you either used this, had experience with this
formatting option, or encountered this particular bit of info? I really only
need to cross-access drives to import my IOS apps, ringtones, etc into
iTunes, however, therein lies the quandary I'm experiencing. That, and it
would be ideal to know this before I potentially reformat my existing drives
for nothing.

Thanks in advance

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Who is Secure? OS X Security

2011-04-16 Thread Ashley Cox
My macbook goes to school with me, and people are constantly picking it 
up and trying to get into it. I turned on every security feature, as 
well as using a plugin (i'll have to find the name) for the log-in 
system that can enable facial recognition, and will lock the user out 
and ask for a 30 character code if they get the password wrong 3 times.

On 16/04/2011 00:27, Kevin Shaw wrote:

Hi listers,

Has anyone out there taken steps to lock down their computers, or iOS devices? 
Is anyone using accessible, third party security software? Has anyone ever had 
their system compromised? Is anyone using the pass code lock feature on the 

I ask because I'm taking steps to secure my Macbook Pro and iMac. I've turned 
on my firewall, turned on File Vault on the iMac and have disabled automatic 
login. Securing the Macbook Pro is important to me as I travel with it and 
would hate for it to fall into the wrong hands. I'd encourage anyone out there 
who has a Mac to seriously consider securing their computers, especially 
because we, as blind people, rely heavily on these for our lives and 

Any input would be appreciated.

Shhh. I was never here. :)


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Re: word documents on mac's?

2011-04-16 Thread Ashley Cox
you can read the menus ribbons etc, but the text area itself is 


On 16/04/2011 07:13, Melody wrote:

Does VO not work at all with word for Mac?

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Re: hd not showing up on desktop

2011-04-21 Thread Ashley Cox
go into finders prefs (cmd comma when in the finder), check the box for 
had discs, and then press cmd W.


On 21/04/2011 18:14, Tony Hernandez wrote:

HI all.

I have been looking around for a way to put the hd on the desktop, but I can't 
find it. Would someone please tell me how to do this? Thank you in advance.


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Re: Advice on opening Imac

2011-04-26 Thread Ashley Cox
for the sd card, it's a trpi to apple. I wouldn't mess with it if you 
can avoide it, as I think the sd card reader is on the logic board 
(though I may be wrong having never owned an iMac)

On 25/04/2011 23:49, Colin M wrote:

Hi All!
OK my first really iffy thing for me to do!
I've never opened any computer of any kind, but it looks like I've got to open 
this one!
So any advice on opening a 27 inch Imac [the flat screen one ]
Will I need special tools!
Stupid here has put a ssd card in the disc slot and cannot retrieve it!
Or is this a trip to Apple!
Thanks for any help and advice!

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Re: debating whether or not to extend my warrantee on the macbook pro

2011-04-28 Thread Ashley Cox
I wouldn't bother with it. If it does break down, which is pretty 
unlikely (though it can obviously happen) you can fix it yourself if 
you're good at that sort of thing.


On 28/04/2011 04:17, Priscilla Garces wrote:

Hey folks,
How are yo?
I have a few questions about the mackbook pro since I am kind of a newby to the 
I got an email from the apple store saying that my 1 year warrantee for the mac 
is about to expire next month.
I am debating wether or not I should get the apple care plan mostly because of 
the cost.
I know that this piece of equipment is very expensive and serves all of the 
needs I have.
I can't be anymore happier with the mac myself since I first got it. I'm still 
learning a lot about the mac even though i've had it for 1 year.

What do you think about the apple care plan. Should I go ahead and pay the 
$249$ for the extension of the warranty which is 2 years or should I just forgo 
that? What are the benefits of the apple care plan? When is it necessary to 
have the extended warrantee? Is there a payment plan in case I can't afford the 
high cost of the warrantee extension?

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Priscilla Garces

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Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-29 Thread Ashley Cox
O yeah! another piece of software with better free alternatives, priced 
much to high. SOrry; i think i'll be spending the money on final cut pro 
10 when that comes out instead.

On 29/04/2011 03:05, Matthew Campbell wrote:

Hello Listers.
DocuScan is now mac compatible and can be found on the mac app store.
Don't get too excited though, unless you have $299.00 to burn on it.
Hope this actually benefits someone.
the Infuriated Matt Campbell.

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Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-29 Thread Ashley Cox

is there a scanner solution out there that can use the mac's webcam?

On 29/04/2011 12:02, Scott Howell wrote:

Hey Chris, I was only kidding about the camera. I had not heard her demo, so is 
the demo for the Mac? THe camera from what I gather is $200 additional? I 
wonder if that camera could be connected to an iOS device, which would be very 
cool indeed.

On Apr 29, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Christopher Peppel wrote:

Hi there,

Don't mean to make a big deal about this, but just what do people want?  As has 
been point out, this is half the price and more of some of the other solutions 
out there and there is a demo which was very well done by Ricky Enger.

On Apr 29, 2011, at 5:48 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

Be nice if they would toss in the camera for a few dollars more. :) I gather with 
the camera it would be almost $500. I would like to see a demo on the Mac 
actually. THis is certainly a better deal than most other products on the market 
that are geared toward the blind and visually impaired user. Now I may also be 
wrong, but didn't the $299 also give you access to the web-based product and 
something on the iOS platform>  assuming that becomes available?

On Apr 29, 2011, at 2:00 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

Hi Kevin
I made a quick test this morning with my canon lide 100 and it worked.
Now it is intresting to see if it can make something readable out of
swedish text. If so I deffently gonna buy this. More simple  solution
than use vuescan, to abbyy, and to textedit wich works well but very
much work to get a document scanned.
Regards Tony

2011/4/29, Kevin Reeves:

Hey folks. SO glad to see this is finally available on the mac. One question
comes to mind as I am not as familiar with this product. Does this only work
with cameras like the hover cam, or can I use it with a cheap Canoscan 25?
Thanks so much.

On Apr 28, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Andy Baracco wrote:

Still cheaper than the other blindness oriented OCR solutions, such as
K1000, Open Book, Eye-Pal, etc.

P. S. I wonder if they are considering doing something for the iPhone.

"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matthew Campbell
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:06 PM
Subject: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on
mac app store.

Hello Listers.
DocuScan is now mac compatible and can be found on the mac app store.
Don't get too excited though, unless you have $299.00 to burn on it.
Hope this actually benefits someone.
the Infuriated Matt Campbell.

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Tony Bernedal
Blog och info om it och teknik för synskadade.

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Re: Docuscan Plus not quite ready for primetime

2011-04-29 Thread Ashley Cox
Yes, I agree with you. Having tested it, it's a little better than what 
i thought it would be, but why can't programs scan on my local computer?

why is it, these days, everything  has to be done in the cloud?

On 29/04/2011 16:00, Ronald McEwan wrote:

AFter playing with this for a while, my oppinion is that it needs some work, or 
just perhaps more power in the cloud.

I can scan a document and wait and wait and wait for it.  I finally give up and 
then scan it again and it works right away.

I am using simple scan.  Although I think I have seen this issue in continuous 

In the Journey,


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Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-29 Thread Ashley Cox
I would pay for a product like this, if they removed the cloud features 
and just had 1 simple program, that could perform everything on the 
local computer. I would buy this straight away for college, but my 
macbook isn't always connected to the internet. The cloud is OK for some 
things, but seriously developers, this is getting rediculous.

On 29/04/2011 18:24, Scott Howell wrote:

WHat do you feel is a fair price? This is a serious question. I have read a 
number of messages where people have said the cost is to high. SO, what is a 
fair price? What about the cost of a product like ABBYY Fine Reader at $100. Is 
that a fair price? How do you equate a fair price based on features?

On Apr 29, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Tony Hernandez wrote:


I think looking at this price in a positive light just because it's lower is
what keeps the prices high. It's accepted.

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on
the mac app store.

Be nice if they would toss in the camera for a few dollars more. :) I gather
with the camera it would be almost $500. I would like to see a demo on the
Mac actually. THis is certainly a better deal than most other products on
the market that are geared toward the blind and visually impaired user. Now
I may also be wrong, but didn't the $299 also give you access to the
web-based product and something on the iOS platform>  assuming that becomes

On Apr 29, 2011, at 2:00 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

Hi Kevin
I made a quick test this morning with my canon lide 100 and it worked.
Now it is intresting to see if it can make something readable out of
swedish text. If so I deffently gonna buy this. More simple  solution
than use vuescan, to abbyy, and to textedit wich works well but very
much work to get a document scanned.
Regards Tony

2011/4/29, Kevin Reeves:

Hey folks. SO glad to see this is finally available on the mac. One


comes to mind as I am not as familiar with this product. Does this only


with cameras like the hover cam, or can I use it with a cheap Canoscan


Thanks so much.

On Apr 28, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Andy Baracco wrote:

Still cheaper than the other blindness oriented OCR solutions, such as
K1000, Open Book, Eye-Pal, etc.

P. S. I wonder if they are considering doing something for the iPhone.

"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matthew Campbell
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:06 PM
Subject: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on
mac app store.

Hello Listers.
DocuScan is now mac compatible and can be found on the mac app store.
Don't get too excited though, unless you have $299.00 to burn on it.
Hope this actually benefits someone.
the Infuriated Matt Campbell.

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Tony Bernedal
Blog och info om it och teknik för synskadade.

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2011-04-30 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey all,
For those of you who have used iMovie 11 with vo, I have some questions:
what is your prefered method for editing a clip? like, for example, if I 
wanted to cut the middle out of a clip.

How do you edit the text of titles with vo?
is there any ways to make vo read the timeline any better?

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Re: Docuscan scanning quality

2011-04-30 Thread Ashley Cox
well, i today tried it scanning with my mac's built in iSight camera. I 
was surprised at how good it was. In fact, better than my deskjet f2200 
scanner. KW1000, imho, does have better accuracy though.


On 30/04/2011 16:10, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

For those using this program, how is the quality of the text when scanned? 
Kurzweil does a good job with tables, for example. What about docuscan?

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Re: Docuscan scanning quality

2011-04-30 Thread Ashley Cox
It will. It works better, though, with the hd cameras in the new macbook 
pro's. not sure about the none-hd cameras.

just try not to get the shakes when holding up the paper...

On 30/04/2011 18:52, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Wow. It will use your internal camera? You're serious? That's awesome. Now I 
have a reason to consider picking it up. Thanks for the tip.
On Apr 30, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

well, i today tried it scanning with my mac's built in iSight camera. I was 
surprised at how good it was. In fact, better than my deskjet f2200 scanner. 
KW1000, imho, does have better accuracy though.

On 30/04/2011 16:10, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

For those using this program, how is the quality of the text when scanned? 
Kurzweil does a good job with tables, for example. What about docuscan?

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Porting a python app to mac.

2011-05-03 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey all,
As many of you out there may know, there is a twitter client for windows 
called Qwitter, found at
Now, as this application is written in python, i was wondering how long 
programmers on the list think it would take to port the application to 
mac? The app is open source, and I think that if enough people were 
interested and there are people willing to do it, it would be a great 
app to have on the mac; i know I will certainly miss it when I switch.


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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Ashley Cox

Great idea; just done it!

On 03/05/2011 19:28, Chris Moore wrote:


Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  Anyone 
up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email requesting that 
Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them to this web 

Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and say 
something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for the 
Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not accessible as it is 
not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in screen reader for the blind for 
OS X.  If you were to add support for VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of 

Money always gets their attention.


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Re: iMovie

2011-05-05 Thread Ashley Cox
no not really. the only way to edit clips is to interact and use your 
arrows, skimming through the clip while holding down shift. but not 
found what I was looking for.

ashOn 05/05/2011 09:34, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:

Hello Ash
Have you found a solution?
I is also very interested in Imovie, but i have the same questions. Best regards
Jørgen Skov Nielsen

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Re: More on iMovie 11

2011-05-13 Thread Ashley Cox
That's awesome! you should definetly try writing a guide of some kind, 
or a podcast or something. It would help out a lot of people...


On 13/05/2011 06:53, M. Taylor wrote:


Well, sometimes the bear gets you and sometimes you get the bear.  Today was my 

I am absolutely delighted to report that I am now in command of iMovie 11.

Why I am no means an expert, I can accomplish all of the tasks i need to make a 
pretty dazzling movie complete with green screen effects and color videos and 
photos slowly fading into black&  white.

The trick, it seems is that first has to accept the fact that VoiceOver has 
some serious problems with various aspects of iMovie 11.  This means that 
should one attempt to use voiceover to add a transition, one will most likely 

At this time, it is necessary for me to, at times, turn off VO in favor of 
using the screen magnification in order to accomplish tasks.

Once one accepts this, the iMovie 11 gate is opened and the fun begins.


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Re: New text-to-speech voices in Lion

2011-05-17 Thread Ashley Cox

Yes, i agree. I've never been a fan of the nuance voices.
now if they could come to some agreement, and include iVox...

On 17/05/2011 17:55, carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Erik:
I like Samantha ok if she's fancied up enough.  But, I agree.  Wonder who has 
the patent on eloquence?  Even the old Dectalk voice would be preferable to 
some of the nonsense that's in snowleopard now, (excluding Alex, of course.)

I wonder if there's any point in giving feedback to accessibility team?

On May 17, 2011, at 9:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

Well voices are really subjective and everyone will have there preferences, but 
I think it's a serious step backward implementing nuance voices in lion.

Nuance has outrageously bad pronunciation.  It falls to pieces when you speed 
up the rate, and the cadence is nowhere near as nice as alex or even digital 
voices from acapela or loquendo.  I know they won't get rid of alex, but it 
seems a shame to squander space on nuance when there are so much better options 
out there.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-17, at 10:50 AM, Christopher Peppel wrote:

Yes, I just listened to Samantha and Serena.  They do sound a little more 
artificial then Alex.  They have a little burbling sound to them.  Not bad, but 
I too, like Alex better.
On May 17, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Howard Dupuis wrote:

Just read about -- and listened to -- the new voices that are
supposedly going to be part of Lion.
If this means that Alex will be gone, then I'll not be upgrading.
These voices, at least to my ears on just one listen, are a real step
backward from Alex. To be sure, I've so long been listening to Alex
that I've grown accustomed to him, but I don't think that's all there
is to it. I think Alex sounds more nuanced than the Nuance voices.
Just one man's whining.
-- Howard

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Re: accessible web page maker

2011-05-18 Thread Ashley Cox
Depends what you want. Text edit can generate pages for static sites. 
The major blogging solutions are accessible, like blogspot and 
wordpress. I'm in the process of writing my own cms, and should have it 
done pretty soon; although it's not specifically designed for the 
visually impaired, it's completely accessible with VO.


On 18/05/2011 19:55, Nancy Badger wrote:

Has anyone found an accessible web page maker?
What blog site is accessible for creating blogs?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Nancy Badger, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Services
Director, Counseling and Career Planning
Department 1801
University of TN at Chattanooga
Phone: 423-425-4438
Fax: 423-425-5527

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Re: My Itunes question

2011-05-20 Thread Ashley Cox

1. is any of it in WMA?
2. Instead of copy and pasting it, do the following:
Delete the itunes folders form your music and/or home folder, so there 
are no libraries left.

startup iTunes, follow the prompts to create a new empty library
when iTunes is running, go to file>add to library...
find the folder with your music and press return.
it should be added
note that iTunes for windows doesn't support wma files.
On 20/05/2011 17:05, Dawn Benbow wrote:

With all this talk about adding files to itunes I thought i would mention the little problem I'm 
having doing that. Maybe you guys have some ideas how I can fix it. I had a *large* music 
collection, about 35 GB at the moment, and always growing. I moved it into an external TB drive 
that we have on our wireless home network. When I got my Mac, I just copied and pasted my music 
into a new subfolder under "music" from the network drive, to my Mac. then I copy and 
pasted it into the empty music selection table in itunes. Not all of it copied over though. I have 
at least 12 gigs missing. I have no idea why. I've deleted the music from Itunes completely and re 
copy and pasted it several times. I've tried pasting the "transferred music" folder 
directly in the itunes media music sub folder and nothing seems to work! I'm always just getting 
the same 22 gigs of music and it's over looking at least 12 gigs of other music and I can't figure 
out a way to fix this. Any ideas are welcome.

thank ou very much for any ideas.

On May 19, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Carolyn
On May 19, 2011, at 16:24, carolyn Haas wrote:

So, Esther now I'm curious:
Why not simply open the file in iTunes from the start, since it should land 
there anyway?  Sometimes, the flexibility of this OS makes it more daunting.:))


Well, the basic problem is that I don't really know what Chris wants to do, since his subject line is about 
"converting" (my emphasis) files to iTunes. I figured that if I told him how to QuickLook the file he could listen to 
the track and check that it is really one he wants to import into iTunes.   The files at this repository have names like: 
"cubs-cyl3768d.mp3" so if he is downloading in bulk, it can be hard to keep track of titles.  The one good thing is 
that they are correctly tagged, so when they show up in iTunes they have names and artists.  (The example track was a fiddle tune 
named "Birlin' Reels" that was recorded in 1910 and played by an artist named James Scott Skinner.)  Also, since a lot 
of people read the list for related information, a question that we often get from people is how to Preview tracks without 
opening them and adding them to iTunes -- especially how to avoid adding them multiple times!  So I figured that new users, 
especially, would find the QuickLook feature of interest.  Incidentally, you can QuickLook PDF files, jpegs, and many other types 
of files, and you can QuickLook attachments to mail posts that you receive to decide whether you want to save them.  It's a quick 
way of "playing" the file content.  You can't edit or do detailed navigation within the file (like jumping to a certain 
point in a PDF or music file) to play out of sequence, because you haven't "opened" the file in an application.  
However, it is very low profile usage and convenient.

HTH.  Cheers,


On May 19, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Chris,

I'm a little confused about what you are trying to do here.  I went to the Cylinder Preservation web site (found with Google), and browsed 
their web site.  They appear to have tracks stored as mp3 files.  Since there is no "right click" on the Mac, I assume you are 
trying to bring up a contextual menu (VO-Shift-M), or else you just want to directly download the files to your computer, instead of 
playing them in your browser.  If you want to download the linked file directly, you can press Option+Return when you are on the link you 
want, and you'll automatically force a download without having to find the option to "Save Linked File" in your context menu (or 
bring up the context menu at all).  In this case, it will go to your default location for Safari Downloads which, if you have not changed 
the location in your Safari Preferences, is a folder named "Downloads" under your home directory. Depending on how your Mac is 
set up, you might have a "Downloads" folder in your dock, or you can check your Safari Downloads window by pressing 
Command-Option-L. If you navigate to the bottom of the window (VO-Fn-Right Arrow on the laptop), and interact with the group (VO-Shift-Down 
Arrow), you can monitor the size and progress of the download, and also VO-Space on "Show in Finder" once the Download is 
complete to bring up a Finder window with your downloaded file selected.  If you want to play the file without necessarily adding it to 
your iTunes library, just press space bar to QuickLook the file, and be able to review the title information tags, etc.  If you just open 

Re: Percentage of CPU for VoiceOver?

2011-05-22 Thread Ashley Cox
If you're talking about the number at the start of the table (like 106, 
160, 240, etc) it's no the cpu usage. It's the id of the process

Nothing can use 106% of your cpu.

On 22/05/2011 19:35, Jon Cohn wrote:

I would expect that Voice Over is very sluggish for you.  Usually when 
something is between 93-110   percent CPU I have found that one of the threads 
of the process is in what computer scientists call Infinite Loop.  Yes, I know 
that Apple HQ is at 1 Infinite Loop, but still this is not a good thing and the 
sometimes the only solution to this is a force quit or kill.  My VoiceOver when 
working normally is at 10-15% CPU.

Best wishes,


On May 22, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

Hello List:
I was just looking at Activity Monitor and noticed that VoiceOver is using 106% 
of my CPU. Is this normal? If not what should I do about it?



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Re: Percentage of CPU for VoiceOver?

2011-05-22 Thread Ashley Cox

Ah, OK, never new that. Thanks for the correction!

On 22/05/2011 21:12, Jon Cohn wrote:

1. Generally the ID you mention is called the PID, to distinguish it from the 
UID  or GID or PPID.
2. The Percent of CPU is percentage of  a single processor. It is calculated by 
dividing the CPU used by a process by the time change since when the CPU was 
last checked, or the Process Start time.  It can be greater then 100 percent if 
two conditions are met.
1. If your computer has multiple processors or cores.
2. The process has multiple threads.  A thread is one way for a computer 
program to divide a task into distinct tasks.  Voice Over probably has one 
thread for speech output one thread for receiving keyboard input , one thread 
for understanding a windows elements.

On May 22, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

If you're talking about the number at the start of the table (like 106, 160, 
240, etc) it's no the cpu usage. It's the id of the process
Nothing can use 106% of your cpu.

On 22/05/2011 19:35, Jon Cohn wrote:

I would expect that Voice Over is very sluggish for you.  Usually when 
something is between 93-110   percent CPU I have found that one of the threads 
of the process is in what computer scientists call Infinite Loop.  Yes, I know 
that Apple HQ is at 1 Infinite Loop, but still this is not a good thing and the 
sometimes the only solution to this is a force quit or kill.  My VoiceOver when 
working normally is at 10-15% CPU.

Best wishes,


On May 22, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

Hello List:
I was just looking at Activity Monitor and noticed that VoiceOver is using 106% 
of my CPU. Is this normal? If not what should I do about it?



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Re: Hot Macbook Pro & Controlling Fan

2011-05-24 Thread Ashley Cox
try putting it on a table for a start. if it's getting that hot, send it 
in for  repair, or maybe you've got something wrong with your OS; do a 
hardware check (you'll need sighted help), if all else fails reinstall 
the OS, and if not you've a hardware problem that you really need to get 

You can download an app called "temperature monitor" that will tell you 
the exact temps of the parts in your computer.


On 24/05/2011 02:47, CJ Daniel wrote:

Hello All,

My Macbook III Pro gets hot.  I'm talk'n hot!  I mean it's Saturday night in 
Chicago in the Roaring 20's hot.

When it happens, the machine in general&  VO in particular just don't function so 
well.  So, I found a program called SMCFanControler.  Unfortunately, when I try to run 
the application, VO just tells me that SMCFanControler doesn't have any windows.  
Anyone else dealing with a hot Mac, a nonfunctioning fan controller problem?  Inquiring 
minds&  burning hot pants want to know!

Thanks for any advice,


P.S. Does anyone smell something burning?

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Re: Adding titles in iMovie

2011-05-29 Thread Ashley Cox
yeah. Open the titles window (cmd 3 i think), interact with the various 
areas until you find the title you want. then simple copy and paste it 
into the timeline like you would any other clip. A screen will appear, 
asking you to select a background; use the vo keys left/right to select 
a background, then move the mouse to it (vo cmd f5) adn vo shift space. 
The next screen, the title text screen, will appear. Type your text, 
then vo left once and press the done button.


On 29/05/2011 20:20, Victor Tsaran wrote:

Hello all,
Has anyone here played with iMovie? I seem to have difficulties adding titles 
to movies. Any advice?

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Re: Adding titles in iMovie

2011-05-30 Thread Ashley Cox

No, the timeline is in the project browser group.

On 30/05/2011 03:42, Vic wrote:

Hi Ash,
So, I was able to copy the title I want, however, I am not sure where
exactly I should be pasting it. If I VO-interact with "event panel"
and then go to where my clips are, pressing CMD+V only produces beep
and no title is pasted.
Isn't the timeline located inside the "events panel"?


On May 29, 2:06 pm, Ashley Cox  wrote:

yeah. Open the titles window (cmd 3 i think), interact with the various
areas until you find the title you want. then simple copy and paste it
into the timeline like you would any other clip. A screen will appear,
asking you to select a background; use the vo keys left/right to select
a background, then move the mouse to it (vo cmd f5) adn vo shift space.
The next screen, the title text screen, will appear. Type your text,
then vo left once and press the done button.

On 29/05/2011 20:20, Victor Tsaran wrote:

Hello all,
Has anyone here played with iMovie? I seem to have difficulties adding titles 
to movies. Any advice?

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