it's the format used on the xbox drives.

On 15/04/2011 18:32, Dickson Tan wrote:
Yup; it allows file sizes of 1 exbibyte, which is 1,152,921,504,606,846,976
bytes (that'll be more storage than we ever need). There are downsides to it
though; for all the techy details for those who are so inclined, hit the
link. XFat is actually spelled as ExFat.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of ShamelessFanGirl
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: xfat.

Supposedly, it lifts the 4 GB file size limitation imposed by fat32, but
I've not tried reformatting one of my ntfs drives to find out. This,
according to what I was able to gather from researching the matter, but I
know nothing of anyone and their personal experience with this means of

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 15, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard<>


Does anyone know if this Xfat system changes some of the limits in FAT 32?
Would be great if I could skip NTFS but I need it so I can use my
external drives with both Mac and other computers which e.g. are running
Best regards
Den 15/04/2011 kl. 16.36 skrev ShamelessFanGirl:

Morning listers,

Supposedly this is becoming the new standard, and is replacing/has
replaced fat32 with regard to being accessible via both Windows systems, and
the Mac. Have any of you either used this, had experience with this
formatting option, or encountered this particular bit of info? I really only
need to cross-access drives to import my IOS apps, ringtones, etc into
iTunes, however, therein lies the quandary I'm experiencing. That, and it
would be ideal to know this before I potentially reformat my existing drives
for nothing.
Thanks in advance

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

Sent from my iPhone

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